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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Name: ______________________________________ School: ____________________

Grade and Section: ____________________________ Date: ______________________


Directions: Read the statements carefully. Identify what is being described. Choose the letter
of your best answer. Write your answer on the space provided.
_______1. A French movement in the late 19th and early 20th century with extensive use of
colors and effects, vague melodies, and innovative chords and progressions leading to mild
A. Expressionism C. Modern nationalism
B. Impressionism D. Primitivism
________2. Which of the following styles is associated with electronic music and deals with
the parameters of dimensions of sound and space?
A. Avant- Garde C. Modern Nationalism
B. Expressionism D. Neo- Classicism
________3. Who entered the Paris Conservatory at the age of 14 and studied with the
eminent French composer Gabriel Faure?
A. Bernstein B.Gershwin C. Poulenc D. Ravel ________4. Among the following
German composers, who influenced Arnold Schoenberg’s symphonic poem Pelleas und
Mellisande, Op. 5?
A. Bela Bartok C. Richard Wagner
B. Francis Poulenc D. Leonard Bernstein
________5. One of the 20th century composers with the widest array of sounds in his works
and became one of the most original composers in the history of western music? A. Edgar
Varese C. Francis Poulenc
B. John Cage D. Karheinz Stockhausen
________6. In what year did Claude Debussy win the top prize at the Prix de Rome
competition with his composition L’Enfant Prodigue?
A. 1882 B.1884 C. 1885 D. 1886 ________7. One of the best-known compositions for
stage by Bernstein which he wrote for the opening of the John F. Kennedy Center for the
Performing Arts in Washington. A. Candide C. On the waterfront
B. Mass D. West Side Story
________8. What is the title of Debussy’s work that suggests images about the sea?
A. Claire De Lune C. Children’s Corner
B. La Mer D. Two Arabesques
_______9. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of Stravinsky’s music?
A. Controlled C. Musical Craftsmanship
B. Precise D. Very Structured
_______10. What differentiates chance music from other types of music of the 20th century?
A. Revealed the composer’s mind
B. Stressing of one note as more important
C. It made used of seven-note diatonic scale
D. The piece always sounds different at every performance.
_______11. Which of the following explains the statement “The Avant-Garde style exhibited a
new attitude toward musical mobility”?
A. The music is very structured. C. The music is precise.

B. The style makes use of improvisation. D. The music creates different sounds
_______12. Why is the type of music used by Stockhausen called Musique concrete? A.
Because of the creation of different sounds
B. Because of experimentation with different music
C. Because of the use of tape recorder that recorded sounds as raw material
D. Because of playing tape recorder
________13. Why did Bartok shed the influences of Liszt, Strauss, Debussy, and Stravinsky?
A. In favor of the Ethnic group
B. In favor of the indigenous people
C. In favor of the European Ethnic group
D. In favor of Hungarian folk and peasant
_______14. If your group will be given a performance task about ballet dance, which of the
following composition of Stravinsky will you choose?
A. The Firebird Suite C. The Rakes Progress
B. The Rite of Spring D. The Swan Lake
_______15. Your group is given 10 minutes to explore other art forms of 20 th century musical
styles and create an output. Which of the following electronic device could be used in creating
a video clip?
A.Android phone and Smart phone C. Microphone
B.Cassette Tape D. Tape Recorder
_______16. What principle of design gives a composition of unity, continuity, flow, and
A. Emphasis and Subordination C. Scale and Proportion
B.Repetition and Rhythm D. Unity and Variety
_______17. What art style did not make use of figures or even representation of figures?
A.Cubism C.Mechanical Style
B.Futurism D. Non-objectivism
_______18. What art movement gives the viewer’s eye an illusion of movement?
A.Contemporary Art C. Optical Art
B.Cubism D. Non-objectivism
_______19. Which of the following best described Ibarra Dela Rosa?
A.Abstract Expressionist C. Cubist painter
B.Cartoonist D. Impressionist
_______20. What type of principle refers to a condition stating what is in the left side should
appear in the right side to achieve equilibrium?
A.Balance C. Emphasis and subordination B.Contrast D. Symmetrical
_______21. Which among the following best describes the painting “Madonna in the
slum”? A. Mother’s love is true and powerful
B. The mother and child who love each other.
C. Portrayal of mother and child living in a squatter area
D. The mother and child who became shanty residents once in the city
_______22. Why artwork utilizes the combination of elements and principles of art? produce simple and colorful artworks. design composition based on foreign influences. create an effect and convey the artist’s intent. make beautiful artwork but mostly borrowed
_______23. Which of the following modern Filipino artwork reflects the combined elements of
provincial folk culture with the congestion issue of the city?
A.Jeepneys B.Landscape C. Madonna in the Slum D. Shanghai ______24. Which of
the following best describes the characteristic of expressionism? A.It focuses on natural
B.Distorted and based on imaginary things.

C.Clear expression of departure from reality.
D.The details are well defined, clear, and realistic.
______25. Why do artist use abstraction?
A. The concept is logical and rational
B. Paintings are colorful, clear, and meaningful.
C. It gives an accurate representation of their emotions.
D. Artworks express fantasies, or thoughts independent from “reality”
______26. How can you describe Ben Shann’s style in painting?
A. His composition was filled with lines and figures.
B .He used bright colors and exaggerated forms.
C. His painting expressed social reforms against injustices.
D. He created a meaningful painting based on his emotions and feelings. ______27.
Which of the following is reflected in the work of Jose Joya? A. Abstract Expressionist B.
Cartoonist C. Futurism D. Impressionist ______28. Which modern art technique uses a
camera to produce the desired copy? A. Coloring B. Impasto Painting C. Photography D.
Splattering ______29. How can the splatter art technique show uniqueness from the other art
techniques? A. Duplicating a single design into multiple ones.
B. Blowing colored dyes through a tube onto the canvas or wall.
C. Putting colors together to create a greater vision for the viewers.
D. Flings the paint onto the painting surface with the flick of a brush.
______30. Which of the following best describes the modern Filipino Artist?
A. Their artwork shows beauty and passion only.
B. Displaying a sense of artistry and borrowed design.
C. They portray patriotism, nationalism, and evolving culture.
D. Creating artworks based on their beliefs is very much observe.
_____31.Which strengthening exercise requires the body to be lowered until the chest is
approximately one fist off the ground then pushed off the ground to return to its original
A. Jogging B.Push up C. Side Crunches D. Superman _____32. Which
strengthening exercise requires the body to proceed to prone lying position followed by
lifting up both arms and legs?
A. Crunches B. Push up C. Side Crunches D. Superman ______33. What do we call the
number of repetitions or the full movement of exercise from starting point to finish?
A. Cycle B. Laps C. Reps D. Set ______34. Which of the following is the most ideal reps for
lower body? A. 6-15 B. 6-9 C. 12-15 D. 15-25 ______35. Which strengthening exercise is
considered most helpful in burning fat in the stomach area?
A. Biking B. Crunches C. Side Crunch D. Superman ______36. Helps the body use
carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, maintains healthy skin, bones ,teeth, hair and vision.
A. Vitamin A B. Vitamin B C. Vitamin b12 D. Vitamin C ______37. Which among the
micronutrients does not belong to the group? A. Fats B. Folate C. Vitamin C D. Vitamin E
______38.Branch of health science that emphasizes the importance of the food for growth and
A. Diet B. Exercise C. Nutrition D. Sports ______39.How many hours is the most
ideal time for an individual to engage in an on-line activities?
A. 10 hours B. 6 hours C.4 hours D. 2 hours ______40. Which of the following
physical activities is the most convenient? A. Biking B. Brisk Walking C. Jogging D.
Running ______41. Which of the following activity is the best way to maintain an active
lifestyle? A. Biking C. Using Gadgets
B. Reading Books D. Watching Television

______42. Among the given choices, which is the most effective exercise that can improve the
muscles in the butt area?
A. Burpees B. Push Up C Side Crunches D. Squats ______43. Lina is a Grade 10
student and she was classified as overweight in the class she decided to workout and
concentrates on the number of sessions in a week of a exercise program, which FITT
principle must she consider ? A. Frequency B. Intensity C. Time D. Type ______44. For an
adult which consider weight loss during physical inactivity which FITT Principle aims for a
total of at least 30 minutes of activity throughout the day. A. Frequency B. Intensity C. Time
D. Type ______45. Lito is an active member of a Football team in school, but recently
diagnosed with stress related condition, which type of activity you can suggest to bring back
his active lifestyle.
A. Brisk walking at least three times a week
B. Jumping Jacks
C. Jog in place
D. Watch devastating movies for 8 hours

_____46. Which of the following are a reasonable basis for selecting helpful health
information, products, and services?
A.Applying skin care products that your favorite actress endorses.
B.Buying cosmetic products found not approved by the FDA for human consumption.
C. Following medical advice from a person who did not have any medical qualifications. D.
Getting prescriptions from a physician before buying any medical or healthcare products.
______47. The following are Guidelines on the purchases of Goods and Services, except?
A. Apply knowledge acquired concerning personal and environmental health to purchase
private goods and services.
B. Evaluate which products and services will be beneficial, harmful, and useless.
C . Know the local laws and regulations to scare the sellers.
D.Locate dependable medical, dental 7and nursing services.
______48. Which healthcare facility caters to a specific population with various health needs?
A.Extended Healthcare Facility C. Hospital
B.Health Center D. Walk-in Surgery Center
______ 49. Why do you think many people are still falling into Quackery?
A. As it is proven effective
B.Because it is founded on faith
C.For it is cheap and promises to cure diseases
D.Because the patient’s family member influenced it.
_____ 50. Which of the following is not a form of Quackery?
A.Device B.Medical C. Nutrition D. Hypnotism _____ 51. Bernadette is suffering from
arthritis and gout. Which herb will you suggest to her for relieving this incredible pain?
A.Bayabas B.Lagundi C. Pansit-pansitan D.Yerba-buena _____ 52. Complete the
sentence: A wise consumer ___________.
A.Choose the most expensive product.
B.Compare and contrast details of available products.
C.Gather correct information, then keep it to themselves.
D.Read and inquire about reviews but never follow them.
_____ 53. What would you do if you had seen a video on the internet that promotes the use of
products which contain harmful substances?
A.Comment on the video and start a fight online.
B.Report the video to authorities and stop watching it.
C.Share the video on my social media sites for more views.
D.Stop watching it and have other people deal with it.
_____54. Why is it important to be a member of Philhealth?

A.Because it needs my money
B.Since it can be a source of pension when you get old
C.Because it is required by our employers to get Philhealth number
D.As it will be a big help to support the member and their family when they need to pay
for the hospitalization
_____ 55. As a wise health consumer, A person should know the different health services
professionals provide. Some of these services are as follows, except?
A. Adolescence Immunization C. Free maternity clinic
B. Feeding Program D. Prenatal check-ups for mothers and babies
_____56. Amy wants to become a member of PhilHealth, and she belongs to the people with
no visible means of income identified as DSWD based on specific criteria. What classification
of PhilHealth membership does she belong to?
A. Employed B. Indigent C. Lifetime D. Sponsored
______ 57. Which of the following is not a RELIABLE source of Health Information? A.
Educational Institutions
B.Local Health Officials
C.Outdated customs, practices, and superstitions without a scientific
basis. D.Websites that are ending in gov,. Edu, and .org.
_____ 58. Who is not considered a legitimate healthcare provider?
A. Faith Healer C. Licensed Pharmacist
B . Gynecologist D. Medical Technologist
_____ 59. What kind of alternative medicine is said to have used long, thin needles inserted
into specific parts of the body to affect energy flow?
A. Acupuncture B. Acupressure C. Nutritional Therapy D. Ventosa
_____ 60. A technique that focuses on treating specific disorders through massaging of the
soles of the feet.
A. Acupressure B. Acupuncture C. Reflexology D. Ventosa
Prepared by:

Teacher – MUSIC MAPEH 10 Teacher -ARTS San Mateo NHS Pintong Bukawe NHS

Teacher -HEALTH MAPEH 10 Teacher- PE
Jose F. Diaz Memorial NHS Guinanyang NHS

Validated by:


Master Teacher II
San Mateo NHS Reviewed by:


Principal Consultant- MAPEH
Pintong Bukawe NHS


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