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Book Activty 3

1. Do you feel you have a voice in the society? Why or why not?
Yes, as a young person and a member of society, I have the right to speak up and
discuss issues that concern or interest me. It is absolutely necessary to express one's
opinions due to the widespread nature of unfairness. In our culture. Our voices have
tremendous influence and have the potential to influence public opinion on significant
issues in a culture that values liberty and fairness. Taking a position on topics like these
shouldn't be a problem for me, despite the possibility that some will do so and disregard
my privilege. I will not give up and will continue to fight for it as long as I am comfortable
standing up and expressing my opinion, even if it is severe and accurate.

2. In your opinion, can an adolescent initiate change in the society? Why or why
Yes, but I should also emphasize that anyone can bring about change. Every member
of a group has the power to initiate and effect significant social change. Every person's
point of view must be heard and considered. A strong social connection must also be
established. Because they were all members of society, adolescents and other age
groups may begin to change. Even if it's just a small step, they are entitled to one. It is a
good place to start for society's development and growth when all actions are viewed as
intended to restore the broken system.

3. Do you feel optimistic or pessimistic about the future of the country? Why?
I am optimistic about our nation's future. I think that seeing so many young people
fighting for the rights and welfare of others was one of the things that made me feel
good. When they witness wrongdoing on the part of others or, the majority of the time,
when they have something to say about politics and the government, many young
people from my generation are also able to speak up and express themselves. As long
as people are committed to upholding morality, it is also simple to monitor and update
the community via social media thanks to recent technological advancements.

4. Do you feel optimistic or pessimistic about being a Filipino? Why?

Yes, I do have faith in my generation's youth. Our capacity to defend what is right while
remaining reasonable is my favorite quality about us. We continue to strive to instruct
and correct others, no matter how young we were when we first learned to speak.
Filipinos will gain a better understanding of what it means to truly be one nation and live
in peace, in my opinion, if we continue to work to safeguard everyone's rights and
1. Why do you feel strongly about this issue? Explain.
Throughout this situation, I was not pleased with the authorities. Instead, they ought to
seriously consider taking steps to evaluate the nation's worst pandemic and epidemic
cases. Utilize the available resources rather than interfering with the community's
Community Pantry Movement.
The town's inhabitants have no desire to oppose the ruling party or demonstrate that
they do not care about the well-being of everyone. In spite of the pandemic-related
concerns, which are the issues the government ought to be focusing on, the sole
objective of those participating in this program was to collaborate in order to assess and
ensure that everyone in the region could eat regularly.

2. What can you do as an individual to address this issue? Describe and Explain.
I should urge everyone to speak up and show the government that their approach to this
movement is unjustified as an active young person and citizen. When people notice
something wrong with the way the government has been or is treating society, they
should speak up. We are only able to speak up. The authorities must listen to the
situation and recognize the truth. On the off chance that they had not paid attention to
individuals, they would in any case be battling for their honors and freedoms today.

3. Are you happy being a Filipino? Explain.

Yes, as the aforementioned circumstances demonstrate, Filipinos were still able to
assist one another despite our differing economic circumstances and difficult
circumstances. To continue to exist in spite of the epidemic and other issues facing the
Filipino people. Contrary to my initial belief that we can only assist those who are close
to us, it is encouraging to learn that Filipinos still occasionally assist one another.
1. How does social media and technology tools influence your daily life as a
student and as a member of your family?
These advancements in technology make my day-to-day life easier and more
convenient. than it was in the past. As a student, it facilitates my quick access to reliable
internet information. Additionally, it gives me the entertainment I enjoy, which helps me
relax. These technologies make it easier for me as a member of my family to interact
and communicate with them. My life has never been easier thanks to the technology
mentioned above.

2. If you were to completely avoid the most frequently used social media in your
life, how would you feel? What would be its effect on your life?
Because of the end of our long-distance communication, I am aware that making friends
with other people may be challenging, particularly with my family, friends, and
acquaintances. Since I can no longer connect with them or follow them on these social
networking sites, I would feel bad.

3. If you were to completely avoid the most frequently used technology tool in
your life, how would you feel? What would be its effect on your life?
I am aware that the convenience provided by technology tools would cease if I did not
have them in my life. I might still be content even if I avoided them because it gives me
the chance to continue living the life I had then. The life where I value being content with
what I have, no matter how little of it I have, the life that is full of obstacles, and the life
that requires me to face challenges head-on rather than turning to technology for

4. How do you foresee the future of technology in your life? What role would
technology play in that future?
I am aware that technology has the potential to significantly alter my life and society.
Our generation is constantly experiencing numerous advancements. Convenience will
undoubtedly take the place of traditional methods, and this will have a significant impact
on everyone's way of life. People will see those technologies as essential to their way of
life and only use them.
1. What similarities and differences can you observe in your responses?
Our responses were similar, demonstrating how convenience changes people's lives
through technology. If social media and other technical tools were taken from our
contemporary lifestyles, I don't see any differences between our responses because the
majority of the sample believed that living might be more difficult. These innovations
now enable the majority of knowledge and connections to important people. They are
coming to the realization that these things simplify life.

2. How does technology define your sense of self as a student and as a netizen?
As a more socialized version of myself, technology creates and shapes my self-concept.
Because they make relationships, communication, and recall of memories more
realistic, these things have an effect on how I define myself. It enhanced my socializing
by boosting my self-confidence and willingness to participate in online activities.

3. Create a future scenario of how the world would look like ten (10) years from
now. What kind of world do you foresee? What is the role of technology in that
In my opinion, in ten years, new discoveries will emerge that will simplify participation in
all aspects of life. As technology takes control and precisely eliminates the majority of
unpleasant tasks, life would be much more peaceful. I believe that technology will play a
significant role in the future, particularly for the development of civilization.

4. Where do you see yourself in that world? Explain.

I imagine myself living in that era and making use of a variety of recent advancements
to achieve my daily objectives. It might involve cleaning the house, working on
computers, or even driving to and from faraway places. Additionally, I envision making
full use of my life and all available technology. When I imagine living in such a society,
the three words "practicality, convenience, and satisfaction" come to mind.
1. List down three things that you significantly learned from the readings.

1. I've learned that telepresence is a social setting where people can communicate with
each other electronically; It's a common thing to do face-to-device.

2. In contrast to one's external environment, which places an emphasis on one's The

digital self is more concerned with one's inner world, placing an emphasis on ideas,
thoughts, and personalities as opposed to one's height, weight, and appearance.

3. Telecopresence enables face-to-face communication while simultaneously "buffered

from one another" over extended distances.

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