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It’s not rocket science

2 it's pouring cats and dogs
3 it a piece of cake
4 once in a blue moon
5 time flies
6 don't cry over spilt milk
7 kill two birds with one stone
8 see eye to eye (about something or with someone)
1time is money
2 hot potato(relevent problem)
3 like a fish out of water
4 to think outside the box
5 don't count your chickens before they hatch
6 speaking of the devil
7dont judge book by its cover
8 you can't teach an old dog new tricks
Ex 3
1 Unimaginable
2 satisfiable
5 knowledgeable
6 hopelessly
7 substantial
8 strategically

A proven, beyond question- undeniable

B disgusting, repulsive- obnoxious

C in advance- upfront

D press, drive, make- force

E cross over, travel –traversing

F tasteless, tacky- kitschy

G chaotic, disorganized- messy

H unrestricted- ungated content

I set free, released-unleashed

J enrich, complement- supplement

K fitting, appropriate- relevant

L income, earnings- revenue

M disturb, interfere with, meddle –disrupt

N protest, complaint- outcries

O flooded, overrun – bombarding with

P rising, emerging- up-and-coming

Q unaffected, unconvinced- unswayed

Slowly but surely –steadily(gradually)

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