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1. Traduza as seguintes frases:

a) I have a few oranges. I can make some juice.

b) There are many people outside. What’s going on?


c) I must study now. I have a difficult test tomorrow and little time to finish
these exercises.
2. Complete as perguntas com uma das question words abaixo.Veja o exemplo.

a) _____ are you doing? I’m studying for the test.

b) ______ you laughing? Because I heard a very funny joke.
c) ______ is your birthday? It’s on June 15th.
d) _____ old are you? I’m 11 years old.
e) ______ is Laura playing with? She’s playing with Alice.
f) ______ is your mother? She’s in the kitchen.
g) ______ shirt do you prefer? The blue one or the pinks one? The blue one.
h) ______ is your best friend? Pedro is my best friend.

3. As frases a seguir possuem algum erro relacionado aos adjetivos e substantivos.

Escreva a forma correta abaixo.
a) I went to the bakery and bought 10 breads.
b) I ate 3 chocolates today!
c) I love uncle Junior! He’s my uncle favorite!
d) I drink many Waters every day.

4. Assinale a alternativa que mostra corretamente a forma negativa da frase:

“Were they tired after the exams?”
a) They wasn’t tired after the exams.
c) They were tired after the exams.
b) They weren’t tired after the exams.
d) They aren’t tired after the exams.
e) They are tired after the exams.

5. Leia o texto sobre a escola da Janet e seus amigos e assinale a alternative

My school day by Janet Myers
I’m eleven. I’m in the sixth grade at Jackson Middle School. My teacher is Mrs.
Smith. She (a) ____ very nice. My favorite class is English. There are some great after-
school activities. My favorite is the music class. (b) ______ Friday, I go home at 5:00
because I have Physical Education in the afternoon. Oh, look, (c) _______ is my friend
Laura!(d) ____ is my best friend.(e) _______ boy near the cafeteria is Peter.(f) ____ is
very funny.(g)I ______ my school!
a) I. are II. is III. am IV. do V. in VI.
b) I. Is II. In III. To IV. A V. On VI.
c) I. they II. those III. he IV. these V. that VI. I
d) I. that II. these III. you IV. does V. are VI.
e) I. friend II. that III. in IV. she V. a VI. He
f) I. This II. She III. It IV. He V. They VI.

g) I. loves II. study III. hates IV. go V. do VI.


6. Ainda sobre o texto “My school day by Janet Myers”, da questão acima,
responda em português: Quantos anos Janet tem? Em que série (escolar) ela
está? Por que ela vai para casa mais tarde na sexta-feira?


Para os exercícios de 07 a 09, assinale a alternativa que completa corretamente

as lacunas.

7. Georgia is _____ European girl, but her friend Jackie is ____ American girl and her
friend Marco is ____ Mexican boy.
a) an – an – a c) an – a – a e) a – an – a

b) a – an – an d) a – a – a

8. John and Nancy ____ good friends. Yesterday, they played soccer for 4 hours! Nancy
is very tired. John ____ fine now, but he ____ very tired too yesterday.

a) are – was – were c) are – is – was e) were – is – were

b) is – is – was d) were – was – was

9. Rony loves ____ friends because _____ always have a good time when he is with
_____ .

a) him – he – their c) his – him – his e) he – his – them

b) his – he – them d) him – he – theirs

10. Assinale a alternativa que responde corretamente à pergunta:

“Was she excited to see the elephants?”

a) Yes, I was. c) No, I wasn’t. e) Yes, she were.

b) No, she was. d) Yes, she was.

11. Assinale a alternativa que corresponde ao passado de:

“She has a lot of things to do at work.”

a) She had a lot of things to do at work. c) She did has a lot of things to do at

b) She have a lot of things to do at work. d) She haved a lot of things to do at

12. Complete as colunas a seguir transformando as frases em afirmativas, negativas
e interrogativas nos espaços em branco.

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

Isis loves Melanie
João and Pedro aren’t
Are you a doctor?

She doesn’t like

We should leave now.

They are dancing.

Did she play soccer


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