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Tuguegarao City, Cagayan


Name of Student: ____________________________________________________Year/Section: _______________

Subject: ______________________________________________________________ Instructor: _________________


Overview/ Introduction

Tracing the history of communication, we would go back to the prehistoric times

when the form of basic sounds and utterances already existed before the different
characters for writing were developed. Although these earliest forms of oral
communication were used, it was also evident that symbols such as cave drawings,
cave paintings, and boulder arts, and non-verbal forms of communication like hand
signals and body stances were utilized to relay messages or thoughts.

Communication during the early times was not as fast and sophisticated as
communication at present but the basic principle of making oneself clear when
spending a message to a receiver remains. The receiver should be able to understand
the message delivered for him or her to be able to react or answer appropriately. Be it
in verbal or non-verbal form, skills for communication should be developed for a
successful communication flow to happen. This is the reason why we have to
understand the processes and principles involved in communication.

Let us revisit the lessons you have learned in your senior high school years. We
do this by understanding better what communication is.

Learning Outcomes

1. Describe the nature and elements of communication.

2. Understand the functions of verbal and non-verbal communication in
various multi-cultural contexts.
3. Identify the different barriers of communication.

1 | P u r p o s i v e C o m m u n i c a ti o n
Prepared by: English Language Instructors
Reference: Zoleta Purposive Communication. Mindshapers CO.,INC.
Learning Objectives

At the end of the chapter, learners will be able to:

a. Describe the nature and elements of communication;

b. Understand the functions of verbal and non-verbal communication in
various multi-cultural contexts; and
c. Identify the different barriers of communication.

Learning Activities

 Discussion

• It comes from the LATIN word ‘comunicare’ which means to share or to
make common.
• It is the exchange of ideas from one person to another.
• It aims to express or send a thought, a message to a single person, a small
group, a big audience, or the mass.
• It is used in initiating, maintaining and terminating relationships; influencing and
persuading others; airing concerns, fears, desires, questions, and answers; and
managing and resolving personal, national and international issues.
• Communication can be expressed through Verbal and Nonverbal Communication

1. Two-way Communication – communication that receives a feedback
One way Communication – communication that has no feedback
2. Verbal Communication – communication with the use of words
- oral/written
Non-verbal Communication – communication without the use of words
- body language, facial expressions, eye contact, etc.
3. Formal/
Informal Communication - communication is determined depending on the
situation of the communicators, or the venue of their communication.

 Formal Communication – if the communication is done in a business setting such

as business meetings.

2 | P u r p o s i v e C o m m u n i c a ti o n
Prepared by: English Language Instructors
Reference: Zoleta Purposive Communication. Mindshapers CO.,INC.
Letter, memo, reports and etc. are also under the formal
 Informal Communication – if the communication is done somewhere and you
happened to communicate with someone you know or you do not know and the
setting of your communication is not in a proper place such as in the hallway,
corridors, canteens, etc.

4. Personal/Impersonal Communication is determined depending on the

relationships of the communicators

Personal if the communicators are related to one another such as when you
communicate with your family, relatives, or friends
Impersonal – if the communicators are not related to one another like when
you are communicating with people whom you do not know, transacting with people
you just first met, talking to a stranger and etc.


1. Identify the content to be covered
- Are you going to give instructions?
- Surprise somebody with good news?
- Plan to share ideas?
- Evaluate something?
2. Know the communication climate
- It is also important to know the communication climate before delivering a
message to someone because it also affect the flow of communication.
Positive Communication Climate - easy expression of thoughts or feelings,
solve problems, & come up with good decisions
Negative Communication Climate – there is tension or uneasiness of expressing
one’s thought as well as solving a problem

3. Learn how to tune in to the other person

• Tuning in means finding out how the other person processes and
stores the information he/she receives
• How a person interpret/understand a particular message given to them

3 | P u r p o s i v e C o m m u n i c a ti o n
Prepared by: English Language Instructors
Reference: Zoleta Purposive Communication. Mindshapers CO.,INC.
Three (3) Sensory Process
1. VISUAL – retain a good picture of message in the mind
- describing/remembering things by the way they look like
2. AUDITORY – learning through listening
- storing sounds
3. KINESTHETICS – storing information through tactile or kinesthetic
(body movement)

4. NON-VERBALS – refers to the delivering of message without the use of

- body language (facial expressions, gestures, stances, symbols (clothing,
hairstyles, tattoo) and etc.
- proxemics
- paralanguage
- presuppositions
- cultural and environmental conditions

In communication, 35 % is used using

words or the verbal communication

NONVERBAL 65% In communication, 65 % is

used using the non-verbal
Facial Expressions
Tone of Voice
Eye Contact

4 | P u r p o s i v e C o m m u n i c a ti o n
Prepared by: English Language Instructors
Reference: Zoleta Purposive Communication. Mindshapers CO.,INC.



• also called as ENCODER, SOURCE, or SPEAKER
• initiator of the communication - the one who begins the conversation
• conceptualizes an idea before sending message to the sender
• The person who encodes or send a message

•final concept of the idea formulated by the sender

Speaker determines whether the purpose of the message is to inform, persuade
or entertain, educate or inspire
• This is what the receiver of the message decodes/interprets
• In oral communication, this is called the ``sound waves’’
• is the pathway/device used in transmitting a message
• A particular technique or method used in transmitting a message
• it can be verbal or non-verbal
• it can be through writing, speaking, broadcasting or advertising through
newspapers, radio, television and other printed materials, using body language
or symbols, the use of cellphones, telephones, social netwok and etc.

5 | P u r p o s i v e C o m m u n i c a ti o n
Prepared by: English Language Instructors
Reference: Zoleta Purposive Communication. Mindshapers CO.,INC.
a. Words
- unique meaningful component of speech
- it can be used alone or with others to form a sentence
Ex. Woman

b. Parts of Words
- denote a single letter, a prefix, or a suffix added to words.
Ex. Single Letter
cat to cats
Cat without s means it is singular (Only 1)

Cat with s means it is plural (2 or more)

 Inflection of ‘s’ added to a word to determine a word if it is plural

or singular

dance to danced
Dance without d is in present tense
Dance with d is in past tense
 Inflection of ‘d’ added to a word identifies the tense of a word/verb if
it is in present or past tense

Prefix ‘ anti-, bi-, hyper-, il-, micro-, re-, neo-, inter-, semi-‘
- a letter added at the beginning of a word
Ex. polar to bipolar
 The word polar differs from the word bipolar, by adding ‘bi-‘ at the
beginning or before the root word, it changes the meaning of the
original word.

Suffix ‘ –er, -or, - ance, - ence, -ee, -ess, ian, -ist, -ive, ly
- a letter added at the end of a word
Ex. direct to director

6 | P u r p o s i v e C o m m u n i c a ti o n
Prepared by: English Language Instructors
Reference: Zoleta Purposive Communication. Mindshapers CO.,INC.
- ‘-or’ is the suffix added to the word direct
- The word direct differs from the word director, by adding ‘-or’ at the
end of the root word, it changes the meaning of the original word .

c. Phrasal Verbs
- are verbs followed by a preposition or an adverb
Ex. point out (to direct attention to something)
V Prep (The teacher pointed out the most important topic in their

d. Collocations
- are a pair or group of words that are habitually used together that they
sound correct together.
Ex. major problem (a big problem)
His absences in all his classes created a major problem to his teachers.

e. Idioms
- are combination of words whose collective meaning is not predictable
from those of the individual words. Meanings created are usually
understood by a native speaker of the language
Ex. once in a blue moon (very seldom/ rare)
The University of Cagayan Valley’s Foundation Day is celebrated once in
a blue moon.
- In the sentence, the idiom once in a blue moon means the celebration
of UCV’s Foundation Day only happens once in a year, or seldom. It does
not mean that the there is a blue moon.
Ex. barking up the wrong tree (pointing fingers at the wrong person/
blaming an innocent person)
- Gian became one of the witnesses of the murdering of Cruz family. He
was pointing his accusation against the security guard but the police
officers found out that Gian was barking up the wrong tree.

- In the sentence, the idiom barking up the wrong tree means Gian is
blaming someone who is innocent or he is accusing someone who did not
really do the murdering. It does not mean that Gian has barked up a
wrong tree because Gian is a man and not a dog to bark.
7 | P u r p o s i v e C o m m u n i c a ti o n
Prepared by: English Language Instructors
Reference: Zoleta Purposive Communication. Mindshapers CO.,INC.
 Idioms are not defined according to how it is spelled, but how it is used
in a sentence. The way you interpret it should not be the same from the
given words.

f. Sentence Frames
- are group of words that provide a structure or a skeleton for a complete
- Acknowledging ideas, Predicting, Paraphrasing, Holding the floor,
Individual reporting are collaborative discussions that uses sentence
- In constructing a sentence, or starting a conversation, the use of sentence
frames or sentence starters help you to respond in the form of a complete
sentence in order to communicate effectively with people
Ex. Acknowledging ideas
- My idea is similar to/related to __________idea.
- I agree with the idea of __________.
 Here, the beginning of the sentence in acknowledging an idea is a form of
a sentence frame.


a. Body Language
- a kind of non-lexical communication where ideas or messages are
expressed using your body
- gestures, facial expressions, eye contact, and body stance

Gestures - hand or head movements that indicate a particular meaning

Ex. ‘okay sign’ means everything is fine (hand movement)

nod is an expression of approval by tilting the head up and

Facial Expressions – executed using the facial muscles

- used to show emotions such as anger, contempt, surprise and etc.

4 Techniques in Managing Facial Expressions

8 | P u r p o s i v e C o m m u n i c a ti o n
Prepared by: English Language Instructors
Reference: Zoleta Purposive Communication. Mindshapers CO.,INC.
1. Intensify – used when you want to show strong emotions
- showing exaggerated facial muscles
Ex. A real estate agent closing a deal might smile broadly with raised
eyebrows. She intensifies her facial expression to show her strong
emotion – happiness.

2. De-Intensify – used when you want to control your feelings because

someone might get hurt or you don’t want people to notice how you really
Ex. An employee who was promoted might smile less or look less
happy if he finds out that his colleague was demoted. He is de-
intensifying his feelings.

3. Neutralize – used when you don’t want to show any feelings while
talking to somebody
Ex. An employee is being reprimanded because the project did not
turn out well. This employee might neutralize his expression by not
showing any facial expression at all.

4. Mask- used when we want to convince somebody to do something for

us; or when we wanted to ask favor from that person; or when we do not
want to hurt the feelings of that person
Ex. A sales person is negotiating a sponsorship for an event. He might
looked absorbed and very keen while listening to the person he is talking
with, but deep inside, he is not interested in the product

Eye Contact – looking directly at your audience’s eyes

 Making eye contact with a person who is speaking infront or when
talking at you shows you are interested listening
 Lack of eye contact means you are not comfortable with your audience
or not sincere
Note: Meanings displayed by the use of an eye contact to some other cultures may be
different to your own interpretation. So, you must study culture differences in terms of
the use of eye contact to avoid misinterpretation.

Body Stance – how you sit or stand in front of a person can relay information
about your personality traits

9 | P u r p o s i v e C o m m u n i c a ti o n
Prepared by: English Language Instructors
Reference: Zoleta Purposive Communication. Mindshapers CO.,INC.
Ex. Standing with hands on hips may mean that the person is
ready or aggressive
Standing with arms across the chest may mean that the
person is being defensive
Standing with hands clasped behind the head and legs may
mean confidence and superiority
Looking down with face turned away may mean disbelief

b. Proxemics – is coined by Edward T. Hall in 1950s-1960s.

- refers to the study of people’s use of space as a special elaboration of
- the nearness or closeness of a person to his audience

4 Proxemic Zones /Spaces according to Hall (1966)

1. Intimate Space (0-1.5 ft)
- very close space creating an intimate relationship
- married couples belong to this space because they freely hug, kiss,
embrace, and touch one another

2. Personal Space (1.5 – 4 ft)

- In this space, your communication is within the people you are related
only or the people whom you have personal relationship like
communicating with your family, friends, or relatives

3. Social Space (4- 12 ft)

- This space in communication is done if you are communicating with
people through business transactions, talking to a stranger, or when
you are meeting new people

4. Public Space (12-25 or infinity)

- This space in communication happens when there is a speaker and an
audience in a public setting like when President Duterte delivers his

10 | P u r p o s i v e C o m m u n i c a ti o n
Prepared by: English Language Instructors
Reference: Zoleta Purposive Communication. Mindshapers CO.,INC.
c. Paralanguage – a kind of non-lexical that you normally use every day,
conscious and unconsciously
3 Groups of Paralanguage
1. Vocal Characterizers – vocal aspect of yawning, whispering,
snoring, yelling, laughing, smiling, crying, moaning, groaning,
sucking, sneezing, sighing, and hiccups
Ex. Yawning of your audience may mean they are bored or
Whispering of an audience to another audience while you are
talking may mean he/she gives a negative comment about
the speaker

2. Vocal Qualifiers – tone, tempo, rhythm, pitch, volume, intensity,

and extent
- loudness or softness of the voice may relay information
Ex. Speaking fast in a high pitch may mean being defensive or
Speaking in a sing-song beat may mean being nervous

3. Vocal Segregates – sounds like ‘uh-huh’, ‘mmmm’, ‘uh’ and

even silent pauses
Ex. pssssssssst is a sound uttered when you wanted to
call someone’s attention

d. Presuppositions – assumption, or something you believe is implied in an

- Assumptions happen even without confirmation
- It is also a linguistic shorthand (use to shorten or lessen the words
you say)
Ex. If I were a man, then I will be a hunk
Presupposition: The person is a woman

e. Cultural and Environmental Conditions

- Culture refers to the beliefs, customs, arts, traditions, way of living,
and etc. of a particular society, group, place or time
- Environmental conditions refer to the strength of the influence of
various factors in a particular place or time. Environment may

11 | P u r p o s i v e C o m m u n i c a ti o n
Prepared by: English Language Instructors
Reference: Zoleta Purposive Communication. Mindshapers CO.,INC.
communicate non-verbal messages to a person, and how this person
interprets the messages may affect how he would act

Note: We all have different cultures, and our differences may affect
our flow of communication if we do not know each other’s culture. So,
it is important to study the culture of the other people whom we
wanted to communicate with in order for us to adapt/adjust into their
situations and to avoid culture shocks.

- a type of communication when we talk or communicate with ourselves
- self-talk
- You are the sender and also the receiver of your own message
Ex. – Speaking loudly to remind ourselves of something, repeat what we just
heard, or to console ourselves
- Daydreaming
- Making body movements
- Writing our thoughts

- a type of communication we do when we talk with another person or a
group of people
- involves both verbal and non-verbal communication channels


A. Dyadic communication
- two people communicate face to face
- Sharing of common ideas, views, standards, etc.
- The sender and receiver can become both the sender and receiver of their
- Topics of communication may range from common ideas, views, standards,

Ex. communicating with your best friend, boyfriend/girlfriend, husband/wife

12 | P u r p o s i v e C o m m u n i c a ti o n
Prepared by: English Language Instructors
Reference: Zoleta Purposive Communication. Mindshapers CO.,INC.
B. Small group communication
- Three or more individuals, connected with mutual objectives, purpose, or
identity, are communicating.
- They aim to accomplish a goal

Ex. talking with your circle of friends, classmates, schoolmates, group

organizations, family and relatives

C. Public communication
- a type of communication that occurs when a person delivers a speech in a
public setting.
- the speaker is the sender of the message and the receiver are the audiences
- the speaker prepares a speech with according to a topic given to him
- audiences cannot directly interact to the speaker but their non-lexical
reactions to the speech are considered feedbacks

3 Reasons Why a Speaker Would Deliver a Message in Public

1. to entertain - to have the audience appreciate the event
Ex. A singer singing in a singing competition is entertaining the
audiences by the song she sings.
In this situation, the speaker is the singer and her manner or intention
of singing in a public is to entertain.
2. to inform – to aid the audience to grasp and remember what is it you are
Ex. President Duterte delivered his State of the Nation Address to inform the
public of the yearly happenings in his administration.
3. to persuade – to convince the audience to believe the things you are
Ex. The owner of Happy Tummy Company wants to advertise their Yakult
products. He is advertising the audiences/ consumers to buy Yakult because it
is good for digestion. He is convincing them to buy Yakult.

D. Mass Communication
13 | P u r p o s i v e C o m m u n i c a ti o n
Prepared by: English Language Instructors
Reference: Zoleta Purposive Communication. Mindshapers CO.,INC.
- also called ‘one is to many’ type of communication
- uses the media to communicate to mass audience
- feedback is indirect, or feedback is not necessarily to be received

2 Types of Medium
1. OLD MEDIA – book, newspapers, magazines, and other forms of printed
media, radio, television and film
2. NEW MEDIA – computer and its technologies

Ex. A news anchor is delivering his newscast through television as its

medium. (Old Media)
Your group leader sends a group output through messenger/group chat.

(New Media)
1. The use of jargons
- Using technical words that your audience will have a hard time understanding
won’t make you an effective communicator. Jargons or unfamiliar words can
only be to your advantage if you will use it to the proper audience.
- Technical words or unfamiliar words that only people of the same trade
understands the same jargon.

2. Emotional factors
- Includes not being comfortable in talking about certain topics like politics,
religion, sexuality, and sex or disabilities
- It is important to control emotions during communication so it won’t affect
your communication process

3. Entertaining distractions
- These comes in natural way and it is not considered distractions but a natural

4. Differences in perspectives
- Having different point of view towards a particular topic.

5. Physical disabilities such as hearing problems or speech difficulties

- Accepting the physical disability of a person

14 | P u r p o s i v e C o m m u n i c a ti o n
Prepared by: English Language Instructors
Reference: Zoleta Purposive Communication. Mindshapers CO.,INC.
- Some who suffers with hearing and speech problems may not receive our
message effectively


1. Language Differences
- Before you send a message, make sure you know that you are speaking the
same language as your receiver. Besides difference in language, unfamiliar
accents could also post difficulty in understanding the message.
- our differences in language and of interpretations of different words because
of our language/dialect may also affect our communication

2. Expectations and prejudices

- Control prejudices because it leads to wrong assumptions or stereotyping.

3. Cultural Differences
- Each culture has unique interpretations to the way of living of a particular
group of people.

15 | P u r p o s i v e C o m m u n i c a ti o n
Prepared by: English Language Instructors
Reference: Zoleta Purposive Communication. Mindshapers CO.,INC.
Activity 1.1. Apply the basic process of communication to everyday situations by
identifying the sender, message, channel, receiver and feedback from the given
selections. Write your answers on the table provided, or answer in your book on page
9-10. (1 point each)


1. Ogie, the CEO of a multinational company, sent a memo to the different department
heads regarding the profit loss report of each department. Upon reading the memo, the
department heads prepared their profit and loss report.

2. Tess, a songwriter, shares a message to her audience by writing songs and arranging
melody. Malou, the singer, will interpret the song so that the message will be delivered
to the audience.

3. Caesar wants to send a message to a girl he likes by writing love notes or texting
sweet messages. The girl, comprehending the intention of the messages texted back to

4. Anne, the owner of Sweet Cravings, wanted to introduce a new cake product and tell
the consumers that their product is better than the competitor’s product. She hired an
advertising company to produce an advertisement and broadcast it in different forms of
medium. The consumers reacted positively to the advertisement.

5. Edgar, a traffic enforcer, wanted to warn Hannah not to cross the street because it is
dangerous. He makes a sign with his hands by waving them and maneuvering a stop
sign to Hannah. Upon realizing the warning being given by Edgar, Hannah hesitated to
cross the street.

16 | P u r p o s i v e C o m m u n i c a ti o n
Prepared by: English Language Instructors
Reference: Zoleta Purposive Communication. Mindshapers CO.,INC.

Harry, the president of a call center agency, called up for a meeting through a
video teleconference among all his call center agents. He informed them regarding the
increase of their salaries for the upcoming year 2021. As the agents received the
information, they work more productively in their respective places.


Harry, To inform about Calling/ Video Call Center The agents

the president of a salary increase teleconference Agents work more
call center agency productively in

Use this box in answering situations from the previous page:


17 | P u r p o s i v e C o m m u n i c a ti o n
Prepared by: English Language Instructors
Reference: Zoleta Purposive Communication. Mindshapers CO.,INC.

Activity 1.2.Parts of Words. Below is a list of prefixes and suffixes. Use this list to
help you complete the words in the table. The word part on the left column of the table
will be your guide. Note: Those who have books, you may answer it on page 23-24.
(1 point each)

For the suffix:
Noun teach -er


-er -or -ance -ee -ess -ian -ist -ive -ly

Noun electric

Noun direct

Noun profess

Adjective live

Noun interview

Noun wait

Adverb slow

Noun think

Adjective product

Noun attend

Noun dent

18 | P u r p o s i v e C o m m u n i c a ti o n
Prepared by: English Language Instructors
Reference: Zoleta Purposive Communication. Mindshapers CO.,INC.
Noun utter

Noun prefer

Adjective Collect

Noun Steward


For the prefix:

Verb Cycle re-


anti- bi- dis- hyper- il- micro- re- neo- inter- semi-

Noun bola

Noun organism

Adjective polar

Adjective sweet

Adjective natal

Verb load

Adjective virus

Noun illusion

Noun scope

Adjective legal

Verb cover

Noun/Verb view

Verb act

Noun finals

19 | P u r p o s i v e C o m m u n i c a ti o n
Prepared by: English Language Instructors
Reference: Zoleta Purposive Communication. Mindshapers CO.,INC.
Noun/Verb Honor

Activity 1.3. Idioms. Develop sentences using the given idioms below. Write your
answers on the blank provided, or answer in your book on page 27-28. (2 points each)


apple of the eye (center of attraction/favorite)

In our family, some of my siblings are getting mad of me because my father keeps on
telling them that I am his apple of the eye.

1. your guess is as good as mine (to have no idea/ do not know the answer)



2. wouldn’t be caught dead (would never like to do something)




3. take a grain of salt (not to take what someone says seriously)




4. steal someone’s thunder (to take the credit for something someone else did)


20 | P u r p o s i v e C o m m u n i c a ti o n
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Reference: Zoleta Purposive Communication. Mindshapers CO.,INC.

5. piece of cake (a job or task that is easy or simple)



6. on the ball (when someone understands the situation well)




7. kill two birds with one stone (to accomplish two different things at the same




8. hit the nail on the head (do or say something exactly right)




9. Elvis has left the building (the show has come to an end. It’s all over)




10. burn the midnight oil (to work late into the night)


21 | P u r p o s i v e C o m m u n i c a ti o n
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Reference: Zoleta Purposive Communication. Mindshapers CO.,INC.

Activity 1.4. Sentence Frames. Using a film you have watched or a book you have
read, complete the following sentence frames on the space provided, or answer in your
book on page 28.

Title of film/novel: _____________________________________________

I believe the main idea of the novel/film is ______________________




I have come to this conclusion because _________________________






Although I agree/disagree with much of what ___________________

says, I fully endorse/do not endorse his final conclusion that ____________



22 | P u r p o s i v e C o m m u n i c a ti o n
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Reference: Zoleta Purposive Communication. Mindshapers CO.,INC.



Activity 1.5. Paralanguage. Identify what sounds will you utter when faced with the
following situations. Choose your answers from the box and write on the chart provided
or answer in your book on page 43-44. (1 point each)

Ah-hah! Hmm…. Ouch! Shhh…. mmm…

Humphf! Hah! Oops! Uh-oh tsk! tsk! tsk!

1. Your seatmate has smelly feet.

2. A group of students are talking aloud inside the library.

3. You are eating your favorite dessert.

4. You finally found the answer to a difficult puzzle.

5. You accidentally bumped your shin on a post.

6. You are disappointed with the cake that you baked.

23 | P u r p o s i v e C o m m u n i c a ti o n
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Reference: Zoleta Purposive Communication. Mindshapers CO.,INC.
7. You bumped into a stranger.

Activity 1.6. Culture and Environmental Conditions. List down cultural behaviors
of people from your province or community and explain the meaning of these
behaviors. The first box is done for you as your guide (2 points each)


Example In Ybanag/Itawes, saying of ‘Diyos Apu’ The term, ‘Diyos Apu’
whenever someone passes by another person, a in Ybanag/Itawes is a way
person’s house with group of people and these of saying ‘hi’ to someone,
people who receive the words may reply ‘Pa while the response, ‘Pa
Nikaw’. Nikaw’ is a way of saying
‘hello’ which is common in
Tuguegarao City or to
some part the province as
means of giving/showing
respect to people you
know, or even the people
you do not know yet.

24 | P u r p o s i v e C o m m u n i c a ti o n
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Reference: Zoleta Purposive Communication. Mindshapers CO.,INC.

Activity 1.7. Using intrapersonal communication, answer the following questions.

Write your answers on the given space, or answer in your book on page 54-55.

1. How does your body communicate the different emotions listed below?
My body is very active when I am happy. I tend to do work with excitement and simply
smile and talk at myself at the mirror alone.
a. Nervous

b. Afraid

c. Hungry

d. Exhausted

25 | P u r p o s i v e C o m m u n i c a ti o n
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Reference: Zoleta Purposive Communication. Mindshapers CO.,INC.
e. Sad

2. By looking at somebody, how would you know that they are feeling or
doing the words listed below?

a. Not telling the truth



b. Trying to please you


c. Annoyed


d. In love


26 | P u r p o s i v e C o m m u n i c a ti o n
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Reference: Zoleta Purposive Communication. Mindshapers CO.,INC.
e. Bored

Activity 1.8. Answer the following questions and write your answers on the space
provided, or answer in your book on page 58-59.


Narrative techniques 30%

- Introduction engages the reader and first person point of view is
Organization 30%
- Events are in chronological order.
Style 20%
- Details are elaborated making people, events, place seem real.
Writing Convention 20%
- Spelling, punctuation, capitalization, grammar and sentence structure.
Total 100%

Question 1. Write a specific experience when your feelings for the person
affected the way you communicated with him/her.




27 | P u r p o s i v e C o m m u n i c a ti o n
Prepared by: English Language Instructors
Reference: Zoleta Purposive Communication. Mindshapers CO.,INC.



Question 2. Write an experience when you were misunderstood by the other

person because you were not feeling well that day.











28 | P u r p o s i v e C o m m u n i c a ti o n
Prepared by: English Language Instructors
Reference: Zoleta Purposive Communication. Mindshapers CO.,INC.
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan

Name of Student: ____________________________________Year/Section: _______________

Subject: ___________________________________________ Instructor: _________________



You have learned how important it is to consider all elements involved in the
process of communication. In this chapter, you will deal with the importance of
communication ethics in your future field practice. As communication is critical to the
success of any organization, it is important that you, as a member of that group, should
learn how to play your part correctly to ensure the success of the organization.
Communication in an organization includes all forms of communication from your
informal conversations with the security guard to your formal meetings with your boss.
No matter who you are communicating with, it is important that you clearly get your
message across using proper ethics.

Learning Outcomes
1. Comprehend the ethics involved in communicating with another person and with
a group of people.
2. Appreciate the significance of communication ethics in communicating across
3. Apply the learned communication ethics in simulated exercises presented.

29 | P u r p o s i v e C o m m u n i c a ti o n
Prepared by: English Language Instructors
Reference: Zoleta Purposive Communication. Mindshapers CO.,INC.
Learning Objectives
At the end of the chapter, the learners will be able to:
a. Comprehend the ethics involved in communicating with another person and with
a group of people;
b. Appreciate the significance of communication ethics in communicating across
culture; and
c. Apply the learned communication ethics in simulated exercises presented.
Learning Activities
 Discussion/Analysis:

 Ethics, defined philosophically, would mean the right behavior that a person
demonstrates in a given situation.

 In the workplace environment, ethics would mean refer to proper decorum

and corporate social responsibility. This decorum and social responsibility is
not limited to how they behave when they interact with people but also includes
how they communicate with others.

 Communication ethics would refer to how a person’s values influence the

conduct of his interaction with another person or group of people.

Important things to consider in having Communication ethics:

1. Maintaining patience in weighing speaking and listening during
2. Evaluating how much criticism or praise to give a person.
3. Applying appropriate emotional appeal.

Note: When communication is used to undermine a person or cause social immorality,

you are committing an unethical communication. Committing unethical communication
in the workplace would be detrimental not only to your career goals but also to your
personal life.

30 | P u r p o s i v e C o m m u n i c a ti o n
Prepared by: English Language Instructors
Reference: Zoleta Purposive Communication. Mindshapers CO.,INC.
Example: Just because you are mad at someone, you are telling fabricated story about
this person who is your co-worker that he/she is having an affair with your boss. This is
detrimental as you are telling gossips against persons who are not really involved in a
situation without any pieces of evidence. In this case, you lack communicate ethics.

 Collating common principles and fundamentals of communication

ethics from different fields, here is a list you may use as a guide:

1. Convey your point without hurting the feelings of the audience.

2. Meet the audience half way.
3. Do not conceal critical information.
4. Adhere to the ethical rules of the company or organization.
5. Maintain integrity by always being honest and accurate with delivering facts.
6. Be responsible with your thoughts. Not all thoughts ought to be spoken.
7. Participate in the decision-making of any organization or company.
8. Widen your understanding of the different cultural backgrounds of people around
9. Believe in freedom of expression and use it rightly.
10. Show respect to the one speaking.
11. Do not allow your bias and prejudice influence how you see and hear people.
12. Learn how to persuade and not coerce.
13. Express your personal convictions to pursue justice.
14. Share your opinions and feelings without disrespecting the privacy and
confidentiality of others.
15. Learn to accept responsibility for the effects of communication behavior.
16. Do not speak for others. Speak for yourself.’
17. Avoid always pushing your point.
19. Listen. Listen. Listen

31 | P u r p o s i v e C o m m u n i c a ti o n
Prepared by: English Language Instructors
Reference: Zoleta Purposive Communication. Mindshapers CO.,INC.
Activity 2.1. On the previous page, you have learned about the common principles
and fundamentals of communication ethics from different fields. Hence, considering
that you are working in a certain workplace, choose any 5 principles/fundamentals of
communication ethics that you would like to improve for yourself. Explain each
principle/fundamental. (2 points each).

Example: Listen. Listen. Listen

This fundamental in a workplace would mean proper communication ethics will be
understood and delivered properly if everybody listens to one another. By listening to
what a boss commands, or a client requests, then both parties will have a smooth flow
of communication. Listening is also a way to avoid repetitive commands and scolding.

1. _____________


2. _____________


3. _____________


4. _____________

32 | P u r p o s i v e C o m m u n i c a ti o n
Prepared by: English Language Instructors
Reference: Zoleta Purposive Communication. Mindshapers CO.,INC.

5. _____________


33 | P u r p o s i v e C o m m u n i c a ti o n
Prepared by: English Language Instructors
Reference: Zoleta Purposive Communication. Mindshapers CO.,INC.

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