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1. How can a loving, (POTENT) ___________ God permit disease, war and suffering?

2. Now aged 60, the former president is no longer considered a serious (CONTENTION)
___________ for the title.
3. John made a __________ (FOOL) attempt to climb to the house’s roof so as to return his lost
4. This is a plant with __________ (VARY) leaves.
5. Hunger and a ____________ (SLAP) meal did not sit happily side-by-side.
6. The fauna is becoming comparatively ___________ (PAUPER) due to the isolation, young
geological age of the island and forestry activities within habitats.
7. The act of ________ should be prohibited under any circumstances. Everyone has a chance to
vote. (FRANCHISE) 

8. The mayor was determined that he would do everything in his power to_________the murder case.
8. Some______ members left to form a new party. (AFFECT)
9. His life offered me no hope of__________(GOOD).
10.The private school feared losing its ____________ with the state’s university system (CREDIT).
11.The business is______________ as it can no longer meet the repayments on its debt. (SOLVE)
12.He felt out of place, a _________ (CONFORM) in a society where conformity was highly
13.Too late, she remembered the _________ (SETTLE) effect such comments would have on
14.Attracting the banks are the __________________ (SURGE) economy and reforms that have
opened up industries to foreign capital.
15.Would you mind if I took one of the pictures as a __________ (KEEP)? 
16. These changes in some components of the ecosystem were independent of _________
(ANTHROPO) influences.
17. She looked absolutely (DUMB) _____________ when i told her what happened.
18. The audience was mesmerized by her clear and (SOUND) _______ voice.
19. Since his bad habits were never broken when he was a child, they are
20. We should arrive two days early in order to (CLIMATE)__________.
21. His performance in the match today (LIE)________ his reputation as a great player.
22. Nadal has defeated his (PATRIOTISM) _________ Ferrer in the quarter final. 
23. I really believe that it should be a major mistake to _________ any drugs that are currently illegal.
24. Some spring flowering bulbs prefer to start the _________ stage of leaf development before their
cold period. (LONG)
25. Women after childbirth are naturally _________ of their appearance. (CRITICIZE)
26. A lot of _________ goes on in our office. (BITE)
27. I am such a _________, I'm always leaving my umbrella behind. (BRAIN)
28. They put up a(n)______performance. Many individuals were disappointed that they had come to
watch it. (MILL)
29. Matt and I were both relieved to be riding to the less______of Mostar, the birthplace of War Child
and, as a result, one of the most significant places we'd seen. (TREAD)
30. This eventually became self-sufficient, and it currently produces______family shows to delight
the elderly and collect donations for charity. (SEEK)
31. He referred to the young individuals as shiftless, lazy and_______. (NOTHING)
32. That little______ doesn't bother me. He will never improve his skills to the point where he can
defeat me in a duel. (SQUEAK)
33. Watari's girlfriend accuses him of being a(n)______and having cheated on her. (TIME)
34. They claim that the fall in unemployment is based on a(n) (FRAUD) _______________
manipulation of statistics.
35. They’ve got a model village that you can visit, with all the buildings and roads in (MINI)
_______________ .
36. The Red Cross is sending emergency aid to the (FAMINE) _______________ country.
37. I was (SEA) _______________  during the sea crossing.
38. Two people have been arrested for illegal possession of (ARM) _______________ in a police
39. She has such a ____________ attitude towards homeless people.(SNOB)
40. They don’t love each other because they are ____________. (BLOOD)
41. He is a man of few words. He is a(n) ____________ person. (ICON)
42. ____________ behavior stems from repressed anger. (AGGRESS)
43. I won't put up with your ____________ anymore. It is such a pain to see that you have been
avoiding talking to people over the past few months. (LIVER)
44. Oh yeah sure, let's get ourselves a(n) ____________. I am sure he will do this in no time. (HEAD)
45. She's on the _________ for a teaching post. (LIST)
46. They used the ledge and a few branches for a _________ shelter. (MAKE)
47. He stood at the door to make sure that no one ______ at the party. (GATE)
48. I'm afraid I don't know the address _________ I'll tell you tomorrow after I've looked it up.
49. There usually is a __________ between quality and quantity if we want to keep prices low.
50. We were reminded of some beautiful,________ memories when we were still kids. (GO)
1. The islands have been  ______________ by the growth of tourism. (WEST)
2. Although  ______________ to some people, the impacts of unhealthy lifestyles are for real.
3. My father is a strict  ______________  who always believes in “spare the rod, spoil the child”.
4. The result of the election seems to be a  ______________  conclusion: everybody knows that Biden
will win. (GO)
5. Jane stood there completely ______________, so I had no idea at all what was in her head.
6. My friends started going out late to nightclubs so I decided to  ______________  myself from the
group. (SOCIAL)
7. Mary is a really  ______________  pessimist. (CURE)
8. She found the guy she had been dating arrogant and  ______________ so she didn’t dither anymore
and broke up with him. (DOMINATE)
9. Black clouds came and sheets of  ______________ rain poured onto the parched landscape.
10. We are trying to create our own computerised  ______________.  (DATA)

1. People always hold fate responsible for whatever’s going wrong in their life
=> People always pin _________________________________ happens.
2. I think James is about to take over the business when his boss retires.
=> I am ___________________________________________________.
3. The singer was willing to sacrifice her happiness to become famous.
4. He causes so much trouble that we can do nothing besides from leaving him
worry and suffer the unpleasant effect of his own actions. (JUICE)
5. If something is worrying you, you should tell me about it now. (CHEST)
6. I didn’t have the faintest idea about the quirks of the marketing business, so I
couldn’t give you any advice. (KEN)
=> Had ____________________________________________________.
7. It seemed the young man was feeling bitter about his family background.
=> The young man appeared to
8. He was exasperated with being criticized in public all the time ( TEETH)
=> He was fed__________________________________________________
9. So many people were really delighted when the government lost the election.
=> There_________________________________________________



10. The singer has strongly and publicly opposed the war
=> The singer______________________________of the war .
11. They declared war on the pretext of defending their territorial
=> The______________________________________________________
12. Don't hesitate to make use of the library's resources (AVAIL).
=> You are at _____________________________ the librery’s resources.
13. The manager was furious when he discovered I'd been on a social
networking site while at work. (THROAT)
=> The manager ______________________________ out I'd been on social
networking site while at work
14. He would spend his every last penny trying to ingratiate himself with his
father-in-law (EXPENSE).
=> In his __________________________________________.
15. The government recommends a balance of reward and punishment when
dealing with young offenders. (STICK)
=> The government favors a _______________________ to young offenders.
16. The young lady was angry that no one confessed to having broken her
vase. (BREAST)
=> The young lady was beside _________________________ up to having
broken the vase.



17. Going to and fro with all the cases is what I can't stand about holidays.
=> It's all ________________________________________ about holidays.
18. If her father hadn’t retired, she wouldn’t have taken over his work.
=> But for ____________________________________________________
19. The workers got angry about the news that the factory closed down.
=>The workers _______________________________________________
20. Linda was very nervous, which made her look like a bashful girl. (CAME)
=> Such ____________________________________________________
21. The effects of the gale were felt mainly along the south coast. (BRUNT)
=> _____________________________________________________________
22. It’s impossible to predict how long it will take the business to make a great
deal of profit. (TELLING)
=> _________________________________________________ lucrative.
23. She finds grammar exercises extremely boring. (STIFF)
24. Harry was close to winning the big race. (ACE)
25. He seems to be more active because he has won a scholarship to study
overseas. (LEASE)



26. We need to give that new supervisor a lesson because he thinks he's so
superior. (PEG)
27. Sam was really anxious, waiting to see if he had got a place in the cricket
28. Martine cannot go any higher in his career. (PINNACLE)
29. The public reacted angrily to the minister's remarks. (DREW)
30. I always find Math problems like that quite impossible! (DEFEAT)
31. Fortunately, she returned safely. (STROKE)
32. The candle fell over and made the barn start burning. (LIGHT)
33. To Sharal’s amazement, the police station was closed when she arrived
34. What you have been saying is quite irrelevant. (BESIDE)
35. Taxpayers had to pay the cost of the privatization plan. (FOOT)

36. Building societies will have to guard against their rivals. (LAURELS)



37. The terrorists attack on the Capital Trade Center was very much like the 11-
9 attack on the WTO building. (CARBON)
38. She began to suffer from irrational fears. (PREY)
39. The manager told his staff he was pleased, but he could do better. (ROOM)
40. After 10 years without news from my dad, all of a sudden I received a letter.
=> After 10 years without news from my dad, completely
__________________________ a letter.
41. The reforms will not succeed unless they are carefully planned.
=> Careful __________________________ of the reforms.
42. If there are any problems, I can be there right away. (NOTICE)
=> I can __________________________.
43. She tried her best to learn about economics before applying for the job. (UP)
=> She _____________________________________________
44. I feel I am not being treated fairly. (RAW)
=> I feel I'm __________________________.
45. That he decided to retire early marked the end of his distinguished career
=> That he ___________________________________________.

46. Since there wasn't a better alternative, I accepted the job. (ABSENCE)
=> In ___________________________________________.
47. The government must be seen to be completely honest and morally good.
=> The government ___________________________________________.
48. A car like that will cost you approximately $70,000. (REGION)
=> A car like that___________________________________________.
49. They believe that the hotel was quite near the beach (THROW)
=> The hotel ___________________________________________.
50. In particular, the school library was criticized by the inspectors because of
its poor lighting. (SINGLED)
=> The inspectors ___________________________________________.
1. Clearly it was dangerous for Jenny to walk home by herself at
night (risk)
2. I tried to persuade her to ditch class but I didn’t succeed (in)
3. I was a bit scared of her unfriendly attitude at first (awe)
4. We should leave immediately, there’s an emergency at work (dash)
5. Because his unprofessionalism was recently exposed by his co-worker, he now has a bad reputation
to the public (disrepute)
Choose the best option to complete the following sentences
1. The government needs to ______ businesses that have been trying to evade the tax.
A. put the screws on B. get into gear C. put one over on D. wipe off the map
2. Being a _____ entrepreneur, you will have to make a special effort for people to take you
A. successful B. budding C. blossoming D. flowering
3.My mother decided to ________ early yesterday while I stayed up to watch Korean
A. doze off B. let up C. get off D. turn in
4. What I like about this amusement park is that there is _______ parking space right
outside it.
A. copious B. ample C. expanded D. manifold
5. Last weekend, _______ nothing to watch on TV, we played chest together.
A. there being B. there having C. having had D. being
6. The major political party is ________ the campaign for tighter gun controls in the wake of
last month’s shooting.
A. procuring B. solidifying C. spearheading D. fulfilling
7. Scientists warn that global warming will soon go beyond ______.
A. the U-turn B. the firing line
C. the red line D. the point of no return
8. The prime minister tried to ______ the country’s deep-seated problem for fear of being
A. blot out B. stow away C. paper over D. salt away
9. I’d sooner you ______ a noise last night; I couldn’t get to sleep.
A. wouldn’t make B. didn’t make C. haven’t made D. hadn’t made
10. On 6 th August 1945, an atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, killing thousands of
citizens and almost _____ the city.
A. overthrowing B. annulling C. eradicating D. annihilating
11. After living one month in New York, I finally _____
A. get in the swing of things B. get in on the ground floor
B. get a grip on myself D. get ahead of myself
12. The students, __________ are graduating this year, are as thick as thieves.
A. of whom five B. five of whom C. whose five D. A and B are correct
13. The community should take the doctor’s advice into consideration since he’s in
________ earnest about the epidemic.
A. mortally B. fatally C. deadly D. gravely
14. His fight to ________ four black men of the rape of a seventeen year old white girl two
years ago partially inspired the group to protest.
A. exculpate B. exonerate C. bereave D. misappropriate
15. When the cost was ________ the advantages, the scheme looked perfect.
A. set against B. pit against C. counted against D. weighed up against
16. Lionel Messi was ________ over his team’s victory against Brazil.
A. delighted B. ecstatic C. jubilant D. blissful
17. That old building hasn’t been used for nearly four decades, hence it looks so _______
A. decrepit B. battered C. glitchy D. derelict
18. When the long holiday ends, we will go ___________
A. back on our feet B. back to square one
C. back to the salt mines D. on the back burner
19. On his desk _______, which he usually sits in front of and looks at.
A. stood the picture of us B. the picture of us stands
B. standing the picture of us D. stands the picture of us
20. After getting a 7.5 score in IELTS, Ha hardly makes significant progress but she is ______
A. propping up B. ticking over C. wading through D. forging ahead
I. Use the correct form of the word given to fill in each blank
21. Like his famous _______, young Washington had a brave, adventurous spirit. (NAME)
22. She has a softly ___________voice that would melt anyone listening to her singing.
23. The history of the territory is ___________ illustrated in the book. (PICTURE)
24. Don’t you think she is ______? She always looks good in her photographs. (PHOTO)
25. Hardly a day goes by without Tim being __________ of eating sweets. (DESIRE)
II. Put the words given in the correct blanks. You have to use their correct forms to make a
meaningful passage
26.__________ (clean) efforts were under way in Henan province and the capital city
Zhengzhou on Thursday, after a 27.______________ (record) rain storm flooded the city’s
streets and subway, damaged dams and reservoirs, collapsed roads, cut power to at least
one hospital and was linked to a massive explosion at a factory in Dengfeng city. Authorities
said 200,000 people were 28.__________ (place) by the floods and more than three million
people were affected. Thousands of rescuers were sent in to assist northern Henan, where
dozens of counties were hit by flooding on Wednesday night and Thursday, with reports of
overflowing reservoirs, 29._________ (merge) roads, and cars and trucks being washed
away. The Henan disaster has prompted public scrutiny over the preparedness of
authorities, in particular the 30._________ (appear) inaccurate weather forecasts and the
confusing disaster alert system. Many also questioned the decision to keep the subway
operating throughout the deluge.
The accepted concept of a career 31._______ followed a similar pattern for decades. After
completing their education, people would enter the adult world of work, 32.___________
down on to a job which they would likely remain from that point 33.____________. Not
only would this occupation provide their income for their entire working life, it would also
allow them a healthy pension when they retired and moved into 34.___________ age. Over
the past twenty years, 35.________, the relationship between a wage earner and their
chosen profession has changed enormously. Today, the idea of a ‘job-for-life’ has all
36._________ disappeared, to be replaced by an unforgiving world of unstable
employment. Some observers even argue that current society to pit old 37._________
young in a constant battle to find work of some description, all against a 38.__________ of
increasing debt and economic difficulties.
At the same time, the government regularly releases figures that suggest the economy is
prospering, evidencing this claim with the fact that the unemployment rate continues to fall
annually. There are indeed more jobs available. However, a huge number of these are
casual, temporary or short-term positions, all of 39.__________ are low-paid and create
little in the way of tax income for the government. This has a number of debilitating long-
term effects, not 40.___________ because this assurance of a growing economy is based
more in myth than fact.
Despite the continued 41.________ of those early town perks, it wasn’t until the Depression that
modern Hershey started to take shape. Perhaps the only town in the country actually to 42_________
during the 1930s, it thrived because Hershey vowed his Utopia would never see a breadline. lnstead
he 43_________ a massive building boom that gave rise to the most visited buildings in today’s
Hershey and delivered wages to more than 600 workers. He admitted that his 44____________ were
partly selfish:lf I don’t provide work for them, I’ll have to feed them. And since building materials are
now at their lowest cost levels, I’m going to build and give them jobs. He seems to have
45__________no expense; most of the new buildings were strikingly 46________. The first to be
finished was the three-million-dollar limestone Community Center, home to the 1,904-seat Venetian-
style Hershey Community Theater, which has played 47______ since 1933 to touring Broadway
shows and to music, dance, and opera performances. lt offers just as much to look at when the lights
are on and the curtains closed. The floors in the 48_________ named Grand Lobby are polished
ltalian lava rock, surrounded by marble walls and capped with a bas-relief ceiling showing sheaves of
wheat, beehives, swans, and scenes from Roman mythology. With the 49________ inner foyer,
Hershey thumbed his nose even harder at the ravages of the Depression: The arched ceiling is tiled in
gold, the fire curtain bears a painting of Venice, and the ceiling is 50_______with
88 tiny lightbulbs to re-create a star-lit night.
41. A. flexibility B. rigidity C. elasticity D. resilience
42. A. prosper B. decline C. get on D. flower
43. A. trusted B. funded C. accounted D. stocked
44. A. pretensions B. objections C. preoccupation D. intentions
45. A. spared B. spent C. allowed D. justified
46. A. impoverished B. unattractive C. poor D. opulent
47. A. hosting B. housing C. host D. homogeneously
48. A. aptly B. inappropriately C. seemingly D. frightfully
49. A. dizzying B. gaudy C. dazzling D. bland
50. A. holed B. studded C. supported D. magnified
Rewrite the following sentences using the words given
61. After years of separation from my girlfriend, I cheered up when I saw her. SIGHT
After years of separation from my girlfriend, my spirits ___________________________
of her.
62. He loses his temper at all things, even the slightest one. OFF
He ______________________________________________________________________
63. My parents are furious with me for getting a tatoo and so have grounded me. ARMS
My parents, who __________________________________________________________
64. I resent the way that she clearly feels herself to be superior to me. NOSE
I am ____________________________________________________________________
65. Although Jack never means to hurt other people, Jennie always complains about his
manner. FAULT
Despite the ______________________________________________________________
1. Discussions on the issue of expansion of the company have been in _______ since the outbreak of
the disease in the area. 

A. hitch B. limbo C. feud D. core

2. Viewers were _______ at the incredible sight of the lunar landscape, unable to take their eyes off
the screen until the very end of the broadcast. 

A. switched B. devised C. transfixed D. stifled

3. Having lost her mother at an early age, Mary felt she had become a mere _______, having to do
absolutely everything for her five brothers and sisters.

A. taskmaster B. workmate C. slavedriver D. workhorse

4. Keith’s _______ income looks impressive, but once tax and social security contributions are
deducted, it’s not so much.

A. full B. grand C. net D. gross

5. We have developed rapid order processing to _______ deliveries to customers.

A. expedite B. fasten C. heighten D. quicken

6. The operation was a success, but the patient died of _______.

A. implications B. symptoms C. after-effects D. ramifications

7. Increasing terrorism in the region puts a new _______ on the situation.

A. complexion B. disposition C. outlet D. tantrum

8. If you need help, please don’t hesitate to call me. I can be there _______.

A. in a fix B. in a flash C. in a daze D. in the bag

9. He felt his heart _______ as his bride-to-be began her walk down the aisle.

A.  fasten B. quicken C. expedite D. heighten

10. My car broke down and I had to _______ a huge sum of money to have it towed and serviced.

A. splash out B. fork out C. put aside D. pay off

11. The candidate’s optimism gave _______ to doubt as the result of exit polls became known.

A. place B. lie C. vent D. voice

12. After the hurricane, all that was left of our house was a pile of _______.

A. rabble B. rubble C. ramble D. rumble

13. To say it is the best novel written in the last twenty years is going far _______.

A. a long way B. over the top C. through a bad patch D. to great lengths

14. This week’s programme is given _______ a profile of an eminent scientist.

A. credit for B. in to C. over to D. up on

15. Inspector Morts was determined to get to the _______ of the mystery.

A. ground B. end C. bottom D. point

16. Getting away from the stresses of work would do you a  _______ of good.

A. sense B. taste C. virtue D. power

17. If you make it to the final, you will be _______ some of the best sprinters in the world. 

A. in for B. up to C. up against D. up with

18. He gave speeches all over the world to _______ support for his “Help the Homeless” Campaign.

A. trot out B. turn to C. weigh up D. whip up

19. Somehow I managed to _______ my physics exam. The pass mark was 55 and I got 56.

A. scrape through B. shake off C. sit through D. slip off

20. The new professor is way ahead of the _______with his research into genetics.

A. twist B. circle C. spin D. curve

 21. Don’t _______ him on to join a gang: nothing could be worse for him!

A. egg B. toast C. butter D. knife

22. Many companies seem to reach the _______ of disaster before anybody has tried to get something

A. side B. precipice C. edge D. brink

23. I am not surprised that your brother is angry; you spent half an hour _______ him up about an
issue he cares about deeply.

A. spinning B. turning C. winding D. twirling

24. Although Gail thought she should have won first place, she _______ her pride and congratulated
her rival.

A. exerted B. swallowed C. bore D. aroused

25. I had spent two months worrying about it and I was glad to get it off my _______.

A. shoulders B. head C. chest D. mouth

26. That he was using unscrupulous research methods only came out because his assistant _______ on
him to the press.

A. ratted B. hounded C. fished D. bugged

27. The phrase ‘money doesn't buy happiness’ is a cautionary cliché that keeps us from blindly lining
your pockets with _______ in the hope that we’ll feel happier.

A. stash B. hoard C. stock D. dosh

28. If there happened to be both rich and poor people, as there happen to be both black and white
ones, then the advantages of the _______ might well spread in time to the hard-up.

A. well-heeled B. big-hearted C. open-handed D. tight-fisted

29. The government has agreed to _______ an additional £5 million to schools in underprivileged

A. dole out B. tip off C. crack down D. toss off

30. As much as the candidate tried to convince people of his honesty, he could not shake off his
_______ past.

A. serene B. tranquil C. shady D. frigid

31. The greedy man wouldn’t hesitate to _______ away his valued assets if he thought it would bring
him more money. 

A. wager B. bet C. gamble D. stake

32. His talent meant he could create wondrous things, but his _______ meant he hardly ever felt like

A. adversity B. lethargy C. ineptitude D. tactlessness

33. The founder of the company decided to take a back _______  and let the board members run the

A. stage B. seat C. row D. door

34. The tendency is to respond to anger with anger, but in these situations, it pays to keep a cool

A. brain B. mind C. head D. top

35. Most people are _______ to believe that girls and boys like certain toys when they are young.

A. hardened B. acclimated C. conditioned D. accustomed

36. The local authorities annually ______ between £50 million and £100 million on art projects.

A. disperse B. disband C. disburse D. dispose

37. Let me know of any pertinent developments, keep me in the ______.

A. sphere B. ring C. circle D. loop

38. The employees are ______ a rally in the city centre to demand higher wages.

A. making B. performing C. staging D. presenting

39. Having lost her home, Lucy got ______ a gang of people who hang around causing trouble.

A. in with B. up to C. on with D. by on

40. Although usually quite compassionate, the receptionist made a ______ remark that took her
colleagues by surprise.

A. crooked B. cautious C. corrupt D. callous

41. After the disastrous televised interview, the topic was ______ on social media.

A. raging B. moving C. trending D. buzzing

42. Julie felt unfairly ______ when she spoke out against a company proposal and the entire staff
team turned against her.

A prosecuted B. persecuted C. oppressed D. suppressed

43. Once a major politician endorsed the young man’s candidacy, everyone ______ on the bandwagon
and started supporting him, too.

A. walked B. stepped C. jumped D. climbed

44. Malaysians should embrace their natural generosity and not let hard times ______ their spirit to
help others in need. 

A. dampen B. moisten C. drench D. deluge

45. Everyone was living off tens of thousands of years of accumulated groundwater, like a ______
heir squandering his wealth.

A. stingy B. miserly C. spendthrift D. penny- pincher

46. Saving up for a nest ______ is an important part of life and should not be ignored, no matter how
young or how well-off you are.

A. egg B. stone D. seed D. pit

47. My first impression of Vanessa was that she was very charming and ______; she seemed totally at
ease with people.

A. exuberant B. urbane C. aloof D. compassionate

48. Charlotte ______ the new girl immediately, within hours of meeting each other they were best of

A. took issue with B. took heart from C. took a shine to D. took his hat off

49. This sound system is so well-designed and technologically advanced that it is hard to ______.

A. overtake B. transcend C. dominate D. rival

50. Parents often have to ______ large amounts of money so their children can take part in
extracurricular sports activities.

A. mark down B. rung up C. shell out D. stock up

51. James kept trying to ______ his duties, but his manager told him if he didn’t start taking
responsibility for his work he would have to leave the company.

A. beaver away B. weasel out ofC. chicken out of D. clam up

52. Our English teacher had a high opinion of herself and would always ______ into class as if she
were a queen.

A. sprint B. skip C. strut D. stride

53. After testing positive on a doping test, the renowned athlete was advised to lay low and avoid the
press like the ______.

A. plague B. hawk C. wildfire D. wind

54. Apart from one or two ______ of brilliance from Owen, England put on a rather poor

A. flashes B. spells C. storms D. strokes

55. The police believe Morgan strangled his girlfriend in a ______ of jealousy.

A. burst B. fit C. flash D. spell

56. Normally, when he was late, he gave a pathetic excuse, but not this time, what he said had a
______ of truth about it. 

A. figment B. glimmer C. ring D. shred

57. Having gained a ______ victory in the general elections, they proceeded with their ambitious

A. galloping B. staunch C. landslide D. close-up

58. We can’t buy it. We have already $400 ______ at the bank. We would run up huge debts.

A. overspent B. overtaken C. overdrawn D. overdone

59. It is hoped that this meeting will pave the way for ______ peace.

A. long-lasting B. long-running C. long-standing D. long-winded

60. Naturally, her parents were thrilled to ______ when they found out she had passed the exam with
an A.

A. shreds B. heaven C. goodness D. bits

61. I know she is a bit miserable at the moment, but she’ll soon ______ up when she finds out that I
have booked us a two-week holiday in Barbados.

A. perk B. look C. pump D. joy

62. There is no need to get so ______ about being turned down. There are other advertising agencies
out there, you know.

A. destitute B. descendant C. despondent D. despicable

63. All he has done since losing his job is ______ around the house all day.

A. mourn B. depress C. mope D. wallow

64. He likes nothing better than to spend his Sunday mornings ______ in the gardens.

A. pottering about B. hanging around C. whiling away D. winding down

65. The three tours are run _______ so we can only choose one.

A. concurrently B. recurrently C. concurringly D. cursively

66. Kitchell says the city was a _______ of all American culture during the '60s.
A. microclimate B. microcopy C. microcosm D. microscope

67. The idea of a nap in the middle of the day is quite _______ to British people.

A. foreign B. distant C. remote D. unheard

68. The island of Tahiti _______ sandy beaches and crystal clear water.

A. brags B. gloats C. boasts D. swaggers

69. I don't like intellectual novels, serious music or films; my tastes are quite ______

A. flat-topped B. lowbrow C. shamefaced D. slow-witted 

70. A lot of older people are ______ because they've been complaining all their lives

A. irate B. crotchety C. indignant D. infuriated

71. Margie was an _______ traveller; even dangerous conflict would not stop her from visiting a

A. intrepid B. inquisitive C. ingenious D. insightful

intrepid: gan dạ

72. The floral bouquets we entered into the competition were a _______ of colour, but unfortunately,
we did not win first prize. 

A. wham B. riot C. drop D. buzz

73. Don’t forget to _______ your sources; you don’t want to get accused of stealing information.

A. quote B. cite D. name D. refer

74. Travelling to Norway and experiencing the Nothern Lights first hand was always at the very top
of Mary’s _______ list.

A. luggage B. lag C. basket D. bucket

75. The football fans were coming in _______ to watch the final game. An hour before the kickoff the
stadium was packed full.

A. fingers and thumbs B. bits and bobs

C. dribs and drabs D. bibs and tuckers

76. The Government is trying to ________when it says it will spend more on the health service
without raising taxes.

A. chew the fat B. wave the flag

C. square the circle D. put the lid

77. The government is using the taxes from the working class to bail out the banks that ruined the
economy? That really ________!

A. sows wild oats B. spills the beans

C. takes the biscuit D. upsets the apple cart

78. I've searched ________ for that old photo album, but I can't find it anywhere.

A. high and low B. long and short

C. straight and narrow D. thick and thin

79. I don't think Paul will ever get married — he's the stereotypical _______ bachelor.

A. settled B. confirmed C. fixed D. determined

80. I'm afraid we got our _______ crossed — I thought my husband would be picking up the children
and he thought I was doing it.

A. minds B.  purposes C. wires D.  fingers

81. It’s a pleasure to be in her company as she is always so _______ and welcoming.

A. adamant B. jubilant C. obnoxious D. amiable

82. They will provide a lot of amusement hopping _______ over the rocks from one puddle to

A. up and down B. in and out C. back and forth D. back to front

83. Celebrities feel special when they are surrounded by a(n) _______ of loyal followers.

A.brigade B. entourage C. fraternity D. squad

84. An angry _______ stood outside parliament, shouting and threatening violence.

A. cast B. crew C. flock D. mob

85. “I have a reservation for _______ of six. The name’s John.” “I’ll show you to your table”.

A. band B. circle C. party D. platoon

86. Millions of people left Italy for the USA during the Italian _______ of the nineteenth and
twentieth centuries.

A. clique B. diaspora C. horde D. troupe

87. She was a ______Catholic and, so far as I am aware, morally unassailable.

A. firm B. devout C. staunch D. strict

88. The police are going to ______down on illegal stock exchange activities in the streets.

A. dragging      B. kicking                  C. dumbing               D. clamping

89. The media regarded Gorbachev as the ______favorite to dethrone the old champ

A. last-minute B. odds-on C. so-called       D.well –earned

90. A: ‘Oh, I’m exhausted! I’ve been doing homework all day.’

      B: ‘Come and put your _______ up for 5 minutes and I’ll make you a cup of tea.’

A. hands B. hair C. heart D. feet

91. John was _______ a week after the accident, but he has not been able to come to football practice
A. up and about B. vim and vigour

C. fingers and thumbs D. life and death

92. I ate some tinned sardines that had expired and ended up feeling so sick that I _______ all the
food I had eaten.

A. brought up B. passed out C. packed up D. went off

93. I had been feeling very down in the dumps after being given the sack, but took ________ when a
prestigious employment agency booked two interviews for me. 

A. stride B. shine C. heart D. issue

95. The sales assistants were so rude to me, I decided to take my ______elsewhere.

A. income           B. custom                C. capital                  D. fortune

96. She had a strong desire to be a dancer but failed to make the ______.

A. grade            B. term                      C. mark                      D. degree

97. We ______ deny that we have ever cheated or tampered illegally with any match ball in any game
during our careers.

A. categorically B. fully C. distinctly     D. highly

98.  I felt a bit _______ and seemed to have more aches and pains than usual.

A. out of sorts C. on the mend  

B. over the worst D. under the fever

99. A woman who appears to be a __________ person who lives under bridges turns out to be has a
metamorphose into a princess and has a regal personage. 

A. tumble-down B. downcast   C. run-down D. down-and-cast

100. Some people can just ______ a cold, but my colds seem to linger for weeks

A.shrug off B.cough up C.pull through D.stamp out

101. The yard-long hawksbill turtle, with its hooked beak and scaly neck, is a living ______ of the
dinosaur age.

A. heirloom B. relic C. vestige D. artefact

102. The artist was so prolific in his youth that by the time he reached his forties, he was a living

A. icon B. fable C. myth D. legend

103. The unpopular prime minister was ______ in the press when she tripped while walking in a
muddy field.

A. slandered B. lampooned C. hounded D. stalked

104. The challenges Ann encountered while assisting the medical charity in Africa ______ the best in
her personality.
A. brought up B. brought out C. brought around D. brought about

105. The plane had moved onto the runway and the cabin crew were ______ take-off.

A. standing by for B. standing in for C. standing up for D. standing up to

106. The meeting was so dull that James couldn’t help ________  part way though.

A. winding down B. hammering away C. drifting off D. sleeping over

107. Although the chemist’s initial experiment failed, she ________ upon a strong new material in the

A. tripped B. fell C. broke D. stumbled

108. Lawrence suggested ________ ourselves at the beginning of the long project in order to avoid

A. pacing B. rushing C. plodding D. racing

109. It is important not to ________ creativity in the young and let them express themselves.

A. hinder B. stifle C. flounder D. expedite

110. The minister was heavily ________ by the United Nations Security Council in their report.

A. criticized B. scrutinized C. censured D. interrogated

111. When it comes to running the company, Michael is a(n) ________ unto himself; he is doing
anything he pleases.

A. act B. code C. order D. law

112. People don’t have a right to ________ in judgement when they don’t know all the facts.

A. sit B. pass C. make D. bite

113. The ________ skyscrapers of modern metropolises dwarf previous feats of engineering both
literally and figuratively.

A. tottering B. towering C. sprawling D. spanning

114. The local area is ________ lacking in places to enjoy art and cinema. 

A. properly B. rashly C. sorely D. aptly

115. At the age of 11, Taylor Swift was already trying to ________ a record deal in Nashville.

A. land B. create C. steal D. grab

116. I hope virtual friendships are not the ________ of things to come.

A. scheme B. form C. shape D. frame

117. Everyone dissolved into ________ of laughter when they saw my haircut.

A. sets B. spells C. fits D. bouts

118. The money-laundering scandal leads to the minister’s ________ fall from political power.

A. prodigious B. precipitous C. dismal D. persistent

119. Harry was a ________ of nerves the whole time his wife was in the hospital.

A. batch B. bunch C. bundle D. bale

120. The three tours are run ________ so we can only choose one.

A. concurrently B. recurrently C. concurringly D. cursively

121. Taking a gap year will allow you to reach a level of emotional ________ that will stay with you
for a lifetime.

A. wisdom B. ripeness C. adulthood D. maturity

122. The list of the sources for the information in this book is contained in the book’s ________.

A. periodical B. acknowledgements C. appendix D. bibliography

123. This is a very busy office and in your new position you will have to be able to think on your

A. toes B. legs C. feet D. knees

124. Our plans to hold an end-of-year picnic in the woods were ________ by the bad weather.

A. provoked B. thwarted C. emulated D. vented

125. I had a ________ that something bad was going to happen to Katy and I rushed straight round to
her house, where I found her unconscious.

A. premonition B. mind-set C. foresight D. forethought

126. Giovanni and his family spend hours at the dinner table, but that’s just the Italian ________ to
food and eating.

A. nostalgia B. attitude C. keepsake D. respect

127. Please ________ these figures to memory, so that you will be able to answer the investors’
questions easily and confidently.

A. memorise B. recall C. retain D. commit

128. A major political party is ________ the campaign for tighter gun controls in the wake of last
month’s shooting.

A. procuring B. setting C. spearheading D. fulfilling

129. I hope I’ll be able to _______ today’s performance on the opening night.

A. aspire B. emulate C. advocate D. persevere

130. Unfortunately, Jamie’s plans to tour around Australia didn’t _______ due to a lack of finances.

A. pan out B. pull off C. knuckle down D. waltz through

131. Trekkers should be prepared to _______ it as there are few facilities in remote areas.

A. struggle B. rough C.succumb D. tolerate

132. The challenges Ann encountered while assisting the medical charity in Africa brought _______
the best in her personality.
A. up B. out C. about D. around

133. The plane had moved onto the runway and the cabin crew were standing _______ take-off.

A. by for B. in for C. up for D. up to

134. If you are given a ________ anaesthetic during an operation, you are still aware of what is going
on around you.

A. local B. tropical C. varied D. released

135. Garlic being sold as organic was found to contain pesticide ________ and was removed from the

A. elements B. filaments C. residues D. variables

136. Colin is only just ________; he gets unemployment benefit, but it isn’t much.

A. scraping by B. putting aside C. bailing out D. tiding over

137. Insurance companies had to ________  £10 million in storm damage claims.

A. dip in B. rip off C. bail out D. cough up

138. We hurried back to our car as we saw the clouds ________ over the mountains.

A. rolling in B. holding off C. beating down D. bucketing down

139. My train ________ at 3.15, so could you be there to collect me?

A. stops off B. pulls up C. gets in D. heads for

140. If we're going to bring this company back to its former glory, we'll need a marketing team that
can do ________.

A. justice B. business C. credit D. miracles

141. The well-known ________ clash between the President and the rebel leader is not making things

A. character B. mood C. enemy D. personality

142. It had been with a heavy ________ that I watched her leave, and I had sunk into a dark and
despairing mood.

A. head B. mood C. mind D. heart

143. In some countries, a bride’s family is still required to pay a ________ to the groom’s family.

A. dowry B. bill C. relic D. heirloom

144. Their ________ religious beliefs were of great comfort in troubled times.

A. age-long B. long-gone C. strongly-heldD. time-honoured

145. The local area is ________ lacking in places to enjoy art and cinema.

A. properly B. rashly C. sorely D. aptly

146. I offered to do the job, but soon found that I was ________ as it was more difficult than I had

A. pushing up daisies B. knocking on wood C. in over my head D. off my hands

147. He asked the question rather _______, as his boss was in a bad mood and he didn’t want to
annoy her.

A. tentatively B. explosively C. insolently D. provokingly

148. His ________ expression left us in no doubt as to how much her rejection had hurt him.

A. anguished B. resigned C. downright D. placid

anguished: đau đớn, buồn bã

149. They are not likely to ________ information during the current armed conflict.

ladle out: give somebody a lot of something, especially money or advice

150. Now that you have more money, you’ll be able to ________ a little; you have no excuses any

A. live it up B. make a break C. cut and run D. fly off the handle

151. Although he came to work the day before his retirement, everyone knew he was just ________.

A. going with the flow B. going through the motions

C. going against the grain D. going along with them

152. The characters in the novel are ________ and have no connection with any living person.

A. existential B. distorted C. fictitious D. episodic

153. They are a real ________ organisation; they are only interested in making a profit.

A. devil-may-care B. fly-by-night C. open-handed D. down-to-earth

154. After ________ over the pros and cons for weeks, she finally quit her job last Friday.

A. moralizing B. agonizing C. sterilizing D. rationalizing

155. The philosopher was such a ________ thinker that few could follow his reasoning.

A. surrealist B. profound C. methodical D. plausible

156. Our guests are from a ________ of society and so should reflect most point of views.

A. cross-section B. cross-fire C. cross-purpose D. cross-reference

157. She decided to ________ with the services of the maid and do the housework himself.

A. dispose B. dispense C. depose D. desert

168. Her ________ treatment by her employers finally forced her to look for a better job.

A. shabby B. messy C. grungy D. tardy

169. She was ________ away from the company with promises of better terms and conditions from a
rival firm.
A. enhanced B. enticed C. manipulated D. raided

170. I had a disastrous day, but lately that has been par for the ________.

A. course B. track C. game D. road

171. They’ve been going ________ for so long now that all their friends expect them to marry soon.

A. dutch B. berserk C. round D. steady

172. The documentary gave him such a ________ that he gave up smoking immediately. 

A. terror B. fear C. fright D. dread

173. It gets my ________ that she expects to look after the children every afternoon.

A. goat B. horse C. dog D. beetle

174. We were just ________ in the sitting area and somehow the window got broken.

A. beetling about B. haring off C. horsing around D. wolfing down

175. Uncle Tom’s a ________ who prefer his own company to anyone else’s.

A. drowned rat B. lone wolf C. lame duck D. top dog

176. I have to ________  it to William; he put in the hard work and got results.

A. hand B. present C. give D. applaud

177.  Although the chemist’s initial experiment failed, she ________ upon a strong new material in
the process.

A. tripped B. fell C. broke D. stumbled

178. Lawrence suggested ________ ourselves at the beginning of the long project in order to avoid

A. pacing B. rushing C. plodding D. racing

179. Julie is a very friendly employee with a smile that ________ happiness and positivity.

A. oozes B. radiates C. fosters D. boosts

180. There is a(n) ________ desire for more face-to-face contact, perhaps due to the increase in online
interaction in today’s world.

A emergent B divergent C detergent D insurgent

181. All three siblings agreed to ________ their resources in order to start their new business venture.

A. fuse B. blend C. mingle D. pool

182. Dennis is very ________ about things; he never lets anything stress him out.

A. tolerant B. impetuous C. warm-hearted D. laid-back

183. Vicky walked into the room ________ as brass and made her demands to the group.

A. bright B. bold C. proud D. loud

184. Many linguists fear that global languages could ________ local languages as the main means of
communication in these places.

A. displace B. disperse C. discard D. disband

185. It’s never a good idea to force people to change by ________ what has to happen.

A. dictating B. displacing C. disputing D. debasing

186. The changes in the line-up forced the pop group to ________ after friction developed between

A. displace B. disperse C. discard D. disband

187. I’d prefer to have a healthy ________ than greasy fried food.

A chickens salad B chicken-salad C chicken salad D salad chicken

188. The points raised about the exercise technique are not ________ to this presentation.

A pertinent B opportune C admissible D acceptable

189. The surgery hired a ________ to cover the patients while the doctor was on holiday.

A. practitioner B. provider C. locum D. physician

190. The new consultant is still feeling her ________ in the hospital.

A. bones B. pinch C. way D. weather

feel one’s way: to proceed with some task slowly and carefully

191. The clinic experienced an ________ of support from the community when they were threatened
with closure.

A. outbreak B. overflowing C. outbursting D. outpouring

192. Her ________ behaviour made her the life of the party; everyone loved talking to her.

A  exhaustive B  fragrant C  exuberant D. aromatic

193. The children are ________ by this new app; they can’t stop using it.

A  revitalised B  hypnotised C  mesmerised D  capitalised

194. In Britain major decisions are made in the ________ of power in Westminster.

A. aisles B. corridors C. hallways D. landings

195. Regional parliaments allow ________ for remote parts of the country or islands far from the

A. self-government B. self-sufficiency C. self-regulation D. self-support

196. The system of checks and balances ensures that no individual has ________ to do as they please.

A. scope B. latitude C. carte blancheD. franchise

197. Although citizen-centred schemes involve residents in debates, full political ________ is kept by
local councillors and MPs.
A. autonomy B. autarchy C.autocracy D. authority

198. The high levels of air pollution is ________ a result of local factory emissions.

A. plainly B. abruptly C. distinctly D. markedly

199. The management are making ________ to increase the company’s efficiency.

A. measures B. steps C. moves D. deeds

200. She marched into the shops, as bold as ________, and demanded for her money back.

A. bass B. grass C.brass D. glass

201. She had an unclear ________ of him in her mind, although she knew he would be old.

A. sight B. picture C. vision D. figure

202. Those without the major studios’ huge spending ________ are not convinced by the argument
that marketing movies can double their budget.

A. force B. strength C. weight D. power

203. The outcome was a ________ circle whereby women's work, perceived as low status, was poorly
rewarded and therefore regarded as unimportant.

A. relentless B. vicious C. brutal D. merciless

204. The best travel books of this year fall into three main categories: _________ informational,
narrative, and anecdotal.

A. truly B. fully C. literally D. purely

205.  People are dying for _________ of medical treatment.

A. need B. absence C. want D. shortage

206. With just a little preparation and regular feeding and watering, you can guarantee that you have a
________ of colour throughout the summer.

A. disturbance B. riot C. demonstration D. rally

207. Through a series of protestations and exclamations, coyness and giggling, I ________ that she
was talking to her boyfriend.

A. assembled B. amassed C. harvested D. gathered

208. Sheila often borrowed wellingtons from her sisters, even though they were about three ________
too big.

A. sizes B. figures C. pairs D. numbers

209. Use Cafélux Descaling Granules, available from your ________.

A. provider B. seller C. supplier D.


210. My profession allows me to both satisfy my own curiosity about the world and also to _______
some measure of international understanding.
A. prolong B. advertise C. promote D. elevate

211. Our guests are from a _______ of society and so should reflect most point of views.

A. cross-section B. cross-fire

C. cross-purpose D. cross-reference

212. He was a very _______ person, always laughing and telling jokes.

A. jolly B. introverted C. caustic D. gratifying

213. He tried to be as _______ as possible, but his garish attire made it difficult. 

A. accessible B. amenable C. incessant D. inconspicuous

214. Mr Jones is _______, unfortunately, so you’ll have to call again tomorrow.

A. indifferent B. inimitable C. indisposed D. incongruous

215. This conservative, evangelical megachurch, just outside San Diego, is a _______  of activity on a
Sunday morning. 

A. mest B. home C. seat D. hive

216. He must have been hungry; he _______ that burger in record time and ordered another.

A. whipped up B. tucked in C. chopped up D. bolted down

217. The only room available was, to say the least, _______. There was no carpet, no curtains, and the
only furniture was a bed and a small beside table. 

A. snug B. dreary C. stark D. cushy

218. What are they saying about the art theft is pure ______; nobody knows who did it.

A. ambiguity B. hoax C. scam D. speculation

219. The spy was told to _______ the code to memory, then destroy the document.

A. slip B. bear C. put D. commit

220. _______ is Mr Jones; he can tell you all about the issue.

A. The man concerned B. The concerned man

C. Concerning the man D. The man concerning

221. Martin’s mother is his only _______ relative.

A. live B. alive C. lively D. living

222. The football stadium was illuminated by _______.

A. spotlights B. searchlights C. flashlights D. floodlights

223. I found the training exhausting as the coach always pushed us to the _______.

A. restriction B. border C. limit D. frontier

224. She loves reading – she always has her _______ in a book.
have one’s nose in a book: lúc nào cũng đọc sách

225. I couldn’t come to your party as the date _______ with my holiday.

A. clashed B. struck C. opposed D. occured

226. Amanda was upset by his rejection, but decided to _______ the past behind her and get on with
her life.

A. push B. fix C. drop D. put

227. It has taken them all this time to _______ on a name for their baby.

A. decide B. conclude C. assent D. consent

228. It was _______ plain to the new employees that they should be polite to the customers.

A. put B. stated C. made D. explained

229. The only thing they felt he was capable of was _______ film reviews.

A. writing in B. turning out C. signing off D. summing up

230. Roads were _______ as police searched for the escaped prisoner.

A. washed up B. cut off C. sealed off D. kept out


1. Administrative staff may be _______ through increased automation and efficiency. (SKILL)

2. The changes are _______, and will not produce a noticeable effect for 15 to 20 years. (INSIDE)

3. _______  students could understand easily what the teacher explained to them. (BRAIN)

4. Once a person has attained _______  status in the eyes of the world, it is very hard to break it.

5. Fatigue and boredom combine to cause _______ - one of the biggest reasons people quit. (BURN)

6. After the recent scandal, he faces a(n) _______ struggle to win back public support before the next
election. (HILL)

7. The figure of total group _______ exactly balances out with the total income. (GO)

8. His book is about Shakespeare's style without getting too involved in the _______ of Shakespeare's
language. (MINUTE)
9. The religious conservatives are not _______ of the West and its values. (AMOUR)

10. It is said that one woman in five is a(n) _______. Today, pressure usually pushes millions of
women to buy beyond their means as an outlet for their frustration. (SHOP)

11. A conservation focus on preserving ecosystems not only saves large numbers of species (including
___________(CHARISMA) species that do not receive public support) but also preserves the support
systems that maintain life.

12. The one thing that can be said in favour is that it sends vegans and animal rights activists
___________ (CANDLE)  with rage.

13. Jargon is a loaded word. One dictionary defined it, neatly and neutrally, as ‘the technical
vocabulary or idiom of a special activity or group’, but this sense is almost completely overshadowed
by another: ‘obscure and often ___________ (PRETEND)  language marked by a ___________
(ROUND)  way of expression and use of long words’. It is an essential part of the network of
occupations and pursuits that make up society. It is also the chief linguistic element which shows
professional awareness (‘know-how’) and social ___________ (TOGETHER)   (‘shoptalk’).

If jargon is so essential a part of our lives, why then has it had such a bad press? The most important
reason stems from the way jargon can exclude as well as include. We may not be too concerned if we
find ourselves faced with a(n) ___________ (PENETRATE)  wall of jargon when the subject matter
has little perceived relevance to our everyday lives, as in the case of ___________ (HYDRO), say, or
linguistics. But when the subject matter is one where we feel implicated, and think we have a right to
know, and the speaker uses words which make it hard for us to understand, then we start to complain;
and if we suspect that the obfuscation is deliberate policy, we ___________ (RESERVE)  condemn,
labelling it gobbledegook and calling down public derision upon it. 

No area is exempt, but the fields of advertising, politics and defence have been especially criticized in
recent years by the various campaigns for Plain English. In these domains, the extent to which people
are prepared to use jargon to hide realities is a ready source of amusement, disbelief and horror. A lie
is a lie, which can be only temporarily hidden by calling it an ‘___________ (OPERATE) statement’
or ‘an instance of plausible ___________ (DENY)’. Nor can a nuclear plant explosion be suppressed
for long behind such phrases as ‘energetic ___________ (ASSEMBLE) ’, ‘abnormal evolution’ or
‘plant ___________ (TRANSIT)  ’.

14. The manifesto is long-winded, ___________ and often ambiguous or poorly drafted. (REPEAT)

15. He mistrusted ravishment by charm, spiritual appeal, force, wit or other ___________. (BLAND)

16. Apart from a few fanatics, there was a general ___________ to apply the laws directed against
them. (INCLINE)

17. Tests at the age of seven provide a ___________ against which the child's progress at school can
be measured. (MARK)

18. They were an average family living a boring life in a(n) ___________ little house in the suburbs.

19. She has written a(n) ___________ account of the modern art world. (SEE)

20. The competition challenges students around the world to come up an innovative and
___________  business gift. (TREND)

21. Lisette came back from holiday in New York with a(n) ___________ asymmetric haircut.

22. He tends to adopt a(n) ___________ manner when talking to young women. (DESCEND)
23. The motive behind such words is austere rather than ___________. (SNOB)

26. She was sitting apart from those who had once been her friends, her eyes ___________ and her
cheeks blazing. (DOWN)

27. Then Alvin endured a long, ___________wait for a flight back to New York late that night.

28. Berlusconi was ___________ by Travaglio's claim that he had colluded with the Mafia. (RAGE)

29. They can be ___________ and hypersensitive to rejection, and their social skills are, as yet,
underdeveloped. (TOUCH)

30. Everyone was in a fairly constant state of ___________ anticipation and nervousness throughout
the tour. (EDGE)

31. The potential for a recession across most regions of the world will have ramifications for the
prospects of expatriates in ___________ employment. (GAIN)

32. In the past, the majority of women were consigned to a lifetime of ___________ and poverty.

33. A(n) ___________ ensued at the lab, and Angeli was convicted this week of disorderly conduct
and malicious destruction of property. (ALTER)

34. This had all the makings of another long-running ___________ dispute, when again wider
political events quite unexpectedly overtook the controversy. (ACRID)

35. The ___________ of the community to the king is evident and reflects perhaps the resentment of a
dependent people. (ANIMUS)

36. She had enjoyed the ___________ of colleagues, and the mild flirtation which often underlay it.

37. She used her ___________ skills to get along with her remote grandfather, who provided so little
company for her grandmother. (RECONCILE)

38. Although a number of concessions helped ___________ minority nationalists, the most militant
remained unreconciled. (PACE)

39. It encouraged experimenters to propose ___________ or novel approaches to problems. (BEAT)

40. The Qin's extremism was also its ___________ and it was soon replaced by the more enduring
Han dynasty, which sought compromise with aristocratic elites and legitimation through a revived
Confucianism. (DO)

41. In spite of his overnight ___________  he still manages to keep his feet on the ground. (STAR)

42. He was a modest and ___________ man who never gave the impression that he knew all the
answers. (ASSUME)

43. Barry worried that working for a woman would ___________ him in his girlfriend's eyes.

44. For all his reclusiveness, moreover, Mr. Salinger has none of the sage's ___________; his manner
is a big and showy one, given to tours-de-force and to large emotional gestures. (FACE)

45. These side effects have forced researchers to seek alternative medications to ___________,
augment or delay traditional therapy. (PLANT)
46. The government is facing an angry ___________ from voters over the new tax. (LASH)

47. While parents provide a ___________ for many women in poverty, they are not always an
unproblematic source of help. (LINE)

48. Is there any news about the _______ at the central bank this morning? (HOLD)

49. Geogre said it was the worst film he had seen in ages, but it got an excellent _______ in the press.
I think we should go and see it. (WRITE)

50. The House of Representatives approved the budget, with 52 votes in favour, 16 against and 12
_______ (ABSTAIN)

51. They were enraged at the _______ of a policeman accused of murder. (ACQUIT)

52. The individuality, immediacy and _______ in computer games satisfy the needs from these
people. (MIMIC)

53. His cartoons _______ lampooned the leading politicians of his time. (MERCY)

54. We are disappointed by her approaching this matter so _______. (AMATEUR)

55. It was sheer _______ to try to drive through the mountains in that thunderstorm. (SANE)

56. He is a totally _______ person who deliberately defies all standards. (MORAL)

57. The _______ nations carved up the defeated country into several parts,each taking an equal share.

58. They have a duty to set the record straight, otherwise they are conniving at _______. (FALSE)

59. Cancer is perceived as a heterogeneous group of diseases that is characterized by _______

patterns of gene expression. (ERR)

60. She did not reply, but sat with crimson cheeks and _______ eyes. (CAST)

61. I've been hearing about your _______ reputation for a long time, and greatly respect you.

62. The national orchestra gave a(n) _______  performance of classic music. (ELECTRIC)

63. The law is vulnerable to being manipulated or abused to serve injustice, and vulture lawyers
simply rape the law and prostitute justice to serve the _______ and guilty for profit. (SCRUPLE)

64. While such mentalistic constructions may sound _______ at first sight, they are justified in three
ways. (PLAUDIT)

65. If you are a reckless, unrestrained and emotionally _______ person, you are more likely to lose
your future. (IMPEL)

66. Emmanuel suffered a(n) _______ two weeks later and was taken to the hospital shackled and
handcuffed. (CARRY)

67. There was an embarrassing silence after her _______ remark but she was able to laugh it off.

68. His lack of qualifications was taken as a sign of a(n) _______ youth. (SPEND)
69. Psychologists are dealing with the problem of _______ adolescence and " juvenile delinquency ".

70. After the Soviet Union _______ in 1991, the protests escalated into war. (INTEGRATE)

71. The _______ happened in thick fog and caused a seven-mile tailback on the motorway. (PILE)

72. I had a(n) _______ time reading your latest article about the Western moron who cheated on his
Chinese wife and subsequently got himself pretty roughed up by her paid muscle. (WRACK)

73. We had to listen to another of his _______ stories of his days as a soldier. (TERMINATE)

74. There is a(n) _______ resemblance between this reasoning and that which had earlier led John
Dalton to an atomic theory of chemistry. (CAN)

75. The scan shown here indicates _______ metabolism and blood flow in the brain's emotional
center. (FUNCTION)

76. The children were _______ at the thought of going to the seaside on holiday. (JOY)

77. Alvin met the genial master poet Langston Hughes, who became a lifelong friend and _______.

78. A bomb was _______ at the last moment, after the fuse had been lit. (ACT)

79. It has to be said it was rather _______ of him to ask a complete stranger to look after his luggage.

80. Their inability to work together for the good of the republic would only increase the peoples'
_______ about government. (CYNICAL)

81. Before the war the _______ output was produced in mass for a prospective demand. (PONDER)

82. She had enjoyed the _______ of colleagues, and the mild flirtation which often underlay it.

83. The _______ voluntarily agrees to undertake the legal risk of harm at his own expense. (PLAINT)

84. Online funerals would not retain the ashes, but set up an online cemetery and memorialize the
deceased by posting an _______ and funeral messages. (OBIT)

85. The taxpayer received not only a capital sum when the companies were sold but now also receives
a substantial annual _______. (DIVIDE)

86. The next government will play an energetic role in seeking multilateral nuclear _______. (ARM)

87. Upholders of the scientific faith shudder at the implications of having to mix it with such _______
subjective and impure elements. (REDEEM)

88. A(n) _______ public consultation paper will be issued this autumn and a more fundamental public
discussion paper will be distributed next spring. (PREPARE)

89. We have a number of technical publications on various oil products including lubricants, bitumen,
and _______ petroleum gas. (LIQUID)

90. The lawyer was disbarred from practice when he was round guilty of _______ acts. (LAW)

91. Even today a man who stays at home to look after the children is regarded as something of a(n)
_______. (ODD)
92. Avoid detached signatures, unless they are of extreme _______ and unimpeachable authenticity.

93. In order to produce the ______ effect of losing weight permanently, you must alter your eating
habits. (DESIRE)

94. Environmentalists fear that this is a(n) _______ approach to the problem of global warming.

95. Typically the various stimuli are presented concurrently, each associated with a different outcome
or requiring a different response. (CONCUR)

96. It's one of the most difficult problems _______ our modern way of life. (SET)

97. It was announced that the times were _______ and subject to confirmation.(PROVIDE)

98. The government is facing an angry _______ from voters over the new tax. (LASH)

99. The Chancellor was forced into a humiliating _______ on his economic policies. (CLIMB)

100. People in his office view him with respect as some one who is _______ and does not choose to
join in casual conversation.  (CONTAIN)

101. In China, the persistence of a(n) _______ currency has over the years effectively subsidised
exports. (VALUE)

102. She's still carrying all that emotional _______ from her first marriage. (BAG)

103. He had a highly _______  memory and was an accomplished and lively speaker. (RETAIN)

104. Look forward to the future, we _______ bright prospect for China's development. (VISION)

105. I understand that, because the proposals were so ludicrous, there was no _______ to justify them.

106. The foreigners in Ottawa constitute a(n) _______ threat to the integrity and autonomy of our
province. (OMEN)

107. The school is acknowledged as providing equal access and _______ to a rich and varied
curriculum. (TITLE)

108. Candidates found guilty of malpractice were liable to be _______ and banned from holding
elective office for 10 years. (FRANCHISE)

109. The country had been _______ from thirteen years of middle-level Conservative rule of
reasonable efficiency, modest dynamism but small-power idealism. (MANCIPLE)

110. The customer doesn't need to pay a large _______ licensing fee. They only need to pay recurring
subscription fees. (FRONT)

111. Like the _______ theft-proof bicycle by Chris Boardman, the Nulla has no hubs or chain drive
for perhaps the sleekest, most futuristic look yet. (MINIMAL)

112. Davison's investments failed, leaving the family in _______ circumstances when he died in
1893. (STRAIT)

113. He raved about the _______ punishment made by the manager regarding his fault. (JUST)

114. This proposal was _______ to the one we discussed at the last meeting. (ANALOGY)
115. Some things are ________ true: Water is wet, gra is green (kind of), dogs bark and houses prices
rise, (ALIEN)

116. By 1980 the Republican Party platform had become antiabortion; and a president who pledged
to  ________ (law) abortion altogether had been elected.

117. An eight-month inquiry by the all party group on ________ found frontline public servants could
be less likely to fall ill with stress, or quit altogether, if they engage in the increasingly popular
meditation practice. (MIND)

118. In the UK, the ratio of people of working age to people over 65 could fall from 3.7 to 1 in 1999
to 2.1 to 1 in 2040. This suggests a very big increase in the ________ ratio and is consequently a
cause for concern because with current spending pension commitments, it will place a higher burden
on the shrinking working population. (DEPEND) 

119. Since their interest in the past was primarily ________, precise knowledge of actual events and
when they happened was not required. (MORAL)

120. A ___________ is an instrument that separates light into a frequency spectrum and records the
signal using a camera. (SPECTRUM)

121. The journal Public Money and Management contains ________ articles covering the whole of
the public sector. (TOPIC)

122. Although geographically linked, the two provinces have long fought for political ________.

123. Tribromoethanol has been reported to be ________ to the viscera of mice and this can cause
intestinal problems and death. (IRRITATE)

124. It had been a warm ________ day in early October and she, Alex and her father were working in
the garden. (AUTUMN)

125. Jess, watching Midnight, saw him glance swiftly from one to another, his look cold, even
________. (SCORN)

126. Many of the traditions are ________ of a time when most people worked on the land. (REMAIN)

127. If you join the armed forces, you have to pledge ________ to your country. (ALLAY)

128. Extending democracy at the ________ level is the groundwork for developing socialist
democracy. (ROOT)

129. I am sure that I will study abroad, but I will come back to build my country," 16-year-old
________ rocket scientist Katherine Lee says with conviction. (WANT)

130. The story of the Internet is one of piecewise relinquishment of government control and ________
of private individuals and organizations. (POWER)

131. The message is clear and concise and displays no ________ that one would expect to find in
more courtly love scenes. (VERB)

132. He talked with the ________ authority of the head of the family. (MAGISTRATE)

133. Methods Twenty three patients who had undergone ________ proctocolectomy with ileal
reservoir were included in the study.

134. Reduction in government spending will ________ further cuts in public services.
135. Ever since she was a child, she has had (a) ________ for spicy food. (DILIGENT)

136. Not only was it gaudy in appearance but the smell wafting from the kitchen was distinctly
________. (ODOR)

137. It may take patience, but it is important to be ________ about what sort of home you are
prepared to inhabit. (FASH)

138. Small wonder if their son grew up with a taste for ________ pursuits, warlike deeds and
sometimes foolhardy enterprise. (CHIVALRY)

139. I ever felicitate myself secretly that I won't make ________ remarks or be hurt by them.

140. A proportion of ________ waves was noted in patients who had undergone surgery 10 or more
years previously. (PROPEL)

141. It is essential that tutors provide a good service ________ with the fees being charged to students
and/or their employers. (MEASURE)

142. The power of red wine to ________  high cholesterol has been ballyhooed in the press. (ACT)

143. A previous knowledge of computing may be of some advantage initially but is not (a) ________
for entry to the course. (REQUIRE)

144. Ministries send in monthly reports which are ________  and submitted to the Chancellor via the
state secretaries. (NOTE)

145. When millions watch the same programs, the whole world becomes a village, and society is
reduced to the condition which obtain in ________ communities. (LITERACY)

146. They were sturdy and wooden; quite beautiful in their ________, utilitarian lines. (CLOT)

147. It is also suggested that ________ learning associated with employment may have been of value
to these students. (EXPERIENCE)

148. It was very difficult to ________ the story of the revolution in a single one-hour documentary.

149. The only victors in a ________ clash between the president and the assembly would be the
hardliners on both sides. (HEAD)

150. We should make ________ use of the resources available to us. (JUDGE)


Motivations for censorship of the internet range from (151) ________ (intend) desires, to protect
children from unsuitable content to (152) ________ (authority) attempts to control a nation’s access to
political opinion. Many countries around the world have implemented extensive filtering systems to
curb the perceived (153) ________ (law) of the medium. Many others are debating the (154) 
________ (act) of similar measures.

The OpenNet Initiative (ONI) is an organization dedicated to informing the public about Internet
(155) ________ (survey) and filtering policies around the world. Its mission is to uncover the
potential pitfalls and (156) ________ (meditate) consequences of Internet censorship and thus help to
better (157) ________ (light) public policy in this area. The ONI (158) ________ (value) the breadth
and depth of Internet censorship in seventy-four countries in four areas of activity: political, social,
Internet tools and conflict/security. The level of (159) ________ (tamper) in each area is given a rank
ranging from “No evidence of filtering” to (160) “________ (pervade) filtering. 

161. Greenpeace applied for a(n) ________ review to challenge the court's decision. (JUDGE)

162. The President authorizes the ________ use of military force to protect our citizens. (JUDGE)

163. The people of the district rose up in arms and reinstated the abbot, but their triumph was
________. (LIVE)

164. The process of the ________ root formation in grape cuttings can be divided into six periods.

165. Mr Mandela was the symbolic leader of the ________black majority. (FRANCHISE)

166. The special session will run ________ with the regular legislative session beginning today.

167. The solutions below are descriptions of how these issues have been ________ solved and may
serve as a pattern to help you on your next project. (RECUR)

168. We and those of our class act 'rationally' in our fertility regulating behaviour, they act
irrationally, irresponsibly, without ________ or knowledge. (THOUGHT)

169. She had had the ________ to prepare herself financially in case of an accident. (SIGHT)

170. Rock was a roly-poly detective who looked like a no-hoper but who always ________ the
opposition with sly brilliance. (WIT)

171. She underwent a heart ________ in a last-ditch attempt to save her. (PLANT)

172. The cold has made already ________ living conditions even worse. (STANDARD)

173. Hospitals are on ________ ready to deal with casualties being flown in from the crash site.

174. The opposing counsel then has a last opportunity to ________ the witness to address facts
brought out in redirect examination. (EXAMINE)

175. The investigator said the killings were the result of poor procedure by trigger-happy police rather
than ________ murder. (MEDITATE)

176. An entire society was ________ and destroyed, vanishing into the high mountains never to
return. (ROOT)

177. Women are caught in a double bind, ________ in the community if they are not wives and
mothers, under excessive pressure to be perfect if they are. (MARGIN)

178. Coffee houses flourished as meeting points for endless discussions of the latest news, indulging
in raucous ________ (AGREE) and for the ________ (LUCRE) business of buying and selling
insurance ships, stocks and commodities.

179. In 1988 there were several well-publicised cases of young people committing suicide apparently
because of ________ love (QUIT)

180. Racial hatred has been a powerful ________ in the country's history. (CURRENT)

181. The earliest written records were simply ________ representations of natural objects, such as
birds and animals. (PICTURE)
182. The ________ on the stone tablet has been rubbed away by the hands of countless tourists over
the centuries. (SCRIPT)

183. Redundancy payment, or a golden ________ in lieu of notice, up to the value of £ 30,000.

The European Court of Justice

The European Court of Justice has ruled that workers who become ill during their holidays have the
right to take additional paid time off later. The Luxembourg-based court stated that “the purpose of
(40. TITLE) __________ to paid annual leave is to enable the worker to rest and enjoy a period of
relaxation and leisure. The purpose of sick leave is different. It is to enable a worker to recover from
an (41. AIL) __________ that has caused him to be unfit for work.” It concluded that it would be
arbitrary and (42. CONTRADICT) __________ to the purpose of paid annual leave to deny workers
holiday time in exchange for time spent sick.

Business groups in the UK warn that applying the courts’ rules will be detrimental to the wider UK
economy and say that the rulings (43. LINE) __________  the need for Britain’s ministers to resist the
court. But, unfortunately, while the UK has an opt-out on parts of the (44. DIRECT)  __________ that
the ruling relates to, it has no exemption on sick pay and holiday.

The UK government estimates that adopting the rules will cost British employers more than £100
million annually. The UK’s Business Secretary described the court’s rulings as “an unnecessary
burden on businesses” and “completely (45. DEFEND) __________ during a time of economic

The Best Medicine

If you feel stressed or unhappy, nothing, say researchers, is as therapeutic as laughing. A good, (40.
HEART) __________ laugh relieves physical tension and stress, leaving your muscles relaxed for up
to 45 minutes afterwards. Not only that, laughing triggers the release of endorphins – the body’s ‘feel-
good’ chemicals – so it can provide temporary relief from pain. Laughter even increases infection-
fighting antibodies, thus improving your resistance to disease. But the best thing about this (41.
PRICE) __________  medicine that has so much power to heal and renew is that it’s fun, free, and
available in abundance.

One of the best ways to increase the amount of time you spend laughing each day is to hang out with
entertaining, (42. MISCHIEF) __________ people. These are people who laugh easily – both at
themselves and at life’s absurdities. Laughter is contagious, so just hearing others laugh primes your
brain and readies you to smile. What’s more, the ‘feel-good’ emotion you get when you laugh will
remain with you long after your laughter (40. SIDE) _________.

The ability to laugh easily and frequently is a tremendous resource for (40. COME) __________
problems and improving both physical and emotional health.

So, go on! Bring your body and mind back into (40. EQUAL) __________  - laugh!


Centenarians (people aged 100+ years) exhibit (40. MARK) __________ delayed disability. It seems
to manifest only towards the end of their very long lives, at an average age of 93 years. In one study
of centenarians, 15% had no clinically (41. DEMONSTRATE) __________ disease at age 100 years
and 43% did not exhibit age-related disease until age 80 years or older. In short, living to 100 seems
to be advantageous not just in years of survival, but in years of quality life.

Interestingly, centenarians appear to have little in common, varying widely when it comes to diet,
education, ethnicity and socioeconomic status. Still, studies have revealed some (42. COMMON)
__________. Very few centenarians are obese. Most have first degree relatives who also achieve
exceptional age, indicating genetic factors are strongly involved in (43. LONG) __________.
Substantial smoking history is usually rare. Finally, most centenarians have the personality traits of
(44. EXTRAVERT) __________ and serenity; despite life’s ups and downs, they seem better able to
maintain a positive outlook and handle stress better than the majority of the population.

But one characteristic marks out centenarians (45. DISPUTE) __________ : gender. Some 85% of
centenarians are women. Among supercentenarians (those aged 110 or older), the figure is 90%.

A DVD Review

Breathtaking underwater footage and detailed scientific explanations make Cuttlefish: Kings of
Camouflage a documentary DVD well worth buying. For those who don’t know, cuttlefish are
nature’s (40. RIVAL) __________ masters of camouflage – creatures that can, in a fraction of a
second, alter their skin colour, pattern and texture to match any background. Viewers are sure to be
(41. FIX) __________ by the astonishing underwater scenes in this documentary that capture the (42.
INSTANT) __________ physical transformations cuttlefish undergo as they move about the sea floor.

But don’t be fooled. Cuttlefish: Kings of Camouflage is so much more than spectacular wildlife
photography. Riveting commentary from expert scientists educates viewers on the latest research into
these (43. CAPTIVE) __________ creatures. The information provided is both entertaining and (44.
LIGHT) __________. In short, the producers of Cuttlefish: Kings of Camouflage have (45. DO)
__________ themselves. This is a documentary that asks, and prompts, questions. Most importantly,
it is a documentary that allows us a privileged glimpse into the secret world of one of nature’s most
remarkable creatures.


Handsome and sensitive, Nero made a good start as emperor, but before long he gave in to wild
extravagance and his rule ended violently. Today, Nero’s name is a byword for (40. RULE)
__________ and debauchery. A brutal and (41. TYRANT) __________ leader, Nero practised every
sort of obscenity. During his reign, he became famous for his many executions – including that of his
own mother – and his countless perverse and (42. SPEAK) __________ acts of violence. History
famously remembers him as the emperor who merrily ‘fiddled whilst the whole of Rome burned’,
although many historians now consider this an inaccurate rumour.

Born in 37 AD, Nero was the only surviving direct male descendant of the emperor Augustus. It is
difficult to determine to what extent Nero was mentally (43. BALANCE) __________ , but one thing
is certain: absolute power corrupted him. By the final years of his rule, a high-level (44. CONSPIRE)
__________ to assassinate him had emerged. In 68 AD, the Senate declared Nero a ‘public enemy’
which meant anyone could kill him without punishment. Upon learning that his execution was
imminent, a terrified Nero fled Rome and committed suicide. Disputes over his (45. SUCCEED)
__________ quickly led to civil war, as Nero had left no heirs.


Most snap judgements about people are formed on the basis of their facial features. The eyes,
regarded as clues to one’s true character, are said (41. POETRY) __________  to be the windows of
the soul: closely positioned, they imply (42. SLY) __________; set wide apart they suggest honesty
and (43. DIRECT) __________. Thin mouths are equated with meanness and full mouths with (44.
SENSE) __________. Unconsciously, we make such instant judgements and they are made about us.
There is no hiding place for the face. Always exposed and vulnerable, it involuntarily expresses
happiness, desire and joy, anger, fear, shame and (45. LOATHE). Precisely for that reason, a masked
face evokes fear and horror: once someone’s distinguishing (46. CHARACTER) __________ are
hidden, we cannot read or recognise the person and fear of the unknown immediately arouses
The Cat

The house cat, Felis catus, is a small furry animal much valued by humans for both (39. COMPANY)
__________ and its skill at hunting vermin. Although there is some uncertainty as to when cats and
humans first developed a (40. SYMBIOSIS) __________ relationship, there have been instances of
cat (41. DOMESTIC) __________ since as early as the Neolithic era, at least. It is believed that cats
may have an inborn (42. DISPOSE) __________ towards tameness and, according to some
researchers may have actively sought human company and inveigled their way into early human (43.
SETTLE) __________. It is debatable as to whether cats were really valued for their ability to keep
pest numbers down but there is no doubt that there are few creatures who can hunt as (44. GRACE)
__________. With lithe, flexible bodies and sharp retractable claws, cats are eminently suited to
stealth attacks on prey and are (45. EXAMPLE) __________ predators.

Lloyd Webber Musicals

Andrew Lloyd Webber, whose rock-based compositions helped (40. VITAL) __________ English
musical theatre in the late 20th century, began his career while still at Oxford University. It was there
that he formed a partnership with Timothy Rice and they began putting on productions. Their first
(41. NOTE) __________ successful venture was Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat, a
children's pop oratorio that earned worldwide (42. CLAIM) __________. Then came the rock opera
Jesus Christ Superstar, a controversial look at Jesus's life story that became one of the longest running
shows in British (43. THEATRE) __________ history. Evita was Lloyd Webber's final collaboration
with Rice and for his next production, Cats, he used two (44. LYRIC) __________, Hart and Stilgoe.
He then composed a hugely successful version of Phantom of the Opera. Lloyd Webber's productions
have always been flashy spectacles and much of his success is due to his ability to blend such varied
and dissimilar genres as rock and roll, English music hall song and (45. OPERA) __________ forms
into music with a wide mass appeal.

With Many Thanks

Many people have given assistance to me during the writing of this book, but it is to Ms Leigh Keith,
senior editor of Ramsay and Brown that I am most deeply (41. DEBT) __________ to for her loyalty
and encouragement during the four years the project lasted. She gave her time and advice (42. STINT)
__________ in order for this work to be completed, giving both moral and practical support for the
lengthy research into social conditions the project (43. NECESARY) __________. Her confidence in
me sustained me in my belief that this was valuable work and it was undoubtedly what enabled me to
continue in the face of often discouraging circumstances.

I must also thank my father, who has been a willing collaborator in all my efforts and who spent long
hours in libraries and on trains to distant parts of the country in search of material. I know that he will
say he enjoyed it, but without his (44. FLAG) __________ enthusiasm this book would never have
seen the light of day. Finally, I would like to give my friends and family the recognition they so richly
deserve. They have had to put up with what must have seemed to them an (45. EXCEPT) __________
long drawn-out piece of writing. Thank you, all of you, very much.

Hiking in the Countryside

Winter in the British countryside can be very brutal but it has such (41. BREATH) __________
beauty that for many people (42. GO) __________  the pleasure of long country walks is out of the
question, however severe the weather.

Fortunately, there is a very wide range of hiking gear from which to choose, from the traditional
waxed jackets to modern Gore-tex clothing and footwear. But, (43. RESPECT) __________   of your
clothing preferences, of all your priorities, the main one should be to keep warm and dry. Layering
clothing is a good idea. Start with thermal underwear topped with an outer shell of jackets and
overtrousers in (44. PERMEATE) __________ fabrics that keep out the wind and rain but don’t make
you sweat. Even in wet weather, rubber boots are unsuitable for proper long walks. You will need
good boots with ankle support and good traction. A small rucksack of around 20-litre capacity is fine
for short walks but the intrepid hiker will need a substantially larger one of up to 40 litres. Hikers’
rucksacks have been considerably (45. LIGHT) __________  in recent years as more and more
lightweight fabrics have been developed.


How often have we heard how technology is making us (41. SOCIAL)__________? But what about
the other less identifiable effects technology is having on us? Take, for instance, the cherry-picking of
information on search engines, which often confirms users’ (42. EXIST) __________ beliefs,
allowing them to construct views irrespective of what is proven. This 4)  (43. REPRESENT)
__________ of facts can be dangerous in (44. POLE) __________ society. Then there are small but
undeniably significant effects on our memory. Information is no longer being memorized with
answers only a click away. Few people commit phone numbers to memory, relying instead on their
smartphones, in contrast to the pre-tech days when people had countless numbers in their heads. The
result is our recollection of information has (45. MARK) __________ deteriorated.

Dickens and his world

It was with the circulation of Pickwick Papers in 1836 that young Dickens began to enjoy a truly (1.
PRECEDENT) _________ ascent into the favour of the British reading public. He magnificently (2.
PROVE) _________ a theory that his fame would disappear just as quickly as it had come. He
remained until his death 34 years later (3. DENY) _________ the most popular novelist the English-
speaking world had ever known.
The public displayed a/an (4. SATIATE) _________  appetite for his works, and there was
also a great diffusion of them through (5. NUMBER) _________ dramatic adaptations (nearly all
completely (6. AUTHORITY) _________ the copyright laws being much weaker in those days).
His immense popularity was based on the widespread perception of him as a great champion
of the poor and the (7. POSSESS) _________ against all forms of (8. JUST) _________ and abuse of
power. In his personal life, however, he was (9. CAPACITY) _________ of achieving the level of
fulfilment he enjoyed with the public, and all his close emotional relationships with women (10.
VARY) _________ ended in failure. Yet, he created an extraordinary range and variety of female
characters who live on in our minds and culture unlike any others created by Victorian novelists


One of the most lethal poisons on Earth,ten thousand times more  (0) deadly than cyanide is
tetrodotoxin, more concisely known as TTX. Its potency is well known in East Asia, where it
regularly kills (1- DINE) __________  who have braved the capricious (2- DELICATE) ________
known as fugu or pufferfish.

This toxin has a (3- TERROR) ________ method of operation: twenty-five minutes after exposure it
begins to (4- PARALYSIS) _______its victims, leaving the victim fully aware of what is happening.
Death usually results, within hours, from suffocation or heart failure.

There is no known antidote. If lucky patients can (5- STAND) ________ the symptoms for twenty-
four hours, they usually recover without further (6-COMPLICATE) _________It is no ordinary

What is strange about its (7-OCCUR)_______is that it is found in such a wide range of creatures,
from algae to angelfish spanning entire kingdoms of life. It is rather unlikely that such an unusual
toxin evolved (8-DEPEND)________in so many unrelated animals.

Marine biologists have discovered that the poison is produced by bacteria living in the gut of its host.
The best explanation is that a (9-SYMBIONT) ________ relationship exists between host and not the
unwelcome guest, where microbes exchange poison for nutrients, providing a valuable (10-DEFEND)
________weapon for its host.

The UN predicts over-60s will outnumber under-15s by 2050. In a (1- START) __________ report,
titled 'Ageing in the 21st Century: a celebration and a challenge', the UN revealed that the number of
people over 60 is set to hit 2 billion by 2050, and the number of (2- CENTURY) __________ is set to
rise nearly tenfold to three million. Population ageing is a (3- PRODUCE) __________of the
demographic transition in which both mortality and fertility decline from higher to lower levels.
Currently, the total fertility rate is below (4- PLACE) __________ levels in virtually all industrialised
countries. As life expectancy increases across the planet, thanks to welcome advances in healthcare
and rising economic prosperity., it is imperative that countries start preparing now so that they can
adequately care for their over-60s in the years to come. The social and economic (5- IMPLY)
__________ of population ageing are profound and nations across the world will be affected in (6-
PRECEDE) __________ways. For example, there will be major challenges for nations in areas ilke
healthcare and pensions. Developing countries especially need to start preparing as (7- PROJECT)
__________ show 80% of the world's elderly will live in less developed regions by 2050. The UN
also predicts a very large increase in age.related chronic disease across the world. In a few decades,
the loss of health worldwide will actually be greater from (8- COMMUNICATE) __________ or
chronic diseases (e.g. cardiovascular disease, cancer, arthritis) than from infectious diseases for the
first time in history.


Historically called radium F, the element polonium-210 (Po-210) is a naturally-occurring radioactive

element that emits highly harzardous alpha particles. Po-210 was discovered in 1898 by Marie and
Pierre Curie. It is (1- EXCEED) __________ rare in nature (tiny amounts exist in the soil and in the
atmosphere) and it does not (2- CUSTOM) __________ present a risk to humans. Today, Po-210 is
studied in nuclear research laboratories where its high radioactivity requires special handling
techniques and (3- CAUTIOUS) __________. Po-210 is fantastically toxic but it does not represent a
risk to human health, as long as it remains outside the body. Internal exposure is the concern. In order
to get into the human body, Po-210 must be ingested or inhaled as It cannot pass through the skin. 

It has been known since the 1960s that Po-210 is present in tobacco smoke as a contaminant. Tobacco
plants which are fertilised with phosphate fertilisers absorb Po-210 through their roots. Even though
direct root (4- TAKE) __________ of Po-210 by tobacco plants is small, Po-210 is still estimated to
cause some 11,700 lung cancer deaths annually worldwide. (5- DEPOSIT) __________ of Po-10 from
the atmosphere on tobacco leaves also results in elevated concentrations of Po-210 in tobacco smoke.


Exercise 1: 
The Great Gatsby is F. Scott Fitzgerald's epic masterpiece about the death of the American Dream in
the 1920s. It is a tragic romance story that takes place during the summer of 1922 and is 1)_______
on Long Island in New York City.

The book begins when the novel’s hero, Nick Carraway, moves from Minnesota to his new home on
Long Island Sound. His house is on a fictionalised island called West Egg, which is situated in
between decadent beachside homes, and 2)_______ the bay from East Egg, an even classier and richer

When Carraway meets the man who is the namesake of the book, Jay Gatsby, he is dazzled by the
3)_______ of his lifestyle, completely awash with awe and envy. Nick soon finds out that even a man
so popular as Gatsby cannot break the 4)_______ ceiling when it comes to certain social barriers,
because of his own questionable past and lineage. Fitzgerald wrote this book about the 5)_______
known later as the Jazz Age, which was a time of glitter and decadence.

A few of the more prominent themes throughout the book are that of social class, war, and of course,
the unending 6)_______ for the American Dream. Social or moral values, or the lack of them, also
play a huge part in the fabric of the book’s 7)_______. Many times Fitzgerald provides example of
the decaying moral values of the characters, and how this affects their lives and the lives of those
around them. 

Many themes are dealt with in this book, which are still 8)_______ to the world today. This is one of
the reasons why the book is considered to be one of the most important and influential 9)_______ of
classic literature of our time. It is a book that is certain to engross readers and give them 10)_______
for thought.

Exercise 2:
We are by 1)_______ social animals. The social bonds we establish play a vital role in defining us and
2)_______ the way we develop as individuals. They contribute to our emotional growth and help
3)_______ that emotional void which we experience when we are deprived of the company of other
individuals like ourselves. 4)_______ in social interaction is not only a practical necessity but a basic
part of being human. For instance, contact and experimentation with our social environment is what
5)_______ the learning process. Aspects of our human nature that are attributed primarily to social
factors are 6)_______ of behaviour and the development of emotional intelligence. The latter helps us
identify, assess and handle our emotions. It is thus 7)_______ makes essentially human and
distinguishes us from other living beings. When nurtured, it awakens social awareness, which is the
feeling that one is not alone but 8)_______ of a whole, and it strengthens feelings of solidarity
amongst us. This acts as an emotional 9)_______ by making us feel that no matter what may happen,
we are in this together, our common goal being 10)_______ of survival. 

Exercise 3: 

We live in an 1)______ dominated by an increasing dependence on technological innovations. It is for

this reason that younger generations find it virtually impossible to imagine a 2)_______ without the
convenience and comfort they provide us with. Small wonder 3)_______ that when asked to forecast
what life will be like in the future, they come up with something that sounds as if it’s been 4)_______
out of a science-fiction book. But this description is actually not the product of an unbridled
5)_______. Based on the present speed at which breakthroughs are being made, it’s actually a fairly
accurate prediction. It looks as if technology will have the 6)_______ hand, and in all likelihood, fully
automated systems will substitute for people in all areas. People will take the back 7)_______ and
instead of beavering 8)_______  at work we will be able to take advantage of the time made available
to us to engage in more recreational activities. Utilising this time constructively will be a feat in
9)_______. Perhaps a care of too much of a good thing. Things might just come to the point where,
from time to time, we will 10)_______  about the good old days.

Exercise 4: 

Mankind’s unquenchable 1)______ for knowledge, our intrepid spirit and our unbridled imagination
have helped us excel in leaps and bounds. They have been the 2)______ force behind many
innovative discoveries and inventions Our success has undoubtedly empowered us and this has made
us bold enough to set our 3)______ on the ultimate goal, that of eternal youth and perhaps, even
eternal life. But how do we intend to transcend the theoretical limits placed upon us by the natural
4)______ of things? Well, we hope to harness the inherent 5)______ of stem cells. You see, stem cells
are not just ordinary cells. They are the cells that have the capacity to develop into different cell types,
and are capable of repairing as well as replenishing other cells 6)______ as long as the person or
animal is alive. This 7)______ feat, if achieved, will have a profound impact on mankind as a range of
practical applications will be made available to us. We will be in a 8)______ not only to do away with
our body’s normal wear and tear, which may be likened to its natural tendency to self-destruct, but
also to combat diseases that are, to date, our arch enemies. Keep in mind that stem cell research is still
in its infancy and a daunting 9)______ lies ahead in our quest for enlightenment, for which we must
exercise both prudence and patience. Of paramount importance in this quest is the application of
moral restraints, which must act as a beacon in the 10)______.

Exericse 5: 

A worrying question which requires global attention is severe overpopulation and its drastic
1)______  in the countries of the Third World. In regions where the birth rate is extremely high,
poverty and starvation are rife. In India, there is an 2)______ of thirty five infants being born every
minute, yet the most shocking 3)______  are those which indicate the enormous number of the
victims of famine in certain African territories. Communities afflicted with acute destitution are
additionally 4)______ with illiteracy, life in appalling conditions and infectious diseases decimating
the indigenous populations. There is an 5)______ need for these problems to be solved. Unless
measures are taken to ease the 6)______ of the impoverished underdeveloped nations, desperate
crowds of immigrants will 7)______ in flooding the richer states in 8)______  of a brighter future. It's
the most challenging 9)______  for the international giants nowadays to help the poor populations get
out of the 10)______  snare.

Exercise 6: 

Stressful situations that emerge almost every day in life seem to be unavoidable. However, we can do
little sometimes to avoid a misfortune or unpleasant occurrence which may befall us 1)______ as only
it can. At such a moment, one may hit the roof, give in to the helplessness of the situation or, ideally,
put a brave face on it trying to 2)______ the burden.

Can you envision in your 3)______ an hour spent in a traffic jam, say, this morning? Do you light one
cigarette after another? Do you sound the horn every few seconds like the other neurotics? Or do you
take a different 4)______ and withstand the stressful moment; you can also do a crossword puzzle,
listen to your favourite music or even compose a menu for your Saturday dinner?

In fact, whatever 5)______ you respond to the annoying situation, you can exert no impact on it as the
traffic jam will only reduce in due course. Nevertheless, your reaction might considerably influence
your 6)______ for the rest of the day. The inability to confront a stressful occurrence like that with a
deal of composure and sensibility adds much more strain to your life and in this way puts your well-
being in 7)______. Surprisingly, it's the seemingly negligible hardships we stumble on daily that run
double the risk of developing serious health disorders rather than our isolated tragedies however
8)______ they may be

9)______ that so many of those wretched stress-inducing troubles affect us in a day, we should, at
10)______, try to avoid them or possibly make radical alterations in the way we lead our daily

Exercise 7: 

Sad as it is, a social misperception of the disabled is still 1)______  in many communities. It is only in
a few highly-civilised states where the problems and needs of people with physical or mental
incapacities are given the proper 2)______. 
In the remaining countries, the discrimination against the disabled is still practised in many areas of
social life. As in the past, they are ignored, denounced and forced to stay away from the normal
community which, unfortunately, isn’t capable of making any 3)______ for its less fit members.

For decades, the hale and hearty 4)______ of every society has stripped the disabled of their
fundamental rights as their job applications have been turned down, their active participation in
business life has on most 5)______ been disallowed and there has been little concern for their
convenience in access to public transport. Equally little effort has been made to help the disabled fully
6)______ with the able-bodied thus laying foundations for greater community awareness of the
drawbacks that the handicapped have to wrestle 7)______ daily.

There’s an urgent need to offer the disabled more adequate assistance and support in their struggle for
putting their basic rights into 8)______. The key principle is that the stereotyped approach towards the
impaired individuals ought to be 9)______ for a more considerate one. Another pressing matter is that
the disabled shouldn’t be appraised on the basis of their handicap, but society should rather focus on
providing them with complete acceptance 10)______ of any imperfections thus treating them as fully-
fledged citizens.

Exercise 8: 

Peoples’ personalities 1)______ considerably from one another as there are no two alike. Our
ingrained characteristics which 2)______ the patterns of our behaviour, our reactions and
temperaments are unparalleled on 3)______ of the diversified processes that mould our personality in
the earliest stages of human development.

Some traits of character may to some extent be 4)______ simulating the attributes that identify our
parents. Others may stem from the conditions 5)______  during pregnancy and infancy in this way
reflecting the parents’ approach towards rearing their offspring. Consequently, the environmental
6)______ plays a crucial role in strengthening or eliminating certain behavioural systems making an
individual more 7)______  to comfort to the patterns that deserve a prize.

Undoubtedly, human personality 8)______ the most profound and irreversible formation during the
first period of its development, 9)______, certain characteristics may still be 10)______ to
considerable changes conditioned by different circumstances and situations.

Exercise 9: 

For many people doing physical exercise may entail a 1)______ torturing of the body. Unless we are
forced to go in for a physical training, we are inclined to treat it as something of a lower 2)______
than staying in front of the TV set, spending time in a pub sipping alcoholic beverages or consuming
excessive quantities of fattening confectionery in a cafe. What usually repels individuals from
committing 3)______ to strenuous exercise is the fear of fatigue, discomfort or even the inhibitions of
being 4)______ by true fitness zealots.

However, getting fit is fully a 5)______ of common sense. Different forms of exercise may be of great
benefit to the human body, increasing its strength, flexibility and endurance. When supported by a
nutritious 6)______, much better performance of the heart and the lungs improves the blood
circulation making an individual more 7)______ to stressful situations as well as more 8)______ to
infections and diseases.

In the first place, self-discipline that is requisite for proceeding with 9)______  physical effort ought
to be attained to ensure that the intention of becoming healthier and more vigorous isn’t 10)______  
by any trivial impediments. 

Exercise 10. 
The elementary means of communicating with other people is 1)______ messages by voice. This fact
is widely acknowledged and we recognize the voice as a feature characterizing the 2)______ of a
person. The array of voices is immeasurable as no two are exactly similar. They can be nasal, resonant
or shrill produced in accordance with the individual physical 3)_____ of the throat. 

One possible implementation of the art of voice recognition is voice profiling used by police analysts
as a method of substantiating court 4)______ in trials. Every year thousands of audiotapes with
recorded interviews or casual utterances are 5)______ to the purpose to help identify the probable
culprit. Specialists dealing with the voice investigation claim that people can 6)______ themselves
away by their accents, infections or other voice attributes like pitch, intensity and loudness. A
recorded sample is usually converted into electric impulses and later transformed into a pictorial
recording which is 7)______ by a computer program. Very frequently voice analysts have a stab at
deciphering the relevant information which may be 8)______ with background noise or other
interfering sounds until they attain the desired results. 

Thankfully, these efforts help the police 9)______ individuals who threaten their victim by phone or
inform about bomb planting or those who make offensive calls 10)______ the peace of decent

Exercise 11: 

Dreams are a sequence of ideas, emotions, sensations and images, which arise during certain stages of
sleep. The purpose of dreams as part of the biological 1)______ is not yet fully understood. 

Dreams are known to be connected to the 2)______ mind and the stage of sleep at which they occur is
3)______ by rapid-eye-movement (REM), when an observer might see a sleeper’s eyelids ‘fluttering’.
Although our dreams may last for up to half an hour, we can rarely 4)______ them clearly and
usually, within moments of waking, find it difficult to bring them to mind at all. 

The significance of dreams can be 5)______ in many different ways. Freud, renowned as the father of
psychoanalysis, believed that dreams are manifestations of our most profound desires and anxieties.
He claimed to be able to 6)______ an individual’s subconscious through dreams and demonstrated a
connection between dreams and repressed childhood 7)______.

The ancient Egyptians noted their dreams on papyrus as people who experienced vivid dreams were
considered to have a kind of 8)______ sense. They believed that dreams 9)______ oracles, bringing
messages from the gods; thus they would attempt to deliberately evoke dreams, going to sanctuaries
to sleep on special dream beds. This is not something which modern scientists would hold with, but
perhaps we should keep an 10)______ mind! 

Exercise 12: 

Today, there is much talk about ADHD, or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. ADHD is not a
learning 1)______, however it can cause difficulties in an academic setting. 

Usually, this disorder is noticed in children around the age of six and in order for a proper 2)______
to be made, they need to be observed for around six months. What are the 3)______? First and
foremost, children who suffer from disorder are often unable to 4)______ information easily or to
focus on a task for any 5)______ of time. Therefore they have difficulties in completing it. They have
a very 6)______ attention span and as a result, they get bored easily. Their 7)______ is also affected
and in a classroom setting, the student may be 8)______ and unable to sit down and take in
information. Students are also 9)______ and unable to wait; they often do things impulsively.

Unfortunately, the 10)______ of ADHD is still unknown, but as it is becoming more and more
common in students today, constant research is being carried out. 

Exercise 13:
June 8th is World Oceans Day – an idea instituted by the United Nations to celebrate and protect our
natural heritage. Just as our own central nervous 1)______ controls every part of our body, so the
oceans control every part of our planet. They regulate climate, weather and ecosystems.

Unfortunately, human activities have led to pollution and the destruction of marine habitats. Another
result of human 2)______ in the natural environment is climate change with its accompanying
extreme weather 3)______. A rise in greenhouse gas emissions has led to an increase in global
temperatures and as a consequence sea levels have risen. Plastic pollution is also a big issue. 

In 2016, as 4)______ of World Oceans Day, thousands of people took part in ‘the better bag
challenge’ and promised to use reusable bags instead of plastic ones. 80 per cent of plastic rubbish
5)______ on land ends up in the sea, usually washed there via 6)______ – where rivers empty into the
sea. You may have seen such debris washed up onto your local beach at low 7)______. Most plastic
bags are made of polyethene – a 8)______ compound which is not biodegradable. Plastic bags break
down into tiny visible 9)______, which are ingested by fish and marine mammals. ‘The better bag
challenge’ aims to halt this devastating process and give new 10)______ to our oceans. 

Exercisse 14

We are familiar (0) with the saying “a picture paints a thousand words” and in the global village the
world has become, information in pictorial form is (1)_____we turn. Much communication takes
place through symbols rather than words, a case in point (2) ______ airports, where you can see the
majority of the thirty-four symbols devised (3) ______ the American Institute of Graphic Arts in the
1970s. Such signs as a knife and fork for a restaurant or a telephone for a phone booth are a boon for
(4) _______ a traveller who does not speak English or use the Latin alphabet. (5) _______ worldwide
"languages" of this kind are musical and mathematical notation, circuit diagrams, road signs and
computer icons, (6)______, again, bypass the need for words. Even a label on a garment will carry, in
symbols, washing and ironing instructions. All these (7) ______ to be sufficient to their, (8)______
restricted worlds but would it really be possible to devise a universal symbolic system of
communication independent of any spoken language, culture-free and value-free, as dreamt of by the
seventeenth-century philosopher Leibniz? It would seem (9) ______.  Chinese and Japanese
pictograms and ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics are sometimes cited as examples of such a system, yet
both Japanese script and Egyptian hieroglyphics include sound-based elements and Chinese is often
transliterated (10)______ romanised sound-based "pinyin" script. In a word, words are inescapable.

Exericse 15.

A few decades ago, entry to university meant studying a strictly academic subject -a science, or
perhaps literature, a foreign language or the classics. These days, (1) ________   education
establishments offer every conceivable subject from Chinese medicine to crime scene science. In
Britain, this trend coincided with a dramatic increase in the (2) ________ of universities and more
relaxed entry requirements, (3) ________ more students to experience  tertiary education. Many
feared these measures would result in a (4) ________  down of degree-level courses and the press
seized every opportunity to ridicule such courses. The creation in 1999 of a bachelor’s degree in
surfing studies was  taken as the ultimate proof that universities were prepared to give (5)_______ in
anything in an attempt to attract young people, thereby (6)_______Britain’s academic reputation. In
reality, the course, run by Plymouth University in South-West England, is highly scientific, and the
curriculum is (7)_______ including oceanography, meteorology, materials technology and business
management. Students on this course and other seemingly more practical courses have (8) ________ 
performed better in tests than those doing straight science degrees. Far from having an adverse effect
on higher education, these new disciplines (9)_______ students and aid learning by offering the
opportunity to (10)_______theoretical knowledge directly. Many of today’s graduates have a broad
base of knowledge and are well placed to enter the job market.

Exercise 16. 
The prehistoric of today's crocodiles go back over 240 million years. They lived through the break-up
of the continents, they were 1)______ when the dinosaurs disappeared, and they witnessed the
evolution of mammals and birds. Their distinctive 2)______, such as long jaws, protective armour,
streamlined body and long tail have hardly changed for millions of years, which indicates that they are
perfectly adapted to their 3)______.

Crocodiles sometimes hunt in an active way, but they are better known for ambush hunting, also
called the “sit and wait” 4)______. Once a crocodile detects the 5)______ of prey, on the bank of the
river, for example, it will sleep silently under the water and swim until it is very close to its target. Its
head then emerges and it lunges with jaws wide 6)______. The jaws then slam shut. Small creatures
are usually crushed and swallowed straight down; larger prey is 7)______ tight until it stops moving.
If the crocodile has caught a very large animal, it will roll to throw the prey off 8)______, then drag it
into deeper water and hold it there until it drowns.

Crocodiles help to keep the balance both in freshwater and saltwater 9)______ but, unfortunately,
seventeen of the twenty-three species that are 10)______worldwide are now endangered. 

Exercise 17. 

Quite often a plant or animal may resemble another to which it is not closely related. The resemblance
is often 1)______ to a feature that offers some form of advantage, such as protection from a predator.
In most 2)_____ cases, one species, called the mimic, gain an advantage from its similarity to another,
which may be 3)______ to as the model. For example, the harmless milk snake has stripes of the same
colour as the coral snake, which is extremely poisonous. Accordingly, the mimic can avoid any
predators that are 4)______ of coral snakes.

Though colours are often used as visual warning systems, some species use a supplementary ploy to
5)______ the message. For example, skunks, which are quite clearly 6)______due to their prominent
black and white markings, use a highly stylized display dance as a backup system. Their dance draws
the attention of 7)______ attackers to this pattern. 8)______ of which ingenious defence mechanism a
species might use, it must be remembered that there is no such thing as complete protection. A case in
9)______ is the genius Amanita. These mushrooms are exceedingly poisonous, yet they can be
consumed by rabbits without ill 10)______. 

Exercise 18. 

There are techniques that exist which can improve memory, the most popular of which must be
mnemonics, or ways to 1)______ information into a form that aids retention in the brain. Those who
have difficulty memorising facts, for example can 2)______ the information by using a memorable
phrase. A famous example is “Richard of York gave battle in vain”, 3)______ each word replaces a
colour of the rainbow starting with the same colour. Mnemonics 4)______ because our brains find it
easier to retain information that is surprising, personal or humorous, than that 5)______ is abstract
and impersonal. Association also plays an important part in helping us recall information. This
technique involves creating something memorable to 6)______ the information you want. For
instance, by 7)______ a picture or word in your language to a word in the foreign language that you
are trying to learn, the visual or verbal 8)______ can help you remember the word. Recollection of
facts is obviously easier if you know your particular learning style so that you can 9)______ your
clues. As anyone who has had to create a password knows, easily-remembered information is
information that is personally meaningful. The best passwords are those that have a 10)______
significance for their users, but whose meaning would baffle anyone else. There are lots of tricks to
try; the most important thing is to remember to use them. 

Exercise 19. 

We’ve all been there and come back with a T-shirt bearing a slogan about it – The Failed Holiday.
The kids are bored 1)______, you can’t find a decent restaurant for love or 2)______, the cafes are all
full and you are fed up. Tempers 3)______ and you are left wondering why you went away in the first
place – hardly a good way to spend precious holiday time. But there is a way of escaping the stresses
of being away from home. Staying in an all-inclusive hotel 4)______ you don’t have to plan meals,
activities or night life, as everything is catered for, leaving you to 5)______ back, relax and enjoy
your holiday. Most importantly, all-inclusive holidays 6)______ at all-inclusive prices, so you pay for
everything before you go away. And don’t think you’ll be 7)______ to one or two resorts. These days,
holiday companies offer all-inclusive deals in every main resort around the Mediterranean, as well as
more exotic locations such as the Caribbean or the Maldives. If you think this is the sort of holiday
you are after, there are a few things to keep in 8)______. Firstly, remember that you’ll be spending
most of your time in the hotel, so make sure you choose one which has the facilities you require. If
you’ re travelling as a family 9)______, many hotels offer excellent children’s facilities such as kid’s
clubs, playgrounds and crèches. For older children, there are a number of hotels offering supervised
activities for teens while others offer 10)______ sport facilities including team games, water sports
and gym facilities. 

Exercise 20. 

Imagine you are walking to school listening to music on your MP3 player. All of a sudden, it stops
working and you 1. _______that the batteries have run out. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could
simply 2. ______the batteries wherever you are? This might be possible in a few years’ 3._____as
scientists are now working on a bag that make electricity. They say that all someone needs to do is put
the bag their back and start walking. The 4.______ of the body makes electricity in a special part of
the bag. This new 5._____ sounds like a brilliant idea, doesn’t it? Scientists developed the “electric
backpack” in order to help soldiers, who often carry around with them torches, radios and other
equipment. All these things 6_______ on batteries and at the moment, the soldiers 7._____ on these
batteries to 8_______ the power this equipment needs. With the “electric backpack”, the soldiers
won’t need to 9.______ extra batteries around with them. Rescue workers and mountain climbers will
also find the bag 10._______, as will students who don’t want their MP3 players to run out by chance
on their way to school.

Exercise 21. 

The human memory is an extremely 1._______ processing system that is not easily explained to lay
persons. However, there are some simple 2._______ that can give anyone an idea of just how
fascinating memory is. First of all, most people have heard of long-term and short-term memory. The
former has the potential to last as long as the person lives and there is no known 3._______ to its
former. The latter, however, only really lasts for a few seconds. Long-term memory is divided into
explicit and implicit memory. An implicit memory would be 4._______ like knowing how to drive a
car or bake a cake or any other thing we have learned to do through 5._______. Explicit memory is
also subdivided into episodic and semantic memory. Episodic is all the different events or episodes of
your life such as your first day at school or any other life experience. Semantic memory is about
6._______ not related to experience such as knowing that Einstein wrote the theory of relativity. We
don't all remember events in the same way and memory is not a true 7._______ of events. How we
remember something can be affected by such things as egocentric bias, 8._______ we remember in a
way that makes us look better or gives us the starring 9._______ in an event. Also there are many
things that can go wrong with memory in the encoding, storage or retrieval 10._______ of memory. 

Exercise 22: 

Is cooking becoming. a lost art? On the 1._______ of it, the question may seem slightly ridiculous.
2._______ all, food and cookery programmes have, in recent years, become one of most popular
broadcasts on television. Celebrity chef cookbooks regularly top best-seller lists, and the 3._______
division of cookery seems to be disappearing - nowadays, it’s not at all, unusual to find men in the
kitchen cooking 4._______ a storm. Yet, is it all as it really seems? Apparently not. According to food
industry analysts, while seeking out good food has become the 5._______, preparing and cooking it
certainly hasn't. The home-cooked meal is fast becoming a lost art. Today, many people view the
daily preparation of meals as an impossible aspiration. Ready meals and other heavily processed
products have become the order of the 6._______. Both young and old cite lack of time as the primary
reason for opting for pre-packaged convenience foods. The trend for ready meals began in the 1990's.
Today Americans spend on 7._______ 50 cents out of every food dollar on ready-prepared, ready-to-
eat foods. A recent survey on the eating habits of Americans revealed that, in 1984, Americans made
72% of their dinners from scratch but by 2008 that figure had dropped to just 57%. Americans don't
eat out as often as they used to, but eating more at home has not 8._______ preparing more meals
from scratch. The trend is mirrored in the UK. Like Americans, Britons are finding someone else to
do the cooking - their supermarket. Aisle after aisle of British supermarket shelves are now 9._______
to ready meals. It's high time we took back the kitchen. It’s time to 10._______ free from the shackles
of ready-made, industrial food. It’s time to cook. 

Choose the best option to complete the following sentences
1. Whether there’s truth in it or not, I can’t stand that __________ “follow your heart”.
A. old chestnut B. old soak C. old wives’ tale D. old money
2. My neighbors seem to be very proud of their __________ new kitchen.
A. spanking B. roaring C. whacking D. thumping
3.The police ________ a good deal of criticism over their handling of the demonstration.
A. Brought about B. came in for C. went down with D. opened up
4. I didn’t mean to eavesdrop but I accidentally heard this odd _________ of conversation
on the bus.
A. buzz B. hum C. snippet D. snatch
5. There __________ between 4000 and 6000 languages in the world, depending on how
you count them.
A. Have been said to have B. are said that
C. Are said to be D. are said to have been
6. Because of the children involved, they want to resolve the court case as quickly and
________ as possible.
A. grudgingly B. discerningly C. discreetly D. judiciously
7. The new movie’s plot has more holes than _________ cheese.
A. Greek B. Italian C. Swiss D. French
8. The two countries met at the conference to __________ their differences.
A. Dispense with B. ease off C. fix up D. iron out
9. _________ Brian realize that he was in the wrong room. He left the room without saying
a word.
A. Only after he had entered and looked around
B. It was not until he had entered and looked around did
C. Not until he had entered and looked around did
D. No sooner had he entered and looked around than
10. From the top of the hill of the village looks quite close, but distances are ___________ .
A. Deceptive B. deceitful C. illusory D. false
11. I know you never lend things, but _______ and let me borrow your book. I will take
good care of it.
A. Stretch a point B. have it in for me C. take your pick D. come to the point
12. _________, the diners settled the bill and left the restaurant.
A. Having hunger satisfied B. Their hunger satisfied
C. Hunger been satisfied D. Satisfying their hunger
13. Apart from a parking fine ten years before, she had an __________ driving record.
A. unsullied B. unalloyed C. unblemished D. untarnished
14. Everyone was ___________ with him after he missed the penalty in the last 2 minutes
of the final match.
A. lamenting B. commiserating C. condoling D. identifying
15. We shall need also to ________ the foundations of mathematics, and even to question
the very nature of physical reality.
A. pertain to B. touch on C. delve into D. slur over
16. When she saw me nearly dropped the precious vase, she _________ in horror.
A. grasped B. grunted C. grumbled D. gasped
17. They have _________ a beautiful film by making these changes.
A. disfigured B. mutilated C. defaced D. amputated
18. You can try reformatting your computer, but once you open that _________, you’ll
probably be working on it for days.
A. Apple of discord B. can of worms C. load of cobblers D. spot of bother
C.back to the salt mines D. on the back burner
19. _________ nocturnal creature(s).
A. Owl is a B. An owl is a C. The owl is a D. The owls are
20. It’s natural for students to worry about whether they will ________ or not at a new
A. measure up B. sprout up C. show up D. dig up
I. Use the correct form of the word given to fill in each blank
21. The White House is hosting the forum in recognition of the importance and the
complexity of the antibiotic resistance issue, the management of which requires
__________ strategies that involve multiple sectors of society. (FACE)
22. People who deplore the mounting _________ of a modern society invariably sight the
increase of swearing and foul language as exhibit. (CIVIL)
23. Tim won affection from general public for his _____________ personality and humility.
24. It is concerned that Administrative staff may be __________ through increased
automation and efficiency. (SKILL)
25. It's the story of a ____________ girl whose suicide provokes bitter recriminations.
II. Use the correct form of the words given to make a meaningful passage
The 21st century is witnessing a shift in the way news is reported and consumed, away from
established norms toward a more fluid social organism that thrives on the interactive use of
assorted media. It is no longer uncommon for people to get their news directly from
internet news sites, which often include video footage and 26___________ (grass)
journalism, where amateur reporters using simple, inexpensive equipment write about and
display photos of events they experience 27___________ (hand).
Photos and 28___________ (eye) accounts of important events by citizen journalists are
often uploaded to the Net before news crews and reporters can arrive at the scene. Sites
like Youtube are 29___________ (user) and allow millions of people access to home-made
videos within moments of a posting.
The ubiquitous cellphone camera and personal computer have given every man a voice, and
the mainstream media seem to be taking notice. In an age when any news item can be
cross-checked with the simple click of a button, editorial desks are subject to even greater
accountability and newsrooms are forced to reader preferences in order to remain
competitive in a burgeoning market. Several established news outlets have tried to harness
the momentum generated by citizen journalists by hosting interactive websites where
member can upload 30____________ (minute) news.
Fill in each blank one suitable word.

Mr Twenty-First Century strikes a pose on the pages of a 1939 issue of British Vogue
magazine. He wears a jump-suit, belt and waistcoat festooned 31_________ hardware. His
hat is ‘an antenna snatching radio out of the ether’, Vogue tells us. 32_______ quite today’s
mobile-phone man, 33_______ close. However, as we reach his socks, the best Vogue’s
futurologist can come up with is ‘disposable’.
Throwaway insults are 34________ new for socks. And that’s not 35________ they have to
put up with. Over a day, the average human foot 36_________ off at least half a cup of
moisture - manna from heaven for those odour-causing micro-organisms. Yet socks are
37_______ the most ancient of human inventions- an Egyptian mummy’s knitted socks are
arguably the oldest surviving examples, while hand-sewn versions may 38________ back to
the Bronze Age. They surely deserve a better future than consignment to the bin.
Not 39_________ appreciates the sock’s versatility, though. Albert Einstein famously
eschewed socks altogether, apparently regarding them as an unnecessary luxury. I too go
sockless in the summer. 40_________ the frost begins to bite, I can’t help wondering, could
Einstein have been wrong?

(Adapted from Objective Proficiency)

Read the text below and decide which answer best fits each space.
Few television have 41_________ more scorn and praise 42_______ them at the same time
than television. And few have done so much to unite the world into one vast audience
43________ news, sport, information and entertainment. Television must be 44_________
alongside printing as one of the most significant inventions of all time in the 45__________
of communications. In just a few decades it has reached 46__________ every home in the
developed world and an ever-increasing proportion of homes in developing countries. It
took over half a century from the first suggestion that television might be possible before
the first 47________ pictures were produced in laboratories in Britain and America.
In 1926 John Baird’s genius for publicity brought television to the 48_________ of a British
audience. It has since 49_________ such heights of success and taken on such a pivotal
function that it is difficult to imagine a world 50_________ of this groundbreaking invention.
41. A. Had B. even C. been D. done
42. A. Taken over B. heaped over C. picked on D. given over
43. A. for B. on C. in D. over
44. A. awarded B. rated C. graduated D. assembled
45. A. location B. site C. post D. field
46. A. simultaneously B. actually C. virtually D. substantially
47. A. Flaring B. glimmering C. sparkling D. flickering

48. A. attention B. concentration C. initiation D. surveillance

49. A. Found B. left C. gained D. reached
50. A. Short B. shredded C. bereft D. lacking

(Adapted from Succeed in Cambridge English Advanced)

The passage below contains 10 mistakes. Identify them and write their correct forms in
the space provided in the column.


Ministers have opened the door to expand the use of animal testing to ingredients
used in cosmetic products for the first time since 23 years, an animal welfare charity
has said. Cruelty Free International (CFI) said animal testing on ingredients
exclusively used in cosmetics – which was banned in the UK in 1998 – could be
required, after telling by the Home Office that the government had “reconsidered
its policy.” In a letter, the government said it was aligning it with a decision made
last year by the appealing board of the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), which
said that some ingredients used only in cosmetics needed to be tested on animals
to assure they were safe. The Home Office insisted that UK law on animal testing
had not changed, so campaigners warned that accepting the ECHA’s ruling could
lead to a much wider use of animal testing. CFI has warned that the UK would be
“blowing a hole” over its leadership on animal testing. In response, a government
spokeperson said there had been no change in legislation and that the ban on using
animals for the testing of finished cosmetic products remained by force.

(Adapted from the Guardian)

Number Line Mistakes Correction


Rewrite the following sentences using the words given

61. We must always bear in mind that many scientific breakthroughs are due to luck. PLAY
=> We must never lose _______________________________________________ in many
scientific breakthroughs.
62. It’s a shame Peter didn’t wear a suit to the party. PUT
=> If______________________________________________________________________
63. I didn’t have the faintest idea about the quirks of the antiques business, so I couldn’t
give you any advice. KEN
=> My parents, who __________________________________________________________
64. Remember to check out our thirteen language learning tips. BAKER
=> Don’t __________________________________________________________________
65. His parents allowed him to buy an iPhone 12 after they had considered it for three
weeks. GO-AHEAD
=> Having mulled____________________________________________________________
Choose the best option to complete the following sentences
1. Choose whatever you like from the menu. It's your birthday so money is no………………
A. brain C. factor B. barrier D. object
2. Students should be encouraged to………………critically the information that they are given.
A. debate B. discuss C. comment D. argue
3. When I joined the army,I found it difficult to………….orders from my superiors, but I soon got
used to it.
A. finish off B. wrap up C. carry out D. follow through
4. On Christmas Eve, the……….family gathers for dinner, usually at my grandmother's house.
A. mere B. entire C. total D. complete
5. ……….,helped shape the history of American industry.
A. Joseph Wharton, along with his many successful business ventures, has
B. Joseph Wharton, including his many successful business ventures, have
C. Joseph Wharton, along with his many successful business ventures, have
D. Joseph Wharton and his many successful business ventures has
6. I'd like to………………… the crossword puzzle in the newspapers everyday.
A. answer В. fill C. do D. make
7. Her living room, with its delicate furniture and knickknacks, made him feel like a bull in
A. China B. French C. Swedish D. German
8. The thingIdon't like about my present job is that we often have to work up to ten hours
………….a stretch.
A. to B. at C. over D. through

9. Cyclone Althea devastated portions of northern Australia in December 1971; the strong
winds ripped roofs off houses, hail damaged vehicles and windows, and cost………………
the Australian federal government close toabillion dollars in modern-day adjusted values.
A. it B. they C. those D. the storm
10. Some of the members were so………….. by the way Jack opened the meeting that they
walked right out.
B. incensed D. tired A. joyous C. unaffected

11. He pressed on,……….. planning the largest electric furnace in the world.
A. thinking better of it D. thinking big B. thinking out loud C. thinking back
12. Mad Max wasalow-budget film. It receivedalot of good reviews,
A. however B. although C. whatever D. though
13. After receiving the result of the latest exam, Sally was in……………
14. He will never……… his pride and try to bring his ex back
A. drop C. overlook B. shed D. swallow
15. Yesterday,I……. my homeroom teacher whenIwas having coffee with Dan.
A. dropped in B. got on C. bumped into D. came over
16. Cooks should remember that some raw foods are very………….. and should be refrigerated or
chilled until ready to be eaten or cooked.
A. peripheral B. perishable C. periodic D. permanent
17. He had no about lying to her mother despite her efforts to lift up his spirits.
B. doubts D. thoughts C. queries A. qualms
18. Due to the blatant plagiarism of his classmate, Tim is now emitting smoke from……orifices.
A. nine B. seven C. nil D. double
19. Would you mind if I…….the door?
A. closed B. closing C. close D. am closing
20. I'll………your suggestions and reply to you next week
A. glance through C. look up B. mull over D. refer to
I. Use the correct form of the words given to fill in each blank
21. Murray agreed to write the…………………………… Baker's book, as afavor to his old friend.
22. The government has come up with a…………………………..scheme for training teachers on the
job. . (FACE)

23. He trekked some of the most terrain in the world…………………about the violence in his
movies, which stirs up anger among . (HOSPITABLE)
24. He is entirely……………………………………the general public. (APOLOGY)
25. Trying multiple jobs at once can be a(n)……………………….. experience. (ENLIGHTEN)
61. He has been learning the piano for two years. UP
62. It isapopular belief that too much money is spent on space exploration. WASTE
=> Space exploration is
63. The company's profits have improvedalot this year. SHOWN
=> The company's
64. I've been thinking hard to remember the name of the girlIsat next to at primary school.ago.
=> I've
65. There has beenabig rise in property taxes in the last year. ROOF
=> Property taxes in the last year……………………………………………………………..
Part 1. For questions 1-10, choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to each of the following
questions and write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes provided.
1. Four miles off the southern coast of Massachusetts ______, a popular summer resort.
A. lies the island of Martha’s Vineyard
B. the island of Martha’s Vineyard lies there
C. does lie the island of Martha’s Vineyard
D. where the island of Martha’s Vineyard lies
2. By labeling patients as “delayers”, there ______ an attribution of blame to the individual,
which is potentially stigmatizing.
A. feels to be B. is felt to be C. has been felt there is D. was felt being
3. The information he gave us was ______ useless. It didn’t help us at all.
A. utterly B. deeply C. extremely D. painfully
4. Do you think it’s better to ______ your anger than to suppress it?
A. assert B. repress C. arouse D. vent
5. Bill is the most ______ accountant I’ve worked with. You can trust he’ll do everything
A. amiable B. adamant C. obstinate D. scrupulous
6. Sandra’s unpleasant ______ suggested that she knew about Amanda’s terrible secret.
A. grimace B. smirk C. wince D. snort
7. To get a good bargain you will need to ______ so that you have a good idea what is available
on the market.
A. shop around B. turn up C. go off D. sell out
8. Publishers are ______ themselves to produce non-fiction for seven-year-olds.
A. coming off B. jumping over C. carrying off D. falling over
9. I really must take ______ with what you just said because I think it‟s very wrong.
A. heart B. part C. issue D. trouble
10. Sam swore that he would ______ after he figured out that I had started the rumor about him.
A. fight shy of me B. get even with me
C. lie heavy on me D. run afoul of me
Part 3. For questions 16-20, write the correct form of each bracketed word in the numbered
boxes provided.
16. Shares have slumped from nearly £4…………………. at their peak five years to ago to just 9p
last night. (PIECE)
17.I have to stay shut up in these rooms all day, and it gets………………….(TIRE)
18. We have a……………..economy and unemployment is considerably lower than the
regional average. (BUOY)
19……………. citizens marched on City Hall, demanding the police chiefs resignation.
20. We must divert money from the expensive……………….of poster campaigns and media
triumphalism towards full-time agencies and local party-building. (RELEVANT)
1. I think it is disgraceful the way they never get round to repairing this pavement. SHOULD
=> This pavement_____________________________________________________time ago.
2. They have been building their dream home for the past 10 years. UNDER
=> Their dream home_______________________________________for the past 10 years.
3. Shortly after Sue and Brian met, he announced they were getting married. HAD
=> Scarcely_______________________________he announced they were getting married.
4. In the class, Ken is much better than all other students in Maths. ABOVE
=> In the class,___________________________________________________________
5. They’ve been having discussions on the issue for over two weeks. GOING
=> Discussions on ________________________________________________________

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