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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 6,378,265 B1

Konstandt (45) Date of Patent: Apr. 30, 2002

(54) SPACE FRAME CONSTRUCTION Primary Examiner Michael Safavi

ASSEMBLY (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm Malloy & Malloy, P.A.
(76) Inventor: Matias Konstandt, Parana 902, 1636 (57) ABSTRACT
La Lucila Buenos Aires (AR) A Space frame assembly designed for use in the constructing
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this of a variety of Substantially rigid, weight bearing Structures
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 including but not limited to walls, bridges, roof structures
U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. etc. The Space frame assembly comprises a plurality of
elongated preferably tubular frame members formed of a
(21) Appl. No.: 09/488,226 high Strength, light weight material having opposite end
portions formed to include an anchor portion thereon. Each
(22) Filed: Jan. 20, 2000 of Said plurality of connectors includes a base and at least
one end portion mounted thereon Such that correspondingly
Related U.S. Application Data positioned interior Surfaces of the base and end portion are
(60) Provisional application No. 60/122,118, filed on Mar. 1, disposed in confronting relation to one anther and wherein
the base and the one end portion each include a plurality of
(51) Int. Cl. ................................................ E04H 12/00 Sockets disposed in Spaced and off-set relation to one
(52) ... 52(655.2; 403/171; 403/218 another. Each of the plurality of Sockets includes an elon
(58) Field of Search ............................. 52/6.55.1, 655.2, gated curvilinear groove integrally formed therein and dis
52/81.3; 403/171, 172, 176,217, 218; 446/126 posed in aligned cooperative relation to one or more recesses
formed in the aforementioned interior Surface of the inter
(56) References Cited connected base or cover portion. The grooves and recesses
are disposed, dimensioned and configured to receive and
grip the anchor portions on any one of the ends of any one
4.905,443 A *
3/1990 Sutcliffe et al. ........... 52?655.2 of the frame members. Interconnection of a plurality of
4,932.808 A *
6/1990 Bär et al. ...... ... 52/635.2 frame members by a plurality of connectors in an predeter
5,074,094. A *
12/1991 Gassler ...... ... 52/635.2 mined design or configuration will Serve to form a Support
5,074,700 A *
12/1991 Swoboda ...... ... 403/171 frame for any of the aforementioned Substantially rigid,
5,095,677 A *
3/1992 Godbout et al. ... 52/6.55.2 weight bearing structures of the type set forth above.
5,318,470 A * 6/1994 Denny ........................ 446/126
* cited by examiner 28 Claims, 10 Drawing Sheets
U.S. Patent Apr. 30, 2002 Sheet 1 of 10 US 6,378,265 B1
U.S. Patent Apr. 30, 2002 Sheet 2 of 10 US 6,378,265 B1


U.S. Patent Apr. 30, 2002 Sheet 3 of 10 US 6,378,265 B1

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U.S. Patent Apr. 30, 2002 Sheet 4 of 10 US 6,378,265 B1
U.S. Patent Apr. 30, 2002 Sheet 5 of 10 US 6,378,265 B1
U.S. Patent Apr. 30, 2002 Sheet 6 of 10 US 6,378,265 B1
U.S. Patent Apr. 30, 2002 Sheet 7 of 10 US 6,378,265 B1

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U.S. Patent Apr. 30, 2002 Sheet 8 of 10 US 6,378,265 B1

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U.S. Patent Apr. 30, 2002 Sheet 10 of 10 US 6,378,265 B1

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US 6,378,265 B1
1 2
SPACE FRAME CONSTRUCTION desirable in areas where earthquakes, hurricanes, and like
ASSEMBLY occurrences are prevalent.
In spite of the generally recognized advantages associated
CLAIM OF PRIORITY with Space frame assemblies, the complexity of the various
The present application is based on and a claim to priority components used in forming the truss-like framework fre
is made under 35 U.S.C. Section 119(e) to provisional patent quently results in relatively high manufacturing and assem
application currently pending in the U.S. Patent and Trade bling costs. Therefore, the complexity of the various com
mark Office having Ser. No. 60/122,118 and a filing date of ponents may significantly limit the use of Such structures.
For these reasons, truss-like Space framing of the type
Mar. 1, 1999. referred to above is frequently limited to the construction of
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION hangars, or other buildings and structures designed to
enclose a large Space, wherein the cost is closely regulated,
1. Field of the Invention due to the Space framing acting as a skeleton for the
This invention relates generally to a Space frame Structure. Also, Space framing is known to be utilized in the
assembly, and more in particular, to components which may 15 construction of buildings, wherein the aesthetic and Visual
be assembled to form a Space frame assembly capable of impact may be important and cost is a Secondary consider
defining a wide variety of Structures having any one of ation.
numerous design configurations. The Space frame assembly Generally Speaking, there are two basic types of Space
of the present invention preferably comprises a plurality of frame construction previously developed and known in the
equivalently Structured and elongated frame members inter art. The first type involves the attachment of each of a
connected by a plurality of equivalently Structured plurality of Struts to a connecting component wherein the
connectors, and further, wherein any of the plurality of various Struts are joined together repetitively by bolts or like
frame members may be interconnected in an intended con fasteners. The connecting components are connected by and
figuration by any of the plurality of connectors in order to therefore include the same number of bolts or like fasteners
form a Support frame which may be utilized in the construc 25 as there are Struts being interconnected. The Second type
tion of domestic or commercial buildings, bridges, involves forming a Space frame assembly with the Struts and
platforms, hangers, towers, panels and other Structures. connecting components in a two or three part Sequence,
2. Description of the Related Art wherein the entire connecting component is fastened to a
The use of Support frames or assemblies of the type corresponding Strut by only a single bolt or like fastener.
referred to as “space frames' or “space framing” has been However, the problems exhibited by both of these known
generally known and used in the construction of a variety of types of Space frame assemblies are well recognized. More
architectural and engineering Structures. Certain recognized Specifically, the connecting components utilized in forming
advantages of space frame construction include a Substan the known types of Space frame construction generally
tially equal distribution of loads and stresses throughout the require the use of a large number of components, and may
formed Structure, as well as the ability to take advantage of 35 typically include four or more cruciform clamping elements
the normally light-weight and high Strength material from which form the basis of the connecting components. This
which Such Support frame assemblies are formed. In Structural arrangement generally increases the manufactur
addition, the resulting Structure offers a relatively unusual ing cost, and also, increases the possibility of errors being
appearance although one which many deem to be aestheti made in the calculations of the amount of material needed
cally appealing. When a Space frame Support assembly is 40 during manufacturing and the number of pieces needed
incorporated in the construction of various buildings or other during assembly.
Structures, the above Set forth characteristics are achieved In order to overcome the requirement of using a large
through the use of a plurality of components, which in number of fasteners with Such known assemblies and con
general, are used repetitively to achieve a triangulated necting components, attempts have been made to incorpo
geometry that is normally presented in a predetermined, 45 rate threaded connections to Secure the Struts to the con
three dimensional, reticulated, truss-like framework. The necting components. However, a new set of problems arise
resulting framework is generally defined by a plurality of when the Struts are threadingly engaged with the connecting
interconnected Struts normally joined or attached to one components at the point of attachment which does not
another at appropriate points, and collectively arranged to typically occur when fasteners are used. This is due to the
produce the intended resulting Structure. One advantage in 50 fact that the threads typically have fine tolerances, and when
utilizing Such a repetitive framework is that the various used by unskilled labor, the threads can be easily Stripped,
components thereof may be mass produced in a factory, and thereby rendering use of the connecting components impos
then easily and relatively cheaply transported to a construc Sible or even dangerous should they be forced into attach
tion site where they are assembled. It has been recognized ment with one another. In addition, the threading procedure
that the Small size and light-weight material of the large 55 is time consuming, and therefore, expensive considering the
number of components comprising the Support framework number of components involved in the formation of a given
Simplifies transportation, and Supposedly, handling and con Structure.
Struction as well. In a similar but Somewhat different Space frame assembly,
Space framing assemblies are particularly adaptable for connecting components have been developed which include
roof coverings and walls in that the resulting structure is 60 the plurality of interconnected Struts having ends which are
extremely rigid and has an exceptional ability to resist large, either flattened or bent. More importantly, it is believed that
concentrated and/or Symmetrical loads or stresses. In there is a greater occurrence of failure in the extremities of
addition, framework of the type set forth above is the mechanically deformed end portions of the Struts, based
hyperStatic, and accordingly, even when partially damaged, primarily on the fact that Such mechanical deformation
due to fire, explosion, earthquake or other natural disasters, 65 weakens the Structural integrity of the entire framework.
Seldom fails or collapses totally. This feature makes Support In addition to the foregoing, others have attempted to
frames comprised of Space frame construction particularly improve Space frame assemblies by using different kinds of
US 6,378,265 B1
3 4
materials for the various connecting components employed attached concurrently to the ends of a significant number of
by the assembly. This Sometimes results in the generation of Such frame members, Such as eight or more. Further, each of
galvanic corrosion between the parts formed of different the plurality of connectors preferably includes a base having
materials, which also serves to weaken the entire Structure a Sidewall that defines a multi-sided, exterior Surface
over a period of time. The environment and geographic configuration, which most preferably, but not necessarily, is
location, as well as the various weather Systems, to which an octagonal configuration. More specifically, the exterior
the building is exposed also have a significant effect on this Surface configuration of the base Side wall may comprise a
type corrosive degeneration. Also, the close tolerance variety of multi-sided configurations other than octagonal
required in this type of construction has resulted in the and may even be spherical or at least partially Spherical. The
interconnected joints having a tendency to fuse, due to the base also preferably includes a first plurality of Sockets
aforementioned galvanic corrosion after a period of time, formed therein, in Spaced relation to one another along the
particularly when Subjected to a moist environment. This, in Sidewall thereof. In addition, each of the plurality connectors
turn, makes the Separation or detachment of individual includes at least one cover portion which is preferably
connecting components for purposes of removal, repair or attached to the base by a single bolt and receiving nut
maintenance, extremely difficult, if not impossible. The 15 fastener. Preferably, the base and the at least one cover
replacement of Such fused parts in an already completed portion are joined together by the presence of the bolt and
Structure, therefore, becomes both time consuming and nut fastener Such that the correspondingly positioned interior
expensive. Finally, because the construction of Space frame Surfaces of the base and the cover portion are Secured in
assemblies has historically required that a very large number confronting engagement with one another.
of Small, connecting components and Struts be The at least one cover portion for the base of the con
interconnected, which is compounded given the highly nector also preferably includes a Side wall having an exterior
repetitive nature of the intended geometric configuration, Surface configuration being multi-sided or even Spherical. In
manufacturing of Such components demands close toler the preferred embodiment the exterior Surface configuration
ances. Accordingly, the vast majority of attempts to use is preferably but not necessarily, an octagonal configuration.
Space frame construction have produced overly complex 25 Most preferably, the various faces or Segments of the Side
designs resulting in laborious, time consuming assembly and wall of the at least one cover portion are all arranged at a
manufacture of the various components involved, thereby common angular orientation relative to the Side wall of the
increasing the resulting cost of construction to a degree base. The one cover portion also preferably includes a
which prohibits wide spread usage of Space frame assem Second plurality of Sockets disposed in Spaced relation to
blies. one another and formed in the sidewall of the one cover
portion. When joined, the first plurality of sockets formed in
the base and the Second plurality of Sockets formed in the
The present invention is directed towards a space frame cover portion are preferably disposed in spaced, off-set
assembly which is designed for wide spread use in that it can relation to one another, and further, are each sized and
be utilized to construct, both efficiently and economically, a 35 configured to Snugly receive an end of one of the plurality
large variety of Substantially rigid, weight and StreSS bearing of frame members the rein. In the most preferred
Structures, and particularly, those of the type incorporating a embodiment, each of the first and Second plurality Sockets of
repetitive, three dimensional configuration. each base and each cover portion, respectively, are internally
More Specifically, the Space frame assembly of the present Structured and configured to include an elongated groove,
invention comprises a plurality of improved connecting 40 which is Specifically dimensioned, configured and oriented
components. In particular, the present invention includes a to receive, in a gripping fashion, at least a majority of the
plurality of improved frame members, which are preferably anchor portion formed on each end of the plurality of frame
both elongated, cylindrical and tubular in construction, members. When so positioned, the frame members extend
having oppositely disposed ends. Each of the oppositely outwardly from the plane of the sidewall segment to which
disposed, and preferably, open ends of each frame member 45 they are attached. In addition, each of the plurality of Sockets
includes an anchor portion which preferably, extends later of both the base and cover portion of each connector
ally outward from the cylindrical surface of the frame includes an open end disposed in aligned, communicating
member. The anchor member, in a preferred embodiment to relation with the interior Surface of a corresponding cover
be described in greater detail hereinafter, is spaced at least portion and base, respectively. AS Such, the anchor portion
minimally inward from the outer eXtremity on each end of 50 formed on each end of the plurality of frame members is
the frame member, and includes a circular or annular con disposed to be received by the elongated groove comprising
figuration which is integrally formed on each of the ends, as a portion of the interior Surface configuration of any one of
set forth above. The space frame assembly of the present the first and Second plurality of Sockets in which they are
invention further comprises the interconnecting of indi mounted. In order to further achieve a firm gripping of the
vidual ones of the plurality of frame members into a desired 55 anchor portion of a frame member, the base and cover
three dimensional configuration, wherein the primary portion include at least one receSS formed in the respective
“building block” of the Space frame Support assembly may interior Surfaces thereof. Each of Such recesses is disposed
be in the form of a pyramid, defined by a base having a in aligned relation to a correspondingly positioned one of the
Square configuration and four Sides each of which has a first or Second plurality of Sockets, So that Secure, fixed and
triangular configuration. 60 adequately Supported gripping of either end portion of each
The Space frame assembly of the present invention further of the frame members may be established.
comprises a plurality of improved connectors for intercon One feature of the present invention is the design and
necting individual ones of the plurality of frame members. Structure of each of the plurality of the connectors, which
Each one of the improved connectorS is preferably used to allows a frame member to be maintained in a preferred
interconnect two or more of the frame members. Depending 65 “pre-Set' orientation within an intended Socket in a manner
on the geometrical configuration of the intended Structure which will assure proper alignment of the frame members,
being formed, each of the plurality of connectors may be relative to the connectors, prior to fixedly attaching the base
US 6,378,265 B1
S 6
to the one end portion through a fixed Securement of the bolt Also the Space frame assembly comprises a plurality of
and nut fastener. This greatly facilitates the assembly of any connecting components, all of which are preferably formed
intended Structure, Since an accurate “pre-Set' positioning of of a common, light-weight and yet, high Strength material
the frame members relative to the connectors is accom resistive to corrosion, and which may be readily intercon
plished without requiring excessive handling or manipula nected to one another to form an intended Structure, as well
tion by the installing perSonnel. as detached from one another, at least in part, for purposes
In another preferred embodiment of the present invention, of repair and/or replacement. Further, the Space frame
each or a predetermined number of the connectors may assembly is designed to Serve as an internal Support frame
include a Second cover portion Secured to an opposite side for a wide variety of engineering and architectural
of the base. In this alternative embodiment, the base is Structures, wherein the outer Surface of Such a Support frame
Specifically Structured to include oppositely disposed inte may be covered by panels or other desired components using
rior Surfaces adaptable for confronting engagement with conventional or specialized fasteners in defining an outer
Separate, Spaced apart but interconnected cover portions, “skin' of the Structure being constructed. The Space frame
which may be attached to define the opposite ends of the assembly includes the additional feature of being formed of
connector. By virtue of the base being capable of intercon 15 a minimal number of different components, wherein corre
nection with a plurality of cover portions, Such as two cover sponding ones of Such plurality of components are equiva
portions, a greater number of the frame members may be
attached to any connector, thereby greatly enhancing the lently Structured and capable of being economically
Versatility of three dimensional geometrical formations manufactured, preferably in a generally Small size, So as to
which may be established through the utilization of the also be capable of being economically transported from a
Space frame assembly of the present invention. Site of manufacture to a site of assembly. Also, the Space
In the manufacturing of the various components of the frame assembly which is capable of being used as a primary
Space frame assembly of the present invention, the cover Structural Support, and which comprises a plurality of
portions associated with each connector are preferably, equivalently structured components which may be intercon
identically structured, and accordingly, can be either formed nected to one another into a desired three dimensional,
by known casting or forging techniques using a single mold. 25 geometrical configuration utilizing a minimum number of
Similarly, the base of the connector is preferably equiva Substantially conventional fasteners to fixedly interconnect
lently structured for all of Such plurality of connectors, and corresponding ones of Such components.
as Such, a Second mold conforming to the base can be These and other objects, features and advantages of the
utilized in the casting or forging process. The forming of the present invention will become more clear when the drawings
anchor portion on each of the two opposite ends of each of as well as the detailed description are taken into consider
the plurality of frame members can be formed preferably by ation.
conventional Stamping techniques utilizing well-known,
tube forming machines. In addition, each of the connectors BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
and plurality of frame members can be formed from a For a fuller understanding of the nature of the present
variety of materials, depending upon the intended use and 35
invention, reference should be had to the following detailed
weight bearing capacity of the Structure being constructed, description taken in connection with the accompanying
further providing that all the components used in the for drawings in which:
mation of a single Structure are preferably formed of the
Same material. Such materials may be metallic, Such as, but FIG. 1 is an exploded isometric view of the various
not limited to Steel or aluminum, or other materials Such as 40
components comprising the Space frame assembly of the
plastics or composite materials, which may be specifically present invention.
molded or otherwise manufactured to accomplish the FIG. 1A is an exploded isometric view of the various
intended purpose. components of another embodiment of the Space frame
Therefore, the Space frame assembly of the present inven assembly of the present invention.
tion is simplified by the improved design of the connectors 45 FIG. 2 is a top isometric view in exploded form of certain
and frame members, which can be easily interconnected, and components of the embodiment of FIG. 1.
further, disassembled, if that should be needed or desired. FIG. 3 is a bottom isometric view in exploded form of the
The fact that interconnection of a plurality of frame mem embodiment of FIG. 2.
bers by a single connector with preferably the use of only a FIG. 4 is a top isometric view in assembled form of
Single bolt and nut or related fastener Structure is also a 50 certain components of the embodiment of FIG. 1.
distinct advantage. Once the Space frame assembly of the FIG. 5 is a bottom isometric view of the embodiment of
present invention has been completed, the outer Surface FIG. 4.
thereof can be covered by “skin' defined by panels utilizing FIG. 6 is a Sectional view in exploded form taken along
Somewhat conventional clips or fasteners to interconnect the line A-A of FIG. 1.
panels to the Space frame assembly for completion of the 55
FIG. 7 is a sectional view in exploded form taken along
intended architectural or engineering Structure. line B-B of FIG. 1.
The Space frame assembly of the present invention is FIG. 8 is a sectional view in assembled form of certain
capable of being used as a primary Support frame for any of
a wide variety of engineering and/or architectural Structures, components of the embodiment of FIG. 1.
FIG. 9 is a sectional view in assembled form of certain
and is characterized by Such structural features as Substantial 60
rigidity, Significant weight bearing capabilities and light components of the embodiment of FIG. 1.
weight, open construction. In addition the Space frame FIG. 10 is a sectional view in assembled form of another
assembly comprises a plurality of improved connecting preferred embodiment of the present invention.
components which may be interconnected in a quick and FIG. 11 is a sectional view in assembled form of another
efficient manner by Semiskilled perSonnel to form an 65 orientation of the embodiment of FIG. 10.
intended Structure having any of a large variety of possible, FIG. 12 is an isometric view in exploded form of the
three dimensional, geometrical design configurations. embodiment of FIGS. 10 and 11.
US 6,378,265 B1
7 8
FIG. 13 is an isometric view of a plurality of the com angular orientation of each of the Side wall segments 30' may
ponents of the embodiments of FIGS. 1 through 9 assembled vary, but preferably, would vary consistently throughout
into a pyramid configuration. each of the connectors 10, as they should each be equiva
FIG. 14A is an isometric view of an assembled structure lently structured. The cover portion 30 also includes a
formed from the components of the embodiments of FIGS. Second plurality of Sockets, 21', which may also be integrally
1 through 9. formed in the cover portion 30, and which extend into the
FIG. 14B is an isometric view of another assembled interior of the cover portion 30 through the sidewall seg
Structure formed from the components of the embodiments ments 30'. It is also to be emphasized that while this
of FIGS. 1 through 12. embodiment of the cover portions 30 comprises an exterior
Surface configuration having a multisided, octagonal shape,
FIG. 15, 16, and 17 are each side views in partial cutaway the exterior Surface configuration could vary to include four
of different embodiments of anchor portions which may be Sides, 6 Sides or other multi-sides shape and could even
formed on each of the opposite ends of a frame member assume the curved, Spherical or at least partially Spherical
component, of the type shown in the embodiments of FIGS. exterior Surface configuration, as Set forth above. Also, the
1 through 12. 15 number of spaced apart sockets 21 in base 20 and/or 21" in
Like reference numerals refer to like parts throughout the the cover portion 30 could vary and include six or more
Several views of the drawings. Sockets.
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE It should be noted that the first and second plurality of
PREFERRED EMBODIMENT Sockets 21 and 21' are Substantially equivalently Structured
with a distinction being, as Set forth above, that the Sockets
The present invention is directed to a Space frame 21' of the cover portion 30, are disposed at a preferred or
assembly, shown at least partially assembled in a pyramid predetermined angular orientation. Preferably, and as illus
configuration 2 of FIG. 13. Pyramid 2 may comprise at least trated in FIGS. 1, 2 and 5, each of the first and second
one primary “building block' used in the construction of a plurality of Sockets 21 and 21" also includes an elongated
variety of architectural and engineering Structures. The 25 groove 22, which may be integrally formed on the interior
resulting building, bridge, tower, Scaffold or other Structures Surface thereof, wherein each of the grooves 22 has an
which incorporates the Space frame assembly of the present elongated, curvilinear and preferably a substantially “U”
invention, would thereby, all have the common features of shaped configuration or an inverted “U” shaped
Substantial rigidity, Significant load, weight bearing and configuration, as the case may be for the base and cover
StreSS capabilities, and further, could be formed to have an portion, respectively. Further, each of the grooves 22 pref
extremely large variety of possible, three dimensional geo erably terminates at an open end, as at 22, See FIGS. 1 and
metrical design configurations. More specifically, the Space 5, corresponding to the open end of each of the plurality of
frame assembly of the present invention comprises a plu sockets 21 and 21'. In addition, the grooves 22 formed in
rality of frame members 40, interconnected to one another each of the first plurality of sockets 21 of base 20 each
by a plurality of connectors 10, So as to form an intended 35 include an aperture or window 23, as best shown in FIGS.
geometrical configuration which defines an intended 1 and 3. Aperture 23 is disposed and configured to allow a
Structure, Such as, but by no means limited to a bridge, as correspondingly positioned Segment of an anchor portion
shown in FIG. 14-B or a variety of other structures, such as 27, to be described Subsequently herein, to protrude there
of the type shown in FIG. 14-A. through in order to assure a firm gripping engagement
With initial reference to FIGS. 1 through 7, the improved 40 between the connector 10 and an end portion, 28, of a frame
connectors 10 of the present invention will now be member 40.
described. AS illustrated each of the plurality of connectors In that the end of the frame members 40 are gripped
10 includes a base 20 having a first interior surface 25 which within the grooves 22 of the cover portion 30 of the second
may be at least partially planar and a side wall, which plurality of Sockets 21, it is a feature of the present invention
preferably comprises a plurality of multi-sided, Side wall 45 that the orientation of the plane defined by Such grooves 22
segments 20". Further, in at least one embodiment the base is at a preferred angular orientation of 45 when the length
20 includes a generally octagonal Side wall configuration, of the frame members 40 are equivalent. However, it is
defined by eight of the side wall segments 20'. It should be emphasized that the angular orientation of the plane of the
emphasized, however, that a different configuration can be groves 22 of the cover portion 30 may be oriented at a
utilized, wherein the number of side wall segments 20" may 50 variety of other angles such as substantially between 45 and
vary. In addition, the base 20 includes a first plurality of 33 at least partially dependent on the lengths of the frame
Sockets 21, which ideally, are disposed in Spaced relation to members 40 connected to the cover portion 30. When the
one another, and further wherein the Sockets 21 are inte lengths of the frame members 40 are equal it is most
grally formed in alternate ones of the Side walls Segments preferred that the grooves 22 of the cover portion 30 are
2O. 55 oriented at a Substantially 45° angle, as Set forth above.
Each of the plurality of connectors 10 also includes at When the frame members 40 are not equal in length the
least one cover portion 30. The preferred cover portion 30 angular orientation of grooves 22 of the cover portion 30
also includes an at least partially planar interior Surface 25' may vary preferably within the above indicated parameters.
and a side wall defined by a plurality of Side wall Segments Therefore, correspondingly positioned grooves 22 within
30'. While the exterior Surface configuration of side wall 60 Sockets 21" may or may not be disposed in parallel relation
Segments 30' may be at least partially Spherical, one embodi to side wall segments 30'.
ment of the present invention, is perhaps best illustrated in With reference to FIGS. 6 and 7, other structural features
FIG. 4, comprises the Side wall Segments 30' arranged at an of the preferably equivalently structured connectors 10 more
angular orientation relative to the central axis of the cover preferably include the formation of a pair of recesses 26 and
portion 30 as well as the side wall segments 20' of the base 65 26' in the first interior Surface 25 of base 20, at locations
20. Ideally, the angular orientation of the Side wall Segments thereon which are ideally disposed in aligned, direct com
30' is substantially forty-five (45) degrees. The specific munication with the open end 221 of the correspondingly
US 6,378,265 B1
9 10
positioned Second plurality of Sockets 21" in the cover Due to the fact that each of the frame members 40 are
portion 30. Similarly, in one embodiment, a plurality of identically structured in the preferred embodiment, and in
recesses 26" are formed in the second interior Surface 25' of particular, the Structural configuration and dimension of the
the cover portion 30, which ideally, are disposed in aligned, end portions 28 with the anchor portions 27 integrally
communicating relation with correspondingly positioned formed thereon, such frame members 40 are interchangeable
ones of the first plurality of sockets 21 formed in base 20, by to the extent that any of the plurality of frame members 40
means of the open end of each of the plurality of Sockets 21, can be Secured to and extend outwardly from any one of the
as Set forth above. The Specific structure, dimension and plurality of connectors 10 comprising the base 20 and at
configuration of the first and Second plurality Sockets 21 and least one cover portion 30. More specifically, and as shown
21", as well as the elongated grooves 22 and the plurality of in FIGS. 1 and 4 through 9, cooperative structuring of the
recesses 26, 26' and 26' are collectively designed to corre connectors 10 in relation to the plurality of frame members
spond to and receive the end portions, generally indicated as 40 allows for each one of the frame members 40 to pass
28, on each of the opposite ends of the plurality of frame within the first plurality of sockets 21, by insertion through
members 40, as will be explained in greater detail herein an open end 22 of the elongated grooves 22. The coopera
after. It is to be noted that for purposes of clarity, the recesses 15 tive configuring and dimensioning of the grooves 22 with
26, 26' and 26' are not shown in all the accompanying the interior Surface configuration of the respective Sockets or
Referring now to FIGS. 1, and 6 through 9, when the Slot like Structures 21, will Serve to grip and more
connector 10 is assembled to assume a fixedly connected Specifically, correctly align and position the frame members
position, the base 20 will preferably be secured to the at least 40 in their intended orientation, even prior to the fixed
one cover portion 30, by means of a Single fastener Structure, interconnection of the base 20 to the one cover portion 30.
50, preferably in the form of an elongated bolt or screw like Similarly, as shown in FIGS. 4, 5, and 7, any one of the
member, and a connecting Structure to the distal end thereof, plurality of frame members 40 can be secured within any
such as a nut, 51. More specifically, the fastener 50 is one of the second plurality of sockets 21", by insertion of the
preferably of sufficient length to extend co-linearly to the anchor portion 27 into the interior of the elongated grooves
central axis of both the assembled base 20 and the one cover 25 22 formed in the cover portion 30 through the open end of
portion 30, and to be attached at its distal end, to the nut 51 the grooves 22, as at 22". Again, the cooperative structuring,
in a conventional fashion. In order to facilitate attachment of configuring and dimensioning of each end portion 28 of each
the elongated fastener 50 and the nut 51 to the connector 10, of the plurality of frame members 40 will serve to align the
apertures, as at 32 and 32', are preferably formed in the base respective frame members 40 in their intended orientation,
20 and the at least one cover portion 30, respectively, for prior to the fixed interconnection of the base 20 and cover
receipt of the head 50' of the fastener 50 and the nut 51, portion 30.
respectively. It should be noted that the nut 51 may be AS set forth above, and as best shown in FIG. 7, the base
initially detached and applied by personnel during the 20 of the connector 10 preferably includes a pair of recesses,
assembly of the base 20 and cover portion 30 or may be fixed 26 and 26'. The first recess 26 is preferably disposed,
within the aperture 32' during the manufacture of the cover 35 dimensioned and configured to “grip” the extremity 28' of
portions 30 of the plurality of connectors 10. the end portion 28 of the frame member 40 in supportive
AS Set forth above, the Space frame assembly of the engagement therewith, once the base 20 and cover portion
present invention further comprises a plurality of improved 30 are interconnected by the fastening structure 50, 51. In
frame members 40. In the preferred embodiment, each of the addition, the second recess 26' of the recess pair 26, 26' of
frame members 40 is equivalently structured, and most 40 the base 20 is preferably disposed, dimensioned and con
preferably, each frame member 40 comprises an elongated, figured to receive and grippingly engage a correspondingly
tubular configuration which is preferably, but not positioned Segment of the anchor portion 27. Similarly,
necessarily, of equal length and which terminates at oppo when a frame member 40 is positioned within any one of the
Sitely disposed end portions, generally indicated as 28. Each plurality of Sockets 21 of base 20, a correspondingly aligned
of the frame members 40 preferably also includes an outer 45 one of the plurality of recesses 26" formed in interior surface
cylindrical Surface 29 having a Substantially common outer 25" of a cover portion 30 is disposed, configured and
diameter along the entire length thereof, with the exception dimensioned to grippingly engage a protruding Segment 27,
of the provision of anchor portions 27, shown in FIGS. 2 and shown in FIG. 6, of the anchor portion 27, therein. By virtue
3, which will now be described. Specifically, it is preferred of the cooperative Structuring as Set forth above, each end
that each of the end portions 28 of each of the frame 50 portion 28, by means of the outwardly projecting anchor
members 40 include an anchor portion 27 thereon, which portion 27, is firmly gripped within the interior of the
may be Stamped or otherwise mechanically formed in the connector 10 defined by the fixed attachment of a base 20
manufacture of the frame member 40, to include outwardly and one cover portion 30.
projecting anchor portions 27 which are ideally positioned With regard to the embodiment of FIGS. 10, 11, and 12,
Substantially adjacent the extremities. 28' of the opposite end 55 another preferred embodiment of the present invention is
portions 28 and in inwardly spaced relation thereto. Of illustrated wherein each of a plurality of connectors 10'
course, it is conceivable that an attachment member might comprises a second cover portion 30". Preferably, the second
be attached to the end portion 28 of the frame member 40 to cover portion 30" is equivalently structured to the first or at
form the anchor portion 27, which while not preferred, least one cover portion 30, which in the connector 10
should still be considered to fall within the scope and spirit 60 illustrated, is connected to an opposite end of the base 20.
of the present invention. Also, in a most preferred More specifically, as shown in FIG. 12, a second interior
embodiment, each of the anchor portions 27 are defined by Surface 25' of the Second, preferably opposite, cover portion
a continuous, annular configuration extending outwardly is disposed in confronting engagement with the correspond
from the cylindrical Outer Surface 29 an equal distance along ingly positioned interior surface 25" (or undersurface of the
the length of the respective anchor portions 27. Further, the 65 base 20, not shown in FIG. 12, but which is shown in FIGS.
anchor portions 27 are preferably spaced inwardly from the 3, 6 and 7) of the base 20. As shown in FIGS. 10 and 11, each
extremities. 28' an equal distance. of the aforementioned components of the connector 10
US 6,378,265 B1
11 12
comprising the base 20, cover portion 30 and an oppositely ence to FIG. 16, the end portion 28 is defined by a flange
disposed cover portion 30" are preferably also all connected member 62 having an outwardly directed flair, integrally
by a Single fastener 50", having a greater longitudinal formed on the outer extremity of the end portion 28". FIG.
dimension than the fastener 50, so as to extend co-linear to 17 shows yet another preferred embodiment wherein the
the central axis of the base 20 and both cover portions 30 and anchor portion 64 is also integrally formed on the outer
30". From the drawings illustrating this embodiment, it extremity of the end portion 28" and comprises a Substan
should be apparent that the attachment of the base 20 with tially continuous annular configuration.
two oppositely disposed cover portions 30 and 30" provides Since many modifications, variations and changes in
even greater versatility in the geometric arrangement of the detail can be made to the described preferred embodiment of
various frame members 40, since a plurality of such frame the invention, it is intended that all matters in the foregoing
members 40 may extend outward from each of the cover description and shown in the accompanying drawings be
portions 30 and 30", and radially outward in a transverse interpreted as illustrative and not in a limiting Sense. Thus,
relation to the central axis of the base 20. It should also be the scope of the invention should be determined by the
noted in these Figures that each of the plurality of frame appended claims and their legal equivalents.
members 40 extends transversely outward from either the 15 Now that the invention has been described,
base 20 or one of the cover portions 30 and/or 30" in a What is claimed is:
substantially transverse orientation relative thereto. More 1. A Space frame assembly designed for use in the
specifically, each of the frame members 40 is connected to construction of a variety of Substantially rigid, weight bear
either the base 20 or one of the cover portions 30, 30" at an ing Structures, Said assembly comprising:
orientation which is substantially transverse to the sidewall a) a plurality of connectors and a plurality of frame
segment from which it extends. Therefore, it should be members, Said plurality of frame members intercon
apparent that each of a plurality of frame members 40 may nected to one another by Said plurality of connectors,
be disposed in a wide variety of different positions and b) said plurality of frame members having an elongated
orientations relative to the connector 10 or 10' to which they configuration terminating at oppositely disposed end
are attached. As a result, and as emphasized above, a wide 25 portions,
variety of architectural and/or engineering Structures incor
porating an almost limitleSS number of repetitive, three c) each of Said end portions dimensioned and configured
dimensional geometric configurations Such as those illus to be Secured to any one of Said plurality of connectors,
trated by way of example only in FIGS. 14A and 14B, may d) each of Said plurality of connectors comprising a base
be accomplished. It is also important to note that each of the portion having a first interior Surface and at least one
large variety of Structures capable of being formed utilizing cover portion having a Second interior Surface,
the Space frame assembly of the present invention offer the e) said first and Second interior Surfaces disposed in
highly desirable characteristics of Substantial rigidity, Sig confronting engagement with one another upon attach
nificant weight and/or StreSS bearing capabilities and a ment of Said base portion to Said cover portion,
light-weight, open construction appearance, as clearly 35 f) a first plurality of Sockets integrally formed in Said base
shown. portion in Spaced relation to one another along a
Further, the various orientations at which the plurality of sidewall thereof,
frame members 40 may be arranged relative to one another g) a second plurality of Sockets integrally formed in Said
due to the versatility of the connectors 10 and 10' is further one cover portion in Spaced relation to one another
demonstrated in FIG. 13, wherein the plurality of intercon 40 along a Sidewall thereof,
nected frame members 40 and connectors 10 are used to h) said first and Second plurality of Sockets disposed in
form a pyramid configuration 2 which, with additional Spaced, offset relation to one another and each of Said
reference to FIGS. 14A and 14B, is shown as defining at first and Second plurality of Sockets comprising an open
least one primary “building block” of the various structures end disposed in confronting relation to Said Second
which may be formed by interconnecting the various com 45 interior Surface and Said first interior Surface
ponents of the Space frame assembly of the present inven respectively, and
tion. The versatility of the space frame assembly of the i) each of Said first and Second plurality of Sockets
present invention, including the plurality of equivalently disposed and cooperatively structured with any one of
structured frame members 40 and connectors 10, is further Said end portions to Secure Said frame members to any
demonstrated by the relative positioning of the connectors 50 of Said plurality of connectors in a transverse, Substan
10, forming the base of the pyramid 2 being in a Substan tially radially outward extending orientation relative to
tially upright orientation relative to the position of the a respective one of Said base portion and cover portion
pyramid. Also, the connector 10 defining the apex of the to which it is Secured.
pyramid is shown in an inverted configuration. It is pointed 2. An assembly as recited in claim 1 wherein each of Said
out that when forming a more complex, detailed and repeti 55 first plurality of Sockets includes a first groove formed
tive three dimensional geometrical configuration of the type therein and dimensioned and configured to receive any one
shown in FIGS. 14A and 14B, other frame members 40 of Said end portions therein.
would be added to the plurality of connectors 10 of the 3. An assembly as recited in claim 2 wherein Said Second
pyramid structure 2. interior Surface of Said one cover portion comprises a
FIGS. 15, 16, and 17 show additional preferred embodi 60 plurality of recesses each disposed in aligned relation to one
ments of the frame members 40. In these embodiments, the of Said first plurality of Sockets of Said base portion attached
end portion, designated as 28", of the respective frame thereto.
members 40' has been modified. More specifically, FIG. 15 4. An assembly as recited in claim 3 wherein Said corre
shows a wider, outwardly projected anchor portion 60 spondingly aligned grooves in Said base portion and Said
located at the extremity of the end portion 28" and being 65 plurality of recesses in Said Second interior Surface are
integrally connected to the remainder of the frame member cooperatively disposed and Structured to grip either of Said
40' by an inwardly directed, beveled flange 61. With refer end portions of any one of Said frame members.
US 6,378,265 B1
13 14
5. An assembly as recited in claim 4 wherein each of said 19. An assembly as recited in claim 18 wherein a first
end portions includes an anchor portion extending outwardly receSS of each receSS pair is disposed and configured to
from Said frame member in Spaced relation to an outer receive an outer extremity of Said end portion of any one of
extremity of a corresponding one Said end portions. Said frame members and a Second receSS of Said receSS pair
6. An assembly as recited in claim 5 wherein said first is disposed and configured to receive Said anchor portion
groove of each of Said first plurality of Sockets and a therein.
correspondingly aligned receSS are collectively disposed and 20. A Space frame assembly designed for use in the
dimensioned to receive Said anchor portion therein. construction of a variety of Substantially rigid, weight bear
7. An assembly as recited in claim 5 wherein each of said ing Structures, Said assembly comprising:
first plurality of grooves includes an aperture formed a) a plurality of connectors and a plurality of frame
therein, Said aperture disposed and dimensioned to allow members, Said plurality of frame members intercon
protrusion of Said anchor portion therethrough. nected to one another by Said plurality if connectors,
8. An assembly as recited in claim 2 wherein each of Said b) said plurality of frame members having an elongated
Second plurality of Sockets includes a Second groove formed configuration terminating at oppositely disposed end
therein and dimensioned and configured to receive either of 15
Said end portions therein. c) each of Said end portions dimensioned and configured
9. An assembly as recited in claim 8 wherein said first to be Secured to any one of Said plurality of connectors,
interior Surface of Said base comprises a plurality of recesses d) each of Said plurality of connectors comprising a base
each disposed in aligned relation to one of Said Second portion having two Spaced apart first interior Surfaces
plurality of Sockets of Said one cover portion attached and two cover portions each having a Second interior
10. An assembly as recited in claim 9 wherein corre Surface,
spondingly aligned Second grooves in Said one cover portion e) each of Said first interior Surfaces disposed in confront
and Said plurality of recesses in Said first interior Surface are ing engagement with Said Second interior Surface of a
cooperatively disposed and Structured to grip Said end different one of Said two cover portions upon attach
portion. 25 ment of Said base portion to Said two cover portions,
11. An assembly as recited in claim 10 wherein each of f) a first plurality of Sockets each including an open end
Said end portions includes an anchor portion extending and being integrally formed in Said base portion in
outwardly from Said frame member in Spaced relation to an Spaced relation to one another along a Sidewall thereof,
outer eXtremity of Said end portion. g) a second plurality of Sockets each including an open
12. An assembly as recited in claim 11 wherein Said end and being integrally formed in each of Said cover
Second grooves and correspondingly aligned recesses in Said portions in Spaced relation to one another along a
first interior Surface are collectively disposed and dimen respective Sidewall thereof,
Sioned to receive said anchor portion therein. h) each open end of Said first plurality of Sockets disposed
13. An assembly as recited in claim 12 wherein said first in confronting relation to Said Second interior Surface of
interior Surface comprises a plurality of receSS pairs, each 35 one of Said cover portions and each open end of Said
receSS pair disposed in aligned relation to one of Said Second Second plurality of Sockets disposed in confronting
plurality of Sockets of Said one cover portion. relation to one of Said first interior Surfaces of Said base
14. An assembly as recited in claim 13 wherein a first portion, and
receSS of each receSS pair is disposed and configured to i) each of Said first and Second plurality of Sockets
receive an outer extremity of Said end portion and a Second 40 disposed and cooperatively structured with any one of
receSS of each receSS pair is disposed and configured to Said end portions to Secure Said frame members to any
receive Said anchor portion. one of Said plurality of connectors in a transverse,
15. An assembly as recited in claim 1 wherein each of said Substantially radially outward extending orientation
end portions of Said plurality of frame members comprises relative to a respective one of Said base portion and Said
an outwardly projecting anchor portion cooperatively 45 two cover portions to which it is Secured.
dimensioned and configured for gripped attachment within 21. An assembly as recited in claim 20 wherein each of
any one of Said first and Second plurality of Sockets. Said first plurality of Sockets includes a first groove formed
16. An assembly as recited in claim 15 wherein each of therein and dimensioned and configured to receive any one
Said first and Second plurality of Sockets comprises an of Said end portions therein; Said Second interior Surface of
elongated groove formed therein and cooperatively config 50 at least one of Said two cover portions comprising a plurality
ured to receive at least the majority of Said anchor portion of of recesses each of which is disposed in aligned relation to
any one of Said plurality of frame members therein. one of Said first plurality of Sockets in Said base portion
17. An assembly as recited in claim 16 wherein said being attached thereto.
Second interior Surface comprises a plurality of recesses 22. An assembly as recited in claim 21 wherein Said
formed therein, each of Said plurality of recesses disposed in 55 correspondingly aligned grooves in Said base portion and
aligned relation with one of Said first plurality of Sockets Said plurality of recesses in Said Second interior Surface of at
through a correspondingly open end of each of Said plurality least one of Said cover portions are cooperatively disposed
of Sockets, each of Said plurality of recesses further disposed and Structured to grip either of Said end portions of any one
in cooperatively aligned relation with Said groove of a of Said frame members.
corresponding one of Said first plurality of Sockets in a 60 23. An assembly as recited in claim 22 wherein each of
manner to receive Said anchor portion of any one of Said Said end portions includes an anchor portion extending
frame members therein. outwardly from Said frame member in Spaced relation to an
18. An assembly as recited in claim 17 wherein said first outer extremity of a corresponding one of Said end portions,
interior Surface comprises a plurality of receSS pairs formed Said first groove of each of Said first plurality of Sockets and
therein in aligned relation with one of Said Second plurality 65 a correspondingly aligned receSS of one of Said two Second
of Sockets through a corresponding open end of each of Said interior Surfaces are collectively disposed and dimensioned
Second plurality of Sockets. to receive said anchor portion therein.
US 6,378,265 B1
15 16
24. An assembly as recited in claim 23 wherein each of f) a first plurality of Sockets integrally formed in said
Said first plurality of grooves includes an aperture formed based portion in Spaced relation to one another along a
therein, Said aperture disposed and dimensioned to allow side wall thereof,
protrusion of Said anchor portion therethrough. g) a second plurality of Sockets integrally formed in Said
25. An assembly as recited in claim 20 wherein each of one cover portion in Spaced relation to one another
Said plurality of frame members connected to Said base along a side wall thereof,
portion are disposed in Substantially co-planer relation to h) said second interior Surface disposed in confronting
one another; each of Said plurality of frame members relation to Said first plurality of Sockets and in retaining
connected to each of Said cover portions disposed in angular engagement with Said end portions disposed within
orientation relative to Said plurality of frame members Said first plurality of Sockets, and
connected to Said base portion. i) each of Said first and Second plurality of Sockets
26. A Space frame assembly designed for use in the disposed and cooperatively structured with any one of
construction of of a variety of Substantially rigid, weight Said end portions to Secure Said frame members to any
bearing Structures, Said assembly comprising: of Said plurality of connectors in a transverse, Substan
tially radially outward extending orientation relative to
a) a plurality of connectors and a plurality of frame 15
a respective one of Said base portion and cover portion
members, Said plurality of frame members intercon to which it is Secured.
nected to one another by Said plurality of connectors, 27. An assembly as recited in claim 26 wherein said
b) said plurality of frame members having an elongated Second interior Surface of Said one cover portion comprises
configuration terminating at oppositely disposed end a plurality of recesses formed therein, each of Said recesses
portions, disposed in receiving, retaining engagement with one of Said
c) each of Said end portions dimensioned and configured end portions disposed within Said first plurality of Sockets of
to be Secured to any one of Said plurality of connectors, Said base portion attached to Said one cover portion.
28. An assembly as recited in claim 26 wherein said first
d) each of Said plurality of connectors comprising a base interior Surface is disposed in confronting relation to Said
portion having a first interior Surface and at least one 25 Second plurality of Sockets and in retaining engagement with
cover portion having a Second interior Surface. Said end portions disposed within Said Second plurality of
e) said first and Second interior Surfaces disposed in Sockets.
confronting engagement with one another upon attach
ment of Said base portion to Said cover portion,

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