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1- Put (√) or (X):

a. Mass is measured by Newton. (X)

b. Mass of an object on moon’s surface = 1/6 its mass on Earth’s
mass. (X)
c. Mass change by changing the place. (X)
d. Digital scale is used for measuring weight. (X)
e. 1 kilogram = 1000 gram & matches a 3 litre of distilled water.
f. Weight of a body equals the expansion of a spring. (X)
g. Weight of an object on moon’s surface = its weight on earth’s
surface. (X)
h. Weight of an object affects in any direction (X)
i. Wood is a bad conductor of heat. (√)
j. Handles of cooking utensils are made from copper. (X)
k. Heat transfers from cold object into warm objects. (X )
l. Copper conducts heat faster than aluminium (√)
m. There is a heat insulator such as plastic, wood & glass. (√)
n. Heat conductors include aluminium, iron & copper (√)
o. 20 kg object on the surface of the earth is a 200 newton on
the surface of the earth. (√)
p. Kilogram & gram are the measuring units of the mass ( √ )
q. Balance scale can be used on an unstable surface. (X)
r. The weight is constant amount that doesn’t change as
the place change. (X)
s. Weight is measured by spring scale. (√)
t. Weight is the gravitational force by which a body is
attracted to the earth. (√)
u. There is spaces between railway bars. (√)
v. By increase the mass of the body the weight increases
2- Give reasons for:
a. Mass doesn’t change from a place to another.
 Because it is the amount of matter in an object, so it
doesn’t change by changing the place.
b. Mass of an object on the earth equals that on the moon.
 Because mass is a constant (fixed) value, so it doesn’t
change by changing the place.
c. Balance scale must be put on a horizontal surface.
 To avoid any vibrations.
d. Mass of an object is different from its weight.
 As the mass is the amount of a matter in the object,
while weight is the gravitational force if the earth to the
e. Spring scale is used to measure the weight of an object.
 Because the weight if the object expands the spring as
the weight increases.
f. The astronaut seems to be swimming inside the spacecraft.
 Because the absence of the gravity.
g. Weight on the moon is less than that on the earth.
 As the gravity of the moon is less than that of earth.
h. Weight of an object flying on a plane is less than that on the
surface of the earth.
 As we go far away from the centre of the earth, the
gravity decrease & the weight decreases as well.
i. Aluminium is from good conductors of heat.
 As it allows the heat to flow through.
j. Aluminium is used in making cooking utensils
 Because it is a good conductor of heat.
k. Handles of cooking pots are made from wood or plastic.
 Because it is a bad conductor of heat.
l. Isolating glass windows are made from two sheets of glass
with air between them.
 Because air is a bad conductor of heat that leading to
prevent leakage of heat to the house in summer or
outside the house in winter.
m. There is gaps left between railway bars
 To prevent it from twisting or breaking causing
n. Heavy blankets & woollen cloths are worn in winter.
 Because wool is from bad conductors of heat. So it
keeps the body warm.
3- Complete:
a. Mass is …. the amount …. Of matter in an object.
b. Measuring unit of mass is …. Grams or kilograms and the
measuring unit of weight is …. Newton…
c. …mass… doesn’t change by changing the place.
d. Weight = …mass… X 10
e. … weight… is the gravitational force of the earth to the
f. From insulators …wood, plastic…
g. From conductors … iron, aluminium…
h. …copper… metal conducts heat faster than aluminium.
4- Problems:
a. If the mass of an object on the surface of the earth is 60 kg,
 Mass on the moon’s surface> 60kg
 Weight on the earth’s surface>mass x 10 = 60 x 10 =
 Weight on the moon’s surface> 1\6 x its weight on
earth’s surface = 1\6 x 600 = 100 newton
b. An object whose weight on the moon’s surface is 150 newton
find its mass on earth in grams.
 Weight on the moon’s surface = 1\6 x Weight on the
earth’s surface
 Weight on the earth’s surface = 150 x 6 = 900 newton
 Weight = mass x 10
 Mass = weight / 10 = 900 / 10 =90 kg
 Mass in grams = 90 x 1000 = 90000 grams.

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