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Physical factors alone do not only include for high degree of resistance shown by skin

and mucous membranes against microbial invasion. Sebaceous oil glands of the skin
produce an oily substance that is called SEBUM. This is what prevents our hair from
becoming brittle and avoid it from drying. This sebum also forms a protective film
over the surface of the skin in which we benefit from it. One component present in
Sebum is unsaturated fatty acids, which inhibit the growth of certain pathogenic
bacteria and fungi. The low pH of the skin, between pH 3 and 5 is caused by the
secretion of the fatty acids and the lactic acid. This acidity of the skin is probably one
of the reasons why many other organisms don’t grow. Our body has bacteria that live
on the skin and decompose discarded skin cells, where the end products metabolism
and organic molecules produce what we all have which is body odor. Metabolized
sebum can cause acne. This is true since there are certain bacteria on our skin that
metabolize this sebum or oil which can cause an inflammatory response which is what
all teenagers commonly have, acne. That is why it is always advised to acne prone
people to observe proper hygiene to avoid sebum to metabolize. Isotretinoin, or
commonly known from a brand name as Accutane which is a derivative of vitamin A
is also advised to be a treatment for people who have cystic acne.

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