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first international gathering first international event.

Which focused on what are the problems

related to environment Because of the development. first international events and when you see
the theme of that conference was preservation and enhancement of the human envi, right? So the
many countries, they realize that the problem happened Now how to address this type of
problem, right?So this was first initiative or global initiatives to address the water issue and
water is regarded as one of the components of the envi.
There was another conference in 1977, which was also organized by United Nations, and it was
called union conference on ater., again many head hits of the states they gathered in
Argentina.And you know, they captured the action plan and recommendations on, you know,
how to use the water more sustainablly, sustainably in the context of this kind of development.
So also the 1981 to 1990 this was declared as international drinking water and sanitation
decade.Actually this kind of, you know, the event is to increase the awareness of the water and
sanitation issues, right? So once it is declared, then there will be lot of activities at the
international forum national level and so on, right?So, this was also one of the initiatives to
address these water issues.
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please note that this 1992 is one of the milestones for the better water resources management. So
you have always remember this 1990 to because there was United Nations conference on
environment and development, which is also called as part summit in Brazil, okay?In the same
year, you can see that there was another conference called international conference on water and
the environment in Dublin, right? So there are two international events body Brazil and one in
Ireland, right? And these are very, very important and it left Good foundations for the series of
events After this. in Brazil, there was one publications called agenda 21.So the agenda 21 is, you
know, kind of protocol that every country every, you know, international organizations need to
follow to preserve the environment or what kind of access they need to do, right?And you see at
agenda 21, chapter 18 is fully dedicated to water so you can you can realize the importance of
the water.Right. Okay. And there were several issues developed in those events, like how to
recognize water as a economic wood. bcoiz water, is regarded as a social group, right?Free of or
cost, right? How to, you know, address the climate change.He was from 1992.Right. But you
know, many of these nations, they you know, didn't pay much attention on climate change issues,
climate variability, extreme events. It was there since 1992 also, right?It's been like 40 years.
There was conference call interesting conference and water and the environment in Ireland and
Dublin principles They were inactive.And this is also one of the milestones to address, the water
issues at the global level.That means principles.And this is the, you know, good water resources

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