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Study report for Student Refianda Eki

Practical English 7 User ID 41117310034

Organization Mercu Buana University

Course Info.
Program: Mercu Buana University
Classroom: 239421
Study period: 2018-09-06 ∼ 2019-02-01

Requirements to pass the course You need to complete all 30 lessons, scoring at least 80% on each lesson test.

Status : Ahead
No. of logins : 27
Study duration : 2h 27m 4s
Last access date : 2018-10-22 14:33:00
First access date : 2018-09-06 11:01:00

Lessons Avg. lesson score

by type
Studied (unique) 13
Grammar 92 %
Studied (including retakes) 17
Listening 95 %
Passed 13
Reading 95 %
Avg. lesson test score 93 %

Study record
Lesson name Type *Level Date Lesson test Lesson passed
A good place to live Grammar 2 2018-09-06 75% No
A good place to live Grammar 2 2018-09-06 100% Yes
Japan and America Grammar 3 2018-09-06 85% Yes
Layout of an office Grammar 3 2018-09-07 70% No
Layout of an office Grammar 3 2018-09-07 100% Yes
Japan and America Grammar 3 2018-09-24 100% Yes
Work conditions Reading 3 2018-09-24 100% Yes
Requesting information Listening 3 2018-09-24 100% Yes
Layout of an office Grammar 3 2018-10-01 100% Yes
Making appointments Listening 3 2018-10-01 83% Yes
Extreme sports Reading 3 2018-10-01 83% Yes
Hotel reservations Listening 2 2018-10-06 100% Yes
Arranging meetings Grammar 3 2018-10-06 100% Yes
Homes Reading 3 2018-10-06 100% Yes
Taking business trips Grammar 3 2018-10-15 100% Yes
At the bank Listening 2 2018-10-15 100% Yes
Unusual vacations Reading 3 2018-10-15 100% Yes


5 C1 945
4 B2 785
3 B1 550
2 A2 225
1 A1 120
0 A0 >120

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