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● History
○ What period do the first literary pieces produced through the use of mouth and recited
○ This period is considered to be the flowering years of Tagalog short stories.
○ The language in this era shifted from Spanish to Tagalog.
■ Revolutionary Period
○ The literary pieces produced this time are folk narratives , folk speeches and folk songs.
○ It was the earliest form of handwriting.
■ Baybayin
○ Free public education was introduced during this period.
■ American Period
○ A period marked with rebellion, protest and bloody placards.
■ Martial Law Period

● Dead Stars
○ What is the name of the hometown of Julia Salas which symbolizes “light”
■ Calle Luz
○ Who wrote the short story entitled “Dead Stars?”
■ Paz Marquez Benitez
○ What type of criticism is used in Dead Stars?
■ Feminism
○ It is the chronological order or sequence of events that happened in the story?
■ Plot
○ She was the one whom Alfredo chose to be with at the end of the story?
■ Esperanza

● Poetry
○ It’s derived from the Italian word “sonetto” which means “song”or a little song.
■ Sonnet
○ The author who wrote the sonnet entitled “To the Man I Married.”
■ Angela Manalang Gloria
○ How many lines does the sonnet have?
■ 14 -line lyric poem
○ One type of sonnet that has 3 quatrains and 1 couplet?
■ Shakespearean sonnet
○ What is the rhyme scheme of Petrachan Sonnet?
○ What do we call the sudden “turn” from 1 octave to sestet?
■ Volta
○ What are the elements of a poem?
■ Tone
■ Rhyme
■ Rhythm
■ Figures of Speech
■ Symbolism
■ Imagery

○ What do we call this element of a poem that occurs at the end of every line and has
identical sounds? How about the beat and pace?
■ Rhyme and Rhythm
○ What do we mean by “Helicon” “sun” and “sky” in the poem “To the Man I Married”?
■ Dreams, desires, another one

● Play
○ What are the three elements of play?
■ Literary
■ Performance
■ Technical
○ What is the difference between soliloquy and monologue?
■ Soliloquy- talking within yourself, monologue- talking with the audience
○ Is soliloquy one of the literary elements of a play?
■ Yes
○ He is the author of New Yorker in Tondo?
■ Marcelino Agana Jr.
○ “Mango Tree’ symbolizes what?
■ Friendship, memories
○ What is the theme of the play New Yorker in Tondo?
■ Crab Mentality, Power, Filipino Identity
○ What type of criticism can be used in analyzing the play New Yorker in Tondo.
■ Marxism.

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