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Aastha- In Luchnow two of ages were attacked by a pack of stray dogs which lead to one’s death and

others severely injured.

Ritika –two kids were attacked in Bengaluru, both were severely injured

Yashika-39 people including 17 tourist and 22 locals were injured by pack of dogs in Srinagar

Ridhi-a 12 year boy got attacked by a street dog in Kozhikode

Aastha-a 3 year old girl was killed by a stray dog in balangir , odhisha

Problems faced by street dogs

Ritika-A white coloured dog was brutually beaten nd killed with a stick a Link road ,Malad ,Mumbai. In
India there are about 62 million dogs without a home or shelter . Puppies, pregnant mothers and
unhealthy dogs are often picked up for forced neutering and spaying as part of the animal birth control
(ABC) programme.

Yashika-Sometimes, they are made to starve for as long as 25 days on end, animal. In conclusion , Stray
animals face abuse, homelessness, starvation, cruel people, predators, disease, illness, death

problems that arise due to human activities

ridhi-Two recent cases in the Kerala and Delhi high courts highlight the complicated nature of our
relationship with domestic dogs. In Kerala, the brutal and senseless killing of a pet dog, Bruno,
highlighted the needless and sometimes wanton cruelty that we can inflict upon animals.

Aastha- In Delhi, on the other hand, the high court passed a judgement granting stray dogs the right
to food, and the right to be fed

ritika-The most common problems that arise in relation to these dogs revolve around overpopulation
and incidents involving barking or chasing behaviours by packs of dogs, dog bites and inhabiting or
damage to private property.



We can alert the nearby shelters and adoption centers so they can take care of it.

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