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Lec-1 Side 3

• Connecting Climate Change, Hydrology and Fisheries for Energy and Food
Security in Lower Mekong Basin

This is called connecting climate change, hydrology and feces for energy and food security in the
lower back in medicine.
So if you look at this basin, which is called 3 S basin and 3 S basin contributes to makone river
Probably 25% days of the annual flow, to the maakone river is contributed by this Three S River
basis, Sekong, Sesan and Sre Pok Trans-boundary Basins. And this is a trans boundary river
basin in meakons river.
And trans boundary means, the boundary are shared between different countries. This river
facing is shared by three countries LAO PDR, COMBODIA and VIETNAM. So water from one
country flows to other country. So, look at these, you know, still network. So this is the three
years basin and there are three rivers, right?
And the flows going towards the neighborhood, almost 25% days of the flow, goes to the lateral.
That means that these river significantly contribute to the flow to the neighboring. And you
know, there are a lot of hydropower projects constructed and commissioned already. And if you
construct a hydropower project it will regulates the natural flow of the river system.
So when there is a natural flow and you have different kind of ecosystems or services but if there
are some disturbances like construction of the hydropower dam, just block the water, right? And
then there is a disturbances in the natural flow. So in this three S river basin, If you go downward
to the downstream combodia part, they are, you know, depending on the fishes activities. If we
say it right in Cambodia, I think, 75% of the 14 Counts from the fishes.
so this project aims to look at how these hydropower dams operation impact to the hydrology of
this makeon river to think. And also, how this disturbance will impact the fisheries. Fishereies is
one of the livelyhood of people living downstream of that place.
So, the problem here is, if you ask me like a power level upders list of behind a power
construction, then probably, there is an issue of energy security, right? Because you need hydro
electricity for economic development. At the same time you promote the hydropower
development, then you have lot of disturbances of the natural flow and that will probably, you
know, reduce the fish catches.
So, there is a trade off, right, okay? Whether you increase the hydropower production and
decrease the fish catches or you decrease the hydropower production and increase the fish
catches. Right on the top of that climate change is a you know, major issue. Because of the very
deep rent, all increase in temperature, it has impact on the amount of water available for the
hydropower amount of water available for the fishes.

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