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1. Behavioural changes due to drug intake is an example of learning. (True/False)

2. Learning and performance are the same. (True/False)
3. People who live near the railway tracks do not find the noise of trains disturbing while
studying. This is due to_______________
4. We always need many experiences to learn a new thing. (True/False)
5. Our examination system mainly tests __________ (learning/performance) performance
6. The simplest kind of learning is called___________
7. You consider your blue shirt to be very lucky for you as whenever you wear it, you get
positive results. This is an example of_____________ conditioning. (classical/ operant)
When the unconditioned stimulus precedes the onset of the conditioned stimulus, it is
called ____________ conditioning. (delayed/backward/simultaneous)
8. When unconditioned stimulus and conditioned stimulus are presented together, it is
called ___________ conditioning. (delayed/backward/simultaneous)
9. The best-time relation between unconditioned stimulus and conditioned stimulus is
called as __________ conditioning. (delayed/backward/simultaneous)
10. Learning due to __________ conditioning is very rare. (delayed/backward/
11. Simultaneous, trace and delayed conditioning can be called as
___________conditioning. (forward/backward)
12. Aversive classical conditioning is quicker than appetitive classical conditioning.
13. ________________are those behaviours or responses which are voluntary and under
our control.
14. ________________ conditioning is a form of learning in which behaviour is learnt,
maintained or changed through its consequences.
15. _______________reinforcement leads to the learning of avoidance and escape
responses. (Positive/Negative)
16. Punishment can suppress a response permanently. (True/False)
17. Delayed punishment has no effect. (True/False)
18. Negative reinforcement is a type of punishment. (True/False)
19. ______________reinforcement is more resistant to extinction. (Partial/Continuous)
20. A __________ is any stimulus or event that increases the probability of the occurrence
of a desired response.
21. Money and praise are examples of___________ reinforcement.
22. A ____________ reinforcer is biologically important for an organism's survival.
23. ______________is often caused by learned helplessness.
24. ______________means the disappearance of a learned response due to the removal of
reinforcement from the situation in which the response used to occur.
25. The phenomenon of responding similarly to similar stimuli is known as__________
26. Discrimination is a response to______________
27. Spontaneous recovery occurs after extinction. (True/False)
28. The shorter the duration of the time lapsed, the greater is the recovery of the learnt
response. (True/False)
29. Observational learning is also called _____________ learning.
30. In ___________ learning, there is change in what the learner knows rather than what
he/she does.
31. Sudden solution is the hallmark of___________ learning.
32. In ___________ learning, a new behaviour is learnt but it is not demonstrated until a
reinforcement is given for displaying it.
33. Verbal learning is limited to human beings. (True/False)
34. In free recall, we tend to remember the items placed in the middle more than the other
items that are placed on the extremes. (True/False)
35. The __________method is useful for learning foreign language. (paired associate/free
36. Verbal learning is both intentional as well as incidental. (True/False)
37. A ____________is a category that is used to refer to a number of objects and events.
38. Errorless performance is a hallmark of_________________
39. Zero transfer of training is theoretically impossible. (True/False)
40. The preparedness for learning means the willingness to learn. (True/False)
41. Personality affects the way we interact with the environment and learn. (True/False)
42. People with relational learning style learn best when they are exposed to the full unit.
43. People with an analytical learning style learn more easily when information is presented
step-by-step in a cumulative sequential pattern. (True/False)
44. The _____________style of learning conflicts with the traditional school
45. Learning disabilities are found in intellectually deficient children. (True/False)

46. Learning disabilities are incurable. (True/False)

47. _____________refers to a mental representation of the spatial locations and directions
which are needed for attaining the goals.
48. We observe others and emulate their behaviour. This is known as____________
49. We are capable of learning under any style, no matter what our preference may be.

50. Pavlov is famous for his work in:

a. contingent conditioning
b. operant conditioning
c. classical conditioning
d. oppositional conditioning
51. The study of learning is most closely associated with which school of psychology?
a. psychoanalytic
b. humanist
c. social
d. behaviourist
52. If we reinforce the desired response every time it occurs we are using:
a. continuous reinforcement
b. variable reinforcement
c. intermittent reinforcement
d. contingent reinforcement
53. Observational learning is also known as:
a. classical conditioning
b. operant conditioning
c. modelling
d. manipulation
54. According to the behaviourist school, ________ plays no role in learning.
a. experience
b. nurture
c. nature
d. punishment
55. Giving a student extra homework after they misbehave in class is an example of:
a. positive punishment
b. negative punishment
c. positive reinforcement
d. negative reinforcement
56. To train her puppy to roll over, Kim began by rewarding it for simply lying down.
Later, she only rewarded the puppy if it lay down AND turned to one side. Later still,
the puppy only got a reward if it lay down, turned, then rolled over. Kim was using:
a. classical conditioning
b. modelling
c. a fixed interval schedule
d. shaping
57. In classical conditioning, US stands for:
a. unintentional stimulus
b. unconditioned stimulus
c. unconnected stimulus
d. none of the above
58. Positive reinforcement ________ the likelihood of a behaviour, and negative
________ the likelihood of a behaviour.
a. increases, increases
b. decreases, decreases
c. increases, decreases
d. decreases, increases
59. Aakash got sick after eating a peach. Now he feels sick when he looks at peaches,
nectarines or plums. This illustrates:
a. spontaneous recovery
b. intermittent reinforcement
c. modelling
d. generalization
60. A bakery gives customers a free pastry after every 6 pastry purchases. This is an
example of what kind of reinforcement schedule?
a. fixed interval
b. fixed ratio
c. variable interval
d. variable ratio
61. An intermittent schedule of reinforcement that reinforces behaviour after an average,
but unpredictable, amount of time has passed is called a ________ ________
a. fixed ratio
b. variable ratio
c. fixed interval
d. variable interval
62. Food is to ________ reinforcer as money is to ________ reinforcer.
a. positive, negative
b. negative, positive
c. primary, secondary
d. secondary, primary
63. To encourage children to enjoy arithmetic, you should:
a. punish them when they make a mistake
b. reward them every time they get an answer right
c. sometimes surprise them with a reward when they get an answer right
d. ignore them
64. To be classed as a phobia, a fear must be both:
a. rational and life-threatening
b. unexplained and unconscious
c. short-lived and dangerous
d. strong and irrational
65. After being bitten by a big Alsatian dog, Hugo was scared of other big dogs but he
not scared of little dogs like Chihuahuas. This pattern demonstrates:
a. shaping
b. negative punishment
c. discrimination
d. latent learning
66. You are online one evening when an advert appears showing your favourite movie
wearing a new brand of sunglasses. The advertiser hopes that your positive feelings
toward the movie star will make you want the sunglasses. In this situation, the
sunglasses would be the:
a. US
b. UR
c. CS
d. CR
67. People who have a lot of dental problems often come to dislike even the smell of their
dentist’s office. The smell represents a(n):
a. US
b. UR
c. CS
d. CR
68. Taking away a person’s car after they have been caught speeding would be
an example of:
a. positive punishment
b. negative punishment
c. positive reinforcement
d. negative reinforcement
69. Research indicates that exposure to violent TV/video games:
a. has no impact of aggression
b. increases aggression
c. reduces aggression
d. promotes random acts of kindness
70. “Learning is a relatively in permanent change in behaviour potential produced by
experiences”. This process of learning has several distinct characteristics? Explain
these characteristics in detail.
71. Rahul is an 8 year old boy who was whenever prosecuted with a teddy bear in the
experimental room a fearful sound was made. This made Rahul fearful of the white
furry objects.
(i)What kind conditioning is taking place here in this situation?
(ii)Differentiate between the two types of conditioning.
72. Differentiate between appetitive and aversive conditioning
73. Discuss the various types of experimental arrangements that can be made during
classical conditions is on.
74. “Human beings learn short cuts to attain desired goals through instrumental
conditioning”. Discuss.
75. Explain the schedules of reinforcement in detail.
76. Explain the phenomenon of spontaneous recovery in detail with the help of diagram.
77. “According to a psychologist, one learns a lot through observation and social
78. (a)Which theory is being mentioned here and who gave this theory?
(b)Explain the theory with the help of an example.
79. Differentiate between
(a) Insight and latent learning
(b) Serial & Paired Associate learning.
80. “Verbal learning is influenced by several factors” Explain those factors in detail?
81. How is General transfer different from specific transfer?
82. Simran is a 5 years old girl studying in class I. She has difficulty in writing letters,
understanding oral instructions, poor motor co-ordination and cannot sustain
(a)What is the problem she is currently going through?
(b)Explain any other 5 symptoms in detail.
83. What is learning?
84. What is verbal learning
85. What is a concept?
86. What is negative reinforcement?
87. What was Skinners major contribution to psychology? How are responses acquired
through operant conditioning
88. What is reinforcement? Differentiate among positive and negative reinforces and
89. Discuss the various schedules of reinforcement
90. Differentiate between classical and operant conditioning
91. Describe different phases of skill acquisition
92. Write a note on latent learning and insight learning?
93. What are the symptoms of learning disabilities? Explain
94. Describe applications of learning principles
95. What is extinction? What factors influence extinction?
96. Distinguish between extinction and spontaneous recovery
97. What is verbal learning? Discuss its main features
98. Discuss the determiners that influence the course of verbal learning
99. Discuss the general factors which facilitate learning
100. Discuss general determinants of learning
101. What is classical conditioning? Why is it known as Pavlovian conditioning?
102. Explain operant conditioning with examples

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