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Many people believe that social networking sites, for instance facebook, may have negative impact on

individual. Furthermore, social networking sites such as facebook may not be preference of local
governments and older generations. However, I totally agree that social networking sites and facebook
is the communication tool between all people living in the world and which brought to an advanced

First of all, social networking sites such as facebook may negatively affected on individuals and minors
and which can result in educational failure, social isolation and psychological damage. In addition, an
individual may face gambling addiction, threatening and humiliation. Oppositely, social networking sites
such as facebook can provide an opportunity to people communicate each other freely, students
connect with their parents in their hometowns, people share their feelings with each other and
individuals can learn and develop from anywhere. Moreover, nowadays, the most of people use social
networking sites such a facebook daily.

On the other hand, people have often become disjoined and fragmentend since social networking sites
such as facebook usage become dramatically increased in communities and societies. People addicted to
social networking sites and become less social often. In addition, fake information and fraud may cause
many problems in society.

In conclusion, social networking sites such as facebook can be beneficial for inviduals skills,
development, education, life and work if they can use properly. In spite of negative impacts on society.
Furthermore, people can buy some goods, find their couple, know what is happening in the world and
earn money.
Many people believe that criminals commit more crimes after serving their first punishment. Main
reasons are that it is hard for criminals to socialize, have few opportunities to work and low status in
their society after being released from prison. There are few solutions for that problem.

First of all, in order to reduce offenders commit more crimes after serving their first punishment, the
government may help criminals as a financial assistance and teach them skills until they get a job. If
economic financial hardship of offenders can be solved there may be few reasons to commit crimes
again. However, if offenders find it hard to join communities and societies, it may be the reason to
commit more crimes again.

Secondly, The government can send offenders to psychological treatment, it can improve their
communication skills and their position in society while reducing chances for offenders to commit more
crimes. These improvements may help them to earn opportunities in later life than continue to do
unethical activities. Furthermore, families of offenders need to help them to return their normal life and
show them possibility of a better life.

In conclusion, offenders after serving their first punishment, offenders commit more crimes. This act is
due to less stability of their financial, mental and social state. This issue can be solved by the
government by assisting them financially, teaching them skills and psychological treatment. Moreover,
families of offenders should encourage their mentally.
Some people believe that communicating online is better than face to face. On the other hand, some
people think that talk in person is better than communicating online. My perspective is that there are
both advantages and disadvantages to communicate with other people online, but, I prefer to face to
face communication.

First of all, nowadays, many people use internet and social networking sites. Communicating online may
be more comfortable to communicate anywhere and anytime, such as, when workers are at work, they
do not need to go out for contact with others. Moreover, there are lot of ways to contact other people
in around the world. On the other hand, even though people communicate easily without leaving their
homes, they may be lose their physical fitness due to a lack of exercise and may have negative effect on
their eye sight by looking at the screen constantly. Moreover, people often become disjoined and
fragmented since online communication usage increased dramatically in communities and societies.

Secondly, communicating with face to face makes an individual feel more emotional than online in
relation to understanding each other easily. Furthermore, feeling each other’s feeling by looking at their
faces has more positive effect on people’s moods.

In conclusion,

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