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Name: Siddhesh Pisal

Reg No: 201080076

Branch: IT
Batch: D


Aim: pgAdmin - Postgres's Graphical User Interface

Perform following queries on the nyc database :

1. Read all records of nyc_census_blocks, nyc_homicide, nyc_neighborhoods,

nyc_streets, nyc_subway_stations and visualize the data by clicking on the geometry-
viewer icon available in the column header of the geometry data-type.

2. SELECT name, ST_Transform(geom, 4326) FROM nyc_neighborhoods;

3. Find the total length of all the streets in New York City.

4. Find the total area of New York City.

5. (a) What is the well-known text (WKT) of Broad Street subway station?

(b) What neighborhood intersects that subway station?

(c) What streets are within 10 meters of Broad Street subway station?

Theory: The tools of the graphical user interface have become a typical part of
the tech workflows. pgAdmin is a go-to solution for customers if they need a GUI
for PostgreSQL management. This environment is based on our web browser and
permits us to visually negotiate with SQL database servers both remotely and

It was developed to help the users of PostgreSQL to get the most out of their
database. The aim is to offer a graphical administration tool for making it easier
to manipulate data and schema in PostgreSQL (or even more than one
installation). pgAdmin is a fully open-source and free tool to use with the
installations of PostgreSQL servers, whether we host it locally, in containers, in
the cloud, or in other environments.

pgAdmin is a layer on the high point of our database that aids us in interacting
with it easily. While we certainly do not have to utilize pgAdmin for any database
administration task, it is treated as highly valuable. For PostgreSQL users, its
open-source nature and customization ease make it an accessible database
management system.

1. Read and Visualize the data of nyc_census_blocks :

2. Read and Visualize the data of nyc_homicides :


3. Read and Visualize the data of nyc_neighborhoods :


4. Read and Visualize the data of nyc_streets :


5. Read and Visualize the data of nyc_subway_stations :


6. Read and Visualize the result of the query>

(SELECT name,
ST_Transform(geom,4326) From
nyc_neighborhoods;) :

7. Total length of nyc_streets :

8. Total Area of nyc :


9. Well Known Text(WKT) of Broad Street Subway Station :

10. Neighborhood which intersects Broad St. Subway Station

10 | P a g e

11. What streets are within 10 meters of Broad Street subway station?


We have studied basic functionalities of pgAdmin and how to visualize

data in pgAdmin.

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