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INGLES C.A.D. Febrero de 2014. Tiempo: 60 min. Diccionario: NO. Consigne sus respuestas EN LA HOJA DE LECTURA OPTICA. LEA las INSTRUCCIONES para rellenar la hoja de lectura 6ptica ANTES de comenzar. Marque CLARAMENTE cada respuesta rellenando UNA UNICA CASILLA. Los errores NO restan puntos. Si tiene dudas consulte al Tribunal. MODELO C Elija la opeidn correcta que mejor complete las siguientes frases (1-14): 1. ‘Is ___ not Sarah’s book?’ ‘Yes, I think so’. ait b. they c. your d. her 2. One of my uncles lives in the USA, __ name is Paco. b. her c. his d. our 3. I’ve got __ interesting thing to tell you. a ba d. these 4, __ friends are here with us today because it’s her birthday. a. Paula’s b.The Paula ¢. The Paula’s ——d. Paulas” 5. __ River Thames is the longest in the UK. a. Some b.— c. The aA 6. “How many people __ in your house right now? ‘About 20°. a. are there b. there is c. is there d. there are 7. My name is Sally and I live on the floor. a. ond b, number second ¢. number two, d. two 8. We any sugar in the cupboard so I’m going to the supermarket. a. have got b.haven’t got care d.aren’t 9. Alison and Sean __ relatives living in a foreign country? a. Has / got b.Hasn’t/ got ¢.Have/ got. Does / have 10. ‘Is your family very big?” ‘No, __ family is very small, it’s me and my parents”. a. my b. his c. mine d. her 11. CARLOS: Let’s __ to the pub and have a drink. KEVIN: Ok, but don’t like after drinking. Let’s __a bus. a. going / driving / taking b. go / driving / take c. go/ drive / taking , go / drive / take 12. ‘Do you like __ in the park?’ *Yes, [love ___ in the park early in the morning’. — b. run /run c.running /run—d. running / running 13. you__toclasses_the evening __ January? a.Have/got/in/in b.Do/go/in/in ¢.Do/go/on/on d.Do/go/on/at 14. Elija la opcién correcta: seventeen + three = a.22 b.23 ©. 20 d.73 ja la opcién que sea mas correcta (15-20): . How do you greet people when you meet them after lunch? a. Good evening! b. Good morning! c. Good night! d. Good afternoon! 16. What’s the correct written form of number 44? a. Forty-four. b, Fourty four. ¢, Fourtyfour —_d, Fourty-four. 17. What’s the time? a. It’s twenty past one. _b. It’s five past four. ¢. It’s twenty to one. d. It’s quarter past four. a . It is the place where you can buy a stamp. a. The cinema. b. The bakery. _c. The post office. d. The pub. 19. What’s the correct question for this answ. Tuesdays”. a. Do you ever go to the cinema? b. Do you go to the cinema on Tuesdays? c. Do you always go to the cinema on Thursdays? d. Don’t you go to the cinema on Mondays? ‘No, I often go to the cinema, but never on 20. ,Cuales son las formas plurales correctas de la oracién: “There is a Japanese gentleman in the hall"? a. There are Japanese gentleman in the hall. b. There is some Japanese gentlemen in the hall. c. There are some Japanese gentlemen in the hall. c. There is some Japanese gentleman in the hall.

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