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Universidad de Sta.

Department of Basic Education
S/Y 2022-2023

Performance Task on

Submitted by: Mary Joy A. Montero

Submitted to: Mr. Luiz Banzuela

Since I was a member of the band, I was genuinely unable to interact with them or be
present with them. However, I was allowed to make them happy by performing a
wonderful piece of music, and I was overjoyed to see that they were moved by the song
we performed for them. When I saw them enjoying those little gifts that the students give
to them I realized that they stay happy with what they have with a very low level of
expectations and this is the reason they become happy even with small things. Giving
individuals who are on the periphery of our society a hand up rather than a handout and
another way to express my love is to do something kind or helpful for another person. By
doing a chore or making a meal for them, I can show them that they are important to me.
Part of my vision or goal to better serve and demonstrate my love for them is to offer
them moral support and exhibit genuine humility and respect, there may be a strong
tendency in us to prefer participating in supposed acts of kindness that create this sort of
dependency. This tendency is not hard to understand. Most of us have experienced the
joy of helping someone else out of a difficult situation. To be sure, our ability to
empathize with others gives us ample incentive to engage in acts of charity. However, if
we are not careful about keeping the ultimate goal in mind, we can easily fall into the trap
of trying to enslave others to our supposed charity to make us feel good about ourselves,
We can help them realize that someone is genuinely concerned about them and working
to improve their situation. I learned that the more you give to poor and needy people, the
more you strengthen their dependency. If you give them the chance or opportunity, you'll
see an effective and long long-lasting movement in their lives also I learned that helping
them makes us more informed and aware of what's going on in the world around us. I
think poverty teaches us to value anything and everything we have, importance of
friends, the importance of a one-time meal, and the importance of the tiniest thing in our
life. It teaches us to survive on the bare minimum. Poverty teaches gratitude. Some of the
happiest people in the world are those people who have the least. When we aren't flooded
with tons of material goods we can focus more on the simple things that we do have. It
can help us focus on what we have and how much joy having that item. When a person
has a lot it because harder to focus on the simple things, Poverty teaches simplicity of
living and what we can do without and what it takes to live. Poverty also teaches us who
we are what matters most to us and what life is truly about, being a helping hand also
gives allows seeing how other people live their lives and what they value most.

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