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1.0 Introduction

The purpose of this short report is to provide advice to students on how to present your work in a
short report format.

2.0 Background

The text of the SPÅ 2901 course description states the following:

“Students will practice writing in the following formats: (1) essays (2) a short business
report, (3) a business letter and (4) a formal business email” (emphasis added).

The word limit for this section of the exam is just 350-450 words, so you must avoid writing a
report with a large table of contents and a long introduction. We have found that the templates
that Word offers when one searches with the string “business report” are all very comprehensive.
They are designed for reports that are far longer than our requirement.

3.0 Recommendation

1. We recommend that you search for a template using the string “business memorandum”
or “business memo.” At the time of preparing this document, the “business
memorandum” search returns just one hit; this particular template. It is called an
“interoffice memorandum,” but you can change the name at the top of the document to
“short business report” – just as we have. This will set you up with a structure that meets
the expectations of the examiners.
2. Remember that the BI examination guidelines require you to submit your work with a 1½
line spacing. This is an important requirement because it will help your examiner to read
the text. Once you have set up your “short report,” therefore, we recommend that you
adjust the text to 1½ line spacing. If you don’t know how to do this, find out!
4.0 Short reports – some suggestions

1. Use headings. It is a good idea to use headings in reports. They serve as “signposts” to
help the reader follow your development and to access particular sections quickly. They
also prevent you from straying too far from the point. However, keep headings short.
Often just one word – Introduction, Conclusion – will be sufficient. Sometimes you will
have to use more words. But try to avoid long, wordy headings.
2. What style of language should you use? Aim at a neutral style. Reports tend to be less
personal than letters. This can be explained by the fact that letters usually have one
specific reader. Consequently, the writer often relates directly to that person. A report is
used as a written record to be read by far more people. Making a clear presentation of the
information is therefore far more important than establishing a personal tone. In order to
present your information clearly use transition or linking words. Try to use precise
vocabulary. For instance, “Sales increased by 20 percent” is more appropriate in a report
than “Sales went up a lot”.
3. Organise your material. Try to build up your arguments logically. Don’t seem to be
opting for one solution and then end up recommending something completely different.
Remember, we are more interested in your ability to present your ideas clearly and
logically than in the wisdom of your solutions. It is a good idea to start your report with a
short introductory section in which you state why you are writing the report and what the
scope of the objectives of the report are.

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