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Please write academic sentences using the following words.

1. Research, objective(s), identify 21. Path, Results

2. Correlation, variable 22. Sample size, sufficient
3. Analysis, data, 23. Questionnaire
4. Regression, contribution 24. Interview
5. Ratio, significance level 25. Report
6. Relationships, variable 26. Hypotheses
7. Correlates, significantly 27. Hypothesis, contended
8. Variable, Impact 28. Future research
9. Influence 29. Validity
10.Research, found 30. Reliability
11.Conclusion 31. Effectiveness
12.Pivotal, findings 32. Research model
13.Research, limitation 33. Relationship, between
14.Research; delimitation 34. Affect, variable
15.Qualitative, approach 35. Reject, hypothesis
16.Quantitative approach 36. Accepted, hypothesis
17.Insignificant 37. Theoretical, framework
18.Correlation, magnitude 38. Experiment
19.Population, sample 39. Mixed method
20.T-test, difference 40. Documentation
1. Dokumentation : She doesn't know how to make a Word document.
2. Experiment : This food is my experiment
3. Theoretical : I use easy theory in teaching
4. Framework: The glasses that Ainin uses are only the frameworks.
5. Accepted : I am very happy to be accepted in this campus
6. Reject : The proposal I worked on was rejected
7. Affect: Social media are affected
8. Variable : Research variable is a basic concept in scientific research
9. Hyphotesis : The hypothesis of this research is that people become
consumptive with the rise of online shops.
10.Relationship: I should hope that established relationships will be maintained.
11.Between : You have to choose between Career or Family.
12.Interview: Today I have an interview at a company
13.Validity : I believed every culture had its own validity
14.Reliability : He always go for reliability.
15.Effectiveness : Gadgets greatly affect the effectiveness of student learning
16.Report: My lecturer always reports my test scores
17.Influence : They are too often influence by their leader.
18.Path: Rina registers to school using the achievement path
19.Mixed methods allow for explanation of unexpected results.
20. There are many hypotheses in science which are wrong
21.his research applies descriptive qualitative method aiming at knowing the
format and model as well as the motivating and resisting
22.The report outlines future research to understand this consequence of climate
23.The presentation was successful in terms of clarity and content.
24.Oh, dear sister, our hypothesis appears to be correct.
25.Questionnaire of English as a Foreign Language Reading Anxiety Inventory.
26.there is commonly sufficient space about us
27.What I know about this topic comes from a qualitative study with
a sample size of two.
28.We'll have the results in about an hour.
29.what is the difference between you and me?
30.TEST and this t-Test tool will differ in the Unequal Variances case.
31.You had to register a sample sheet of text out of the typewriter.
32.It's only by child survival that we will stop population growth.
33.It had a magnitude estimated at 8.6 Ms and triggered a large tsunami.
34.Maybe there's a correlation between the number of flashes.
35.It's the power of bringing ourselves to the attention of something that so
animates you, so moves you, that something even like cancer
becomes insignificant.
36.This approach is even more flawed than the first
37.This is Quantitative adjactives
38.Qualitative adjective is gradable
39.A basic tool for the rational delimitation of uses of the sea is cross-border
maritime spatial planning
40. So, I wrote a book on my research.
41.Where is the limit between them
42. We are findings the network on the onion 
43.Prom is, like, the pivotal moment in any girl's life.
44.“In conclusion, it can be stated that to overcome 
45. I found your wallet in the classroom yesterday
46.You just have to make sure you remember which variable is a variable, and
which one is a constant.
47.This incident has made a great impact on the progress of the project.
48.There is a linear relationship. That is, there is a straight-line relationship
between the dependent variable and the set of independent variables.
49.Describe the relationship between several independent variables and a
dependent variable using multiple regression analysis.
50.It is measured in the same units as the dependent variable.
51.The fifth assumption about regression and correlation analysis is that
successive residuals should be independent.
52.Forensic Data Analysis is a branch of digital forensics
53.Handphone · And Boltzmann's contribution was that he helped us
understand entropy.
54.Now, what is the significance level of these mirror neurons?
55.Each column displays a specific value that correlates with the process that is
56.These offer significant financial benefits for forming in the non-ferrous
metals industry.
57.And what the marshmallow challenge does is it helps them identify the
hidden assumptions.
58.If you test men and women, and you ask them questions on
totally objective criteria like GPAs, men get it wrong slightly high, and
women get it wrong slightly low.
59.It uses a low momentum, high aspect ratio flame design to maximize the
radiation delivered to the glass
60.So, this is the short story of that research

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