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Proyecto Inglés 1
Actividad 1
Agosto 2022 – Enero 2023

NOMBRE: ___Xionelly Uscanga Lopez_______ FECHA: _06/09/2022_ ACIERTOS ________ /42

Ahora, checa tu comprensión sobre la información que leíste en el texto “Partes del habla y
estructura básica de las oraciones en inglés”.


Lee la oración y subraya la opción (a, b o c) donde aparezcan únicamente sustantivos.

Ejemplo: Martha likes pizza and hamburgers.

a) Martha/ likes/ and b) Martha/ pizza/ hamburgers c) likes/ pizza/and

1. Monkeys are smart animals.

a) monkeys / animals b) monkeys/smart c) are/smart

2. The boys and girls always dance at the party.

a) boys /girls / party b) and/always/at c) the/at/party

3. Mrs. Smith is buying bananas and apples.

a) Mrs./buying/and b) Mrs. Smith/bananas/apples c) is/and/bananas

4. Thomas doesn’t have much imagination.

a) doesn’t / much b) Thomas / imagination c) Jonathan/have

5. The teacher goes to Canada every year.

a) the/goes b) to/every c) teacher / Canada

Lee la oración y subraya la opción (a, b o c) donde aparezcan únicamente pronombres.

1. Can you tell me what it is about?

a) you / me / it b) what/tell/can c) is/can/you

2. They think she is on the train.

a) They /she b) train/think c) the/on

3 Every weekend, he invites them to play hockey.

Elaborado por MGAH y GHG. Actualización julio 2022 MGAH.

a) hockey/every b) play/weekend c) he / them

4. This is Angel’s house and that is Betty’s.

a) Angel/house b) This / that c) is/Betty

5. He is angry because he has to do it again.

a) is/angry/do b) He / he / it c) has/work/ because

Lee la oración y subraya la opción (a, b o c) donde aparezcan únicamente verbos.

1. The girls open the door.

a) girls b) the c) open

2. She is a very pretty baby.

a) is b) baby c) pretty

3. The kangaroo can jump very high.

a) the/very b) can /jump c) kangaroo/high

4. The cowboy is chewing some alfalfa.

a) the/cowboy b) is / chewing c) some/alfalfa

5. Give them this candy and the little boys will be very happy.

a) Give / be b) candy/little c) boys/very

Lee la oración y subraya la opción (a, b o c) donde aparezcan únicamente adjetivos.

1. This cute little cat was running around our garden.

a) this/cat b) cute /little c) around/garden

2. Jennifer lost her favorite doll in a terrible accident.

a) Jennifer/her b) favorite /terrible c) doll/accident

3. Our American friends are coming for a short visit.

a) our/friends b) are/visit c) American / short

4. Jason’s old dog always comes with him to the new park.

a) old / new b) always/dog c) him/park

5 My old toys are grey and dirty now.

Elaborado por MGAH y GHG. Actualización julio 2022 MGAH.

a) My/toys/grey b) are/and/now c) old /grey / dirty

Lee la oración y subraya la opción (a, b o c) donde aparezcan únicamente adverbios.

1. Bob is shouting loudly and running quickly across the street.

a) loudly / quickly b) shouting/running c) and/across

2. The very sad dog is now at home.

a) dog b) sad c) very

3. The girls move too slowly to help their teacher.

a) help b) slowly c) teacher

4. The young children were eagerly waiting for Christmas.

a) for b) young c) eagerly

5. We have a really nice cat.

a) really b) have c) nice

Lee la oración y subraya la opción (a, b o c) donde aparezcan únicamente preposiciones.

1. My house is at the end of this street.

a) is/my b) end/this c) at/of

2. She is driving her car through the city.

a) driving b) her c) through

3. Do you have a lot of money for me?

a) of/for b) Do/a lot c) me/you

4. There is a beautiful plant around the old tree.

a) around b) beautiful c) plant

5. The three girls are travelling with their families.

a) are b) with c) their

Lee la oración y subraya la opción (a, b o c) donde aparezcan únicamente conjunciones.

1. Byron likes to think in terms of dollars and cents.

a) to b) and c) in

Elaborado por MGAH y GHG. Actualización julio 2022 MGAH.

2. My family and I are going on vacation in July or August.

a) on/or b) and/or c) are/and

3. She lives near the forest but far from the lake.

a) but b) far c) the

4. We need some food and groceries, so we are going to the supermarket.

a) some b) the c) so

Lee la oración y subraya la opción (a, b o c) donde aparezcan únicamente interjecciones.

1. Ahh, that feels wonderful.

a) Ahh b) that c) wonderful

2. Wow! That is amazing.

a) amazing b) Wow c) is

3. Ladies and gentlemen, ahem, dinner is served.

a) and b) dinner c) ahem

4. Oh dear! I don't know what to do about this mess.

a) this mess b) Oh dear c) to do



Coloca las palabras en el orden correcto para formar oraciones.

Ejemplo: the fat cat / a mouse / is chasing. The fat cat is chasing a mouse.

1. soup now / that little boy / is eating __That little boy is eating soup now.____

2. the robbers in the park / the police / catch The Police catch the Robbers in the park.

3. my sister / her favorite movie/ is watching __My sister is watching her favorite movie.

4. always dances / tango / the tall man __The tall man always dance tango.______

5. newspapers every day / my boss / reads ___My boss reads newspapers every day.____

Una vez que termines de contestar esta hoja de trabajo, súbela como evidencia en tu curso en
Eminus 4 en Actividades Proyecto Actividad 1.
Elaborado por MGAH y GHG. Actualización julio 2022 MGAH.

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