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Enumerate and explain at least TWO possible ethical violations of the experiment.  (20 POINTS)
Disinformation of the actual study
Before even beginning any kind of study that would include participants. The first thing that researchers must
give their outmost priority, is by being crystal clear as to what the study being conducted or as what the
participants are taking part of. For the Milgram’s Study of Obedience the actual study was disguised as a fake
study that was said to be tested/testing is the effect of punishment on learning. By disregarding this fact, the
study itself became borderline unethical.
Some might say that this can be part of the deception but in doing this kind of practice it would open you to all
of legal ramification that would cost any study’s imminent failure before it even started.
The extent of the usage of deception
It is to be expected that there should be degree of deception to any kind of experiment being conducted clinical
or social they may be. The usage of deception should be acceptable. Ergo, there is a guidelines that needs to
be followed. A few of those guidelines were not met by Milgram’s Study of Obedience. (1) No other non-
deceptive method exist to study the phenomenon of interest; (2) The deception is not expected to cause
significant harm or severe emotional distress to the participants; (3) The deception is to be explained to
participants as soon as the study protocol permits.
For (1) since the actual study was disguised to a fake study, the study itself is null and void; (2) there were
facts and statement by actual participant that they suffered distress by means of emotional and psychological,
this was one of the many reasons as to why the study became controversial; (3) According to Milgram’s
methodical reports 84% of the respondents was glad they were a part of the study; It is either not debriefed at
all or they were lead to believe about other things hence, omitting the truth. A true debriefing is actually
explaining what the study all about was and the deceptions that were used. Milgram’s study was a classic
example of disregarding protocols in application of ethical standards. Which is why this study became
controversial for the wrong reasons.
Lack of protection for the participants
There are (3) fundamental principle that must be followed for Research Ethics:
(1) Respect of People/Person
(2) Beneficence
(3) Justice
Under the banner of these ideas/concept if focuses on the Risk Factors that may occur at any given moment
will conducting a study. It can be any of the following. (1) Physical harm, (2) psychological harm, (3) loss of
confidentiality and privacy. Furthermore, An Informed Consent a document that will clearly state as to what the
participant will be doing, as to the benefits of participating in the said study. And most importantly, the right to
We cannot argue that Milgram’s experiment yield great insights regarding how can authority figures can
influence how people behave. Despite the contribution made by this study, the violations it has committed such
as the (1) Risk Factors the studies that researchers conduct is for the betterment of mankind but not to the
expense of another human being. (2) Informed Consent are made not only for asking participant’s willingness
to participate but also to have legal documentation. (3) Participants must be chosen ethically, willingly and no
one should be pushed into participating in a research or even kept against their will.
How we currently conduct/facilitate a study is because of the violations committed by experiments such as
Milgram’s Study of Obedience of the ethical guidelines to safeguard not only the legitimacy of any study.
2. Come up with at least TWO real life situations that manifest persuasion. (20 POINTS)
A. Students’ Habitual Vices leading to poor academic performance
Students have a propensity to devote their time to these vices rather than to their academic work. Peer
pressure, a source of enjoyment or a sort of escape from their particular struggle, a sense of belonging or
being part of a community or something larger than oneself. When such activities take precedence over
academic obligations, an individual's mental, physical, intellectual, and moral functionalities are somehow
compromised. Unhealthy and uncontrolled inclinations to engage in social vices have an influence on society
as a whole, as well as on people in particular. This leads to poor academic performance, absenteeism, mental
impairment, and health issues.
B. Aspiring Government Official’s Political Campaign
Aspiring Government Official Candidates have the opportunity to convey their ideas to residents through
dialogues and other channels open to them. It gives citizens a forum to debate key topics with contenders and
among themselves. This necessitates people' active engagement It allows citizens to participate in political
activities alongside others. Political campaigns allow voters to participate in the nomination process, allowing
them to select the best candidate within their political group. "Cognitive dissonance" can be used to look at
shifting political opinions, and in this case, candidates with their party and anticipate these events .A person's
mental state may be improved as a result of this, or they may simply enjoy or have a personal preference due
to idolism or because they find them attractive.

 Principles of Research ethics. AVAC. (2019, April 25). Retrieved October 8, 2022, from
 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2016, March 16). Guiding principles for ethical
research. National Institutes of Health. Retrieved October 8, 2022, from
 Kishore, K. (2021, August 13). The Art of Persuasion. Harappa. Retrieved October 8, 2022, from
 YouTube. (2015). YouTube. Retrieved October 8, 2022, from

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