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Chapter 3 [to be submitted on 20/November/2022] : The relationship between meaning and translation,

between literary translation meaning, and between poetry and meaning will be explored.

Chapter 4 [to be submitted on 27/November/2022]:

- The general concept and defining characteristics of poetry besides the term mock-heroic will first be
- Then a complete background to Mac Flecknoe will be presented, after which Mac Flecknoe will viewed
from a general poetic and specific mock-heroic perspective.

Chapter 5 [to be submitted on 4/December/2022] : The core principal chapter, the main hypothetical idea of
cultural specifity in Mack Flecknoe will be deductively researched employing the above-mentioned thematic
and problematic accounts, subsequent to which the formal rhythmic mechanics of Mac Flecknoe will be
viewed from a culturally specific viewpoint that, as it were, will forge an interrelation to poetic diction.

Chapter 6 [to be submitted on 11/December/2022] : the findings that are, by that time, the numerically
amassed inductive product of the all-poem poetic-cultural deduction will ultimately be categorically
organized then analyzed.

A seventh chapter [to be submitted on 18/December/2022] ensues to conclude the above five body chapters
and will in substance present a summary and global note on the culturally problematic content and
technique of Mac Flecknoe and will lastly state a recommended Arabization approach to Mac Flecknoe.

7. Limitation

To limit the paper, Mac Flecknoe will only be viewed from English-specific viewpoint. That is, the
prefatory part of the concept of poetry will not refer to that of Arabic literature, i.e. conceptual premises,
nature or types of Arabic poetry. Likewise, the problematic account will suggest or present no Arabic
translations to the problematic figures and words. Instead, English terms and tools of literary analysis and
criticism will be used to consider the hypothetical question whether figures, words, and rhyme poses a
cultural problem for Arabic translators of Mac Flecknoe.

8. Objective

The problematic hypothesis that underlie this paper will be researched in such a quantitative way that
three ends will- by the end of this paper- have been met:

1. That the rationale behind the perception from a cultural viewpoint of a dictional problem in Mac Flecknoe is
soundly substantiated.
2. That the reasoning behind formally qualifying Mac Flecknoe as culturally problematic is duly corroborated.
3. That the correlative problematic product of a cultural parallel between the poetic constituents of Mac
Flecknoe is derived, demonstrated and vouched for.

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