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A Scary Night of my Life

After hearing haunted stories of Bhangarh Fort I along with 4

friends decided to plan a trip to Bhangarh Fort. 

After covering a distance of 267km in our car, we reached this

destination in four and a half hours.

We all were pretty excited for exploring this destination.

Unfortunately, this trip was not like our other trips which you
will come to know as I narrate my story.

As we were about to reach the fort, I started getting

some negative vibes, but I ignored them.

It was around 4:00 P.M. when we reached the fort.

One thing I want to mention here is, no one is allowed to enter

this fort after 6 P.M. and before sunrise. Moreover, there is also a
signboard which is by the government that says the same thing.

A board by the Indian Government itself that tells not to stay

after 6 P.M. in this fort made me little scared.

But still we followed our desire to explore the fort.

Finally we entered the Fort.

The Someshwara temple at the side, with its beautiful stepwell,

was serene. We paid our respects there before climbing up to the

If I had to give this monument a name, I will call it

the Hauntingly Beautiful monument.

This monument is very well designed. We covered almost every

part of the fort. After exploring this destination, we came out.

It was around 6 P.M. when we got out of this place.

We were about to get into the car and were planning to leave this

But the destiny had some other plan for us.

Suddenly, it started raining heavily. We asked the guard if he

could let us stay there for the night. But he denied, saying that
no one is allowed to stay here after sunset.

But somehow, we convinced him to let us stay there.

There is a small room above the temple outside the fort, he let us
stay there, but only on one condition. To not go out of the room
in the night. we were happy and a little tired.

We were little hungry too. The guard brought some food from a
nearby hotel. And within some time, he became our good friend.

Then the guard started telling us some stories of that place.

These were some of the famous stories related to Bhangarh.

My scariest experience at Bhangarh Fort started like this.

It was around 1:00 A.M. when we all slept. After sleeping for
some time my sleep was disturbed. I was thirsty and looking for
water. But I was not able to find it anywhere. From the window of
the room where we all were staying; I saw a bottle containing
some water.

My thirst attracted me to that bottle. I came down. And as I was

going to took the bottle a sound came. This was the sound of a
lady, that sound was taking my name in a very slow voice.

Actually, someone was whispering my name “Bhumika Bhumika

Bhumika”. The voice was similar to my grandmother’s voice.

I got really scared.

Because of the fear, my complete body was shaking, my heart

beat got really fast. But I was curious to know what it was so I
peeked from the door. I felt some power pulling me outside the
door and strangling me. With all of my strength I came back in
the room.

In complete fearfulness, I ran as fast as I can and reached my

friends. I was screaming. They all woke up. I told them about the
whole incident.

The guard scolded me as he had already told us not to go out

from this room above the temple. He told us not to worry. As
long as you are in this room, nothing will happen

We all were chanting Hanuman Chalisa that night. The guard told
us that this place was cursed by a witch

There is a story about a wizard (one who does black magic)

named N.K. Sinha who fell in love with the princess of
Bhangarh, Ratnavati. When the princess went to purchase a
bottle of oil in the market. The wizard somehow did black magic
on the oil. The spell was like, anyone who will use this oil will
come to the wizard (Tantrik).

When the princess was about to use the oil. She noticed that the
colour of the oil is a little different. Also, the oil was not stable. As
black magic was known to people at that time, this whole
situation made a doubt in her mind.

She threw the oil on a big rock. According to the spell, that rock
started going towards the wizard. And then crushed him. After
that, he cursed the entire Bhangarh that all the houses in
Bhangarh will get destroyed and every night the spirit of that
wizard will laugh seeing the situation of that city.

That is why Houses near the fort are roofless. People say that
whenever they try to build a roof it collapses itself.

We somehow spent that night scary night. And finally in the

morning we left that place.

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