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Date: October 5, 2021 - SBLT RETREAT

Loca on: Office Conference Room

Time: 8:15 am
A endance (x = present):
Barry Voight - Principal x John Fitzer - World Language x
Crystal Toews - Parent Lora Voight - SPED x
Kris na Pupp - Parent - Math
Ethan Preisler - Social Studies x Dan Mathieson - LA x
Karen Hohenstein - Science x Ray Cordes - Art x
Grace Elsen - Student 11th x Sophia Grant - Student 9th x(2nd block)
Max Brainerd - Student 12th x

1. Welcome/Introduc ons
2. Site Improvement Plan (SIP):
a. Review of the working dra
b. Review of data
i. Michigan Student Survey
ii. FAST data
iii. MCA data
c. Goals
i. How/when will they be measured?
SBLT reviewed past SIPs and created a new document for the 21-22 school year found here. The goals
include the site Q Comp goal, WBWF goals, and school climate. This informa on was included on the
DHS Strategic Plan found here. Barry will make the transfer of informa on and create the report to be
shared with the School Board at the regular Board mee ng in October.

3. Old Business:
a. SBLT Reps by term
b. DHS Website Update
4. New Business:
a. Safe Learning Plan - teaching/learning approach by teachers for quaran ned students
b. 22-23 Course Offerings -
5. Professional Development
a. Budget Update:
b. Proposed guidelines -
c. Requests:
i. Elise Boleman - Counselor’s Regional conference - Tabled
6. Adjourn
a. Next Mee ng -

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