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Delano High School : Strategic Plan

Par ally
Refer to SBLT Agendas/Minutes KEY: Not Yet Started In Progress Not MetCompleted Met
DHS strives for systemic growth towards educa onal excellence for EVERY learner - To meet this end, DHS will provide a safe, suppor ve, collabora ve learning environment that meets the needs of diverse learners
in academics, arts, athle cs, and ac vi es which foster lifelong learners to make posi ve contribu ons to our ever changing society.
Site Improvement Plan
District/School Strategic Improvement Plan
World's Best Workforce
School Year Backwards
Site Q Comp Goal Achievement Gap College and Career School Culture and Climate PLCs / Q Literacy
Grad Rate DHS Schedule Redesign MTSS Design
Reduc on Readiness Comp Ini a ve
Math Corps will be provided Counselors and APs will Staff will monitor SPED DHS will implement a DHS will implement a revised Advisory Barry will establish a Task Force to During August workshops, Barry will present on the
to qualifying 7/8th grade coordinate credit checks students’ academic progress revised Advisory program to program to facilitate the development oversee the work in this goal area interconnectedness of these strategies and the reframing
students each quarter and develop to support academic growth facilitate college and career of a cohesive 7-12 school community with representa on from a broad of the District-wide literacy ini a ve as a Instruc onal
plans to assist students with explora on in age through team building ac vi es and cross sec on of staff, students, and literacy inita ve (focusing on the implementa on
on me gradua on appropriate ways at the the reinforcement of the Tiger Way families Backwards Design, PLCs, and MTSS Tier 1)
various grade levels
Math Department will implement an interven on plan in 9-12 classrooms where teachers on prep are pushing in to math Determine what the survey tool will Barry/Task Force will facilitate During August workshops, a end a PLC Re-boot
classes allowing for classroom teachers to focus instruc on and support to students who need it. focus on. Student members will gain listening sessions and feedback presenta on from Geri Parscale (Solu on Tree consultant)
feedback from classmates. Review systems to gather input from a wide on the key factors of PLCs
exis ng survey instruments for representa on of students, staff,
poten al ques ons and guidance families
Ac on DHS staff will posi vely promote student par cipa on and effort on the MCA and all assessments to re-establish a Determine the survey pla orm Task Force will evaluate February 2022, Geri Parscale (Solu on tree consultant) will
Steps climate of excellence and preparedness. Partner with other groups (i.e. Art club) to improve marke ng for effort and models/op ons for common bell con nue the presenta on work with DHS staff regarding
importance of MCA performance. schedule and process the analysis of PLCs
DHS SST will facilitate individual student support through referrals Create survey said op ons through the criteria Q Comp advisors will work with LPCs to coordinate
matrix developed through staff, weekly/monthly PLC ac vi es in support of the collec ve
student, community feedback. goal
DHS staff will implement Teachers will par cipate in monthly Late Start PD training Pilot survey to a random sample Task Force will provide informa on to Ongoing collabora on between Q Comp advisors, DHS
2021- Zero Hour credit recovery focused on literacy. -Analyze feedback from pilot survey students, staff, and families regarding administra on, and District PD commi ee to develop
2022 program through ESSER III regarding ques ons format, answer the final analysis and decision. Work strategies for the con nued implementa on and effort
funds choices, op ons -Revise and finalize with staff begins regarding towards goals - including Late Start PD opportuni es
survey based on feedback curriculum remodeling resul ng from
Teachers will align classroom instruc on to class standards and test specifica ons Implement school-wide survey the schedule change process.

The percentage of all 100% of DHS seniors will The District will decrease The District will increase By April 2022, the Site Base Iden fy a common bell schedule Support the training and implementa on of quality
students in grades 7, 8, graduate on me the proficiency the percent of students Leadership Team will develop and for grades 7-12 - MET PLCs to provide support of discipline literacy - MET
and 11 at Delano High achievement gap achieving CCR on the u lize a survey tool to measure
School, who take the test between students Reading MCA from student perspec ves about school
and who earn an receiving SPED services 58.31% in 2021 to 64% in culture and climate. MET
achievement level of and students not 2022.
Meets the Standards or receiving SPED services
Goal Exceeds the Standards in on the Reading MCA
Math on all from 41.4% in 2021 to
accountability tests (MCA 33% in 2022 while
and MTAS), will increase increasing the proficiency
from 66.5% in 2021 to rate of both groups.
72.5% in 2022.
Evidence/Feedback 201 Seniors graduated DHS School Climate Survey was delivered to 6x3 Schedule presented to the Board. Started the Curriculum Reference Page, Ongoing training of
on Yearly Goal and on June 5, 2022 students, parents, and staff the week Backwards Design (Power Standards development)
Progress of May 9

7-10 Grade SPED/Math/LA Teachers receive training on FAST data analysis and Tier 1 interven on planning. Reformat the School Climate Survey to Determine Advisory Schedule ( me 7-10 Grade SPED/Math/LA Teachers receive training on
include the elements focused in the of day) for next year. FAST data analysis and Tier 1 interven on planning.
Define all the terms in TIGER Way Complete Resource Inventory and Q Comp advisors will work with LPCs to coordinate
(Teamwork, Inclusion, Grit, Excellence, aquire needed materials to weekly/monthly PLC ac vi es in support of the collec ve
Respect) and share with staff, students, accommodate new schedule goal
and parents.
Create a staff social "commi ee" to Ongoing collabora on between Q Comp advisors, DHS
facilitate team-building and social administra on, and District PD commi ee to develop
events. strategies for the con nued implementa on and effort
t d l i l di L t St t PD t i
Delano High School : Strategic Plan
Par ally
Refer to SBLT Agendas/Minutes KEY: Not Yet Started In Progress Completed
Not Met Met
DHS strives for systemic growth towards educa onal excellence for EVERY learner - To meet this end, DHS will provide a safe, suppor ve, collabora ve learning environment that meets the needs of diverse learners
in academics, arts, athle cs, and ac vi es which foster lifelong learners to make posi ve contribu ons to our ever changing society.
Site Improvement Plan
District/School Strategic Improvement Plan
World's Best Workforce
School Year Backwards
Site Q Comp Goal Achievement Gap College and Career School Culture and Climate PLCs / Q Literacy
Grad Rate DHS Schedule Redesign MTSS Design
Reduc on Readiness Comp Ini a ve
Administrators will follow up with staff Diagnose changes to curricular towards goals - including Late Start PD opportuni es
in regard to discipline/classroom offerings in all departments to
concerns. synchronize with state requirements
(i.e. social studies)
Ac on
Advisory will meet each non-late start Reformat Skyward to facilitate new
Steps Wednesday to focus on The TIGER Way schedule/registra on
and rela onship building.
DHS will host speaker Jonathan Friesen
for a student and community
presenta on on inclusion
2022- Administra on will facilitate class Update Registra on documents
2023 mee ngs at the beginning of each
semester and as needed to reinforce
the TIGER Way and other
rules/procedures and share with staff.
Teachers will align classroom instruc on to class standards and test specifica ons All students will be required to use a Facilitate parent/student
hall pass when outside the classroom informa onal mee ngs regarding
during instruc onal me and staff will new schedule and registra on
supervise halls when possible.
The percentage of all 100% of DHS seniors will The District will decrease The District will increase On the Spring 2023 DHS School All classes have been A Curriculum Overview page has been completed
students in grades 7 graduate on me the proficiency the percent of students Climate Survey, at least 70% of restructured for the new for each class and linked to the 'Curriculum
through 10 at Delano achievement gap achieving CCR on the students and staff will report that schedule and registra on Reference Page'; Common Summa ve Assessments
High School, who take between students Reading MCA from Inclusion and Respect have facilitated, master schedule are u lized for all classes for which they apply, and
the test and who earn an receiving SPED services *****% in 2022 to **% improved at DHS during the 22-23 created teachers have begun the data anlaysis and
Yearly achievement level of Low and students not in 2023. school year. interven on planning for students as needed.
Goal Risk or College Pathway receiving SPED services
on the FAST aMath on the Reading MCA
assessment during the from ***% in 2022 to
spring of 2023, will be **% in 2023 while
84%. increasing the proficiency
rate of both groups.
The percentage of all
students in grades 7
through 10 at Delano
High School, who take
Evidence/Feedback the test and who earn an
on Yearly Goal and achievement level of Low
Progress Risk or College Pathway
on the FAST aReading
assessment during the
spring of 2023, will be

Ac on
2023- Steps
Delano High School : Strategic Plan
Par ally
Refer to SBLT Agendas/Minutes KEY: Not Yet Started In Progress Completed Met Not Met
DHS strives for systemic growth towards educa onal excellence for EVERY learner - To meet this end, DHS will provide a safe, suppor ve, collabora ve learning environment that meets the needs of diverse learners
in academics, arts, athle cs, and ac vi es which foster lifelong learners to make posi ve contribu ons to our ever changing society.
Site Improvement Plan
District/School Strategic Improvement Plan
World's Best Workforce
School Year Backwards
Site Q Comp Goal Achievement Gap College and Career School Culture and Climate PLCs / Q Literacy
Grad Rate DHS Schedule Redesign MTSS Design
Reduc on Readiness Comp Ini a ve
on Yearly Goal and

Ac on
2024- Steps
on Yearly Goal and

Ac on
2022- Steps
on Yearly Goal and

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