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jolene brighten – healing your body naturally after childbirth

15 Of The Best Foods To Eat While


I recently talked about balance on my Instagram, and I thought it was a really good
time to talk about balance in pregnancy too.

If you saw my recent blog on pregnancy cravings, you might have had some
questions about what you should eat, and what are the best foods to eat while
pregnant. I wanted to approach this in a way that makes eating and being healthy as
accessible as possible for everyone.

To help you out, I’ve put together a list of great foods to eat while pregnant! Many of
these you might already be including in your diet, while there are some others that
might come as a surprise!

What are the best foods to eat while pregnant?

You want to give your baby the best start in life, and that means supporting their
growth by choosing the best foods.

For some women, pregnancy can bring morning sickness (for many, this can last all
day, for days at a time!), which can make it hard to ensure you are nourishing your
body. It can be really hard to know if you are getting everything that you need,

Remember, a healthy diet is important during every stage of life, so these foods are
important even if you are not currently pregnant. Following a balanced diet is the best
way to ensure you are getting everything you need. This can be done by
incorporating these foods into your diet:
• Wholegrain breads and cereals
• Vegetables and legumes
• Fruit
• Milk, yoghurt and cheese
• Meat, poultry, fish and alternatives
• Healthy fats (such as olive oil and avocado)
• Water (at least 6-8 glasses per day).

Creating healthy meals and snacks out of these foods can help ensure you are
getting the essential nutrients you need during pregnancy.
15 Foods to eat while pregnant
The list of food below can help you to get everything needed nutritionally. For any
mothers-to-be, these foods can help to support the health and development of your

1. Bananas

As well as being a great on-the-go snack, bananas are also packed with potassium.
If you are prone to leg cramps, potassium can help to relieve these — so including
banana in your diet is a great way to help.

Bananas are also easily digestible, so they can help to replace nutrients when you
are dealing with morning sickness. Try eating them as a snack or making a
yummy banana chia pudding to get some extra nutritional benefits.

2. Dairy products

To help support healthy brain, bone and muscle growth for the baby, you may need to
consume extra protein and calcium. Dairy products are one of the best sources of
calcium, however, you can also get it from chia seeds, calcium-fortified soy products
or leafy green vegetables.

Adding dairy foods to your diet also ensures you are consuming phosphorus,
magnesium and zinc — all of which contribute to bone health, cell development and
energy production!

3. Legumes

Beans and lentils are not only a fantastic meat-free source of protein, but they are
also high in fibre. During pregnancy, some women may find they need additional
fibre, so legumes are one of the best foods to eat while pregnant!

While I love this recipe for stuffed tomatoes with lentils, you can also try adding
beans to soups, salads or rice dishes. This way, you’ll also increase your intake of
folate, iron, potassium and magnesium. Folate is particularly important for anyone
who is trying to conceive or is already pregnant as it helps with healthy development
and can minimise the risk of neural tube defects.

4. Leafy greens
Leafy greens are great foods to eat while pregnant or any other time as well! Greens
such as spinach, chard and kale provide your body with calcium, as well as folate.

Eating plenty of greens can also provide your body with fibre, which is important for
good digestive health!

5. Sweet potato

Sweet potato (also known as kumara) is high in fibre and easy on the stomach, so it
can be a great food to eat while pregnant — especially if you are struggling with
morning sickness.

Sweet potato is also a good source of vitamin C, so it can help to support the
immune system as well.

6. Broccoli

Delicious in salads or steamed alongside other vegetables, broccoli is packed with


During pregnancy, your body can benefit from the calcium, folate and fibre found in
broccoli. You also may not know that broccoli contains vitamin C — eating foods that
contain this vitamin also helps your body to absorb iron from the food you eat. During
pregnancy, your iron intake is important because it helps contribute to your energy

7. Eggs

As I’ve mentioned above, protein is important for muscle development. Eggs are on
the list of good foods to eat while pregnant because your body uses protein to
develop and repair cells and tissue. During pregnancy, you need more protein to help
ensure healthy growth for your baby too.

Eggs contain a range of vitamins and minerals, including choline. Found in egg yolk,
choline helps to support the development of the baby’s brain and spinal cord. Try
adding hard-boiled eggs to salads to help enjoy their nutritional benefits. Be mindful
that eggs need to be FULLY cooked, as raw or partially cooked eggs have a high risk
of carrying salmonella.

8. Salmon
Salmon is a fantastic source of omega 3 fatty acids, which assists with the
development of the brain and nervous system of the baby. It is also a low mercury
option, so it can be safe to eat once it has been well grilled.

My Nicoise salad with grilled salmon recipe can help you double up on some of the
best foods to eat while pregnant — salmon and eggs!

9. Walnuts

Walnuts are high in omega 3 fatty acids, which support brain development in your
baby. They are also a good source of protein and fibre, so they can make a great
quick, healthy snack.

If you’re not a fan of walnuts, you can also reach for other beneficial nuts, such as
Brazil nuts, pecans or almonds.

10. Tahini

Made from sesame seeds, tahini contains essential omega 6 fatty acids, which are
important for a healthy functioning immune and nervous system. Tahini also provides
your body with thiamin, phosphorus, copper and manganese — all of which are
important for healthy growth for your baby.

11. Lean Meat

Adding some lean meat to your meals can help to meet your energy needs! A source
of iron and protein, try adding lean meat such as beef, pork or chicken to your

To get the most benefit from these foods, make sure you are getting some vitamin C
to aid in the absorption of iron too.

12. Berries

Whether you add them to a smoothie or eat them as a snack, berries are a great way
to get some extra vitamin C during pregnancy. Vitamin C is important for forming
collagen, which is needed for healthy tissue.

I love strawberries and blueberries, but you could also enjoy raspberries,
blackberries or goji berries — whatever is in season and readily available.
Berries also have high water content and contain fibre and antioxidants, so they are
always a good option! Try my quinoa and mixed berry smoothie for a fibre-packed
breakfast that will help to keep you full.

13. Whole grains

Eating whole grains helps to provide your body with zinc, which is necessary for the
rapid cell growth during pregnancy. Whole grains, such as brown rice or oats, are a
source of iron, which your body needs more of during pregnancy. You’ll also get B
vitamins, vitamin E and magnesium by adding whole grains to your meals —
especially something like my super green rice salad.

Whole grains and other high-fibre foods are important to eat anytime but during
pregnancy, some women experience constipation. Fibre and lots of water can help to
prevent this.

14. Basil

When you think of protein, you may not think of herbs! So, it might surprise you to
know that basil is a good source of protein — as well as fibre, folate, calcium and a
range of vitamins.

Basil can be easily added to salads and sandwiches, as well as being made into
pesto, perfect for topping pasta, zucchini noodles or on tacos.

15. Avocado

Even though I personally couldn’t eat avocado during the early stages of my
pregnancy, it is one of the best foods to eat while pregnant.

Avocado is high in monounsaturated fatty acids (healthy fats), which helps with the
baby’s brain, tissue and skin development. In addition to this, avocado also provides
your body with fibre, potassium and B vitamins. There are lots of ways to use
avocado — it is great on some toast if you are feeling a bit nauseated.

Those are some of the best foods to eat during pregnancy

While this list of food can be beneficial during pregnancy, this is a guide only.
Remember that every person and every pregnancy is different, so your healthcare
professional will be able to advise whether you have additional nutritional needs.

As you have probably noticed, many of these foods can be enjoyed as part of a
healthy diet. Eating vitamin rich foods is one of the best ways to ensure both you and
your baby are in the best possible health — I hope this list has been helpful!
Pregnancy is an exciting time in your life! With it comes many milestones and
memories, as well as lots of changes. This can be especially true for your health and
fitness routine.

I know so many of you want to continue exercising and are keen to know how to stay
fit during your pregnancy. Today I want to share some simple tips that you can use to
continue with good habits. Pregnancy can be quite demanding on your body, so
these tips are focused on keeping you in good overall health!

How to stay fit while pregnant

If you are anything like me, you might want to stay fit and healthy during pregnancy.
Fitness has always been a part of my life, which I know is the case for a lot of
women. So, to help you out, I’ve put together 5 tips to help you keep up your fitness
in a safe way!

1. Don’t stop exercising

Provided you have been given the okay from your doctor, you don’t have to stop
exercising if you don’t want to. Exercise has so many benefits for your mental and
physical health, so if you want to be active during pregnancy (and you are able), that
is fantastic!

You might be wondering how to stay fit while pregnant if you are used to doing high-
intensity workouts or weight training. Let me help guide you!

If you’ve been doing high-intensity cardio:

High-intensity cardio can be very demanding on your body. Now that your body is
focused on nourishing your baby and helping it to grow, the stress of a high-intensity
workout can be a bit much. Especially if you’re dealing with morning sickness too!

Try to make the switch to lower impact cardio exercises instead of high-intensity
workouts. You could give my pregnancy-friendly BBG workout a go — it uses lower
impact BBG exercises and you can get it done in just 28 minutes.

Swimming or walking are also great low-impact styles of training because they
reduce the amount of stress going through your body due to the impact of the
movement. If you are feeling up to it or wondering if you should skip running while
pregnant, then slow, steady-state jogging is also a good substitute.

If you’ve been doing weight training:

For any women who have been doing weight training and want to be fit and pregnant,
you can do this by tweaking your weight routine. Select lighter weights and complete
a higher number of reps (such as completing 20 reps instead of 15). Avoid pushing to
If you want to try something gentle
As I mentioned above, lower impact exercise can be really beneficial. Aim to go for a
walk of at least 30 minutes each day to get your blood flowing.

You might also like to add in some gentle exercises, such as prenatal pilates. These
often incorporate pelvic floor exercises, which are really important during pregnancy
as these muscles can become weak while you are carrying a baby.

Whatever choice you make in regards to exercise, remember that it is important to

get clearance from your medical professional regarding how much exercise you are
doing and what style, to ensure you are making the best decisions for your health
and the health of your baby.

2. Listen to your body

You don’t need me to tell you that regardless of whether this is your first pregnancy or
not, there will be lots of changes happening in your body. Everyone experiences
pregnancy differently but the important thing to remember is to listen to your body.

Even if you are doing your own research to find out how to stay fit while pregnant, be
mindful to make choices based on how YOU feel. For example, if you have morning
sickness, don’t push yourself when you’re feeling unwell. Stick to exercise that you
enjoy and try to get outside for some fresh air when possible.

It’s not uncommon to feel lethargic during your first trimester and to want to rest,
which is totally okay! Often, during the second trimester, you will notice your energy
levels increasing again. Don’t force yourself to work out if you simply aren’t feeling up
to it — fitness should still be fun, not a chore.
3. Continue with healthy eating habits

Maintaining healthy eating habits during pregnancy is really important. Your body is
going to need extra nutrients to ensure healthy development for your baby and for

With that in mind, don’t be fooled into thinking you need to eat twice as much food!
That’s right — ‘eating for two’ is a bit misleading! We all want to give our baby the
best start in life, so make sure you focus on the quality of your diet.

On that note, try not to fall into the trap of letting pregnancy be an excuse to sideline
your healthy eating habits either. While you might be tempted to indulge all of your
cravings and eat junk food, remember there are healthier ways of doing this! Eating
something like my Chocolate and Raspberry Chia Pudding is a great way to have
something sweet while also providing your body with key nutrients.
4. Stretch

While a lot of women focus on how to stay fit while pregnant, they may not know
where stretching fits into that routine. In fact, a daily stretching routine can help with
any muscle pain or cramping you might be experiencing. This is particularly helpful
as your body changes — stretching can help to improve your posture and this can
work to give the baby more space.

If you want to try out a stretching routine, try some prenatal yoga. These routines are
specifically designed for pregnancy, so they are safe and gentle enough to perform
through most stages of your pregnancy.

5. Aim to stay hydrated

I’m sure you already know all of the reasons WHY it is so important to drink
water throughout the day, especially if you are working out. When you are pregnant,
you want to make sure you continue to drink adequate amounts of water, especially if
you have been dealing with morning sickness or constipation.

If you are exercising, make sure you are drinking water during your rest breaks and
once you are done working out so that you are replenishing the fluids that were lost.

That’s how to stay fit during pregnancy

Ladies, I know that trying to balance being fit and pregnant sounds confusing but it
really isn’t. Pregnancy doesn’t mean you need to completely change your exercise
routine or your meals. Adjusting the habits you already have in place can make this
time easier, particularly when you already have a lot going on!

Don’t put too much stress on yourself worrying how to stay fit while pregnant — just
aim to continue your healthy eating habits and do some gentle, safe pregnancy
exercises when you can.

Love, Kayla xx

Seminte de chimen. Poarta cea mai mare cantitate de fier dintre

cele de fata, astfel incat iti vor fi foarte folositoare mai ales in cel de-
al treilea trimestru. In afara de asta, stimuleaza si lactatia, un motiv
in plus sa le consumi. Au si un continut de calciu destul de
impresionant – peste 900 mg la 100 g – adica peste 90% din
necesarul nostru zilnic. Ca sa profiti la maximum de beneficiile lor
nutritionale, ia-le cu miere de albine. Portia recomandata este de o

Pe 8 iulie 2019, la doar o zi dupa ce Mercur a intrat in tranzitul retrograd al

verii, Chiron, micul astru dintre Saturn si Uranus, dar cu o influenta uluitoare
spirituala pentru oameni conform astrologiei, intra in tranzit retrograd timp
de 5 luni, pana pe 13 decembrie 2019, in zodia Berbec in care se afla pana
in 2027, incepand din acest an. Astfel, Cosmosul ne ofera 6 astre
retrograde la acest moment, intre doua eclipse ale verii ! Motoarele aproape
oprite si vreme de revizuiri, vindecari, odihna, reflectari, reorientari cu
schimbari…chiar masive de viata.
Pe 18 februarie 2019, Chiron si-a incheiat un ciclu complet de 50 ani in jurul
zodiacului o data cu iesirea sa definitiva din Pesti si intrarea in Berbec si a
inceput o noua calatorie, deschizand noi usi de posibilitati. Chiron este in
Berbec pana in 2027 si ultima data a fost aici acum 50 ani. Unii dintre noi
nu au prins acest tip de energie niciodata in viata lor, cu atat mai mult pe
Chiron retrograd in Berbec.
Horoscop special: Dupa 50 ani, primul CHIRON retrograd in Berbec. Ce schimba in mintea
ta acest tranzit?Mercur retrograd e in actiune! Poti fugi, dar nu te poti ascunde! Ghid de
supravietuireCe inseamna cand visezi paianjeni? E de bine sau de rau?

Descoperit in 1977, Chiron este numit dupa centaurul Chiron din mitologia
greceasca. Chiron a fost un vindecator pentru toti eroii din mitologie insa pe
el insusi nu s-a putut vindeca. Astfel, in astrologie el este cunoscut drept
VINDECATORUL RANIT si acolo unde se afla el in harta natala a fiecaruia
reprezinta tipul de rana interioara sufleteasca, de identitate, pe care o avem
de vindecat pe durata vietii noastre. Chiron reprezinta prima noastra
rana care, daca este descoperita, vindecata si acceptata, se
transforma in cel mai mare dar al nostru.
Pe durata acestui tranzit retrograd, Chiron ne ajuta sa ne eliberam de
vechi dureri, sa vedem ce tipare toxice inca purtam in noi iar
scopul este pana la urma sa ne vindecam ranile.
Acest tranzit retrograd are loc in curajosul Berbec, ceea ce inseamna ca
vom fi chemati sa ne confruntam si noi cu curaj cu ce ne doare in interior.
Fie ca cineva din trecut ne-a cauzat o mare suferinta si o inima franta si ai
dificultate sa poti depasi acea durere, fie o situatie curenta iti cauzeaza
nefericire profunda, furia este emotia principala pe care vom lucra – sa o
intelegem de unde vine, sa o acceptam si sa o eliberam. Oricum nu avem
incotro. Emotiile captive trebuie eliberate, altfel ele devin din ce in ce mai
mari si fac ravagii din ce in ce mai distructive.
Vindecarea, in special cand ai de-a face cu resentimente de lunga durata,
poate fi epuizanta si infricosatoare. Atunci cand intram adanc in bagajul
nostru emotional, nu stim niciodata ce scoatem la lumina. Ne putem simti
tensionati, fragili, vulnerabili, pe toane – si este in regula.
Vindecarea poate sa implice acceptarea de noi limitari, cautarea de noi
cai pentru actiuni independente si asumarea in moduri care ne
dau putere personala fara sa gandim despre noi ca am fi egoisti.
In Berbec, ranile pot fi experimentate in doua moduri : refuzam sa cerem
ajutor si incercam sa ne descurcam singuri cand ar trebui sa accepti sa fii
sustinut sau sa ne gasim foarte restrictionati si captivi de circumstante
prezente de viata si de actiunile altora.
Ranile ce ies pe durata lui Chiron in Berbec deseori se intampla atunci cand
ne grabim nesabuit, deci lectia este despre prudenta, nu despre a da inapoi
si a nu face nimic. A stagna este la fel de periculos cu a-ti asuma prea
multe riscuri. B
Citeste aici totul despre Chiron in Berbec 2027, ce aduce pentru zodia ta, unde
ai Chiron in harta natala, cine are parte de reintoarcea lui Chiron.
Iata 7 mantre care te vor ajuta sa navighezi prin aceasta perioada, in
timp ce lucrezi activ la vindecarea a tot ce a durut si inca doare in
viata ta:
1. Trecutul nu ma mai bantuie
Uneori, momentele dureroase din istoria noastra personala inca pot fi
simtite viu, chiar la zeci de ani distanta. Sentimentele ingropate de vii nu
mor niciodata. Traumele lasa cicatrici dar nu trebuie sa te defineasca. Daca
retraiesti emotii dureroase similare, le vindeci si mergi mai departe spre
lumina si bine.
2. Eu sunt suficient asa cum sunt
Tranzitul retrograd al lui Chiron este in Berbec, deci se focuseaza pe
identitatea noastra. Cand ne simtim ca si cum nu suntem suficient de buni,
necorespunzatori, respinsi de altii, ignorati, umiliti, incepem sa simtim emotii
negative despre propria persoana. Pe durata acestui tranzit, reaminteste-ti
ca tu contezi, meriti si esti perfect asa cum esti. Vindeca acele amintiri
dureroase cand ai decis prima data ca nu ai fi asa.
3. Eu detin controlul flacarii mele
Furia se poate simti ca o flacara intensa care te poate arde de viu daca nu
esti atent. Flacara ta interna este pretioasa desi uneori este si periculoasa :
netinuta sub control, poate distruge tot, iar cand arde prea incet se poate
stinge. Reaminteste-ti ca tu detii controlul emotiilor tale, chiar si cand sunt
4. Eliberez aceasta povara
Deseori tinem de emotii negative precum furia, resentimentul si
amaraciunea pentru ca nu stim cum sa le dam drumul – chiar incepem sa
credem ca sunt aspecte ale identitatii noastre, ca asa suntem noi. Este mai
usor sa traiesti in furia ta decat sa o vindeci pentru ca ea iti este familiara.
Reaminteste-ti ca a tine de ea este o povara care nu iti serveste. Este in
regula sa ii dai drumul.
5. O iau oricand de la capat
Retrogradul lui Chiron in primul semn zodiacal inseamna renastere.
Incepem un nou capitol in mod curat. Trecutul o fi contribuit la cine suntem
acum dar avem puterea de a schimba istoria. Foloseste aceasta ocazie ca
sa iti schimbi viata in bine. Nu e niciodata prea tarziu pentru un nou inceput.
6. Eu sunt aici pentru un motiv
In vremuri de durere si deznadejde, ne putem intreba “Ce caut eu aici pe
Pamant ?”. Fiecare viata are un scop divin. Tu contezi. De aceea este asa
de important sa te vindeci si sa te simti din nou intreg, ca sa iti implinesti
destinul si sa contribui la marele intreg. Nu trebuie sa stii unde va duce
calatoria ta. Continua sa mergi.
7. Multumesc, urmatorul
Aceasta este o credinta puternica de viata care recunoaste trecutul,
indiferent ce ai simtit despre el, pentru ca el te-a invatat ceva. Fii
recunoscator pentru acea lectie. Acum este insa timpul sa mergi mai
departe spre urmatoarea faza a vietii tale, fara bagaj emotional care sa te
traga inapoi.

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