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A beautiful mind is an excellent movie that I’ve been watch. This story is all about a person who
has an unbelievable talent or should I say a genius man who study a theory that influenced our
global trades negotiations, national labor relations. This theory really can help us to grow our
economies. In this movie John Nash show to us how does hard work being granted, how does
deep learning and education bring us in real, better life. It’s truly our mind is beautiful and
powerful and yes in our minds all things and all we thinks is possible but not really existing in
the real world. I can say that our mind is powerful it can control us on what we want to think, our
mind is the one who control our body, who send a command on us in order to do an action and
now this will be happen on John Nash who has suffered on delusion, hallucination and it
happened because of stress and he want to prove a theory. I learned that a mind of a person is
really beautiful if we open our eyes and use it we can see that we are the species travel and
evolve and born to create, share, experiencing, learned the matter of life. All people has an
ability to create something new, all people born to be a survivor. Feeds our mind with a positive
words, knowledge we can also create things that we never did like Professor John Nash. If we
look the story of Professor Nash his life been cycle in this theory. The movie also saying that
even though you are busy or give sometimes yourself a break or should I say a time for your
family, like John Nash because of he really wants to prove a theory he forgot that he has a wife
waiting on him at their house. The movie teach us spare some time to our love ones in able relief
our hunger and tiredness. Nash give me inspirational message that no matter how it takes or no
matter how difficult it is still there is a silver lightning that guide us on what we want to be. The
dipper knowledge has more chance to be successful than balloon. Exploring our minds deep
knowledge comes to by our self and no one can understand us if we try to say something new to
them. The intellectual knowledge of John Nash is unique style that his mind can travel in a real
world. The more we learned in our past the more we strengthen because of the memories in our
mind bring as strong and knowledgeable, past teach as how to stand alone. The movie also says
that sickness and illness is not reason to stop in our dreams meanings that no one can stop John
Nash or us in our dreams. I learned that every person has own world that they only one can see
and understand. In a year people our change they are more advance and has more knowledge and
can everyone create a theory if they want. Being genius is threat can someone use you for
unkind work or something risk you that can kill your life, saying that more knowledge is has an
advantage in everything but it has limit or limited don’t make our mind abuse us or don’t abuse
our mind in some ways we are the one who suffer. We don’t need to be the best or first or
familiar all we need is we know our self who really and truly are cause if we know our self we
can also identify or know our weakness and strength. Believing through our self is one of the
best cause if we believe we succeed. When we learned much better if had a friend but in the
movie the friend that he see is from his mind is not real and existing. Knowing the real than a
fictitious one existing, friends our there but one is real. I myself don’t know how to externalize
my talent and I know and I believe that I have something inside me that I’ve been not discovered
yet. John Nash teach us if we fail try again, and know if we fail again try another thing that we
are expert. A successful ones said no need to spread out what we do or what we have done let it
be secret until they found out and tell to others what you’ve done. Sometimes we hide our
feelings or we hide our self and go to the world we want and sometimes the world we created is
inside our mind and sometimes if that world give us the things that we can’t attain we don’t want
to get out from it because we our happy on it and all things and dreams are possible but always
remember that real world is better than imagination. Life is unfair we need to protect and care
our self to become successful the world is big and it is surrounded by people who has different
ability like John Nash. Explore the world and learned from it. Books our parts of history that
gives us a knowledge not to become monster. Even the Most genius man in the world has a
weakness. People are getting tired in everything but not giving up like me I study because I want
to prove something I want to expand my knowledge from being like this to that even though its
hard I will fight for my dreams to become a successful one. No one can say that how long will
stay in this world the important is we did the things that we want and enjoy every single moment.
All things happens for a reason like John Nash it happens that he want but know it happens
because his happy in it and his enjoying it even its delicate this was the real world.

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