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1. Does the poetic diction of Mac Flecknoe (i.e.

rhetorical devices/ figures of speech and words)

constitute a cultural and/or poetic problem when an attempt to Arabize the English source verse is
2. Does the form (i.e. rhyme) give rise to - in so far as culture is concerned- problematic English verse
mechanics when Arabization is attempted?
3. To what extent is a formal element (e.g. figure of sound) intertwined with a poetically dictional element
(e.g. figure of speech) to the that effect?
4. As regards the cumulative eventual tally of culturally bound elements of poetic diction (i.e. figures of
speech and words) and of elements of form both extensively induced from the lines of Mac Flecknoe,
what conclusive numerical order does the induction quantitatively demonstrate?

5. Method and Methodology

An inductive paper, the verse of Mack Flecknoe prior to the quantitative eventual investigation will
methodologically be subject to the following deduction process as per poetic diction and form:

Poetic Diction
To approach the poetic diction, two steps are made in sequence:
1- Thematic account or line-by-line thematic elaboration of the subject matter of the lines at issue;
2- Problematic account or deducing and expounding the rhetorical devices and culturally bound terms (i.e.

6. Paper Structure

Five body chapters will be dedicated to the enquiry about poetic-cultural peculiarity of Mc Flecknoe:

Chapter 2 [to be submitted on 13/November/2022]: For lack of parallel Arabic literary concept to that of
mock-meroic, a general historical overview of the Arabized English poetic productions will alternatively
be presented.

Chapter 3 [to be submitted on 20/November/2022] : The relationship between meaning and translation,
between literary translation meaning, and between poetry and meaning will be explored.

Chapter 4 [to be submitted on 27/November/2022]:

- The general concept and defining characteristics of poetry besides the term mock-heroic will first be
- Then a complete background to Mac Flecknoe will be presented, after which Mac Flecknoe will viewed
from a general poetic and specific mock-heroic perspective.

Chapter 5 [to be submitted on 4/December/2022] : The core principal chapter, the main hypothetical idea of
cultural specifity in Mack Flecknoe will be deductively researched employing the above-mentioned thematic
and problematic accounts, subsequent to which the formal rhythmic mechanics of Mac Flecknoe will be
viewed from a culturally specific viewpoint that, as it were, will forge an interrelation to poetic diction.

Chapter 6 [to be submitted on 11/December/2022] : the findings that are, by that time, the numerically

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