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Post Pregnancy Diet: 20 Must-Have Foods For

New Moms
A post-pregnancy diet is as important as your pregnancy meals. The nutrients
that you consume are what your baby gets through your breast milk.
Therefore, the food that you eat during the postpartum period should not only
help you lose the extra weight but also provide the right nutrients to help you
regain your strength and energy.

Thus, knowing the right foods to eat during this period is crucial for your health
and your baby’s health. Read on as we have compiled a list of foods to help
you during this crucial phase.
What To Eat After Delivery?
Your body undergoes tremendous physical and hormonal changes post
delivery. As you breastfeed, your body requires an additional 300 calories
every day, just like during pregnancy (1).
Below is the list of the right foods new mothers should eat. They are rich in
vitamins, minerals, proteins, iron, calcium, and omega-3s. They will help your
body system recover from childbirth (2).
1. Low-fat dairy products:
Dairy products, whether milk, cheese or yogurt, form an important part of the
diet during breastfeeding. They are an excellent source of calcium, protein,
and B vitamins. Your baby absorbs calcium from the breastmilk for bone
development. Therefore, have calcium-rich foods to replace the lost calcium in
your body. Include three cups of dairy every day in your diet.
2. Lean meat:
Take lean meats as they are rich in iron, protein and vitamin B12, and help
boost your energy levels. Lean meat is useful for you to make up for the
draining energy levels while breastfeeding.
3. Pulses:
Pulses (dals) are a primary element in a well-balanced vegetarian diet. They
are good sources of protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. You can have
green and red grams by boiling and seasoning them, so that they are easily
digestible and tasty to eat. Pulses also prevent fat from accumulating in the
4. Legumes:
Dark-colored legumes such as kidney beans and black beans are a high
source of non-animal protein. They help in replenishing energy during
breastfeeding and are perfect for vegetarians and vegan mothers.
5. Green vegetables:
They are an excellent source of vitamins and minerals. Green veggies are
also low in calories and rich in heart-healthy antioxidants, which help in losing
post-pregnancy weight. Leafy greens such as spinach, broccoli, and Swiss
chard contain abundant amounts of vitamin A that are good for you and your
baby. Eat more of these leafy greens, beans, pointed gourd (parwal), apple
gourd (tinda), lotus stem, and other such seasonal veggies.
6. Brown rice:
You may be thinking of cutting down the carbs to lose weight. But drastic
changes in your weight can affect your milk production and make you feel
sluggish. Choose whole grains such as brown rice to boost your energy
levels. They provide you and your little one with calories.
7. Blueberries:
A great choice to meet your daily nutrient requirements post pregnancy,
blueberries are filled with the right amounts of vitamins and minerals.
Moreover, they offer healthy carbs which raise your energy levels.
8. Citrus fruits:
Citrus fruits such as oranges provide you with vitamin C, which you need in
abundance when breastfeeding. You can have either the fruit or the juice.
Calcium fortified drinks will benefit you.
9. Salmon:
It is said to be a nutritional powerhouse for new mothers. Like any other fatty
fish, salmon contains DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), a type of fat, which is
useful for your baby’s nervous system development. Although breast milk
contains DHA naturally, the levels of this fat are higher in the milk of mothers
who have DHA-rich foods.
DHA also elevates your mood and plays a prominent role in warding off
postpartum depression.
Note: According to the US FDA guidelines, you can eat only an average of 12
ounces, i.e., two servings of salmon per week, to avoid mercury exposure to
your baby. (3)
10. Whole wheat bread:
Folic acid is vital for fetal development in the early stages of pregnancy. It is
also an essential nutrient in the breast milk. Fortified whole grain bread and
pasta are good options to increase your daily dose of iron and fiber.
11. Whole grain cereal:
When you have a sleepless night, whole grain cereals make the best
breakfast option for the next morning. Most of the cold cereals available are
fortified with vitamins and minerals, which help in meeting your everyday
Oats are an excellent source of calcium, iron, proteins, and carbs. They are
also high in fiber, which helps relieve constipation. You can make a simple
recipe of oatmeal with fruits, milk, and nuts. Other alternatives
include khichdi or oats upma.
12. Eggs:
They are a rich source of protein. You may have egg scramble for breakfast,
hardboiled egg along with a salad for lunch, or omelet for dinner . Choose
DHA-fortified eggs to improve the essential fatty acid levels in your milk.
13. Water:
You are at a risk of dehydration when breastfeeding. Therefore, you need to
hydrate yourself to keep up your milk production and energy levels. Juice and
milk may help, but none of the fluids can be as filling and hydrating as water.
Take as much water as you can. Cut down the caffeinated drinks as they can
cause sleep problems and irritability in the baby.
14. Turmeric:
Turmeric contains essential vitamins and minerals including vitamins B6 and
C, potassium, manganese, magnesium and fiber. Turmeric aids in treating
inflammation and therefore, helps heal post pregnancy wounds and stomach
disorders (4). You may consume it by adding half a teaspoon in one full glass
of warm milk, preferably before bedtime.
15. Dry ginger powder:
This is another common ingredient you should include in your post-pregnancy
diet as it contains vitamins B6 and E, magnesium, iron, potassium,
manganese, and selenium. It is known for its anti-inflammatory uses. You can
add a pinch of it to your meals. and chutneys.
16. Carom seeds:
Carom seeds are known to stimulate milk production and aid in the
contraction of the uterus. They also relieve pain from indigestion and gas.
They have antibacterial, antifungal, antioxidant, and antiseptic properties. You
can toss a few carom seeds in your food as a seasoning or drink water boiled
with carom seeds.
17. Finger millets:
This is an excellent source of iron and calcium. It will help you renew the
strength you lost during childbirth. If you are allergic to dairy products, this can
be the best alternative. You can make ragi malt, roti, idli,
dosa, and halwa from it.
18. Almonds:
It is another ideal food to include in your post-pregnancy diet. The rich
carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins B12, E, magnesium, manganese, copper, zinc,
calcium, and potassium present in these nuts help you recover from delivery.
You can add them to milk, or any foods that you eat. They are a great
munching snack too.
19. Fenugreek seeds:
Fenugreek seeds are a rich source of calcium, iron, vitamins, and minerals.
They are known to relieve your joint and back pains though little evidence is
found in its support. You can add a few seeds in the daily dishes that you
make, or dry fry and powder them, and mix in your food. , roti, vegetables, and
meats. You can also consider taking fenugreek tea, a favorite drink for nursing
20. Sesame seeds:
The abundant iron, calcium, magnesium, copper, and phosphorus levels in
sesame seeds make them suitable for post-pregnancy diet. They help in
replenishing your body system with essential minerals and regulating bowel
movements. They can be added to chutneys, curries, and sweets.
These are the superfoods that you can add to your post pregnancy diet. For a
customized diet plan, you may consult a doctor or a dietitian.
However, before you include any food in your diet, you need to consider your
health requirements and those of your baby too. Tweak your plan in
consultation with your dietitian to meet your specific needs.
What Not To Eat After Delivery?
Most foods are safe for new breastfeeding mothers. But remember, whatever
you eat, you pass on to your baby through breast milk. That and your gut
instinct will tell you what not to eat after delivery. Here are some major no-no
foods that you need to steer clear of when planning the after pregnancy diet
plan (5).
1. Spicy foods:
Spicy foods quickly pass on to your baby and affect her intestines and blood
flow. The baby’s digestive tract and spicy food can make her irritated and
fussy. So, avoid spicy foods for about six months post delivery. (6)
2. Oily food:
Oily foods can pile up fat in your body, making it difficult for you to regain your
original shape. Do not eat sweets, butter, or other fatty foods. Rather, choose
healthy fats such as walnuts, soybeans, flax seeds (omega-3 fatty acids),
vegetable oils and seeds (omega-6 fatty acids), olive, peanut, and canola oils
(monosaturated fats).
3. Gas-producing foods:
Steer clear of foods that produce gas, belching, and acidity as they will affect
your baby too. Also avoid soft cheese, oats, beans, ice cream and carbonated
4. Avoid foods causing allergies:
Newborns are vulnerable to allergies or irritants that come with breast milk. If
you find your little one experiencing them, you may have to stop the food that
you ate lately. Check with your healthcare provider.
Follow the diet or a food journal suggested by the doctor. It will include what
you should eat, when, and the time of breastfeeding. You will also find a
column to note any reactions or fussiness your baby might have suffered post-
5. Eliminate CAN:
Limit Caffeine to two cups a day, and eliminate Alcohol, and Nicotine entirely
from your diet (7). If you think that your pregnancy is done, think again. As
long as you breastfeed, your baby is still part of your body. CAN will lead to
dehydration, diarrhea, and colic in the baby.
6. Medications:
Do not take any medications without consulting your healthcare provider or
the baby’s pediatrician. The medications and its compounds will pass to your
baby through breast milk. Even if you want to start a new multi-vitamin or
antacid, ask your doctor to prescribe a breastfeeding-friendly one (8).
This list of what to include and what not to include in your diet applies for at
least three months after delivery.
Healthy Eating Habits Post Pregnancy
When you focus on healthy eating over a long term, it will not only help you in
weight loss but also keep your body healthy. Here are the five eating habits
that can make a great difference in your progress:
 Eat whenever you are hungry
 Eat moderate amounts and slowly
 Eat healthy fats
 Include protein in every meal
 Include fruits and vegetables in every meal
Although all these dos and don’ts seem pretty overwhelming, keep in mind
that they are in the best interests of your body, and most importantly, your
baby’s health. At this stage, a healthy and happy mum means a healthy and
happy baby! Your body needs to return to its normal, healthy state because
mommyhood takes a huge toll on physical and emotional health. Along with
healthy eating,  a daily exercise routine is important to return to pre-
pregnancy state.

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