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Lealyn Manalac- MED212 ACTIVITY 2

2nd Year Medical Technology Date Submitted: September 15, 2022


1. Why do you think a hero like Rizal was needed during his time?

Because of his intelligence, courage, and nonviolent opposition to oppression and compassion,
Rizal was required. In that sense, Rizal wasn't a hero by birth; rather, he attained that status via his
accomplishments as a child. Additionally, he was not averse to confront oppressors like the Catholic
Church and friars. Rizal is a hero supported by America because he chose a nonviolent political
reform. Instead, he used his works to help Filipinos see the world differently. Without hesitation, he
committed his life to serving his nation.

Even though he did not achieve the outcomes he had hoped for, he never shied away from
speaking his mind, which is not always easy for people to do. Instead of using violence or aggression,
he wrote books, essays, and articles to show his love for the Philippines. He was a truly remarkable
individual for his period. He was modest, preferring to advocate for reforms through his words as
opposed to leading a revolution. Instead of acting aggressively, he employed his intelligence, talents,
and skills in a more peaceful manner.

2. What do you think the Filipinos are today? Are we liberalist or conservatives? Why?

Due to the impact of our invaders, especially the Spanish, particularly among Filipinos,
conservatism is prevalent. Not only are the older and oldest generations of these people conservative,
but some of the young and youngest members of Generation Z are radical ultraconservative
traditionalists even on social issues as a result of lengthy Western colonization that hastened the rapid
Christianization of lands, causing these Filipinos to forget about culturally progressive practices from
earlier times, such as sexuality.

Older generations and most "strict" parents have a tendency to be reactionary; they practice a
radical form of conservatism that believes the way things were done in the past was correct and
efficient. Some older and middle-aged women who frequently have spare time are the "religious,"
since they are very involved in matters pertaining to their religion (usually Catholicism). Younger
people identify as "conservative" because they don't want to take the chance of being in a committed
relationship because sex is always involved.

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