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RAUNT VERSITY OF ENGINEERING & TECIINOLOGY Department of Mechanical Engineering B, Se, Engineering 2nd Year 2nd Term Examination, 2018 ME 2209 (Engineering Mechanies I) Time: 3 Hours ‘Total Marks: 210 i) Answer any THREE questions from each se ii) Figures in the right margi n separate scripts SECTION. if \ motorist is travelling at 75 knvhr when he observes that a traffic signal light 325m 17 y al of bim tums red. The traffic light is timed to stay red for 25 seconds. If the 'movorist wishes to pass the light without stopping just as it tums green again, determine (i) the required uniform deceleration of the ear, (ii) the speed of the ear as it passes the Tigi. 14 The rotation of rod OA about “O" is defined by the relation /_sxpressed in radians and sin seeonits, The collar B slides along the rod in such a way that its distane ©" is r=1.250? ~0.957%, where r is expressed in meters and ¢ in seconds. When #2 seconds, determine- (i) the velocity of the collar, (ii) the acceleration of the collar. anc (ii) the acceleration of the colar relative to the rod. tro 4p of 16 avs from a point A located 18 3.3 m, determine the angle «for which the ball ja My The wires AC and BC are tied at C +0 a sphere which revolves at a constant speed v in 17 ihe borizontal citele shown, Determine the range of the allowable values of ¥ if both ‘wires ane Ho remain taut and iF the Gension in ether of the wires is not to exceed 90 N, Page Hof (a) When a particle moves under contra free, determine the expression ofa conic section in «17 Gh the polar coondinates rand ani hence show that if: <1, ie. (A/c) the cone section i is ancllipse 3(b)_ The two blocks as shown are originally at rest, Neglecting the masses of the pulleys. determine (i) the acceleration of each block, (ii) the tension in the cable. (ii) distance traveled by block B in3 seconds. Assume thatthe coefficients of frietion at pulley C and between black A and the incline are jt, = 0.25 and j= 0.20. dh Ne \ B | 160 kg 4(@) A thin circular rod is supported in a vertical plane by a bracket at A. Attached to the bracket and loosely wound around the rod is a spring of constant k = 3. Nim and ‘undeform length equal to the are of circle AB. An 0.5 N collar C, not attached to the spring can slide without friction along the rod. Knowing thatthe collar is released from rest when @= 30°, determine (i) the maximum height above point B reached by the collar, (ii) the maximum speed of the collar. (fo Ne) 4b) The coefficient of restitution is 0.9 between the two 2.37 em diameter billiard balls A 12 and B. Ball A is moving in the direetion shown with a velocity of 30 cm/see when it strikes ball B, which is at rest. Knowing that after impact 8 is moving in the x direction, jie (i) the angle @, (ii the velocity of B after impact. [A spacecraft is deseribing an elite orbit of minimum altitude fy = 2400 km and og # a maumum altitude ig = 9600 km above the surface ofthe earth, Determine the speed of the spacecraft at A. Vo B & Sea) Sib 64h) CTION-B 1 the position show bar AB has an the angular veloci of bar BD and DE ngular velocity of 4 rad/see clockwise. Determine 17 4em Tem: f i I [fe aw E \ the instant shown, the eentre B of the double pulley has a velocity of 0.65 msec and 18 an *, both direeted downward. Knowing that the cord wrapped around the inner pulley is attached to a fixed support at A, determine the acceleration of point D. 80 min 200 mm In the engine s ‘constant angu S em and b= 7.5 cm; the crank AB rotates with a 17 i velocity of 750 rpm clockwise. Determine the velocity of the piston p ul the angular velocity ofthe connecting rod for the position corresponding to @= 40°, i, \ drum of 4 cm in radius is attached to a dis k of 8 em radius, The disk and drum have a 18 combined wei ht 100 N and a combined radius of gyration of 6 cm, A cord is attached as shown and pulled with a force P = 30N. Knowing that pt, = 0.25 and 4 = 0.2. Determine (i) whether of not the disk slides, (ii) the angular acceleration of the disk and the acceleration of G. Page 3 of Ta) The mass center G of a $ kg wheel of radius R = 300 mm is located at a distance = 100 mm from its geomet = 8 rad/see the wheel. ic center G. The centroidal ral As the wheel rolls without sliding, its angular velocit ofyyration K = 150 mm. varies and it is observed that the position shown, Determine the corresponding angular acceleration of 7b) The double pulley shown has a total mass of 6 ky and a centroidal radius of gyration of 135 mm, Five collars each of mass 1.25 kg, are attached to cord A and B as shown. When the system is at rest and in equilibrium, one collar is removed from cord A. Neglecting ofcord A at t= S seconds. friction, determine (i) the angular acceleration of the pulley. (ii) the velocity 8(a) What is meant by gyroscopic motion? Deduce an expression for angular momentum oF: rigid body, when the body ereates gyroscopic m« A.30 g bullet is fired with a horizontal velocity of 350 see into the 8 kg wooden bearn ‘AB. The beam is suspended from a collar of negligible mass that can slide along the horizontal rod. Neglecting friction between the collar and the rod determine the ‘maximum angle of rotation ofthe beam during its subsequent motion, A on PT lam y wl a = Ane va = 350 mise Og Fz QR Page 4 of Is 7 18 KHULNA UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY Department of Mechanical Engineering B, Se. Engineering 2nd Year 2nd Term Examination, 2018 tose Math 2205 (Mathematics 1V) ‘Time: 3 Hours Total Marks: 210 1N.B.: i) Answer any THREE questions from each section in separate scripts in the right margin indicate fall marks, iii) Assume reasonable data if any missing, {CTION-A Ma) State a set of sufficient conditions to expand a function in Fourier series. 6 Wb) Justify the statement~ “Half range Fourier series ean be expanded as cosine or sine 12 series as desired” Ne) 8 WW) wi tion classify /(.x)=xeos x as even or odd function when defined in 9 joys xen 21a) _ Represent the following function in Fourier series 1s ro, olve the Laplace’s equation in polar coonginates to obtain the general single valued 17 ircular harmonies, 200) 7 ‘of width 110 em is lying horizontally whose sides are 16 373°K and the end temperature is given by steady state temperature X4b) Derive the expression to calculate the displacement of a sting of Fength 10 units 19 both tial velocity is x (10 ~ x) and displacen (a) Find the general solution ofthe Laplaces equation in 2- (ea P eage 2) 4 “9 oem enone Cans hae ig EOF a Ue abiney wow gmc ue weincropam 9H FE) os y ry ‘The tollowing variables are declared in C program. Write down the appropriate scanf 20 statemient t0 read the values of the va :bles. fy int a: r) unsignsdch (vl 2 (79 yea, Ramee chee 2 FO ae pgs 5) ( Vi) Shortc; (vf) duuble » (ixyint *g; @ wets 5. . 7 (4%) ANS Lay Seay ¢ oS ‘a) ‘What is meant by looping? Deseribe diff. ent types of looping with example- nh? "0 /. 2\bY Suppose you sue viven 106 inteyer numb sand asked to calculate average of odd numbers 15 Z rite 0 poy this pret! AC program contains the follcwing varivble declarations: 7 float y= 98.7654; int i= 12 ‘Show the outptt Fesulting from -ach of the following printf statement: (i) Primif(C":°%4 6d TAL % If". iy9): (ii) Pimp“: % +d 20.2%, i (iii)Primip* ev yy) AGT iia is meamt by array variable? When we use array vatiable? What are its advantages and 10 disadvantages? Explam, __» Gt pane 167) Suppose, you are given two squar matrix A and B of same size (nx n) and asked to write a Program to multiply each cleinen of A Sy the corresponding element of B and display the 10 3b) 10 result Aor Write a prog caleulate the number of the code ‘iaracter in a character type array called text end 15 “o's are there inthe text array. Use switch statement in 4c) Write a program to caleuk'e birth date (dsm. ‘of a perzon on a particular date (de-mm-yy) given his 15 4h) iva elass room there are 1 ) students, /st the end of the term, the average of three marks as 20 ss test marks (out of 2.) \ttendance marks (out of 10), and final exam marks (out of 70) imust be © omputed, ‘Ther this, werage is rounded and used to determine the corresponding letter grade. The lester pr Jes a computed as follows: Page 1 of 2 Range [280 _[<80&375[<75&270 [<70&>65|<65&200] <60 Grade At A A- Bt B F Write a C program to read three marks, compute their avernge, rounded the average and use it to determine the corresponding lettér grade. seCTION=n* (rat 04 aap. 88 ? Ai bet user-defined function and explain call by value and€all by referende in C program. AG Write a function to caleulate the roots of a quadratic equation. Clearly mention the arguments. 10 5(c) Suppose you deposit a given amount of money A, into a savings account at the beginning of 15 each year for n years. If the interest given dn"th deposit is / percent annually, then the amount ‘of money that will be accumulated aflern years is rodia) i) Write a function to calculate F given mand i. a / . Qio AGH What is meant by global variable and local variable in C programming? Write down the 05 / advantages and disadvantages of using global vinwble. (eae 4 et ‘What is meant by string? Write 5 string tunctions with their respective purposes, Fy 2A “Write a program in C liguage to find out the largest clement of an 3 x 3 matrix using users 12 defined fu jefined function. ~( ead peye 2 (Of Write a program in C language using recursion to @aluate the equation where n isa 13 ‘non-negative integer. } E decay hb £ Int eaumom, lang nyelts pats POwen(np: 7) Nt eee Cant irk) niet Coerion arden? DO [pant (1 7 raPenairt) ask one ire Pore od OS 57 7) What is meant by the hddress of a memory cell? How’at€ &furesses usually numbered? Weite a 0S printf statement to print the address of a variable u. 7(b) Mr. X want to multiply two matrices A (m, n) and B (n, p) and searching a programmer to write- {a function to read the elements of matrices. os Gi) a function to multiply the matrices. FA “(ii) a function to display the results forall the functions use pointer variables. 5 8(a) What is linked list? What are its advantages and disadvantages over an array? Discuss. 05 8(b) Write a program to create and display a linked list. Assume anything you required. 8(c) The VC of KUET wants to store the information of Ist year student which contains the, following: Roll Number, Name, Birth date and Address. Ap Define appropriate sruture variables for hs situation, (i) Write a function to read the information of each student. (iii) Write a function to display the information of each student. g Page 2 of 2 KHULNA UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY Department of Mechanical Engineering - Engineering 2nd Year 2nd Term Examination, 2018 E2213 : cuties Flord WP Time: 3 Hours. Total Marks: 210 NB. i) Answer any THREE questions from each seetion in separate scripts. ii) Figures in the right margin indicate fll marks. 12050 9 iii) Assume reasonable data if any missing. CTION-A V(a)_Prove that the maximum efficiency of jet striking on a symmetrical moving curved vane 16 20 } Symbols have their usual ineaning. 1(b) A metal plate of 10 mm thickness and 200 mm square is hung so that it ean swing freely about the upper horizontal edge, A jet of water of 20 mm diameter impinges with its axis Perpendicular and SO mm below the edge of the hinge and keeps itsteaily inclined at 30° to the vertical. Find the velocity of the jet if the specific weight of the metal is 75.54 kNim’, 2a) Briefly describe the laws of fluid fiction (208 Deduce the expression to calculate the head loss due to friction in pipes. 2) A pipeline 0.225 m in diameter and 1580 m long has a slope of 1 in 200 for the first 790 m and 1 in 100 for the next 790 m. The pressure at the upper end of the pipe line is 107.91 kPa and at the lower end is $3.85 kPa. Determine the discharge through the pipeline. Taking f= 0.032, a) What is compound pipe? How would you determine the equivalent size of a compound pipe? 8 sine ems yap ane ate ne 3(e) ‘The annular space between two cylinders is filled with fluid of specific gravity 1.3 and viscosity 2.65 N.s/m®, The diameters of inner and outer cylinders are 35 em and 57 cm respectively. If the inner eylinder rotates with 55 rpm, determine the power required to rotate the inner eylinder per unit length of the cylinder. y6_ Prove that the maximum velocity ina circular pipe for viscous flow is equal to two times the average velocity of the flow, PS Define coefficient of drag and lift, and state the factors on which these coefficients depend, 7 What is meant by Magnum effect? Explain, Magiuf SECTION ro we boundary layer and explain the fundamental causes of its existence, Also discuss the various methods of controlling the boundary layer. 5(b) Discuss the phenomenon of flow separation in a diverging flow. is wi u Se) Assume that the velocity distribution in the boundary layer is given by Calculate | 7 . {4) Displacement thickness, (i) Momentum thickness, and (ii) Energy thickness, 20 1s 08 2 18 0 15 Page 1 of 2 nie ss Prove that the sonic condi 6b) 64) 7a) 1b) 1) 8(a) is possible only ata location of minimum area in a channel Explain why mass flow rate cannot be inereased beyond the chocked value in a duct? ‘A converging nozzle has a throat area of 6 em? and stagnation conditions of 120 kPa and 400 K. Compute the exit pressure and mass flow if the back pressure is (3) 90 kPa and Gi) 45 KPa, Explain when and where normal shock wave ovcuts in a compressible duct flow? What is Rayleigh flow and Rayleigh curve? Show that heat addition always derives the Mach numbers toward the sonie condition Air flows subsonically in an adiabatie 2 em diameter duet. What length of duct is necessary to accelerate the flow from Mach 0.2 to Mach 0.4? What additional length will accelerate it to chocked condition? Assume the average friction factor as 0.025. Write down the significance of isentropic stagnation properties and critical conditions in compressible flow analysis (30S Deduce the expressions of isentropic stagnation property ratios in terms of Mach number 8) °C and 35 kPa ns, Ty and Py. {A supersonic wind funnel test section is designed to have Mach 2.5 at (@bs). IF the Muid is air, determine the required inlet stagnation com Calculate the required mass flow rate for a test section area of 0.175 m*. 10 15 Page 2 of 2 KHULNA UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY . Depariment of Mechanical Engineering B. So, Engineering 2nd Yeer 2nd Term Examination, 2018 ME2211 (Mechanics of Solid) Total Marks: 210 Time: 3 Hours in separate scripts. N.B.:) Answer any THREE questions from each seeti i) Figures in the right margin indicate full marks. i) Assume reasonable data if missing any. iv) Table 8-1 may be supplied on request. SECTION-A Compute the shearing stress int the pin at B for the member supported as shown in figure. 10 ‘The pin diameter is 20 mm, 40kN 10 (Gf) A hole is to be punched out of a plate having a shearing strength of 275 MPa as shown in figure. The compressive stress in the punch is limited 0 $0 MPa. (i) Compute the maximum thickness of the plate in which # hole 65 mm in diameter can be punched. (ii) If the plate is 6.5 mm thick, determine the diameter of the smallest hole that can be punched. its vertical movement (x rigid bars AB and CD shown in figure are supported by pins at A and C andthe two 15 ds. Determine the maximum force P that can be applied as shown is limited to 5 mm, Neglect the weight ofall members. womesngsse Aluminium: oe L=2m ‘A= 500 mm? F=70GPa \The rigid bar ABC is pinned at B and attached to the two vertical rods as shown. Initially the 18 bar is horizontat and the vertical rods arc stress free. Determine the siress in the aluminum rod if the temperature of the steel rod I decreased by 40°C. Neglect the weight of the bar ABC. Stee) cts ~ L=09m ‘Aluminum oe A=300mm? L=12m E= 200 GPa A> 1200 mt + a= 11.7 mime) E~70GPa HB a =23.0 pmmc) f06 ms 1.2m —_ © shown, Hach us SA tnt ar ined at point 0, i sported by te identical opin as hows Fh " ‘consists of 20 (urns of 20 mm diameter wire ha yn cl nth springs is Tirnited to the maximum load W that may be supported if the shearing, stress in the sp 140 MPa, Neglect the mass of the rigid bar. eas ws ay ‘a.Tsmm el I<0.sinm > — 1.0 mm — iw 3(3)-]Praw the shear and ioment diagrams for the beam as shown. Also mention the numerical 17 Yalucs at all change of loading positions and at all points of zero shear, - w kam je-2mal tm k— foo . : Determine the maximum and minimum shearin, in figure if V ~ 100 KN. Also, compute the ‘web of the beam. We stress in the web of the wide-flange section 18 Peteentage uf vertical shear cartied only by the S 169 mam 20 maf 20mm a beam 10 m long and supported ay shown in fi toad of intensity wa {including its own weight), The allowable stiesses are a, © 120 NIP ana! 6. £80 MPa. Determine the maximum safe valve of waif» LOn ure, carries a uniformly distrbuted 18 Wa 36x 10° mint Determine the value of figure. ly midway between the supports fin the beam led as shown in 17 ’ 200. Nim “ewe AWA Ge : oa. hom t —2m- | Ry . SECTION-D fi wy “sfa) Determine the end shears and end moments for the restrained bean ax shiwn bn Fe ‘Also sketch the shear ond moment diagrams, was 25KN/n om or the continuous beam shown in figure, determine the moments over the supports. Also, () Araw the shear diagram and compute the maximum positive bending moment t ARN, Sm i) \ Ym bom ) IR: |r ved (a) ‘The bent steel bar shown in figure is 200mm square, Determine the normal stresses at A 17 and B, 100 | fs Z b—00 mm——th—400 mm—s}mnm |e ‘in-plane shearing stress. Show all resuls on complete sketches of different elements : i iw 460. MPa i 0 MPa is slendemess ratio? Discuss the limitation of Eular's formula of critical load for 0S ‘ong columns. Derive the expressions of critieal load for long column end show that critical lod ofa 16, fixed ended long column is four times the load of & hinge ended column. Also, discuss the limitations of Eular formula. Page dof t i te k (7) \A pinned-end column with length 1. = 2.1m is constructed of steel pipe (FE = 210 Gita) 444 ) having nside diameter G0 mm and outside diameter 68 mm. A compressive loach 10 kN acts with eccentricity 30 mm. he column? (i) What is the maximum compressive stress in the column’ (i) If the allowable stress in the steel is 50 MPa, then what is the maximum permissible length of the column? “hh h—— ustrated in the figure. The rivet hole diameter is 20.5 mm, the thickness of each niain plate is 14 mm, the thickness of each cover plate is 10 mm. The ultimate stress in shear, bearing and tension are respectively 300 MPa, 650 MPa and 400 MPa. Using a factor of safety of 5, determine the strength of a repeating section, the efficiency of the joint, and the maximum intemal pressure that can be carried in a 1.5 m diameter boiler for which this joint is the longitudinal sear. Fsi5 (‘pena section 180 mm long of a riveted triple-row butt joint of the pressure type is 18 SEs, ~) plats 19 lapped over und welded to a gusset plate as shown tn figure. 7 \ G) Determine the size of the fillet welds to be specttiod using f= LS MPa through the throats of the welds. Gi) What maximum value of P can be applied vertically downward, if8 mm welds are used! /P = VDAN G Ken | Aw _ ="

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