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Lecture Sheet 3

Text Completion (Easy Level)

1. The mind of a bigot is like the pupil of the eye: the more light you pour upon it, the more it

will ________.

(A)Blink (B) veer (C) stare (D) reflect (E) contract

2. This argues well that Erikson exercised less free will than Warner; for even though Erikson

was aware that he was misdirected, he was still unable to ___________ free will.

(A) defer (B) facilitate (C) proscribe (D) prevent (E) exert

3. In these politically correct times, it has become ___________ to discuss certain subjects at


(A) safe (B) eccentric (C) precarious (D) efficacious (E) effortless

4. These categories amply point out the fundamental desire that people have to express

themselves and the cleverness they display in that expression; who would have believed that

the drab, mundane DMV would become the ___________ such creativity?

(A) catalyst for (B) inhibitor of (C) disabler of (D) referee of

(E) censor of

5. She is the most _____ person I have ever met, seemingly with an endless reserve of energy.

(A) jejune (B) vivacious (C) solicitous (D) impudent

(E) indolent

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6. Because of his success as a comedian, directors were loath to consider him for

___________ roles.

(A) supporting (B) leading (C) dramatic (D) comedic

(E) musical

7. The newest fiber-optic cables that carry telephone calls cross-country are made of glass so

________ that a piece 100 miles thick is clearer than a standard windowpane.

(A) fragile (B) immaculate (C) iridescent (D) tangible

(E) transparent

8. Despite all its _______ a stint in the diplomatic core is invariably an uplifting experience.

(A) merits (B) compensation (C) effectiveness (D) rigors

(E) mediocrity

9. Despite being located in hot and sunny California, San Francisco is famous for its ______

weather, engendered by the confluence of two different meteorological systems in the Bay


(A) stimulating (B) adverse (C) balmy (D)appealing


10. The book`s seemingly casually written, conversational style masks (i) _____ structure.

(A) a loosely organized (B) a somewhat rambling (C) an overly diffuse (D) a shrewdly

crafted (E) an unconventionally informal.

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11. Ironically, the foreign affairs policies of democracies are more likely to met with protests

than similar policies of totalitarian regimes because a democracy is ___________protest;

whereas in a totalitarian regime, no one is listening.

(A) impassive to (B) indifferent to (C) imperiled by (D) sensitive to

(E) inured to

12. Their courage is only _______, and a small show of strength is enough to call their bluff.

(A) ostentation (B) fortitude (C) temperament (D) exhibition

(E) bravado

13. The children’s (i) _________ natures were in sharp contrast to the even-tempered

dispositions of their parents.

(A)mercurial (B) blithe (C) Phelgmatic (D) apathetic

(E) cunning.

14. The giant squid’s massive body, adapted for deep-sea life, breaks apart in the reduced

pressures of shallower ocean depths, making the search for an intact specimen one of the

most ______ quests in all of marine biology.

(A) meaningful (B) elusive (C) popular (D)expensive

(E) profitable

15. Although his latest project was relatively _______ —little more than a few basic plot

points scribbled on a napkin—the veteran screenwriter easily sold the story to a major

Hollywood studio.

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A) undeveloped (B) polished (C) convoluted (D)prosaic

(E) tortuous.


1. The editor found the articles so _______that he hesitated to print them.

(A) positive (B) comical (C) improbable (D) indecisive

(E) interesting

2. Children not only provide cheap labor, but they are also _______, as they do not complain

about menial chores given to them or about harsh treatment meted out.

(A) impertinent (B) facile (C) presumptuous (D) hesitant

(E) docile

3. It is his dubious distinction to have proved what nobody would think of denying, that

Romero at the age of sixty-four writes with all the characteristics of (i) ___________.

(A) maturity (B) fiction (C) inventiveness (D) art

(E) Brilliance

4. The condemnatory drivel of critics directed toward Steven Spielberg’s latest film attests to

the fact that the pretentious critics have lost sight of the purpose of movies: ____________.

(A) to exalt (B) to correct (C) to mislead (D) to convert

(E) to entertain

5. The general accused the senator of naiveté for ___________ that air strikes alone could stop

the aggressors.

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(A) advocating. (B) denying (C) obfuscating (D) mishandling

(E) disallowing

6. Her stern attitude toward the child was complemented with plenty of ___________.

(A) love (B) spite (C) indifference (D) malice

(E) ambivalence

7. Though ________ toward his own needs, he was always magnanimous toward others.

(A) miserly (B) charitable. (C) profligate (D) improvident

(E) condemnatory

8. Life, as the film demonstrates, is too complex for (i) _______ endings.

(A) facile (B) intricate (C) straight (D) occult

(E) recognizable

9. The thriving health food company sells __________ meat products so meat-like that

vegetarians sometimes call the phone number on the box to make sure that the product is

really animal-free.

(A)mendacious (B)ersatz (C)nugatory (D)parallel


10. Comparatively few rock musicians are willing to laugh at themselves, although a hint of

__________ can boost sales of video clips very nicely.

(A) Self- depreciation (B) Congeniality (C) cynicism (D)

Embarrassment (E) Self-doubt.

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Lecture Sheet 3
Text Completion (Medium Level)

1. A university training enables a graduate to see things as they are, to go right to the point, to

disentangle a twisted (i) ___________ of thought.

(A) line (B) lack (C) mass (D)plethora.


2. Ryan is paralyzed by his own (i) __________: he imagines having elaborate conversations

with various people, but he fails to engage in conversations with them when opportunities


(A) diffidence (B) sycophancy (C) imagination (D) convalescence


3. In contrast to American social conventions regarding neighborly relations, in which

families or individuals residing in close proximity often interact on a familiar basis,

residential _______ does not necessarily imply intimacy (or even amity) among the


(A)commodiousness (B)amiability (C) reciprocity (D)propinquity


4. For a writer with a reputation for both prolixity and inscrutability, Thompson, in this slim

collection of short stories, may finally be intent on making his ideas more (i) _______ to a

readership looking for quick edification.

(A) aesthetic (B)prescient (C) palatable. (D)inaccessible

(E) transcendent.

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5. In frontier-era America, farmland was generally passed from father to son; however, there

is little written evidence of these bequests, which generally required no documentation,

since such legacies were ________ at that time.

(A). worthless (B) fallacious (C) customary (D)uninhibited

(E) venal.

6. The modern novel is not only the (i) _____ of the epic, but it has also despoiled drama, the

lyrics and the oration that are part of its inheritance.

(A)sister (B) heir (C) forerunner (D) predecessor


7. He was constantly haunted by his own self-defeating impulses and tendency toward

capriciousness, and could not escape his downward spiral into utter (i) _______ as his time,

energy, and resources were squandered on useless pursuits.

(A) guile (B) encomium (C) magnanimity (D)dissipation


8. Though in acting circles he has a reputation of being a consummate professional, at times

he can be quite ____________ on the stage.

(A) stern (B) efficient (C) playful (D) adept

(E) aloof

9. By recognizing commonalities among all the major political parties and by promoting a

collaborative decision-making process, the prime minister has made good on his promise to

cultivate a leadership style that emphasizes _______

(A) growth (B) politics (C)ideology (D)cooperation

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10. The university tightened its purse strings on new hires, frustrating at least one professor

hoping to negotiate a(n) _______ for an untalented spouse who had no intention of

performing actual work.

(A)quietus (B)sinecure C)interregnum D)potlatch


11. In Europe, football, otherwise known as soccer, is the most popular sport by several orders

of magnitude, whereas in the United States of America, fandom is fairly evenly

__________ among a few different sports.

(A) regarded (B)inspired (C)enjoyed (D)measured


12. This hotel chain has a reputation of luxury, but despite its (i) ________ name, it offers

fewer amenities than hotels that charge half its price.

(A) dubious (B) bargaining (C) questionable (D)illustrious


13. The unexplained digressions into the finer points of quantum electrodynamics are so (i)

________ that even readers with a physics degree would be wise to keep a textbook handy

to make sense of them.

(A)uninteresting. (B) controversial (C )unsophisticated (D) frustrating

(E) humorless

14. People expect that their elected officials will not be (i)__________ representatives; it is

considered common knowledge that politicians always have their own bent.
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(A). rationale (B). competent (C) flexible (D) disinterested

(E) caring

15. The serial comma is _______of many grammarians, who consider it an unnecessary

addendum to a perfectly clear sentence structure; obviously, they're wrong, because the

serial comma is critical to conveying the correct meaning.

(A) a crotchet (B)an awl (C) an apogee (D)a nadir.

(E) an opus

16. After renouncing the significant advantages of his noble birth, he wandered from village to

village as a lowly_________; this reliance on alms, he maintained along with other

members of his religious order, was the life best suited to one who wished to see both the

miserliness and the generosity of humanity.

(A)abettor (B)mendicant (C) rude (D) anachronism

(E) malefactor.

17. if one were asked who transmitted the first radio broadcast of the human voice, one might

guess the _______ inventor Guglielmo Marconi, but in fact the feat was accomplished by

the much less well-known Reginald Fessenden.

(A)infamous (B) renowned (C)contingent (D)cognet


18. Just as different people can have very different personalities, so too can pets—even those

of the same species and breed possess varied _______.

(A)initiations (B) implementations (C)aptitudes (D) rationalizations

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(E) temperaments.

19. Much of the consumer protection movement is predicated on the notion that routine

exposure to seemingly (i) ______ products can actually have longterm deleterious


(A)outdated (B) banal (C)litigious (D) virulent

(E) benign

20. Researchers from the University of Southampton concluded that ethnic differences are

likely not the cause of mutual mistrust, citing government surveys that show that

cooperation and trust are no higher in racially __________ neighborhoods than in mixed


(A)militant (B) parochial (C)provincial (D)homogeneous

(E) Sectarian.

21. The author, mocked by many for his simple,almost childlike prose,can at least not be

begrudged the distinction of writing with (i)____________ .

(A)geniality (B) naivety (C) gusto (D) anonymity

(E) lucidness

22. There were streaks of both arrogance and (i) ___________ in the artist's approach. Not

only did she believe that she was by far the best contemporary painter, but she also

constantly decried all conventional approaches to the medium.

(A) insolence (B) esurient (C) meekness (D) egotism

(E) peremptoriness

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23. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was one of the first major American novels to be written

in _______ voice, using the unaffected language of the common person describing

everyday events.

(A) an erudite (B) a reticent (C) an urbane (D) a quotidian

(E) a quixotic

24. There were streaks of both arrogance and (i) ___________ in the artist's approach. Not

only did she believe that she was by far the best contemporary painter, but she also

constantly decried all conventional approaches to the medium.

(A) insolence (B) esurient (C) meekness (D) egotism

(E) peremptoriness

25. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was one of the first major American novels to be written

in _______ voice, using the unaffected language of the common person describing

everyday events.

(A) an erudite (B) a reticent (C) an urbane (D) a quotidian

(E) a quixotic

26. Paradoxically, the more ________ the details this artist chooses, the better able she is to

depict her fantastic, other-worldly landscapes.

(A). Ethereal (B). Realistic (C) Fanciful (D) Extravagant

(E). Sublime

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Lecture Sheet 3

27. There were streaks of both arrogance and (i) ___________ in the artist's approach. Not

only did she believe that she was by far the best contemporary painter, but she also

constantly decried all conventional approaches to the medium.

(A) insolence (B) esurient (C) meekness (D)egotism

(E) peremptoriness.

28. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was one of the first major American novels to be written

in _______ voice, using the unaffected language of the common person describing

everyday events.

(A) an erudite. (B) a reticent (C) an urbane (D) a quotidian

(E) a quixotic

29. Paradoxically, the more ________ the details this artist chooses, the better able she is to

depict her fantastic, other-worldly landscapes.

(A)Ethereal (B) Realistic (C) Fanciful (D) Extravagant

(E) Sublime

30. There were streaks of both arrogance and (i) ___________ in the artist's approach. Not

only did she believe that she was by far the best contemporary painter, but she also

constantly decried all conventional approaches to the medium.

(A) insolence (B) esurient (C) meekness (D)egotism

(E) peremptoriness.
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Lecture Sheet 3

Home Assignment

1. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was one of the first major American novels to be written

in _______ voice, using the unaffected language of the common person describing

everyday events.

(A) an erudite (B) a reticent (C) an urbane (D) a quotidian

(E) a quixotic

2. Paradoxically, the more ________ the details this artist chooses, the better able she is to

depict her fantastic, other-worldly landscapes.

(A) Ethereal (B) Realistic (C) Fanciful (D) Extravagant

(E) Sublime

3. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was one of the first major American novels to be written

in _______ voice, using the unaffected language of the common person describing

everyday events.

(A) an erudite (B) a reticent (C) an urbane (D) a quotidian

(E) a quixotic

4. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was one of the first major American novels to be written

in _______ voice, using the unaffected language of the common person describing

everyday events.

(A) an erudite (B) a reticent (C) an urbane (D) a quotidian

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(E) a quixotic

5. Paradoxically, the more ________ the details this artist chooses, the better able she is to

depict her fantastic, other-worldly landscapes.

(A) Ethereal (B) Realistic (C) Fanciful (D) Extravagant

(E) Sublime

6. This filmmaker is not outspoken on political matters: her films are known for their aesthetic

qualities rather than for their (i) __________ ones.

(A) polemical (B) cinematic (C) narrative (D) commercial

(E) dramatic

7. This filmmaker is not outspoken on political matters: her films are known for their

aesthetic qualities rather than for their (i) __________ ones.

(A) polemical (B) cinematic (C) narrative (D) commercial

(E) dramatic

8. Many find it strange that her writing is thought to be tortuous; her recent essays, although

longer than most of her earlier essays are extremely (i) ____________.

(A) painstaking (B) tedious (C) insightful (D) sophisticated

(E) clear

9. After the séance ended, the participants were of two minds as to whether the psychic had

________ a spirit, but everyone had felt the presence of something new in the room.

(A) convoked (B) evoked (C) elicited (D) excogitated

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(E) coalesced

10. Unable to raise sufficient funds for his quirky independent feature, the producer was heard

to curse the “philistines” and _______ the lack of support for experimental art in this


(A) debase (B) decry (C) deface (D) delimit

(E) defer

11. This filmmaker is not outspoken on political matters: her films are known for their

aesthetic qualities rather than for their (i) __________ ones.

(A) Polemical (B) cinematic (C) narrative (D) commercial

(E) dramatic

12. Unable to raise sufficient funds for his quirky independent feature, the producer was heard

to curse the “philistines” and _______ the lack of support for experimental art in this


(A) debase (B) decry (C) deface (D) delimit

(E) defer.

13. Paleontologists are always shown extracting dinosaur bones from pits in dusty deserts, but

most of their research occurs in libraries, and most of their discoveries are ___________

from tomes every bit as dusty as the aforementioned deserts.

A) perused (B) garnished. (C) gleaned (D) involved

(E) interpreted

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14. Mac Rory’s conversation was __________ : she could never tell a story, chiefly because
she always forgot it, and she was never guilty of a witticism, unless by accident

(A) scintillating (B) unambiguous (C) perspicuous (D) stultifying

(E) facetious

15. Modern political campaigns are so full of misrepresentations and worse that candor is an


(A) aphorism (B) anecdote (C) effacement (D) anomaly

(E) overture

16. The substitute French teacher accidentally walked into the wrong classroom, creating

_________ situation when she began speaking French to 15 mystified physics students.

(A) an odious (B) a potable (C) a risible (D) a cursory

(E) an arch

17. Many ___________ people feared for the life of Ronald Reagan because since 1840, every

president elected in a year ending in zero had died in office.

(A) Knowledgeable (B) mathematical (C) superstitious (D) addled

(E) conservative

18. Many Major League Baseball relief pitchers choose an electrifying theme song to play as

they take the mound; the song _______ their fans and instills fear in their opponents.

(A) eviscerates (B) enervates (C) assuages (D) innervates

(E) pervades

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19. Video game enthusiasts know that, while the astounding advances in technological

innovation might increase the level of fun of the gaming experience, such a result is by no

means ______.

(A) desultory (B) endemic (C) salient (D) ineluctable

(E) seminal

20. Seth was extremely _______, and did not enjoy activities that required effort to meet new


(A) extroverted (B) introverted (C) gregarious (D) lacklustre

(E) jaded

21. Dolly Madison, the wife of President James Madison, was known especially for her

_______, remaining calm even as the British invaded Washington D.C. during the War of


(A) impracticality (B) cynicism (C) equanimity (D) zeal

(E) malevolence

22. Having squandered his life’s savings on unprofitable business ventures, the ____________

entrepreneur was forced to live in squalor.

(A) former (B) unlikely (C) insolvent (D) perturbed

(E) eccentric

23. Though many _______ endlessly praised his work, Dan often wished for some honest


(A) sycophants (B) pedants (C) benefactors (D) adversaries

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(E) mavericks

24. Since she believed him to be both candid and trustworthy, she refused to consider the

possibility that his statement had been (i) ______.

(A) irrelevant (B) facetious (C) mistaken (D) critical

(E) insincere

25. Since she believed him to be both candid and trustworthy, she refused to consider the

possibility that his statement had been (i) ______.

(A) irrelevant (B) facetious (C) mistaken (D) critical

(E) insincere

26. In his unexpurgated autobiography, Mark Twain commented freely on the flaws and foibles

of his country, making some observations so _______ that his heirs and editors feared they

would damage Twain’s reputation if not withheld.

(A) buyoant (B) acerbic (C) premonitory (D) laudatory

(E) temperate

27. When she first came to France from Bulgaria, she was hardly the (i) _________ student she

later made herself out to be, since she had access to considerable family wealth.

(A) naïve (B) precocious (C) impecunious (D) ambitiuos

(E) assiduous

28. For most of the first half of the nineteenth century, science at the university was in _________

state, despite the presence of numerous luminaries.

(A) a scintillating (B) a pathetic (C) a controversial D) an incendiary

(E) a veracious
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29. Mathematicians have a distinctive sense of beauty: they strive to present their ideas and

results in a clear and compelling fashion, dictated by __________ as well as by logic.

(A) caprice (B) aesthetics (C) obligation (D) methodologies

(E) intellect

30. This filmmaker is not outspoken on political matters: her films are known for their

aesthetic qualities rather than for their __________ ones.

(A) polemical (B) cinematic (C) narrative (D) commercial

(E) dramatic

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