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Navarro, Nestor Jr. A.


The Gospel “The Glorious Cross of Our Lord” which is the feast of the exaltation of the Holy Cross tells us
that by just looking at the cross with all sincerity we can reflect our hard work, sins, sacrifices, and such
where at the same time gather strength from him just by thinking about how the Lord loves us. The
gospel mentioned about the suffering of people. In fact, the suffering started right after we were
brought here on earth and every person has its own kind of suffering. Right after I read this part in the
gospel a thought came through my mind that no matter who suffers harder, we just need to respect and
be kind to every one since all of us are struggling and suffering deep inside. Let us not judge because we
never know what situation they are in and what they are actually facing. So with the symbolism of the
cross take it as a motivation. Interpret it as a power bank where that symbol reminds you that he will
always guide you, provide you strength and be strong with you and for you, forever.

In my experience as a student who is experiencing this pandemic. Thankfully I didn’t have a hard time
physically. As I was privileged enough to have a shelter living with my lovely family while my dad being a
hero for buying groceries for us to eat. But I can say I kind of struggled mentally. Every day was just the
same and nothing really new was happening. Being unproductive all day and getting eaten by laziness.
Talking with my mom and my sister through video calls from time to time. Nothing really special was
happening at those times. But I got to do my hobby more which is dancing. Learning new
choreographies every two days really felt like I was doing something productive and I was actually happy
about it. As the online classes starts, those lazy days are over and time to refuel my brain with
knowledge again and start to be productive just like before. I am really thankful to God and my parents
for providing me the necessary equipment for online learning but I actually wanted an academic freeze
because not all people have the same quality of equipment or just having the necessary things for
school like me. I also even got more anxious as my friends were starting to take a gap year due to online
classes being ineffective when learned through online classes. I was getting more nervous because of my
friends who started online classes earlier saying that it is harder to learn in the new normal. God
reminded me that it is okay and every person has its own pace in getting things in life to work out.

As a person who is privileged enough and were able to stay at home comfortably during this pandemic,
this essay will focus more on the front liners and the poor as they are the ones who needs strength the
most. They need all the recognition, acknowledgement, appreciation and praise the most in this current
health crisis that we are in. In the country where I was born and raised, UAE. The appreciation for their
front liners is never ending and eve the citizens. The residents from Al Nahda Dubai, U.A.E screamed and
cheered their heart out from their balconies for the front liners. There is an article about it too.

In our current situation we are in, the front liners are doing one of the hardest work for us to be safe
and they are really the ones who need the strength whether it be physically or mentally. Despite the
hard work that they are giving off they are still not getting acknowledged and praised by the higher
officials as If their presence is not important during a crisis that is heavily focused on health and science.
Not only the front liners are in need, but the poor as well. They have been struggling ever since the
home quarantine was implemented in our country. They can’t work to earn money to feed themselves
and their families. I always include these front liners and the poor in my prayers but in reality, in this
current situation that we are experiencing, a prayer isn’t enough. At this point we just can’t pray for
them and wait for something good to happen. They can’t just pray every time and expect something
when they have limitations as citizens who are required to follow the rules and regulations and no one is
actually helping. The help that they received from the higher positions aren’t enough. We need big
actions from the powerful without corruption getting in the way. I am just praying that God is guiding
Navarro, Nestor Jr. A.

these high officials because at this point they are not focusing on what the problem is instead they are
going in a different route like putting white sand in manila bay which is completely unnecessary. As a
student who can’t control these type of situation. I am trying my best to stay updated on what is
happening to our country and spread the news to everyone. I trust the Lord to give strength and
knowledge for the officials who are really doing the work and acknowledging the life of every person in
this country.

The point of this essay is not encouraging you to not pray. Please do pray! God isn’t going to leave you
behind. It’s just that we must pray and act on it. Let us help the needy. Be thankful and humble for what
you have. Use your privilege to spread the news, kindness, and help! At this situation the people with a
lot of power in their hands from all over the world are using the pandemic to their advantage just to
satisfy their desires. And to the people who are privileged enough to stay at home, please as much as
possible please comply with the quarantine rules. Go out if it’s necessary and don’t go out to party. Let’s
have some respect to the front liners who are risking their lives.

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