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Globalization and the Organizational Staffing Process

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Globalization and the Organizational Staffing Process

Globalization is a key aspect in every organization that enables the involved firm to

expand its territories and thus its operations. Typically, globalization refers to a defined process

of integrating the strategies and operations of the business across a diversified array of ideas,

cultures and products (Balon et al., 2016). Currently, the issue of globalization continues to have

a great impact on local issues related to addressing the employees’ problems. Once the

organization becomes concerned with local issues’ impact on the employees, the human resource

personnel require considering the related effects of legal restrictions, workforce diversity and the

emerging interdependence between professional development and training on entire

organization. It is through globalization that the human resource is enabled to develop while

establishing the necessity to always consider the emerging cultural difference in either internal or

external environment (Matera, 2016). In the organizational staffing process, involvement of

globalization aspect is crucial as it enhances the overall development of staff which is suitable in

global environment.

The organizational staffing process is frequently demanding and the established culture

inclines to play a major role on the utilized talent-acquisition strategies. Habitually, the operating

organizations appear to use a given redundancy though when translated to another culture it

might get misunderstood. In global environment, staffing process has not been considered as

easy as it might appear. There exist some implications which usually emerge along with

diversified cultural differences which might impact one or number of steps that are involved in

the established organizational staffing process like job analysis and documentation, workforce

planning, selection and assessment and sourcing and recruiting (Matera, 2016).

The Implications of Staffing in a given Global Environment

In most instances, it is habitually a great challenge to ensure the staffing which is in

global environment is exactly what is required by the company. The act of building the required

social capital is required in order to establish a good and necessitated staff. It is always crucial

for both managers and employers to be capable of trusting the employees with involved

stakeholders like suppliers, customers and staffs. Managers require having the relevant skills of

sparking the desired positivity in individuals who will always come from various parts of the

world, motivate them and embrace them irrespective of any emerging cultural differences. The

organization staff will always comprise of various employees who might be having some

differences and it becomes a necessity to establish a working environment which will embrace

all employees and involved stakeholders without any form of discrimination.

The managers will always act as a connecting factor in the entire organization and thus

the urge of having the relevant skills to unite all the stakeholders and staff towards attaining the

organizations’ set goals. They require being capable of connecting to all staff irrespective of

where they are situated, arise from or their cultural backgrounds (Matera, 2016). The managers

and human resource department should strive to run ideas and attain the most desirable degree of

collaboration amongst one another. It is the manager’s role to be in a position of coping with

emerging cultural differences in a more positive way such as showing respect towards various

cultures that are presented in the organization, show interest and willingness to learn new

language and culture if this is required and; have a defined ability to necessarily move around in

their presented culture (Matera, 2016).


When staffing in any global environment, cultural insight is much required. It is through

this insight that the organization is enabled to understand and learn a given country’s culture

more so when it becomes to establishment of new markets. In various instances, the expectation

of an organization and that of employee might differ and required to be explained further. When

this emerges, settling the differences and appreciating the efforts made by each party should be

considered. The globalization aspect requires cohesion and always learn and understand the

established business terms and norms within a given region or country (Balon et al., 2016). To

illustrate this, some employees in one country might be open and direct while in other country

the hiring organization might not agree with the issue of openness and might need an approach

which is more reserved. It is through learning a given language or having cultural insight that

may help the employee to always get better conversant within an organization and play a major

role in helping the employee adjust well to their current or new role within the organization.

Any organization requires staying dynamic and flexible when it is involved in staffing

internationally. In becoming more flexible, the organization can readjust their remote regulations

and policies, at times offer travelling for employees, and train the employees as expected, among

other related activities. As a way of motivating employees, some companies might pay for the

expenses incurred in travelling between the employee’s home country and the country one is

working in for the employees to have some time they can spend with their loved ones. By so

doing, the company might in a way discourage some immoral behaviors of making the

employees unfaithful and in long-run suffer some preventable diseases like HIV/AIDS which

might affect the employee’s life is always crucial for the international employees to

become dynamic and flexible while working with the involved team members for them to always

stay competitive and motivated in their current field.


Remaining compliant to countries’ regulations and rules is beneficial and essential for

the organization’s employers. Every employer is responsible for all the taxes, benefits

withholdings and emerging contracts. Diversified variances form one country to the other are

always tricky. Each country might be having different labor and staffing laws and it becomes

crucial for every organization to be aware of the set requirements. For instance, in most cases the

termination restrictions where the organization’s employers require giving the employees allotted

time prior ending the employment at will is not supported overseas (Matera, 2016). Becoming

familiar of what is required in a given place, region or country can help the organization in

remaining vibrant and competitive in the global environment (Runnels et al., 2013).

The Organizational Staffing Process

The emerging cultural differences stand to be a major factor to be considered when hiring

internationally. One country might perceive a given way is perfect in offering or hiring the

employees while the other country might misinterpret the method used in hiring. Any business

should ensure that, it is properly hiring the new employees internationally as required and one is

utilizing the key steps involved in organizational staffing process (Pinfield, 2016).

Steps involved in Organizational Staffing Process

Ensuring every organization is having a workforce planning is always vital while

ensuring that, management and human resource is working together in analyzing the prevailing

workforce, as well as, devising steps to meet the expected needs of organizations is essential in

giving positive results. Organizations require fostering the planning culture which is driven on

data and develop a fruitful plan when making decisions related to recruitment, transitions and

development of employees with different cultural backgrounds. Job analysis and documentation

is a crucial step where job analysis involves the act of attaining important information that is

relevant concerning each role that is played by employees. The written information concerning

job and job description is job documentation. The job analysis and documentation might differ in

various cultures and thus it becomes crucial to always ensure that the content about job is used in

the way that the organization desires it to appear and the way diverse employees might

understand it (Pinfield, 2016).

Sourcing and recruiting process should focus on how to build trust from a given

candidate. Various cultures appear to mold their people in different way. It is always crucial to

understand and learn people that are being targeted by the organization when basing on the

cultures presented while at the same time establish what is required by the organization. In

selection and assessment step, it becomes vital for the organization to ensure that a given

candidate is suitable for the company and one identifies the behaviors and values which create

the workplace culture. Proper selection of suitable questions that aligns with employee’s religion

and culture can help in selecting the best candidate without any form of bias or showing some

insults in the candidate (Pinfield, 2016).


It is always essential to apply and have a defined organizational staffing process which

has four main steps that require to be accounted for. The steps involves workplace planning; job

analysis and documentation; sourcing and recruiting; and selection and assessment. Ensuring that

recruitment team is familiar with how it should recruit the potential employees is much

significant. The team should be capable of learning a given language, engage and learn about

their culture in order to know it is received and allowed to use a given redundancy and make use

of certain teams that are understood easily. The team should translate the similar way in all the

involved languages. There exist many cultural obstacles when the organization is expanding its

business in various location but the way one approaches the emerging barriers and research done

on the same before expansion can be of great help in making the transition to be easy and

smooth. The act of hiring internationally can be of great benefit to the organization as a result of

having diverse input in the company. This form of hiring is also crucial as it can help the

organization to learn diversified ways to make use of and learn as well about different and new



Balon, R., Hankir, A., Ventriglio, A., & Bhugra, D. (2016). Globalization and recruitment

strategies for international medical graduate physicians: A perspective. International

Medical Graduate Physicians, 315-324.

Matera, V. (2016). Understanding cultural diversity. Culture, cultural traits and cultural changes

between global and local scales. Understanding Cultural Traits, 21-42.

Pinfield, L. T. (2016). Organizational staffing and the posting process. The Operation of Global

Labor Markets.

Runnels, V., Packer, C., & Labonté, R. (2013). Global policies and local practice in the ethical

recruitment of internationally trained health human resources. The Globalization of

Health Care, 203-219.

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