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Different Layout Designs of Orchard

1. Square System

Square system keeps the same distance between rows and

plants in the same row where trees are planted in four corners. The
advantages in this system are an easy farm operation to include
harrowing, cultivating, plowing, spraying, harvesting.
Since this system is the simplest way of planting trees, anyone
can easily get a view of the whole orchard from one end to another.
Thus, better supervision of the plantation using straight irrigation
channels and paths can be done. However, this system
comparatively has lesser number of tress being accommodated in
given area and the distance between plant to plant and row to row
remains the same as such, certain amount of space in the middle of
four trees is wasted.

2. Rectangular System
Trees in rectangular system are planted similarly with square system
aside from distance between rows are more than the distance
between plants in the same row. Four adjacent trees comprise the
rectangular system design and irrigation channel will have the
advantage of length and breadth while having a better supervision
and intercultural operations as easily as possible.
On the other hand, a large area of the orchard is consumed by using
this system with smaller number of trees that are planted. Such,
intercropping should be practiced, maximizing any harvest that can
be produced from the available area for planting.
3. Quincunx or Diagonal System

In this system, a tree is planted in the center of each square

making the number of planted trees to double while distance
between trees is reduced. Trees with shorter life space are chosen
for the center and are called filler crop. Trees planted in the four
corners of the square are the main crops that upon reaching their full-
grown size, the central trees have already finished their life cycle.
There are some advantages in this system like additional
income can be earned from the filler crop till the main crop comes
into bearing, the number of trees can be double compared to
square and rectangular system and the maximum of utilization of
land is possible.
The disadvantages in this system are inter/filler crop can
interfere with the growth of the main crop, intercultural operations
become difficult, and skill is required to layout the orchard.


Illustrated by Learesa G. Amban

Hexagonal System

Hexagonal system uses the equilateral triangle as

pattern in planting trees. Every corner of the hexagon is to be
planted with a tree to have six trees being positioned in all
corners while the seventh tree is planted at the center of
the pattern. All these trees are arranged in three rows.
The distance between tree to tree in six directions
from the central tree remains the same. The advantages in
this system are more income can be obtained, the trees can
be planted is 15% compared to square system and it is an
ideal system for the fertile and irrigated land.
However, skill played a vital role to layout this
orchard and intercultural operations become difficult

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