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Lesson Plan in English for Grade X

I. Objectives
At the end of the class, the students should able to:

1. Appreciate the use of Imagery and Poetic Devices

2. Choose the part in the poem that have imagery and poetic devices used.
3. Illustrate a stanza of a poem to show your appreciation for some lines of the poem.

II. Subject Matter:

Topic: Imagery and Poetic Devices
Reference: English Expressways 4th year
Value Focus: Appreciation
III. Learning Experiences
A. Prayer
Our Father
Our father who art in Heaven
Holy be thy name, thy kingdom come
Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven
Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses
As we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil. Amen
B. Checking of Attendance
C. Review
1. What is a poem?
2. What are the elements of a poem?

D. Motivation
Video Presentation

1. What have you seen in the video?

2. What kind of bird do you think it is?

E. Presentation
What you did has something to do with our topic this morning which
is Imagery and Poetic Devices. At the end of the of the discussion, you
should be able to appreciate the use of Imagery and Poetic Devices,
choose the part in the poem that have imagery and poetic devices
used and Illustrate a stanza of a poem to show your appreciation for
some lines of the poem.
F. Discussion
Read the poem “To a Waterfowl” by William Cullen Bryant

G. Comprehension Questions
1. What poetic lines contain words and phrases that create vivid sensory
experiences? Cite these words and phrases
2. What is a waterfowl? Why did Bryant entitle the poem “To a Waterfowl?”
3. To whom does the poet pose his questions in the poem?
4. Who is he speaking to in the poem?
5. What lesson does he learn from the waterfowl?
6. Who is the poet referring to in the last stanza?

Abyss of heaven plashy brink

Fowler’s eye
Marge of river solitary way

Imagery and Poetic Devices

Imagery – refers to words and phrases that create vivid sensory Experience for the

Examples: tingling sounds, bell chiming, white and fluffy

Poetic Devices- refers to the figures of speech that communicate ideas beyond the ordinary
literal meaning of the word

Examples of Poetic Devices

 Alliteration- repetition of initial consonant sounds

 Assonance- repetition of vowel sounds
 Onomatopoeia- use of words which imitate sound.
 Rhyme- the similarity of ending sounds existing between two words
 Repetition- the recurring of words, phrases lines or stanza
 Simile- comparison between two objects using specific word of comparison
such as “ like” “as” or “than”
 Metaphor- a comparison between two objects with the intent of giving
clearer meaning to one of them
 Personification- a figure of speech which endows animals, ideas, objects with
human traits or abilities.
Choose the part in the poem that has image and poetic devices

IV. Evaluation
Illustrate a stanza of a poem to show your appreciation for some lines in the

V. Assignment
Read in advance your English Expressways Textbook page 85 “The Flight of

Prepared by:
Shamekah C. Sarayno BEED- IV
Mariel S. Morales BEED- IV

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