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I.LESSON : ENGLISH NAME :__________________________________ C

GRADE : 6 (six) NUMBER :__________________________________

hoose the correct answer!

Pilihlah jawaban yang benar!

1. What meaning of hurt?

a. Sakit b. sehat c. ceroboh
2. What meaning of diligent?
a. Rajin b. malas c. teledor
3. What meaning of weak?
a. Baik b. manja c. lemah
4. What meaning of strong?
a. Lemah b. kuat c. sedih
5. What meaning of brave?
a. Penakut b. pemberani c. kuat
6. What meaning of sleepy?
a. Ngantuk b. tidur c. ngigau
7. What meaning of haunted?
a. Kosong b. berhantu c. berhalusinasi
8. What meaning of raining?
a. Menangis b. hujan c. air terjun
9. What meaning of rest?
a. Lelah b. lemas c. istirahat
10. What meaning of feel?
a. Jatuh b. salah c. merasa
II. Find the antonym / synonym of the following words!
Temukan antonim / sinonim dari kata-kata dibawah ini!

1. The antonym of good is______________________

2. The antonym of clever is_____________________
3. The antonym of pretty is_____________________
4. The antonym of sick is_______________________
5. The antonym of brave is______________________
6. The synonym of angry is______________________
7. The synonym of lucky is_______________________
8. The synonym of clever is______________________
9. The synonym of clumsy is______________________
10. The synonym of afraid is_______________________
III. Complete the following sentences correctly and translate!
Lengkapilah kalimat dibawah in dengan benar dan terjemahkan!

1. I want to drink, I feel ____________.

Translate :______________________________________________________________________
2. I want to eat, I feel ______________.
Translate :______________________________________________________________________
3. My teacher is ____________ because I didn’t do my homework.
Translate :______________________________________________________________________
4. My stomach is really _________ I ate cilok, fried rice, rawon, and pecel this morning.
Translate :______________________________________________________________________
5. Jono is very ____________, because he walks pass an empty haunted house.
Translate :______________________________________________________________________

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