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Detailed Lesson Plan In English 6

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the pupils will be able to;
1. Define poetry
2. Identify the different elements of poetry
3. Analyze poems through the elements.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: I wandered Lonely as a cloud Elements of poetry
References: Integrated English for Effective communication 6 page 56
Materials: Laptop, Book and Speaker

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Pupils Activity

A. Preparatory Activity
1. Greetings

2. Prayer

3. Checking of attendance

B. Review
What is our previous topic? About adverb and types of adverb
What is adverb?
Adverbs modify verbs adjectives and
other adverbs in the sentence.
What are the types of adverb?
Adverb of manner
Adverb of time
Adverb of place
Adverb of frequency
Adverb of degree
C. Motivation
Look at the picture. Color the things
that make you happy. Draw three things
that make you happy inside the empty
boxes on the next page.

D. Presentation
Today we will discuss about the poem
“entitled I wonder Lonely as a cloud “and
the elements of poetry.
E. Discussion of the lesson.
Before we read the poem lets unblock
first the difficult words.

1. Wandered 1. Roomed
2. Sprightly 2. Energetic
3. Solitude 3. Loneliness
4. Jocund 4. Cheerful

Very Good!

And now let us read the poem.

What can you say about the speaker in The speaker in the poem is a nature lover.
the poem?

What did he\she compare himself\herself The speaker compared himself to a cloud.

Very Good!
I wandered lonely as a cloud is a poem
that just makes you feel good about life.
It says that even when you are by
yourself and lonely and missing your
friends you can use your imagination to
fine new friends around you.

What is poetry? Poetry is a written art wherein not in

paragraph form but in verse form that
Poetry have a basic elements they are the; uses musical language and figurative
1. Speaker – is the one talking in the
2. Addressee – is the receiver of the
message of the speaker of the poem.
3. Tone – refers to the emotion express
through the words and lines in the poem.
4. Structure – unlike narratives or essays
that a written in paragraph forms, poems
are normally written in stanzas.
5. Sound – one characteristics that makes
poetry more expressive and creative is its
musical quality.
6. Figurative Language – By using
figures of speech like smile metaphor,
personification, hyperbole or apostrophe
a poet expressive his/her ideas and
emotions in a more vivid concise and
imaginative manner.
7. Them- it refers to the main topic or
subject that is being talked about in a

As a reader, you will understand a

poem better if you know how to identify
and make sense of its elements.

F. Generalization

What is poetry?

What are the basic elements of poetry?

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