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What Are Articles?

(with Examples)
The articles are the words "a," "an," and "the." They define whether
something is specific or unspecific. There are two types of article:

(1) The Definite Article (The). "The" is called the definite article. It
defines its noun as something specific (e.g., something previously
mentioned or known, something unique, something being identified by
the speaker).
 This is the lake.
(This is a previously specified lake, i.e., one already known
to the readers.)
(2) The Indefinite Article (A, An). "A" and "an" are called the indefinite
articles. They define their noun as something unspecific (e.g., something
generic, something mentioned for the first time).
 This is a lake.
(This is a previously unspecified lake.)
Infographic Explaining the Two Types of

The Two Types of Article

Key Takeaway

"The" is called the definite article because it is used to indicate

something specific.

"A" and "an" are called the indefinite articles because they are used to
indicate something unspecific.

Articles Are Determiners

The articles are classified as determiners. A determiner sits before a
noun to indicate quantity, possession, specificity, or definiteness.Read
more about determiners.
Examples of the Definite and Indefinite Articles
Here are some more examples of the articles in use:
 I fell over the chair again.
(The chair is specific. It is known to the audience.)
 Can you pass me a chair?
(This means an unspecific chair, i.e., any chair.)
 I loved the apple pie after the meal.
(In this example, the audience knows which apple pie is
being praised, e.g., the one at last night's dinner.)
 I love an apple pie after dinner.
(The audience understands that the speaker likes to eat an
apple pie after dinner (any apple pie will do).)

Articles Go before Adjectives

An article often modifies a noun that is already being modified by an
adjective. When this happens, the article goes before the adjective (or
adjectives). For example:
 Please open the small box first.
(Here, the noun "box" is being modified by the adjective
"small." The definite article "the" sits before the adjective.
Remember that the use of "the" tells us that we are talking
about a box already known to the audience.)
 You will get an excellent pizza at Papa Antonio's.
(Here, the indefinite article "an" sits before the adjective

Indefinite Articles Are Used with Singular

The indefinite article ("a," "an") is only for singular nouns. It is not used
for plural nouns.
As the indefinite article specifies one thing (e.g., "a cup" means "one
cup"), it is not used with non-countable nouns (e.g., "water," "air,"
"integrity"). For example:
 I need an air. 
 Play me a music. 
 Give me a heat. 
Most commonly, the indefinite determiner "some" is used instead.

Articles Are Not Used with Possessive

Determiners or Possessive Pronouns
Articles are not used with possessive determiners ("my," "your," "his,"
"her," "its," "our," "their") or possessive pronouns ("mine," "yours," "his,"
"hers," "ours," "theirs") as these already show that something is specific.
For example:
 Take me to the your leader. 
 Take me to your leader. 
 Can I borrow a yours? 
 Can I borrow yours? 

Why Articles Are Important

Here are two common questions related to articles.

(Question 1) When Do You Use "An" and "A"?

The most common mistake involving articles is using "an" instead of "a"
(or vice versa). This mistake occurs because writers believe "an" is used
before a vowel and "a" before a consonant. That is not entirely accurate.

"An" is used before a vowel sound, and "a" is used before a consonant
sound. The word sound is important because consonants can create
vowel sounds, and vowels can create consonant sounds. Therefore, the
use of "an" or "a" is determined by the sound not the letter. Look at these
 A house 
 An hour 
("House" and "hour" start with the same three letters;
however, "house" attracts "a," and "hour" attracts "an." This
is because "house" starts with a consonant sound, but
"hour" starts with a vowel sound.)
 A uniform row 
 An unidentified man 
("Uniform" and "unidentified" start with the same three
letters; however, "uniform " attracts "a," and "unidentified"
attracts "an." This is because "uniform" starts with a
consonant sound ("yoo"), but "unidentified" starts with a
vowel sound.)
Be especially careful with abbreviations:
 An MOT 
(The letter "em" starts with a vowel sound.)
 An LRS 
(The letter "el" starts with a vowel sound.)
 A US diplomat 
(The letter "yoo" starts with a consonant sound.)

(Question 2) Do you say "an historic moment"

or "a historic moment"?
The words "historic," "historical," "historian," "horrific," and even "hotel"
are worthy of special mention because they are often spoken and written
with the wrong version of the indefinite article. All of these words start
with a consonant sound, as soft as it might be. Therefore, their article is
"a" not "an."
 The attraction of power can be a disease, a horrific
disease.   (Irish actor Liam Cunningham)
 We owe an historic debt to American Indians. They have a
unique set of concerns that haven't been addressed.   
(American politician Alan Franken)
("An historic" is wrong, but "a unique" is correct.)
Here are two other issues related to the articles.

(Issue 1) Writing a job title or an office name

with a capital letter.
A job title (e.g., "president," "judge," "director") or the name of an office
("parliament," "court," "accounts section") is given a capital letter when it
refers to a specific person or office, i.e., when it's a proper noun. So,
when the definite article (i.e., "the") appears before such a title or name,
there's a pretty good chance you'll need a capital letter.

Here's the guidance: If the job title or office name is being used for its
dictionary definition, i.e., as a common noun, then don't use a capital
letter. However, if the job title or office name nails it down to one specific
person or office, then use a capital letter. Look at these examples:
 The King was a king among kings. 
("The King" specifies an individual, but "a king" and "kings"
do not. The first one is a proper noun. The other two are
common nouns.)
 The Prime Minister said: "Being a prime minister is a lonely cannot lead from the crowd."   (Prime Minister
Margaret Thatcher).
 ("The Prime Minister" specifies an individual, but "a prime
minister" does not.)

(Issue 2) Capitalizing "The" when it starts a

name (e.g., "The Beatles").
Some names (particularly band names) start with "The" (e.g., "The
Beatles," "The Rolling Stones," "The Sex Pistols"). When such names
appear in running text, you have a choice whether to write "The" (with a
capital letter) or "the." There's no consensus among the leading style
guides on this point, so go with your preference.
 Did you download the The Clash album?
(Logically, this is correct, but it's far too unwieldy. No one
would write it. Most people would write "Did you download
the Clash album?".)
Bear in mind that you might stumble across this issue with foreign
 Gina Vitale: The restaurant is called "The La Trattoria."
 Michael Felgate: "The La Trattoria" means "The The
 Gina Vitale: I know.
(This is an extract from the 1999 Hugh Grant film "Mickey
Blue Eyes." With more clarity of thought, the owner might
have called the restaurant "La Trattoria.")
 Does it disturb anyone else that "The Los Angeles Angels"
baseball team translates directly as "The The Angels
Angels"? (Anon)
(There's no fix for this one. Just go with it.)

Key Points
 Use "an" before a vowel sound and "a" before a consonant sound. (Note the
word sound.)
 If you're drawn to "an historic" or "an horrific", give your aitches more "huh" until
you're comfortable with using "a."
 When a job title (e.g., "ambassador") or an office name (e.g., "finance office") is
preceded by "an" or "a" (as opposed to "the"), write it with a lowercase letter.

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