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*calling monse friend*

Daniela: Hi (name) how are you doing?
Monse: I'm fine thanks, I'm cleaning my room and then I'll do the dishes, and you
Daniela: I need a friend to talk with, can we meet at the cafe near my apartment?
Monse: Sure I'll be there in 10 minutes
Daniela: Okay thanks
*Monse le llama a Daniela*
Monse: Hi it´s Monse. Im a bit lost, I can´t find the café
Daniela: Where are you?
Monse: I'm in the park next to the hospital
Daniela: That's near, walk straight until you see the movie theatre then turn right and
then walk two blocks and the cafe will be at your left
*llega al café*
Daniela: Hi, i you already order two iced coffee and two crossaints, do you like it?
Monse: Yeah I love it thanks.
Daniela: and how you doing do you still in college
Monse: No, I´m not, i graduated two months ago. I work at the police station now
Daniela: That sounds great
Monse: And what about you?
Daniela: I'm very stressed lately because of my job. But I adopted a dog and he help
me, his name is snoopy, i love him. Do you still live with your parents?
Monse: Yes I do, but I'm looking for a apartment to move
Daniela: If you want you can move to my apartment I got an extra room
Monse: That sounds great, and can Luna come with me?
Daniela: who's Luna
Monse: she's my dog
Daniela: Of course she can Snoopy and she can be friends
Monse: I´m going home I have to tell my parents the new, see you later
*en el depa*
Daniela: Welcome to your new home, I'll take you to a tour, so on your left is the living
room and there´s a big TV where we can watch movies, and there´s the kitchen, on the
right is my room and next to it is your room and the toilet.
Monse: Is very beautiful, oh and this lake near
Daniela: Yes I walk next to it every morning. and if you want the building also has a
gym where you can go
Monse: For sure I will go, and where can I take the bus?
Daniela: The bus stop is in front of the building, and there´s another one two blocks
next. On the weekends I go to the park with Snoopy and my sister, Luna and you can
come with us if you want
Monse: Wait, do you have a sister?
Daniela: Yes I do her name is taylor swift, she is older than me, Do you have any
Monse: Yes I do, but he is studying in another country, I go to visit him every summer,
We're in the living room. mommy is cooking dinner she´s making pasta. My sisters are
doing the dishes. I'm helping my brother to do his homework. But I'm also making this
video! Where are the others? Well, Gerardo is playing football in the garden . Paola is
helping his grandma. They're cleaning the bathroom.  And Grandpa is watching TV in
the bedroom.

What am I doing at the moment? Well, I'm really relax, because is saturday. I'm
watching my favorite tv series but also I cleaning my room. On weekends I studying at
college. This week, I'm helping my grandma to paint her house. She´s remodeling it.
This morning I went to my best friend house to have a breakfast, My friend's mom
cooking sushi. After the breakfast I went to the supermarket with mom. We did the
shoping for the netx week

I don't like to send text messages. I prefer to talk on the phone, but I don't like video
calls a lot because I don't always want people to see me. If a friend calls me and I'm
busy, I usually say, "Can you call me back later?" or "Sorry, it's not a good time." But
sometimes, when I'm working, I don't answer my phone. Then I check my messages

I don't like text messages because I don't like to write. I prefer to send voice messages,
although I usually make video chats when I talk to my friends. I usually say, hello how
are you? Or can I talk to you later? when i'm busy. when I'm at school I never answer
messages, I read them when I get home

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