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What is the importance of planning activity in an organization

In companies, planning is the process of establishing goals and determining how to attain those goals. A
plan is basic tool or guide in determining, controlling, financial, efforts, time and manpower in order to
implement a certain project. It also guide when to start and when to end a project. Managers cannot
efficiently organize people and resources unless they have plans. They may not even be sure what they
need to organize. They cannot lead with confidence or expect people to follow them if they do not have
a plan. Without a plan, managers and their followers have little chance of meeting their objectives or
recognizing when and where they deviate from the road. Controlling becomes a futile task. Too often,
poor planning has a negative impact on the entire organization's future. Planning is essential.

What are the perks of having an Organized Company

Organizational structure enhances tracking and accountability; it assists organizations in determining the
resources they require to expand. Similarly, organization is required for product diversification, such as
the creation of a new product line. An Organize company would show that the data are properly use
timeline properly observed, efforts controlled and financial aspect is wisely spent does the operation of
the company is smooth sailing. Organization improves corporate efficiency and reduces waste.

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