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A. Establish the commonality among Thick Nhat Hahn, Nipun Mehta and the Dalai Lama based on
their philosophical belief on goodness.

Thick Nhat Hanh – “walk as if you are kissing the earth with your feet.”
Nipun Mehta – “Find meaning! When you go from me to we, the mind calms down.”
Dalai Lama – “The seed of goodness is found in the soil of appreciation”

All of their quotes refer to being humble and being a good person while still being rooted on where you

B. Quote the Christian bible on the goodness of life.

Matthew 6:34
“Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the
day is its own trouble.


1. c
2. b
3. d
4. b
5. d
6. c
7. b
8. d
9. a
10. b
Briefly answer the following questions:

1. Technology is a vital part of life as we know it. People are constantly finding new ways to make life
easier and better, with technological advancements playing a decisive role in bringing about economic
development across different communities of a nation. Communication networks can help farmers and
agriculturists gain timely access to market information so that they can make appropriate decisions
about the crops to be planted, where to sell the produce and buy the required inputs.

The improvement of instant communication and connection along with the development of devices that
reduce reliance on city or urban based facilities is one solution to improve daily living. Technology has
truly resulted with many innovations in many fields such as medicine, farming, and electronics. This
advancement in mobility helps travelers to travel long distances such as airplanes, electric trains, and
cars which are being improvised every single day. In healthcare, technological advancements help in
reducing healthcare costs, predicting epidemics, avoiding preventable deaths, improving efficiency and
quality of care, and developing new drugs and treatment. In current times, technological advancements
are shaping various aspects of human life. The progress in science and technology is progress in
knowledge over how existence works and with increased knowledge comes increased intelligence,
which in general is good.

2. There is no single definition of a good life. It depends on the individual's definition of happiness. I
personally believe that technology is a tool that people use to build a good life. Vehicles that shorten
travel times and make searching, learning and communication accessible are examples of technologies
that support us in achieving our goals. Laundry machines help with cleaning clothes; stoves provide
more space for cooking; bathroom and media entertainment make our lives easier by providing
relaxation time away from work. So all these things are contributors to how we define "the good life" for
ourselves. In my opinion, they help us achieve things faster, easier and more efficiently than before.
Truly, it's when you learn to enjoy every minute of it when you realize that you don't need something
outside yourself to make you happy in the future. A good life is one where you value the time you spend
with family and friends, so that every minute is enjoyed. A good life is one where you are open to
criticism and keep learning every day. A good life is one where you surround yourself with loving, happy,
warm and genuine people. A good life is one where your heart is full of love, and someone to give that
love to. We are human beings; we make mistakes but learning from them not losing the lesson makes all
the difference in the world. Learning life’s lessons isn’t about making your life perfect but about seeing
life as it was meant to be; in short a good life for me means having God by my side

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