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Brief History of Badminton – What is

Badminton is one of the racquet sports requiring players to hit a shuttlecock
across a net with a racket inside a badminton court. Generally, it comes in 2
 “Singles”, a 1 vs 1 game and
 “Doubles”, a 2 vs 2 games.
You can play badminton in both indoor or outdoor environments, however, most
of the world-class competitions are held in an indoor area because they want to
reduce the influence caused by external factors such as wind and lights to the
minimum level.

History of Badminton
Origin of Badminton
Badminton could be traced back to more than 2000 years ago to the ancient
game called battledore (bat or paddle) and shuttlecock (also called “bird” or
“birdie”), similar games were played for centuries across Eurasia countries such as
Greece, Egypt, China, India, and Japan. 
From the 1600s, battledore and shuttlecock was just a game involving 2 persons
hitting a shuttlecock towards each other as many times as possible before it hit
the ground and it used to be an upper-class game in Europe, including England. 
Nowadays, You can still find a similar game in Japan which is called Hanetsuki, it’s
a very popular new year’s game involving a wooden paddle called hagoita and a
shuttle called hane.

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