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Chapter 02

n Integrated Innovation and Product Management – a Process Oriented Framework

Source: Director magazine

Gaubinger et. al.: Innovation and Project Management - A Holistic and Practical Approach
to Uncertainty Reduction, Springer 2015 1
This Chapter will Discuss

§ What is the task spectrum of product management?

§ What are the main stages of a process model presenting the typical tasks of
product management, with special emphasis on the strategically significant
innovation task of product management?
§ Which steps should be conducted to implement an innovation management

Gaubinger et. al.: Innovation and Project Management - A Holistic and Practical Approach
to Uncertainty Reduction, Springer 2015 2
The Role of Product Management

product management
can be divided into

Strategic tasks and operative tasks

Gaubinger et. al.: Innovation and Project Management - A Holistic and Practical Approach
to Uncertainty Reduction, Springer 2015 3
Task spectrum

Gaubinger et. al.: Innovation and Project Management - A Holistic and Practical Approach
to Uncertainty Reduction, Springer 2015 4
Development of innovation management-systems

Gaubinger et. al.: Innovation and Project Management - A Holistic and Practical Approach
to Uncertainty Reduction, Springer 2015 5
Stage-gate model by Cooper

§ separates the innovation process into five stages

§ Each stage is accessible via a “gate”
- checkpoint for quality
- point of decision-making
§ five stages
- Finding & evaluating ideas
- Product concept
- Development
- Testing & validation
- Market introduction
§ organized in a cross-departmental way

Gaubinger et. al.: Innovation and Project Management - A Holistic and Practical Approach
to Uncertainty Reduction, Springer 2015 6
Stage-Gate® Innovation Modell

Gaubinger et. al.: Innovation and Project Management - A Holistic and Practical Approach
to Uncertainty Reduction, Springer 2015 7
Phase model of the innovation process

§ Three core processes of innovation management

§ expresses to the importance of design-specific activities in all phases
§ visualizes the cross-functional and interdisciplinary nature

Gaubinger et. al.: Innovation and Project Management - A Holistic and Practical Approach
to Uncertainty Reduction, Springer 2015 8
Integrated Process Model of Innovation and Product

Gaubinger et. al.: Innovation and Project Management - A Holistic and Practical Approach
to Uncertainty Reduction, Springer 2015 9
Interdisciplinary interaction and communication

Gaubinger et. al.: Innovation and Project Management - A Holistic and Practical Approach
to Uncertainty Reduction, Springer 2015 10
Implementing the Process Model

§ Team-building
- Team should be representative of functions and product areas affected by the
introduction of the process.
§ Analysis
- analyzing current practices in the areas of
- product strategy
- product development
- product program policy
- product maintenance
§ Process Specification
§ Process Implementation

Gaubinger et. al.: Innovation and Project Management - A Holistic and Practical Approach
to Uncertainty Reduction, Springer 2015 11
Implementing the Process Model

§ Process Specification
- develop an abstract model of
the new process
- the purpose and the main activities
for each stage must be defined
§ Process Implementation
- Inform all employees affected by the process

Gaubinger et. al.: Innovation and Project Management - A Holistic and Practical Approach
to Uncertainty Reduction, Springer 2015 12

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