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Activity 1- Asynchronous 2

One of the most prevalent issues surfaced during this pandemic is the student
performance. There were so many to mentioned but I see the concern on the
performance of the students in particular. Learning and growth of learners
academically, psychologically and socially have been episodic and disturbed for many
students. This pandemic is crushing the operational and outcomes of education
systems of which were already strained in many facets. It is not only that these
children lost daily access to school and the basic cares and attentions schools provide
for many learners, but they also lost out on social activities, team sports, and
recreational activities which is necessary to build our learners holistically.

Our learners have faced challenges to name a few into moving to online
learning or blended delivery of learning compared to in-person instruction. Many
noticed the attitudes of our learners toward online learning, the motivation to learn,
and academic performance abruptly fell down that our department education
immediately imposed academic ease in activities and assessments. Psychosocial
supports also were given just to improve students’ performance towards study.

As a hypothetical solution to this issues and challenges during this pandemic,

we teachers need to be resilient to performed our duties and responsibilities, to see
ways and means to help improve the attitudes of our learners towards academic
performance and their psychological effects. We need to influenced our learners in
their various ways for them not to easily give up with the challenges of life personally
and as a learner.

Moreover, since we are moving towards the digital era of education, my other
propose and ambitious solution to these challenges is to provide our learners with
free online teaching applications, with training for online teaching applications. The
provision also of devices to the less fortunate learners who in one way are prone to
depression during this pandemic, making available of internet connectvity services,
and other digital resources. We teachers also need to provide collaborative and
comprehensive digital services that could enhance the students’ level of performance
with the different learning modalities.

As a conclusion, I believed that both our learners and educators have the
ability to overcome or bounce back from these challenges. Because we commit
ourselves to performed better to nurture our learners to be of good and valuable
citizens of our society. No pandemic can stop us from nurturing our learners.
Education must continue amidst this pandemic. -jomajdelacruz-

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