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DHS Lunchroom Supervisor Duty Created: 8/30/18


Together, we are stronger! Let’s have consistent high team expecta ons for the responsible use of our building. Here are the basic processes and procedures for DHS
lunchroom supervision and working with students and other persons that use our cafeteria/lunchroom. This is a working/dra document as we will learn more of what
works. We will keep this document manageable and succinct--like our classroom rules! This is a start.

Lunch me is a great me to establish and maintain rela onships with students! It is fun!

Basic items for the new school year 2019-20:

All lunch dining will take place on the lower level of the cafeteria. We have 255 seats on the south side and 155 on the servery (north) side. Students must fill in the
empty seats on the lower level and may have to sit with someone they do not know. No ea ng lunch on the upper level or digital commons.

Matching high chairs/tables and furniture stay in the digital commons and mezzanine area. Do not bring/mix these items from lower to higher and vice versa. Keep all
furniture in its current loca on--as is. Old blue chairs on the lower level always must remain nearest the servery (north) side for use with the empty tables (tables w/o
fixed seats) and for easy cleanup. Students may combine the square tables along the south, large front window area.

Proper food/garbage recycling by all persons is very important. We will all receive training at the start of the year and follow up trainings therea er. S ll important
in 2019-20 but we do not have enough staff to do this every minute. Try your best!

Students will stay in the lower level cafeteria area un l dismissed by their lunchroom area (floor) supervisor at the correct me. No bull-rushing down the hallway. The
north servery side will be excused first to avoid this.

Lunch students are not to be in the TAC or walking track area. When appropriate, shut the doors leading to the track area. Students may fill their water bo le on the
south side, upper mezzanine area by the new bathrooms.

Supervisor sta ons and du es:

Take ini a ve when you see a need and tell students (firm, fair, friendly) what you want them to do--and hold them accoutable. No phone use while supervising lunch.
Keep moving about the area that you are assigned to and do not congregate in groups with other staff members. Interact at a safe distance with students. Enforce three
things daily to all students : 6 social distance, sani ze frequently and CLEANUP ANY MESSES.
Person 1: Digital Commons/Mid-Point Stairwell-Start out by helping supervising students entering down the stairs to the lower level correctly (Half should go down
farther to the TAC stairwell) and tables on north side servery when possible. Then, monitor/stay in digital commons, upper mezzanine area un l the end of lunch and
prevent students from outside or going back into academic wings or leaving early so that academic wings are not disturbed.
Person 2: Begin by following students in forma on of the lunch line and prevent budging. A er line is down, supervise smaller north side servery/office area
tables-Begin by roaming/supervising students then transi on to monitoring the garbage bins/tray return near the end of lunch me.
Person 3: Larger South Side Tables/ Windows- monitor round student table half-side, roam, transi on to monitor garbage bins on that side. Prevent students from going
to the/congrega ng on the upper TAC level unless they have to use bathrooms there.
Person 4: Larger South, Lower Concrete Sea ng and Upper Wooden South Bench/TAC by event Bathrooms- monitor small square student table half-side. Assist other
supervisor in preven ng elevator food messes/gatherings. Prevent entry into TAC track
Person 5: Concession stand , Ramp Area, Bathrooms, Small square student tables (north half)..down to start of Digital Commons area--prevent lower level students
from traveling up/down to digital commons and leaving; Report suspicious bathroom ac vity to administra on

Lunchroom Expecta ons for Students:

Do what you are directed/asked/told by a staff member to do--the first me

Clean up your own messes (table, chair, floor etc.), bring back your own lunch tray/milk carton/silverware, and recycle food/garbage properly
Behave, speak and move in a safe, non-bullying manner to all persons
Sit down in your chair at your table. Remain on the lower level un l you are dismissed by the floor supervisor. Push in your chair and respect the furniture

Helpful notes:
Interact with students, talk with them. Take a firm and friendly approach to redirec on for the desired behaviors. Help them see the perspec ve of the kitchen staff.

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