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One pleasant and cool evening, my friend Alice and I sat on the high grass embankment beside the

main road near my house. It was quite safe to sit on the embankment and watch the traffic go by. The time was about an hour before sunset. Presently from as far as my eyes could see, I saw two cars racing at the break neck speed down the road. One was trying to overtake the other and it was obvious that none of them had any intention of giving way. Side by side they roared down the road. The sound was deafening just like being at the Shah Alam race track. They whizzed past where we sat at what I estimated about 150 kilometers per hour. Me and Alice were on our feet gaping at the spectacle below. From the opposite direction a hug lorry suddenly appeared. I heard a loud screeching sound as the car that was trying to overtake skidded and knocked into the other car. The driver of the former car must have panicked and applied the brakes on seeing the lorry. The two cars moved together for a short distance before they ploughed onto the glass verge. The cars separated and one seemed to climb up the embankment before it lost momentum and topple backwards, landing on its roof, crumbling it. The other car grazed along the embankment for a long agonising moment before coming to rest with its left side totally ripped off. For what seemed like an eternity, Alice and I stood there spellbound. The sights and the sounds of the just occurred event were overwhelming. Alice was the first to come out of the spell. With a yell, she tugged at my sleeve to bring me back my senses. Then, together we ran down to the road where the cars were. There was no sign of life. By the time we reached there, the lorry had already stopped and its occupants were already trying to help the accident victims. The car that had fallen from the embankment was so badly crushed that I knew that the occupant would have no chance of surviving. Alice and I tried to help the other car. Fortunately, for the driver, his side of the car was relatively undamaged and all he received was some cuts and bruises. There were no passenges. Then we carried the driver a safe distance away from the car. Meanwhile, many other cars had stopped to five a helping hand. Some of them smother the flame and a couple of them help direct the passing traffic. We could do nothing to help the driver of the other car. He was trapped in the wreck and was probably dead. We could not ascertain if there were no other passengers inside the car. Presently the police and the ambulance came. Alice and I gave our statement to the police, while the ambulance sent the injured man to the hospital. They had to get the fire department to free the other driver. He was dead. It was already dark when we made our way home. I could not sleep well that night. I kept dreaming about the accident. Next morning when I revisited the scene of the accident, the cars were no longer there. All that was left was the violated grass and freshly cut earth that remind me of the dangers of driving carelessly, dangers which are often fatal.

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