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INGLES C.AD.- 2010 Tiempo: 60 min.~ Diccionario: Si= Consigne sus respuestas y datos personales EN LA OTRA CARA de esta hoja.- Marque GLARAMENTE cada respuesta rellenando UNA UNICA CASILLA siguiendo las instrucciones dibujadas en la hoja. Rellene BIEN, ABSOLUTAMENTE TODAS las casillas correspondientes al D.N.I., CODIGO y TIPO DE EXAMEN.- Evite tachaduras.y borre con tipex- Si tiene dudas consult al Tribunal EXAMEN TIPO G If people want a better world for future generations, they must help to stop this danger. It is true that many people are more environmentally aware today that a decade ago. Governments have also begun to take measures. Many noxious gases have been eliminated or their use restricted. Nevertheless, it is not always clear which are the best measures. For instance, there are experts who claim that if all aeroplanes fly at a lower altitude this will help to stop ozone deterioration. Other experts, however, claim that if planes fly lower, they will use more fuel, and in the end the consequences could be even worse. Despite the conflict of opinion in some cases, few people ignore the fact that the ordinary citizen has done a lot to fight pollution. Each year more and more people put empty bottles into bottle banks, or their waste paper into waste-paper containers, or their used batteries into battery disposal bins. These simple acts mean cleaner air and water and less waste of natural resources. 1. eCual es la mejor traduccién de la frase they must help to stop this danger? (linea 1) a. ellos deben parar para ayudar contra este peligro b. ellos deben ayudar a parar este peligro c. ellos deben parar este peligro d. este peligro debe parar para ayudar 2. Cual de estas palabras es sinénimo de aware? (linea 2) a.conscious b.awful_ —c. carefully —_d. worried 3. Seguin los expertos, .cémo se puede parar el deterioro de la capa de ozono? a. no est claro cudles son las medidas més efectivas b. silos aviones vuelan mas bajo, gastan menos c. silos aviones vuelan mas bajo, la contaminacién también baja d. silos aviones utilizan menos carburante 4. eComo se puede luchar contra la polucién? a. sin gastar recursos naturales b. no tirando papel, botellas y pilas a la basura c. reutilizando las botellas y el papel _d. reciclando vidrio, papel y pilas, Il. Elija la opcién correcta que mejor complete las siguientes frases: 5. You must eat only one meal a day, ; a.hetoldtoher b.hetoldher c.hesaidher dhe said to she. 6. you come a little bit earlier to have dinner at home? a. Do not b. Could not ©. Don't d. Couldn't 7. This is not mine. Rose is this 2 a. your b. yours ©. our d. its 8. He help you, he has no idea about this issue. a. won't b. must c.can d. hasn't 9. Look! English herel, let's go inside as they can understand us. a. is spoken b. speaks c.was spoken —_d. spoke 10. If he wanted to join us, he have to tell us something. a. shall b. did c. would d. will

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